/* * Copyright 2014 mango.jfaster.org * * The Mango Project licenses this file to you under the Apache License, * version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at: * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT * WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the * License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations * under the License. */ package org.jfaster.mango.sharding; import org.jfaster.mango.annotation.DB; import org.jfaster.mango.annotation.SQL; import org.jfaster.mango.annotation.Sharding; import org.jfaster.mango.annotation.ShardingBy; import org.jfaster.mango.operator.Mango; import org.jfaster.mango.support.DataSourceConfig; import org.jfaster.mango.support.Table; import org.jfaster.mango.support.model4table.User; import org.junit.Before; import org.junit.Rule; import org.junit.Test; import org.junit.rules.ExpectedException; import javax.sql.DataSource; import java.sql.Connection; /** * @author ash */ public class ShardingExceptionTest { private final static DataSource ds = DataSourceConfig.getDataSource(); private final static Mango mango = Mango.newInstance(ds); static { mango.setLazyInit(true); } @Rule public ExpectedException thrown = ExpectedException.none(); @Before public void before() throws Exception { Connection conn = ds.getConnection(); Table.USER.load(conn); conn.close(); } @Test public void testGenericException() throws Exception { thrown.expect(ClassCastException.class); thrown.expectMessage("DatabaseShardingStrategy[class org.jfaster.mango.sharding.ShardingExceptionTest$UserDatabaseShardingStrategy]'s generic type[class java.lang.String] must be assignable from the type of parameter Modified @DatabaseShardingBy [long], please note that @ShardingBy = @TableShardingBy + @DatabaseShardingBy"); UserDao dao = mango.create(UserDao.class); dao.getUser(1); } @Test public void testGenericException2() throws Exception { thrown.expect(ClassCastException.class); thrown.expectMessage("TableShardingStrategy[class org.jfaster.mango.sharding.ShardingExceptionTest$UserTableShardingStrategy]'s generic type[class java.lang.String] must be assignable from the type of parameter Modified @TableShardingBy [long], please note that @ShardingBy = @TableShardingBy + @DatabaseShardingBy"); UserDao2 dao = mango.create(UserDao2.class); dao.getUser(1); } @DB(table = "user") @Sharding(databaseShardingStrategy = UserDatabaseShardingStrategy.class) static interface UserDao { @SQL("select id, name, age, gender, money, update_time from #table where id = :1") public User getUser(@ShardingBy long id); } static class UserDatabaseShardingStrategy implements DatabaseShardingStrategy<String> { @Override public String getDataSourceFactoryName(String uid) { return "xx"; } } @DB(table = "user") @Sharding(tableShardingStrategy = UserTableShardingStrategy.class) static interface UserDao2 { @SQL("select id, name, age, gender, money, update_time from #table where id = :1") public User getUser(@ShardingBy long id); } static class UserTableShardingStrategy implements TableShardingStrategy<String> { @Override public String getTargetTable(String table, String shardParam) { return table; } } }