package org.mapdb; import org.jetbrains.annotations.NotNull; import; import java.util.Arrays; /** * Java utils for TreeArrayList */ class IndexTreeListJava { static final int maxDirShift = 7; static final long full = 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFL; static final Serializer<long[]> dirSer = new Serializer<long[]>() { @Override public void serialize(DataOutput2 out, long[] value) throws IOException { if(CC.ASSERT){ int len = 2 + 2*Long.bitCount(value[0])+ 2*Long.bitCount(value[1]); if(len!=value.length) throw new DBException.DataCorruption("bitmap!=len"); } out.writeLong(value[0]); out.writeLong(value[1]); if(value.length==2) return; value = value.clone(); long prev = value[3]; //every second value is Index, those are incrementing and can be delta packed for(int i=5;i<value.length;i+=2){ long old = value[i]; value[i] = old-prev; prev = old; } out.packLongArray(value, 2, value.length); } @Override public long[] deserialize(DataInput2 in, int available) throws IOException { //there is bitmap at first 16 bytes, each non-zero long has bit set //to determine offset one must traverse bitmap and count number of bits set long bitmap1 = in.readLong(); long bitmap2 = in.readLong(); int len = 2+2*(Long.bitCount(bitmap1) + Long.bitCount(bitmap2)); if (len == 2) { return dirEmpty(); } long[] ret = new long[len]; ret[0] = bitmap1; ret[1] = bitmap2; in.unpackLongArray(ret, 2, len); //unpack delta for(int i=5;i<ret.length;i+=2){ ret[i] += ret[i-2]; } return ret; } @Override public boolean isTrusted() { return true; } }; static long[] dirEmpty(){ return new long[2]; } /** converts hash slot into actual offset in dir array, using bitmap */ static final int dirOffsetFromSlot(long[] dir, int slot) { if(CC.ASSERT && slot>127) throw new DBException.DataCorruption("slot too high"); int offset = 0; long v = dir[0]; if(slot>63){ offset+=Long.bitCount(v)*2; v = dir[1]; } slot &= 63; long mask = ((1L)<<(slot&63))-1; offset += 2+Long.bitCount(v & mask)*2; int v2 = (int) ((v>>>(slot))&1); v2<<=1; //turn into negative value if bit is not set, do not use conditions return -offset + v2*offset; } static final int dirOffsetFromLong(long bitmap1, long bitmap2, int slot) { if(CC.ASSERT && slot>127) throw new DBException.DataCorruption("slot too high"); int offset = 0; long v = bitmap1; if(slot>63){ offset+=Long.bitCount(v)*2; v = bitmap2; } slot &= 63; long mask = ((1L)<<(slot&63))-1; offset += 2+Long.bitCount(v & mask)*2; int v2 = (int) ((v>>>(slot))&1); v2<<=1; //turn into negative value if bit is not set, do not use conditions return -offset + v2*offset; } static final long[] dirPut(long[] dir_, int slot, long v1, long v2){ int offset = dirOffsetFromSlot(dir_, slot); //make copy and expand it if necessary if (offset < 0) { offset = -offset; dir_ = Arrays.copyOf(dir_, dir_.length + 2); //make space for new value System.arraycopy(dir_, offset, dir_, offset + 2, dir_.length - 2 - offset); //and update bitmap int bytePos = slot / 64; int bitPos = slot % 64; dir_[bytePos] = (dir_[bytePos] | (1L << bitPos)); } else { dir_ = dir_.clone(); } //and insert value itself dir_[offset] = v1; dir_[offset+1] = v2; return dir_; } static final long[] dirRemove(long[] dir, final int slot){ int offset = dirOffsetFromSlot(dir, slot); if(CC.ASSERT && offset<=0){ throw new DBException.DataCorruption("offset too low"); } //shrink and copy data long[] dir2 = new long[dir.length - 2]; System.arraycopy(dir, 0, dir2, 0, offset); System.arraycopy(dir, offset + 2, dir2, offset, dir2.length - offset); //unset bitmap bit int bytePos = slot / 64; int bitPos = slot % 64; dir2[bytePos] = (dir2[bytePos] & ~(1L << bitPos)); return dir2; } /** * Traverses tree structure * * @param recid starting directory * @param store to get next dir from * @param index in tree * @return value recid, 0 if not found */ static final long treeGet(int dirShift, long recid, StoreImmutable store, int level, final long index) { if(CC.ASSERT && index<0) throw new AssertionError(); if(CC.ASSERT && index>>>(level*dirShift)!