/** * Logback: the reliable, generic, fast and flexible logging framework. * Copyright (C) 1999-2015, QOS.ch. All rights reserved. * * This program and the accompanying materials are dual-licensed under * either the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0 as published by * the Eclipse Foundation * * or (per the licensee's choosing) * * under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1 * as published by the Free Software Foundation. */ package ch.qos.logback.classic.corpus; import java.util.List; import java.util.Random; import ch.qos.logback.classic.Level; import ch.qos.logback.classic.LoggerContext; import ch.qos.logback.classic.spi.ClassPackagingData; import ch.qos.logback.classic.spi.LoggerContextVO; import ch.qos.logback.classic.spi.StackTraceElementProxy; import ch.qos.logback.classic.spi.ThrowableProxy; import ch.qos.logback.classic.spi.ThrowableProxyVO; /** * Models the corpus. * * <p>This contains the probability distributions of levels, logger names, * messages, message arguments. * * @author Ceki Gülcü * */ public class CorpusModel { // N(u,s) denotes a random variable normally distributed with mean u and // variance sqrt(s), where sqrt() is the square root function. For an // explanation of normal distribution please see // http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Normal_distribution // It is assumed that the number of parts in a logger name is a random // variable normally distributed with mean AVERAGE_LOGGER_NAME_PARTS and // standard deviation STD_DEV_FOR_LOGGER_NAME_PARTS static final int AVERAGE_LOGGER_NAME_PARTS = 6; static final int STD_DEV_FOR_LOGGER_NAME_PARTS = 3; // It is assumed that there are LOGGER_POOL_SIZE logger names // in our model corpus. static final int LOGGER_POOL_SIZE = 1000; // It is assumed that there are LOG_STATEMENT_POOL_SIZE log statements // in our model corpus. static final int LOG_STATEMENT_POOL_SIZE = LOGGER_POOL_SIZE * 8; // level distribution is determined by the following table // It corresponds to TRACE 3%, DEBUG 30%, INFO 30%, WARN 5%, // ERROR 5%. See also getRandomLevel() method. static final double[] LEVEL_DISTRIBUTION = new double[] { .3, .3, .9, .95 }; // It is assumed that the number of words in the message (contained in a log // statement) is a random variable normally distributed with mean // AVERAGE_MESSAGE_WORDS and standard deviation STD_DEV_FOR_MESSAGE_WORDS static final int AVERAGE_MESSAGE_WORDS = 8; static final int STD_DEV_FOR_MESSAGE_WORDS = 4; // messages will have no arguments 80% of the time, one argument in 8%, two // arguments in 7% and three arguments in 5% of cases static final double[] ARGUMENT_DISTRIBUTION = new double[] { .80, .88, 0.95 }; static final double THROWABLE_PROPABILITY_FOR_WARNING = .1; static final double THROWABLE_PROPABILITY_FOR_ERRORS = .3; // .5 of throwables are nested once static final double NESTING_PROBABILITY = .5; // For each logging event the timer is incremented by a certain value. it is // assumed that this value is a random variable normally distributed with mean // AVERAGE_MILLIS_INCREMENT and standard deviation // STD_DEV_FOR_MILLIS_INCREMENT static final int AVERAGE_MILLIS_INCREMENT = 10; static final int STD_DEV_FOR_MILLIS_INCREMENT = 5; // assume that there are THREAD_POOL_SIZE threads in the corpus static final int THREAD_POOL_SIZE = 10; final Random random; final List<String> worldList; String[] threadNamePool; LogStatement[] logStatementPool; String[] loggerNamePool; // 2009-03-06 13:08 GMT long lastTimeStamp = 1236344888578L; public CorpusModel(long seed, List<String> worldList) { random = new Random(seed); this.worldList = worldList; buildThreadNamePool(); buildLoggerNamePool(); buildLogStatementPool(); } private void buildThreadNamePool() { threadNamePool = new String[THREAD_POOL_SIZE]; for (int i = 0; i < THREAD_POOL_SIZE; i++) { threadNamePool[i] = "CorpusMakerThread-" + i; } } private void buildLoggerNamePool() { loggerNamePool = new String[LOGGER_POOL_SIZE]; for (int i = 0; i < LOGGER_POOL_SIZE; i++) { loggerNamePool[i] = makeRandomLoggerName(); } } private void buildLogStatementPool() { logStatementPool = new LogStatement[LOG_STATEMENT_POOL_SIZE]; for (int i = 0; i < LOG_STATEMENT_POOL_SIZE; i++) { logStatementPool[i] = makeRandomLogStatement(loggerNamePool); } } private int[] getRandomAnchorPositions(int wordCount, int numAnchors) { // note that the same position may appear multiple times in // positionsIndex, but without serious consequences int[] positionsIndex = new int[numAnchors]; for (int i = 0; i < numAnchors; i++) { positionsIndex[i] = random.nextInt(wordCount); } return positionsIndex; } private String[] getRandomWords(int n) { String[] wordArray = new String[n]; for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) { wordArray[i] = getRandomWord(); } return