/** * Copyright 2012-2017 Gunnar Morling (http://www.gunnarmorling.de/) * and/or other contributors as indicated by the @authors tag. See the * copyright.txt file in the distribution for a full listing of all * contributors. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package org.mapstruct.ap.test.nestedbeans; import org.junit.Assert; import org.junit.Test; import org.junit.runner.RunWith; import org.mapstruct.ap.test.nestedbeans.maps.AntonymsDictionary; import org.mapstruct.ap.test.nestedbeans.maps.AntonymsDictionaryDto; import org.mapstruct.ap.test.nestedbeans.maps.AutoMapMapper; import org.mapstruct.ap.test.nestedbeans.maps.Word; import org.mapstruct.ap.test.nestedbeans.maps.WordDto; import org.mapstruct.ap.test.nestedbeans.multiplecollections.Garage; import org.mapstruct.ap.test.nestedbeans.multiplecollections.GarageDto; import org.mapstruct.ap.test.nestedbeans.multiplecollections.MultipleListMapper; import org.mapstruct.ap.testutil.WithClasses; import org.mapstruct.ap.testutil.runner.AnnotationProcessorTestRunner; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.HashMap; /** * This test is for a case when several identical methods could be generated, what is an easy edge case to miss. */ @RunWith(AnnotationProcessorTestRunner.class) public class MultipleForgedMethodsTest { @WithClasses({ Word.class, WordDto.class, AntonymsDictionaryDto.class, AntonymsDictionary.class, AutoMapMapper.class }) @Test public void testNestedMapsAutoMap() { HashMap<WordDto, WordDto> dtoAntonyms = new HashMap<WordDto, WordDto>(); HashMap<Word, Word> entityAntonyms = new HashMap<Word, Word>(); String[] words = { "black", "good", "up", "left", "fast" }; String[] antonyms = { "white", "bad", "down", "right", "slow" }; assert words.length == antonyms.length : "Words length and antonyms length differ, please fix test data"; for ( int i = 0; i < words.length; i++ ) { String word = words[i]; String antonym = antonyms[i]; dtoAntonyms.put( new WordDto( word ), new WordDto( antonym ) ); entityAntonyms.put( new Word( word ), new Word( antonym ) ); } AntonymsDictionary mappedAntonymsDictionary = AutoMapMapper.INSTANCE.entityToDto( new AntonymsDictionaryDto( dtoAntonyms ) ); Assert.assertEquals( "Mapper did not map dto to entity correctly", new AntonymsDictionary( entityAntonyms ), mappedAntonymsDictionary ); } @WithClasses({ MultipleListMapper.class, Garage.class, GarageDto.class, Car.class, CarDto.class, Wheel.class, WheelDto.class }) @Test public void testMultipleCollections() { GarageDto dto = new GarageDto( Arrays.asList( new CarDto( "New car", 2017, Arrays.asList( new WheelDto( true, false ), new WheelDto( true, true ) ) ) ), Arrays.asList( new CarDto( "Old car-1", 1978, Arrays.asList( new WheelDto( false, false ), new WheelDto( false, true ) ) ), new CarDto( "Old car-2", 1934, Arrays.asList( new WheelDto( false, true ), new WheelDto( false, false ) ) ) ) ); Garage entity = new Garage( Arrays.asList( new Car( "New car", 2017, Arrays.asList( new Wheel( true, false ), new Wheel( true, true ) ) ) ), Arrays.asList( new Car( "Old car-1", 1978, Arrays.asList( new Wheel( false, false ), new Wheel( false, true ) ) ), new Car( "Old car-2", 1934, Arrays.asList( new Wheel( false, true ), new Wheel( false, false ) ) ) ) ); GarageDto mappedDto = MultipleListMapper.INSTANCE.convert( entity ); Assert.assertEquals( "Mapper did not map entity to dto correctly", dto, mappedDto ); } }