=0) throw new AssertionError(); if(CC.ASSERT && (dirShift<0||dirShift>maxDirShift)) throw new AssertionError(); if(!(store instanceof StoreBinary)) { //fallback for non binary store return treeGetNonBinary(dirShift, recid, store, level, index); } final StoreBinary binStore = (StoreBinary) store; return treeGetBinary(dirShift, recid, binStore, level, index); } private static long treeGetBinary(final int dirShift, long recid, StoreBinary binStore, int level, final long index) { for (; level>= 0;) { final int level2 = level; StoreBinaryGetLong f = (input, size) -> { long bitmap1 = input.readLong(); long bitmap2 = input.readLong(); //index int dirPos = dirOffsetFromLong(bitmap1, bitmap2, treePos(dirShift, level2, index)); if(dirPos<0){ //not set return 0L; } //second value is index, it is delta packed and can not be skipped, reenable binaryGet once its supported //skip until offset //input.unpackLongSkip(dirPos-2); long oldIndex=0; for(int i=0; i<(dirPos-2)/2;i++){ input.unpackLong(); oldIndex += input.unpackLong(); } long recid1 = input.unpackLong(); if(recid1 ==0) return 0L; //TODO this should not be here, if tree collapse exist oldIndex += input.unpackLong()-1; if (oldIndex == index) { //found it, return value (recid) return recid1; }else if (oldIndex != -1) { // there is wrong index stored here, given index is not found return 0L; } return -recid1; //continue }; long ret = binStore.getBinaryLong(recid, f); if(ret>=0) { return ret; } recid = -ret; level--; } throw new DBException.DataCorruption("Cyclic reference in TreeArrayList"); } private static long treeGetNonBinary(int dirShift, long recid, StoreImmutable store, int level, long index) { // tree structure // each iteration goes one level deeper for (; level>= 0;) { long[] dir = store.get(recid, dirSer); int dirPos = dirOffsetFromSlot(dir,treePos(dirShift, level, index)); if(dirPos<0) return 0L; //slot is empty recid = dir[dirPos]; if(recid==0) return 0L; //TODO this should not be here, if tree collapse exist long oldIndex = dir[dirPos +1]-1; if (oldIndex == index) { //found it, return value (recid) return recid; }else if (oldIndex != -1) { // there is wrong index stored here, given index is not found return 0L; } // there is a reference to sub dir here // so move one level deeper level--; } throw new DBException.DataCorruption("Cyclic reference in TreeArrayList"); } static final Long treeGetNullable(int dirShift, long recid, StoreImmutable store, int level, long index) { if(CC.ASSERT && index<0) throw new AssertionError(); if(CC.ASSERT && index>>>(level*dirShift)!=0) throw new AssertionError(); if(CC.ASSERT && (dirShift<0||dirShift>maxDirShift)) throw new AssertionError(); // tree structure // each iteration goes one level deeper for (; level>= 0;) { long[] dir = store.get(recid, dirSer); int dirPos = dirOffsetFromSlot(dir, treePos(dirShift, level, index)); if(dirPos<0) return null; //slot is empty recid = dir[dirPos]; long oldIndex = dir[dirPos +1]-1; if(oldIndex!=-1){ //we found value return oldIndex==index?recid:null; } if(recid==0){ return 0L; //TODO this should not be here, if tree collapse exist } // there is a reference to sub dir here // so move one level deeper level--; } throw new DBException.DataCorruption("Cyclic reference in TreeArrayList"); } protected static int treePos(int dirShift, int level, long index) { int shift = dirShift*level; return (int) ((index >>> shift) & ((1<<dirShift)-1)); } static final void treePut( int dirShift, long recid, final Store store, int level, final long index, long value){ if(CC.ASSERT && index<0) throw new AssertionError(); if(CC.ASSERT && index>>>(level*dirShift)!