package org.mapfish.print.attribute; import; import org.mapfish.print.config.Configuration; import org.mapfish.print.config.ConfigurationException; import org.mapfish.print.config.Template; import; import; import org.mapfish.print.parser.HasDefaultValue; import; import; import; import; import java.awt.Color; import java.awt.Dimension; import java.util.List; /** * <p>The attributes for {@link} (see * <a href="processors.html#!createScalebar">!createScalebar</a> processor).</p> * [[examples=verboseExample,print_osm_new_york_EPSG_3857,print_osm_new_york_nosubreports]] */ public class ScalebarAttribute extends ReflectiveAttribute<ScalebarAttribute.ScalebarAttributeValues> { private Integer width = null; private Integer height = null; private Boolean createSubReport = true; @Override public final void validate(final List<Throwable> validationErrors, final Configuration configuration) { if (this.width == null || this.width < 1) { validationErrors.add(new ConfigurationException("width field is not legal: " + this.width + " in " + getClass().getName())); } if (this.height == null || this.height < 1) { validationErrors.add(new ConfigurationException("height field is not legal: " + this.height + " in " + getClass().getName())); } } @Override public final ScalebarAttributeValues createValue(final Template template) { return new ScalebarAttributeValues(new Dimension(this.width, this.height), this.createSubReport); } @Override public final Class<? extends ScalebarAttributeValues> getValueType() { return ScalebarAttributeValues.class; } public final Integer getWidth() { return this.width; } /** * The width of the scalebar in pixels. This value should match the width * of the sub-report in the JasperReport template. * @param width Width */ public final void setWidth(final Integer width) { this.width = width; } public final Integer getHeight() { return this.height; } /** * The height of the scalebar in pixels. This value should match the height * of the sub-report in the JasperReport template. * @param height Height */ public final void setHeight(final Integer height) { this.height = height; } public final Boolean getCreateSubReport() { return this.createSubReport; } /** * Specifies whether a subreport should be created, or only a graphic. * @param createSubReport Create a sub-report? */ public final void setCreateSubReport(final Boolean createSubReport) { this.createSubReport = createSubReport; } /** * The value of {@link ScalebarAttribute}. */ public class ScalebarAttributeValues { private static final int DEFAULT_INTERVALS = 3; private static final String DEFAULT_FONT = "Helvetica"; private static final int DEFAULT_FONT_SIZE = 12; private static final String DEFAULT_FONT_COLOR = "black"; private static final String DEFAULT_COLOR = "black"; private static final String DEFAULT_BAR_BG_COLOR = "white"; private static final String DEFAULT_BACKGROUND_COLOR = "rgba(255, 255, 255, 0)"; private final Dimension size; private final boolean createSubReport; /** * The scalebar type. * * <p>Available types:</p> * <ul> * <li>"line": A simple line with graduations.</li> * <li>"bar" (default): A thick bar with alternating black and white zones marking the intervals. * The colors can be customized by changing the properties `color` and `barBgColor`. * </li> * <li>"bar_sub": Like "bar", but with little ticks for the labels.</li> * </ul> */ @HasDefaultValue public String type = Type.BAR.getLabel(); /** * The unit to use. * * <p>The unit can be any of:</p> * <ul> * <li>m (mm, cm, m or km)</li> * <li>ft (in, ft, yd, mi)</li> * <li>degrees (min, sec, °)</li> * </ul> * * <p>If the value is too big or too small, the module will switch to one of the unit in parenthesis * (the same unit is used for every interval). If this behaviour is not desired, the `lockUnits` parameter * will force the declared unit (or map unit if no unit is declared) to be used for the scalebar.</p> */ @HasDefaultValue public String unit = null; /** * Use geodetic measurement calculations for the scalebar. */ @HasDefaultValue public boolean geodetic = false; /** * Force that the given unit is used (default: false). * For example if the unit is set to meters and `lockUnits` is enabled, * then meters is always used, even when kilometers would create nicer * values. */ @HasDefaultValue public Boolean lockUnits = false; /** * The number of intervals (default: 3). * There must be at least two intervals. */ @HasDefaultValue public Integer intervals = DEFAULT_INTERVALS; /** * Should sub-intervals be shown? Default: false * <p>The main intervals are divided into additional sub-intervals to provide * visual guidance. The number of sub-intervals depends on the length of an interval.