package info.ephyra.answerselection.filters; import info.ephyra.nlp.NETagger; import info.ephyra.nlp.indices.Prepositions; import; import info.ephyra.util.RegexConverter; import info.ephyra.util.StringUtils; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Hashtable; /** * <p>A filter that truncates the answer strings. It drops the following * prefixes and suffixes: * <ul> * <li>blanks and some special characters</li> * <li>articles</li> * <li>"and", "or"</li> * <li>prepositions</li> * </ul> * After truncation, similar answers are merged.</p> * * <p>This filter is not applied to answer strings that have been extracted with * a rule- or list-based NE tagger since these answers are assumed to be * properly formatted.</p> * * <p>This class extends the class <code>Filter</code>.</p> * * @author Nico Schlaefer * @version 2007-05-28 */ public class TruncationFilter extends Filter { /** * Special characters that are truncated from answer strings. The following * characters are excluded because they may be the first/last character of * an answer: * <ul> * <li>$������%~.</li> * <li>��������</li> * <li>��������������������������������������������������������������</li> * </ul> */ private static final String SPECIAL_CHARS = RegexConverter.strToRegex("-+�*��=_�|�\\/�:,;�?�!��\"���'�`" + "()[]{}<>#&�@���"); /** Articles that are truncated from answer strings. */ private static final String ARTICLES = "(an?|that|the|these|this|those)"; /** * Truncates a phrase. * * @param phrase phrase to truncate * @return truncated phrase */ public static String truncate(String phrase) { String old = ""; while (!old.equals(phrase)) { old = phrase; // drop leading and trailing blanks and some special characters phrase = phrase.replaceFirst("^[\\s" + SPECIAL_CHARS + "]", ""); phrase = phrase.replaceFirst("[\\s" + SPECIAL_CHARS + "]$", ""); // drop leading '.' and trailing '.' if not preceded by an // upper-case character (which indicates an acronym) phrase = phrase.replaceFirst("^\\.", ""); if (phrase.matches(".*?(^|[^A-Z])\\.$")) phrase = phrase.replaceFirst("\\.$", ""); // drop leading and trailing articles phrase = phrase.replaceFirst("(?i)^" + ARTICLES + " ", ""); phrase = phrase.replaceFirst("(?i) " + ARTICLES + "$", ""); // drop leading and trailing "and", "or" phrase = phrase.replaceFirst("(?i)^(and|or) ", ""); phrase = phrase.replaceFirst("(?i) (and|or)$", ""); // drop leading and trailing prepositions String[] tokens = phrase.split(" ", -1); if (Prepositions.lookup(tokens[0])) phrase = phrase.replaceFirst("^[^ ]++($| )", ""); if (Prepositions.lookup(tokens[tokens.length - 1])) phrase = phrase.replaceFirst("(^| )[^ ]++$", ""); } return phrase; } /** * Filters a single <code>Result</code> object. * * @param result result to filter * @return result or <code>null</code> */ public Result apply(Result result) { // do not apply the filter if the answer string is a NE that was // extracted with a rule- or list-based tagger if (result.isNamedEntity() && !NETagger.allModelType(result.getNeTypes())) return result; String answer = result.getAnswer(); answer = truncate(answer); result.setAnswer(answer); return result; } /** * Filters an array of <code>Result</code> objects. * * @param results results to filter * @return filtered results */ public Result[] apply(Result[] results) { // all results that pass the filter ArrayList<Result> filtered = new ArrayList<Result>(); // for each extractor, truncated answers and corresponding results Hashtable<String, Hashtable<String, Result>> truncated = new Hashtable<String, Hashtable<String, Result>> (); // sort results by their scores in descending order results = (new ScoreSorterFilter()).apply(results); for (Result result : results) { // only truncate factoid answers if (result.getScore() <= 0 || result.getScore() == Float.POSITIVE_INFINITY) { filtered.add(result); continue; } // make sure that answers come from a single extractor String[] extractors = result.getExtractionTechniques(); if (extractors == null || extractors.length != 1) { filtered.add(result); continue; } String extractor = extractors[0]; // truncate result result = apply(result); // merge with similar results from same extractor Hashtable<String, Result> truncatedT = truncated.get(extractor); if (truncatedT == null) { truncatedT = new Hashtable<String, Result>(); truncated.put(extractor, truncatedT); } String norm = StringUtils.normalize(result.getAnswer()); Result similar = truncatedT.get(norm); if (similar == null) { filtered.add(result); truncatedT.put(norm, result); } else { similar.incScore(result.getScore()); } } return filtered.toArray(new Result[filtered.size()]); } }