/* This file is part of Subsonic. Subsonic is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. Subsonic is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with Subsonic. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. Copyright 2009 (C) Sindre Mehus */ package github.madmarty.madsonic.service; import java.io.File; import java.io.Reader; import java.io.FileReader; import java.net.URL; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.Comparator; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.LinkedList; import java.util.List; import java.util.Random; import java.util.Set; import android.content.Context; import android.content.SharedPreferences; import android.graphics.Bitmap; import github.madmarty.madsonic.domain.Artist; import github.madmarty.madsonic.domain.Genre; import github.madmarty.madsonic.domain.Indexes; import github.madmarty.madsonic.domain.JukeboxStatus; import github.madmarty.madsonic.domain.Lyrics; import github.madmarty.madsonic.domain.MusicDirectory; import github.madmarty.madsonic.domain.MusicFolder; import github.madmarty.madsonic.domain.Playlist; import github.madmarty.madsonic.domain.SearchCritera; import github.madmarty.madsonic.domain.SearchResult; import github.madmarty.madsonic.service.parser.PlaylistParser; import github.madmarty.madsonic.util.Constants; import github.madmarty.madsonic.util.FileUtil; import github.madmarty.madsonic.util.ProgressListener; import github.madmarty.madsonic.util.Util; /** * @author Sindre Mehus */ public class OfflineMusicService extends RESTMusicService { private static final String TAG = OfflineMusicService.class.getSimpleName(); @Override public boolean isLicenseValid(Context context, ProgressListener progressListener) throws Exception { return true; } @Override public Indexes getIndexes(String musicFolderId, boolean refresh, Context context, ProgressListener progressListener) throws Exception { List<Artist> artists = new ArrayList<Artist>(); File root = FileUtil.getMusicDirectory(context); for (File file : FileUtil.listFiles(root)) { if (file.isDirectory()) { Artist artist = new Artist(); artist.setId(file.getPath()); artist.setIndex(file.getName().substring(0, 1)); artist.setName(file.getName()); artists.add(artist); } } SharedPreferences prefs = Util.getPreferences(context); String ignoredArticlesString = prefs.getString(Constants.CACHE_KEY_IGNORE, "The El La Los Las Le Les"); final String[] ignoredArticles = ignoredArticlesString.split(" "); Collections.sort(artists, new Comparator<Artist>() { public int compare(Artist lhsArtist, Artist rhsArtist) { String lhs = lhsArtist.getName().toLowerCase(); String rhs = rhsArtist.getName().toLowerCase(); char lhs1 = lhs.charAt(0); char rhs1 = rhs.charAt(0); if(Character.isDigit(lhs1) && !Character.isDigit(rhs1)) { return 1; } else if(Character.isDigit(rhs1) && !Character.isDigit(lhs1)) { return -1; } for(String article: ignoredArticles) { int index = lhs.indexOf(article.toLowerCase()); if(index == 0) { lhs = lhs.substring(article.length() + 1); } index = rhs.indexOf(article.toLowerCase()); if(index == 0) { rhs = rhs.substring(article.length() + 1); } } return lhs.compareTo(rhs); } }); return new Indexes(0L, Collections.<Artist>emptyList(), artists); } @Override public MusicDirectory getMusicDirectory(String id, boolean refresh, Context context, ProgressListener progressListener) throws Exception { File dir = new File(id); MusicDirectory result = new MusicDirectory(); result.setName(dir.getName()); Set<String> names = new HashSet<String>(); for (File file : FileUtil.listMediaFiles(dir)) { String name = getName(file); if (name != null & !names.contains(name)) { names.add(name); result.addChild(createEntry(context, file, name)); } } return result; } private String getName(File file) { String name = file.getName(); if (file.isDirectory()) { return name; } if (name.endsWith(".partial") || name.contains(".partial.") || name.equals(Constants.ALBUM_ART_FILE)) { return null; } name = name.replace(".complete", ""); return FileUtil.getBaseName(name); } private MusicDirectory.Entry createEntry(Context context, File file, String name) { MusicDirectory.Entry entry = new MusicDirectory.Entry(); entry.setDirectory(file.isDirectory()); entry.setId(file.getPath()); entry.setParent(file.getParent()); entry.setSize(file.length()); String root = FileUtil.getMusicDirectory(context).getPath(); entry.setPath(file.getPath().replaceFirst("^" + root + "/" , "")); String title = name; if (file.isFile()) { entry.setArtist(file.getParentFile().getParentFile().getName()); entry.setAlbum(file.getParentFile().getName()); int index = name.indexOf('-'); if(index != -1) { try { entry.setTrack(Integer.parseInt(name.substring(0, index))); title = title.substring(index + 1); } catch(Exception e) { // Failed parseInt, just means track filled out } } } entry.setTitle(title); entry.setSuffix(FileUtil.getExtension(file.getName().replace(".complete", ""))); File albumArt = FileUtil.getAlbumArtFile(context, entry); if (albumArt.exists()) { entry.setCoverArt(albumArt.getPath()); } if(FileUtil.isVideoFile(file)) { entry.setVideo(true); } return entry; } @Override public Bitmap getCoverArt(Context context, MusicDirectory.Entry entry, int size, int saveSize, ProgressListener progressListener) throws Exception { try { return FileUtil.getAlbumArtBitmap(context, entry, size); } catch(Exception e) { return null; } } @Override public List<MusicFolder> getMusicFolders(boolean refresh, Context context, ProgressListener progressListener) throws Exception { throw new OfflineException("Music folders not available in offline mode"); } @Override public SearchResult search(SearchCritera criteria, Context context, ProgressListener progressListener) throws Exception { List<Artist> artists = new ArrayList<Artist>(); List<MusicDirectory.Entry> albums = new ArrayList<MusicDirectory.Entry>(); List<MusicDirectory.Entry> songs = new ArrayList<MusicDirectory.Entry>(); File root = FileUtil.getMusicDirectory(context); for (File artistFile : FileUtil.listFiles(root)) { String artistName = artistFile.getName(); if (artistFile.isDirectory()) { if(matchCriteria(criteria, artistName)) { Artist artist = new Artist(); artist.setId(artistFile.getPath()); artist.setIndex(artistFile.getName().substring(0, 1)); artist.setName(artistName); artists.add(artist); } recursiveAlbumSearch(artistName, artistFile, criteria, context, albums, songs); } } return new SearchResult(artists, albums, songs); } private void recursiveAlbumSearch(String artistName, File file, SearchCritera criteria, Context context, List<MusicDirectory.Entry> albums, List<MusicDirectory.Entry> songs) { for(File albumFile : FileUtil.listMediaFiles(file)) { if(albumFile.isDirectory()) { String albumName = getName(albumFile); if(matchCriteria(criteria, albumName)) { MusicDirectory.Entry album = createEntry(context, albumFile, albumName); album.setArtist(artistName); albums.add(album); } for(File songFile : FileUtil.listMediaFiles(albumFile)) { String songName = getName(songFile); if(songFile.isDirectory()) { recursiveAlbumSearch(artistName, songFile, criteria, context, albums, songs); } else if(matchCriteria(criteria, songName)){ MusicDirectory.Entry song = createEntry(context, albumFile, songName); song.setArtist(artistName); song.setAlbum(albumName); songs.add(song); } } } else { String songName = getName(albumFile); if(matchCriteria(criteria, songName)) { MusicDirectory.Entry song = createEntry(context, albumFile, songName); song.setArtist(artistName); song.setAlbum(songName); songs.add(song); } } } } private boolean matchCriteria(SearchCritera criteria, String name) { String query = criteria.getQuery().toLowerCase(); String[] parts = query.split(" "); name = name.toLowerCase(); for(String part : parts) { if(name.indexOf(part) != -1) { return true; } } return false; } @Override public void star(String id, boolean star, Context context, ProgressListener progressListener) throws Exception { throw new OfflineException("Starring not available in offline mode"); } @Override public URL createShare(String id, Context context, ProgressListener progressListener) throws Exception { throw new OfflineException("Sharing not available in offline mode"); } @Override public List<Playlist> getPlaylists(boolean refresh, Context context, ProgressListener progressListener) throws Exception { List<Playlist> playlists = new ArrayList<Playlist>(); File root = FileUtil.getPlaylistDirectory(); for (File file : FileUtil.listFiles(root)) { Playlist playlist = new Playlist(file.getName(), file.getName()); playlists.add(playlist); } return playlists; } @Override public MusicDirectory getPlaylist(String id, String name, Context context, ProgressListener progressListener) throws Exception { DownloadService downloadService = DownloadServiceImpl.getInstance(); if (downloadService == null) { return new MusicDirectory(); } Reader reader = null; try { reader = new FileReader(FileUtil.getPlaylistFile(name)); MusicDirectory fullList = new PlaylistParser(context).parse(reader, progressListener); MusicDirectory playlist = new MusicDirectory(); for(MusicDirectory.Entry song: fullList.getChildren()) { DownloadFile downloadFile = downloadService.forSong(song); File completeFile = downloadFile.getCompleteFile(); if(completeFile.exists()) { playlist.addChild(song); } } return playlist; } finally { Util.close(reader); } } @Override public void createPlaylist(String id, String name, List<MusicDirectory.Entry> entries, Context context, ProgressListener progressListener) throws Exception { throw new OfflineException("Playlists not available in offline mode"); } @Override public void overwritePlaylist(String id, String name, int toRemove, List<MusicDirectory.Entry> toAdd, Context context, ProgressListener progressListener) throws Exception { throw new OfflineException("Overwriting playlist not available in offline mode"); } @Override public Lyrics getLyrics(String artist, String