// Taken from ElasticSearch Lab package ca.ualberta.cs.cmput301t03app.models; /** * This class represents the result object of a search. * * @param <T> */ public class SearchHit<T> { private String _index; private String _type; private String _id; private String _version; private boolean found; private T _source; public SearchHit() { } public String get_index() { return _index; } public void set_index(String _index) { this._index = _index; } public String get_type() { return _type; } public void set_type(String _type) { this._type = _type; } public String get_id() { return _id; } public void set_id(String _id) { this._id = _id; } public String get_version() { return _version; } public void set_version(String _version) { this._version = _version; } public boolean isFound() { return found; } public void setFound(boolean found) { this.found = found; } public T getSource() { return _source; } public void setSource(T source) { this._source = source; } @Override public String toString() { return "SimpleElasticSearchResponse [_index=" + _index + ", _type=" + _type + ", _id=" + _id + ", _version=" + _version + ", found=" + found + ", _source=" + _source + "]"; } }