// Copyright 2006 Google Inc. All Rights Reserved. // // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. // You may obtain a copy of the License at // // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and // limitations under the License. package com.google.enterprise.connector.servlet; import com.google.common.base.Strings; import com.google.enterprise.connector.common.PropertiesUtils; import com.google.enterprise.connector.manager.Context; import com.google.enterprise.connector.manager.MockManager; import junit.framework.TestCase; import java.util.Properties; import java.util.logging.Logger; /** * Tests SetManagerConfigHandler class for SetManagerConfig servlet class. */ public class SetManagerConfigHandlerTest extends TestCase { private static final Logger LOGGER = Logger.getLogger(SetManagerConfigHandlerTest.class.getName()); private MockManager manager; protected void setUp() { manager = MockManager.getInstance(); manager.setLocked(false); } /** Test invalid configure xml element. */ public void testInvalidRequest() throws Exception { SetManagerConfigHandler hdl = new SetManagerConfigHandler( manager, "", null); assertEquals(ConnectorMessageCode.ERROR_PARSING_XML_REQUEST, hdl.getStatus().getMessageId()); } public void testBasic() { doTest("", 9941); } public void testEmptyHost() { doTest("", 9411); } /* * Test using old XML that includes CertAuthn Element. */ public void testCertAuthnElement() { String xmlBody = "<ManagerConfig>" + "<CertAuthn>false</CertAuthn>" + "<FeederGate host=\"\" port=\"9411\">a gate</FeederGate>" + "</ManagerConfig>"; doTest("", 9941); } public void testReregister() { doTest("this", 9411); doTest("this", 9411); } public void testManagerLockedHost() { doTest("this", 9411); doTest("that", 9411, ConnectorMessageCode.ATTEMPT_TO_CHANGE_LOCKED_CONNECTOR_MANAGER); } public void testManagerLockedPort() { doTest("this", 9411); doTest("this", 8300, ConnectorMessageCode.ATTEMPT_TO_CHANGE_LOCKED_CONNECTOR_MANAGER); } public void testAddSecurePort() { doTest("this", 9411); doTest("", "this", 9411, 9412, null, ConnectorMessageCode.ATTEMPT_TO_CHANGE_LOCKED_CONNECTOR_MANAGER); } public void testAddProtocol() { doTest("this", 9411); doTest("http", "this", 9411, -1, null, ConnectorMessageCode.ATTEMPT_TO_CHANGE_LOCKED_CONNECTOR_MANAGER); } /** It's OK if a request doesn't specify a value for an existing property. */ public void testSkipSecurePort() { doTest("", "this", 9411, 9412); doTest("this", 9411); } /** It's OK if a request doesn't specify a value for an existing property. */ public void testSkipProtocol() { doTest("http", "this", 9411, -1); doTest("this", 9411); } /** Test supplying a Connector Manager URL. */ public void testConnectorManagerUrl() { doTest("http", "this", 9411, -1, "http://test:8080/connector-manager", ConnectorMessageCode.SUCCESS); } /** Test supplying no Connector Manager URL. */ public void testNoConnectorManagerUrl() { manager.getConnectorManagerConfig().setProperty( Context.FEED_CONTENTURL_PREFIX_PROPERTY_KEY, "testURL"); doTest("http", "this", 9411, -1, null, ConnectorMessageCode.SUCCESS); } private void doTest(String host, int port) { doTest(host, port, ConnectorMessageCode.SUCCESS); } private void doTest(String protocol, String host, int port, int securePort) { doTest(protocol, host, port, securePort, null, ConnectorMessageCode.SUCCESS); } private void doTest(String host, int port, int messageId) { doTest("", host, port, -1, null, messageId); } private void doTest(String protocol, String host, int port, int securePort, String connectorManagerUrl, int messageId) { String xmlBody = setXMLBody(protocol, host, port, securePort); LOGGER.info("xmlBody: " + xmlBody); Properties origProps = PropertiesUtils.copy(manager.getConnectorManagerConfig()); SetManagerConfigHandler hdl = new SetManagerConfigHandler(manager, xmlBody, connectorManagerUrl); assertEquals(messageId, hdl.getStatus().getMessageId()); assertEquals(protocol, hdl.getFeederGateProtocol()); assertEquals(host, hdl.getFeederGateHost()); assertEquals(port, hdl.getFeederGatePort()); assertEquals(securePort, hdl.getFeederGateSecurePort()); assertEquals(connectorManagerUrl, hdl.getConnectorManagerUrl()); if (messageId == ConnectorMessageCode.SUCCESS) { // Verify that the configuration was done. verifyProperty(origProps, Context.GSA_FEED_PROTOCOL_PROPERTY_KEY, protocol); verifyProperty(origProps, Context.GSA_FEED_HOST_PROPERTY_KEY, host); verifyProperty(origProps, Context.GSA_FEED_PORT_PROPERTY_KEY, port); verifyProperty(origProps, Context.GSA_FEED_SECURE_PORT_PROPERTY_KEY, securePort); verifyProperty(origProps, Context.FEED_CONTENTURL_PREFIX_PROPERTY_KEY, Strings.isNullOrEmpty(connectorManagerUrl) ? null : connectorManagerUrl + Context.FEED_CONTENTURL_SERVLET); } else { // Verify that the configuration did not change. assertEquals(origProps, manager.getConnectorManagerConfig()); } } /** * Verify that the connector manager config value for a property * is the expected value. If the expected value is null or empty, * verify that the connector manager config value for the property * matches the value in the original configuration. */ private void verifyProperty(Properties originalProperties, String propName, String value) { if (Strings.isNullOrEmpty(value)) { assertEquals(originalProperties.getProperty(propName), manager.getConnectorManagerConfig().getProperty(propName)); } else { assertEquals(value, manager.getConnectorManagerConfig().getProperty(propName)); } } private void verifyProperty(Properties originalProperties, String propName, int value) { if (value == -1) { assertEquals(originalProperties.getProperty(propName), manager.getConnectorManagerConfig().getProperty(propName)); } else { assertEquals(Integer.toString(value), manager.getConnectorManagerConfig().getProperty(propName)); } } public String setXMLBody(String protocol, String host, int port, int securePort) { return "<" + ServletUtil.XMLTAG_MANAGER_CONFIG + ">\n" + " <FeederGate host=\"" + host + "\" port=\"" + port + "\" " + ((Strings.isNullOrEmpty(protocol)) ? "" : "protocol=\"" + protocol + "\" ") + ((securePort < 0) ? "" : "securePort=\"" + securePort + "\" ") + "/>\n" + "</" + ServletUtil.XMLTAG_MANAGER_CONFIG + ">"; } }