=0) throw new AssertionError(); for(;level>=0;) { long[] dir = store.get(recid, dirSer); final int slot = treePos(dirShift, level, index); int dirPos = dirOffsetFromSlot(dir,slot); if(dirPos<0){ //empty slot, just update dir = dirPut(dir, slot, value, index+1); store.update(recid, dir, dirSer); return; } final long oldVal = dir[dirPos]; final long oldIndex = dir[dirPos + 1]-1; if (oldIndex == -1) { if (oldVal == 0) { throw new AssertionError(); //empty pos, but that should be already covered by dirPos<0 } else { //dive deeper recid = oldVal; level--; continue; // recursive call to treePut (sort of) } } else if (oldIndex == index) { //slot is occupied by the same index if (oldVal == value) return; //do not update if same dir = dir.clone(); dir[dirPos] = value; store.update(recid, dir, dirSer); } else { // is occupied by the different value, must split it dir = dir.clone(); //recid of subdir dir[dirPos] = treePutSub(dirShift, store, level-1, index, value, oldIndex, oldVal); //this is turning into directory dir[dirPos + 1] = 0; store.update(recid, dir, dirSer); } return; } throw new DBException.DataCorruption("level too low"); } /** * inserts new dir with two values */ static long treePutSub(int dirShift, Store store, int level, long index1, long value1, long index2, long value2) { if(CC.ASSERT && level<0) throw new DBException.DataCorruption("level too low"); if(CC.ASSERT && (dirShift<0||dirShift>maxDirShift)) throw new AssertionError(); if(CC.ASSERT && index1>>>((level+1)*dirShift)!=index2>>>((level+1)*dirShift)){ throw new DBException.DataCorruption("inconsistent index"); } int pos1 = treePos(dirShift, level, index1); int pos2 = treePos(dirShift, level, index2); long[] dir = dirEmpty(); if(pos1==pos2){ //insert new dir long recid = treePutSub(dirShift, store, level-1, index1, value1, index2, value2); dir = dirPut(dir, pos1, recid, 0L);//allocate after recursive call to save memory }else{ //insert two records into this dir dir = dirPut(dir, pos1, value1, index1+1); dir = dirPut(dir, pos2, value2, index2+1); } return store.put(dir, dirSer); } static boolean treeRemove(int dirShift, long recid, Store store, int level, long index, Long expectedValue //null for always remove ){ if(CC.ASSERT && level<0) throw new DBException.DataCorruption("level too low"); if(CC.ASSERT && index<0) throw new AssertionError(); if(CC.ASSERT && (dirShift<0||dirShift>maxDirShift)) throw new AssertionError(); // TODO assert at top level // if(CC.ASSERT && index>>>(level*dirShift)!=0) // throw new AssertionError(); long[] dir = store.get(recid, dirSer); final int slot = treePos(dirShift, level, index); final int pos = dirOffsetFromSlot(dir, slot); if(pos<0){ //slot not found return false; } long oldVal = dir[pos]; long oldIndex= dir[pos+1]-1; if (oldIndex == -1) { if (oldVal == 0) { throw new AssertionError(); //this was already covered by negative pos } else { //dive deeper return treeRemove(dirShift, oldVal, store, level-1, index, expectedValue); //TODO this should collapse node, if it becomes occupied by single record } } else if (oldIndex == index) { //slot is occupied by the same index if (expectedValue!=null && expectedValue.longValue()!=oldVal) return false; dir = dirRemove(dir, slot); store.update(recid, dir, dirSer); return true; } else { // is occupied by the different value, must split it return false; } } static final long[] treeRemoveCollapsingTrue = new long[0]; static long[] treeRemoveCollapsing( int dirShift, long recid, Store store, int level, boolean topLevel, long index, Long expectedValue //null for always remove ){ if(CC.ASSERT && level<0) throw new DBException.DataCorruption("level too low"); if(CC.ASSERT && index<0) throw new AssertionError(); if(CC.ASSERT && (dirShift<0||dirShift>maxDirShift)) throw new AssertionError(); // TODO assert at top level // if(CC.ASSERT && index>>>(level*dirShift)!=0) // throw new AssertionError(); long[] dir = store.get(recid, dirSer); final int slot = treePos(dirShift, level, index); final int pos = dirOffsetFromSlot(dir, slot); if(pos<0){ //slot not found return null; } long oldVal = dir[pos]; long oldIndex= dir[pos+1]-1; if (oldIndex == -1) { if (oldVal == 0) { throw new AssertionError(); //this was already covered by negative pos } else { //dive deeper long[] result = treeRemoveCollapsing(dirShift, oldVal, store, level-1, false, index, expectedValue); if(result==null ||result==treeRemoveCollapsingTrue) return result; //child node collapsed, put its content into here if(dir.length==4 && !topLevel){ //this was the only occupant of this node, collapse this node and push result up store.delete(recid, dirSer); return result; } //update existing node, with result from parent node dir = dir.clone(); dir[pos] = result[2]; dir[pos+1] = result[3]; store.update(recid,dir,dirSer); return treeRemoveCollapsingTrue; } } else if (oldIndex == index) { //slot is occupied by the same index if (expectedValue!