</p> */ @HasDefaultValue public Boolean subIntervals = false; /** * The thickness of the bar or the height of the tick marks on the line (in pixel). */ @HasDefaultValue public Integer barSize = null; /** * The thickness of the lines or the bar border (in pixel). */ @HasDefaultValue public Integer lineWidth = null; /** * The distance between scalebar and labels (in pixel). */ @HasDefaultValue public Integer labelDistance = null; /** * The padding around the scalebar (in pixel). */ @HasDefaultValue public Integer padding = null; /** * The font used for the labels (default: Helvetica). */ @HasDefaultValue public String font = DEFAULT_FONT; /** * The font size (in pt) of the labels (default: 12). */ @HasDefaultValue public Integer fontSize = DEFAULT_FONT_SIZE; /** * The font color of the labels (default: black). */ @HasDefaultValue public String fontColor = DEFAULT_FONT_COLOR; /** * The color used to draw the bar and lines (default: black). */ @HasDefaultValue public String color = DEFAULT_COLOR; /** * The color used to draw the alternating blocks for style "bar" and "bar_sub" (default: white). */ @HasDefaultValue public String barBgColor = DEFAULT_BAR_BG_COLOR; /** * The background color for the scalebar graphic (default: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0)). */ @HasDefaultValue public String backgroundColor = DEFAULT_BACKGROUND_COLOR; /** * The scalebar orientation. * * <p>Available options:</p> * <ul> * <li>"horizontalLabelsBelow" (default): Horizontal scalebar and the labels are shown below the bar.</li> * <li>"horizontalLabelsAbove": Horizontal scalebar and the labels are shown above the bar.</li> * <li>"verticalLabelsLeft": Vertical scalebar and the labels are shown left of the bar.</li> * <li>"verticalLabelsRight": Vertical scalebar and the labels are shown right of the bar.</li> * </ul> */ @HasDefaultValue public String orientation = Orientation.HORIZONTAL_LABELS_BELOW.getLabel(); /** * Rotate the label to some degree. */ @HasDefaultValue public float labelRotation = 0.0f; /** * The horizontal alignment of the scalebar inside the scalebar graphic (default: left). */ @HasDefaultValue public String align = HorizontalAlign.LEFT.getLabel(); /** * The vertical alignment of the scalebar inside the scalebar graphic (default: bottom). */ @HasDefaultValue public String verticalAlign = VerticalAlign.BOTTOM.getLabel(); /** * Indicates if the scalebar graphic is rendered as SVG * (will default to {@link org.mapfish.print.config.Configuration#defaultToSvg}). */ @HasDefaultValue public Boolean renderAsSvg; /** * Constructor. * * @param size The size of the scalebar graphic in the Jasper report (in pixels). * @param createSubReport Create a sub-report? */ public ScalebarAttributeValues(final Dimension size, final boolean createSubReport) { this.size = size; this.createSubReport = createSubReport; } /** * Initialize default values and validate that the config is correct. */ public final void postConstruct() { if (getType() == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("invalid scalebar type: " + this.type); } if (this.unit != null && DistanceUnit.fromString(this.unit) == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("invalid unit: " + this.unit); } if (this.intervals < 1) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("invalid number of intervals: " + this.intervals); } if (this.color != null && !ColorParser.canParseColor(this.color)) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("invalid color: " + this.color); } if (this.fontColor != null && !ColorParser.canParseColor(this.fontColor)) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("invalid font color: " + this.fontColor); } if (this.barBgColor != null && !ColorParser.canParseColor(this.barBgColor)) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("invalid bar background color: " + this.barBgColor); } if (this.backgroundColor != null && !ColorParser.canParseColor(this.backgroundColor)) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("invalid background color: " + this.backgroundColor); } if (getOrientation() == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("invalid scalebar orientation: " + this.orientation); } if (getAlign() == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("invalid align: " + this.align); } if (getVerticalAlign() == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("invalid verticalAlign: " + this.verticalAlign); } } public final Dimension getSize() { return this.size; } public final Color getColor() { return ColorParser.toColor(this.color); } public final Color getFontColor() { return ColorParser.toColor(this.fontColor); } public final Color getBarBgColor() { return ColorParser.toColor(this.barBgColor); } public final Color getBackgroundColor() { return ColorParser.toColor(this.backgroundColor); } /** * @return Return the scalebar type. */ public final Type getType() { if (Strings.isNullOrEmpty(this.type)) { return null; } else { return Type.fromString(this.type); } } /** * @return Return the unit to use for the scalebar. */ public final DistanceUnit getUnit() { if (Strings.isNullOrEmpty(this.unit)) { return null; } else { return DistanceUnit.fromString(this.unit); } } /** * @return Return the scalebar orientation. */ public final Orientation getOrientation() { if (Strings.isNullOrEmpty(this.orientation)) { return null; } else { return Orientation.fromString(this.orientation); } } /** * @return Return the label rotation */ public final float getLabelRotation() { return (float) Math.toRadians(this.labelRotation); } /** * @return Return the horizontal alignment. */ public final HorizontalAlign getAlign() { if (Strings.isNullOrEmpty(this.align)) { return null; } else { return HorizontalAlign.fromString(this.align); } } /** * @return Return the vertical alignment. */ public final VerticalAlign getVerticalAlign() { if (Strings.isNullOrEmpty(this.verticalAlign)) { return null; } else { return VerticalAlign.fromString(this.verticalAlign); } } public final boolean isCreateSubReport() { return this.createSubReport; } } }