title, Context context, ProgressListener progressListener) throws Exception { throw new OfflineException("Lyrics not available in offline mode"); } @Override public void scrobble(String id, boolean submission, Context context, ProgressListener progressListener) throws Exception { throw new OfflineException("Scrobbling not available in offline mode"); } @Override public MusicDirectory getAlbumList(String type, int size, int offset, Context context, ProgressListener progressListener) throws Exception { throw new OfflineException("Album lists not available in offline mode"); } @Override public String getVideoUrl(int maxBitrate, Context context, String id, boolean useFlash) { return null; } @Override public String getVideoUrl(int maxBitrate, Context context, String id) { return null; } @Override public String getVideoStreamUrl(int maxBitrate, Context context, String id) { return null; } @Override public JukeboxStatus updateJukeboxPlaylist(List<String> ids, Context context, ProgressListener progressListener) throws Exception { throw new OfflineException("Jukebox not available in offline mode"); } @Override public JukeboxStatus skipJukebox(int index, int offsetSeconds, Context context, ProgressListener progressListener) throws Exception { throw new OfflineException("Jukebox not available in offline mode"); } @Override public JukeboxStatus stopJukebox(Context context, ProgressListener progressListener) throws Exception { throw new OfflineException("Jukebox not available in offline mode"); } @Override public JukeboxStatus startJukebox(Context context, ProgressListener progressListener) throws Exception { throw new OfflineException("Jukebox not available in offline mode"); } @Override public JukeboxStatus getJukeboxStatus(Context context, ProgressListener progressListener) throws Exception { throw new OfflineException("Jukebox not available in offline mode"); } @Override public JukeboxStatus setJukeboxGain(float gain, Context context, ProgressListener progressListener) throws Exception { throw new OfflineException("Jukebox not available in offline mode"); } @Override public void setStarred(String id, boolean starred, Context context, ProgressListener progressListener) throws Exception { throw new OfflineException("Starring not available in offline mode"); } @Override public SearchResult getStarred(Context context, ProgressListener progressListener) throws Exception { throw new OfflineException("Starred not available in offline mode"); } @Override public MusicDirectory getRandomSongs(int size, Context context, ProgressListener progressListener) throws Exception { File root = FileUtil.getMusicDirectory(context); List<File> children = new LinkedList<File>(); listFilesRecursively(root, children); MusicDirectory result = new MusicDirectory(); if (children.isEmpty()) { return result; } Random random = new Random(); for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) { File file = children.get(random.nextInt(children.size())); result.addChild(createEntry(context, file, getName(file))); } return result; } @Override public MusicDirectory getSongsByGenre(String genre, int count, int offset, Context context, ProgressListener progressListener) throws Exception { throw new OfflineException("Getting Songs By Genre not available in offline mode"); } @Override public List<Genre> getGenres(Context context, ProgressListener progressListener) throws Exception { throw new OfflineException("Getting Genres not available in offline mode"); } @Override public MusicDirectory getPodcastEpisodes(boolean refresh, String id, Context context, ProgressListener progressListener) throws Exception { return getMusicDirectory(FileUtil.getPodcastDirectory(context, id).getPath(), false, context, progressListener); } @Override public void refreshPodcasts(Context context, ProgressListener progressListener) throws Exception { throw new OfflineException("Getting Podcasts not available in offline mode"); } @Override public void createPodcastChannel(String url, Context context, ProgressListener progressListener) throws Exception{ throw new OfflineException("Getting Podcasts not available in offline mode"); } @Override public void deletePodcastChannel(String id, Context context, ProgressListener progressListener) throws Exception{ throw new OfflineException("Getting Podcasts not available in offline mode"); } @Override public void downloadPodcastEpisode(String id, Context context, ProgressListener progressListener) throws Exception{ throw new OfflineException("Getting Podcasts not available in offline mode"); } @Override public void deletePodcastEpisode(String id, Context context, ProgressListener progressListener) throws Exception{ throw new OfflineException("Getting Podcasts not available in offline mode"); } private void listFilesRecursively(File parent, List<File> children) { for (File file : FileUtil.listMediaFiles(parent)) { if (file.isFile()) { children.add(file); } else { listFilesRecursively(file, children); } } } }