=null && expectedValue.longValue()!=oldVal) return null; dir = dirRemove(dir, slot); if(dir.length==4 && dir[3]>0){ //this node has now only single occupant, and its not reference to another dir store.delete(recid, dirSer); return dir; } store.update(recid, dir, dirSer); return treeRemoveCollapsingTrue; } else { // is occupied by the different value, must split it return null; } } public static long[] treeIter(int dirShift, long recid, Store store, int level, long indexStart){ if(CC.ASSERT && level<0) throw new DBException.DataCorruption("level too low"); if(CC.ASSERT && indexStart<0) throw new AssertionError(); if(CC.ASSERT && (dirShift<0||dirShift>maxDirShift)) throw new AssertionError(); long[] dir = store.get(recid, dirSer); boolean first = true; final int slot = treePos(dirShift, level, indexStart); int pos = dirOffsetFromSlot(dir,slot); if(pos<0) pos = -pos; posLoop: for(; pos<dir.length; pos+=2) { long oldVal = dir[pos]; long oldIndex = dir[pos + 1]-1; if (oldIndex == -1) { if(oldVal == 0){ first = false; //nothing here continue continue posLoop; } //calculate corresponding index from our pos long index = first? indexStart : ( //upper part of level, strip out part for pos indexStart & (full << ((level+1)*dirShift)) | //part with current pos ((long)slot)<<(dirShift*level) ); // recid here, dive deeper long[] ret = treeIter(dirShift, oldVal, store, level-1, index); if (ret != null) return ret; //nothing in this dir, continue //TODO PERF: add another type of iteration // this place should not be reached if we collapse nodes on delete, or delete is forbidden // in that case we do not have to use recursion, and `dir` variable can be reused } else { if(oldIndex>=indexStart) { //there is value here, return it return new long[]{oldIndex, oldVal}; } //this position is occupied by smaller index } first = false; } //reached end of this dir, nothing found return null; } interface TreeTraverseCallback<V>{ V visit(long key, long value,V foldValue); } public static <V> V treeFold(long recid, Store store, int level, V initValue, TreeTraverseCallback<V> callback){ if(CC.ASSERT && level<0) throw new DBException.DataCorruption("level too low"); long[] dir = store.get(recid, dirSer); for(int pos=2;pos<dir.length; pos+=2){ long oldVal = dir[pos]; long oldIndex = dir[pos + 1]-1; if(oldVal==0 && oldIndex==-1) continue; if(oldIndex==-1){ //directory initValue = treeFold(oldVal, store, level-1, initValue, callback); }else{ initValue = callback.visit(oldIndex, oldVal, initValue); } } return initValue; } public static void treeClear(long recid, Store store, int level){ treeClear(recid, store, level, true); } private static void treeClear(long recid, Store store, int level, boolean topLevel){ if(CC.ASSERT && level<0) throw new DBException.DataCorruption("level too low"); long[] dir = store.get(recid, dirSer); if(topLevel) { store.update(recid, dirEmpty(), dirSer); }else{ store.delete(recid, dirSer); } for(int pos=2;pos<dir.length; pos+=2){ long oldVal = dir[pos]; long oldIndex = dir[pos + 1]-1; if(oldIndex==-1 && oldVal!=0){ //directory treeClear(oldVal, store, level-1, false); } } } public static long[] treeLast(long recid, Store store, int level){ if(CC.ASSERT && level<0) throw new DBException.DataCorruption("level too low"); long[] dir = store.get(recid, dirSer); posLoop: for(int pos=dir.length-2; pos>=2; pos-=2) { long oldVal = dir[pos]; long oldIndex = dir[pos + 1]-1; if(oldVal==0 && oldIndex==-1) continue; //nothing here if(oldIndex==-1){ //directory long[] ret = treeLast(oldVal, store, level-1); if(ret!=null) return ret; }else{ return new long[]{oldIndex, oldVal}; } } //reached end of this dir, nothing found return null; } }