wordArray; } public long getRandomLong() { return random.nextLong(); } public String getRandomThreadNameFromPool() { int index = random.nextInt(THREAD_POOL_SIZE); return threadNamePool[index]; } public LogStatement getRandomLogStatementFromPool() { int index = random.nextInt(logStatementPool.length); return logStatementPool[index]; } private String getRandomLoggerNameFromPool(String[] loggerNamePool) { int index = random.nextInt(loggerNamePool.length); return loggerNamePool[index]; } public long getRandomTimeStamp() { // subtract 1 so that 0 is allowed lastTimeStamp += RandomUtil.gaussianAsPositiveInt(random, AVERAGE_MILLIS_INCREMENT, STD_DEV_FOR_MILLIS_INCREMENT) - 1; return lastTimeStamp; } LoggerContextVO getRandomlyNamedLoggerContextVO() { LoggerContext lc = new LoggerContext(); lc.setName(getRandomJavaIdentifier()); return new LoggerContextVO(lc); } String getRandomWord() { int size = worldList.size(); int randomIndex = random.nextInt(size); return worldList.get(randomIndex); } String extractLastPart(String loggerName) { int i = loggerName.lastIndexOf('.'); if (i == -1) { return loggerName; } else { return loggerName.substring(i + 1); } } public StackTraceElement[] getRandomCallerData(int depth, String loggerName) { StackTraceElement[] cda = new StackTraceElement[depth]; StackTraceElement cd = new StackTraceElement(loggerName, getRandomJavaIdentifier(), extractLastPart(loggerName), 0); cda[0] = cd; for (int i = 1; i < depth; i++) { String ln = getRandomLoggerNameFromPool(loggerNamePool); cda[i] = new StackTraceElement(ln, getRandomJavaIdentifier(), extractLastPart(ln), i * 10); } return cda; } public Object[] getRandomArgumentArray(int numOfArguments) { if (numOfArguments == 0) { return null; } Object[] argumentArray = new Object[numOfArguments]; for (int i = 0; i < numOfArguments; i++) { argumentArray[i] = new Long(random.nextLong()); } return argumentArray; } private MessageArgumentTuple makeRandomMessageArgumentTuple() { int numOfArguments = getNumberOfMessageArguments(); int wordCount = RandomUtil.gaussianAsPositiveInt(random, AVERAGE_MESSAGE_WORDS, STD_DEV_FOR_MESSAGE_WORDS); String[] wordArray = getRandomWords(wordCount); int[] anchorPositions = getRandomAnchorPositions(wordCount, numOfArguments); for (int anchorIndex : anchorPositions) { wordArray[anchorIndex] = "{}"; } StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); for (int i = 1; i < wordCount; i++) { sb.append(wordArray[i]).append(' '); } sb.append(getRandomWord()); return new MessageArgumentTuple(sb.toString(), numOfArguments); } private LogStatement makeRandomLogStatement(String[] loggerNamePool) { MessageArgumentTuple mat = makeRandomMessageArgumentTuple(); String loggerName = getRandomLoggerNameFromPool(loggerNamePool); Level randomLevel = getRandomLevel(); Throwable t = getRandomThrowable(randomLevel); ThrowableProxyVO throwableProxy = null; if (t != null) { throwableProxy = ThrowableProxyVO.build(new ThrowableProxy(t)); pupulateWithPackagingData(throwableProxy.getStackTraceElementProxyArray()); } return new LogStatement(loggerName, randomLevel, mat, throwableProxy); } private Throwable getRandomThrowable(Level level) { double rn = random.nextDouble(); if ((level == Level.WARN && rn < THROWABLE_PROPABILITY_FOR_WARNING) || (level == Level.ERROR && rn < THROWABLE_PROPABILITY_FOR_ERRORS)) { return ExceptionBuilder.build(random, NESTING_PROBABILITY); } else { return null; } } private void pupulateWithPackagingData(StackTraceElementProxy[] stepArray) { int i = 0; for (StackTraceElementProxy step : stepArray) { String identifier = "na"; String version = "na"; if (i++ % 2 == 0) { identifier = getRandomJavaIdentifier(); version = getRandomJavaIdentifier(); } ClassPackagingData cpd = new ClassPackagingData(identifier, version); step.setClassPackagingData(cpd); } } private int getNumberOfMessageArguments() { double rn = random.nextDouble(); if (rn < ARGUMENT_DISTRIBUTION[0]) { return 0; } if (rn < ARGUMENT_DISTRIBUTION[1]) { return 1; } if (rn < ARGUMENT_DISTRIBUTION[2]) { return 2; } return 3; } String getRandomJavaIdentifier() { String w = getRandomWord(); w = w.replaceAll("\\p{Punct}", ""); return w; } private String makeRandomLoggerName() { int parts = RandomUtil.gaussianAsPositiveInt(random, AVERAGE_LOGGER_NAME_PARTS, STD_DEV_FOR_LOGGER_NAME_PARTS); StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); for (int i = 1; i < parts; i++) { sb.append(getRandomJavaIdentifier()).append('.'); } sb.append(getRandomJavaIdentifier()); return sb.toString(); } private Level getRandomLevel() { double rn = random.nextDouble(); if (rn < LEVEL_DISTRIBUTION[0]) { return Level.TRACE; } if (rn < LEVEL_DISTRIBUTION[1]) { return Level.DEBUG; } if (rn < LEVEL_DISTRIBUTION[2]) { return Level.INFO; } if (rn < LEVEL_DISTRIBUTION[3]) { return Level.WARN; } return Level.ERROR; } }