package li.pic.compress; import java.awt.AlphaComposite; import java.awt.Color; import java.awt.Graphics2D; import java.awt.image.BufferedImage; import java.awt.image.DataBufferByte; import; import; import; import; /** * @Title: * @Package org.summercool.gif * @Description: TODO(添加描述) * @author Administrator * @date 2012-7-12 下午1:33:19 * @version V1.0 */ /** * Class AnimatedGifEncoder - Encodes a GIF file consisting of one or more frames. * * <pre> * Example: * AnimatedGifEncoder e = new AnimatedGifEncoder(); * e.start(outputFileName); * e.setDelay(1000); // 1 frame per sec * e.addFrame(image1); * e.addFrame(image2); * e.finish(); * </pre> * * No copyright asserted on the source code of this class. May be used for any purpose, however, refer to the Unisys LZW patent for restrictions on use of the associated LZWEncoder class. Please forward any corrections to questions at * * @author Kevin Weiner, FM Software * @version 1.03 November 2003 */ public class AnimatedGifEncoder { protected int width; // image size protected int height; protected Color transparent = null; // transparent color if given protected int transIndex; // transparent index in color table protected int repeat = -1; // no repeat protected int delay = 0; // frame delay (hundredths) protected boolean started = false; // ready to output frames protected OutputStream out; protected BufferedImage image; // current frame protected byte[] pixels; // BGR byte array from frame protected byte[] indexedPixels; // converted frame indexed to palette protected int colorDepth; // number of bit planes protected byte[] colorTab; // RGB palette protected boolean[] usedEntry = new boolean[256]; // active palette entries protected int palSize = 7; // color table size (bits-1) protected int dispose = -1; // disposal code (-1 = use default) protected boolean closeStream = false; // close stream when finished protected boolean firstFrame = true; protected boolean sizeSet = false; // if false, get size from first frame protected int sample = 10; // default sample interval for quantizer /** * Sets the delay time between each frame, or changes it for subsequent frames (applies to last frame added). * * @param ms int delay time in milliseconds */ public void setDelay(int ms) { delay = Math.round(ms / 10.0f); } /** * Sets the GIF frame disposal code for the last added frame and any subsequent frames. Default is 0 if no transparent color has been set, otherwise 2. * * @param code int disposal code. */ public void setDispose(int code) { if (code >= 0) { dispose = code; } } /** * Sets the number of times the set of GIF frames should be played. Default is 1; 0 means play indefinitely. Must be invoked before the first image is added. * * @param iter int number of iterations. * @return */ public void setRepeat(int iter) { if (iter >= 0) { repeat = iter; } } /** * Sets the transparent color for the last added frame and any subsequent frames. Since all colors are subject to modification in the quantization process, the color in the final palette for each frame closest to the given color becomes the transparent color for that frame. May be set to null to indicate no transparent color. * * @param c Color to be treated as transparent on display. */ public void setTransparent(Color c) { transparent = c; } /** * Adds next GIF frame. The frame is not written immediately, but is actually deferred until the next frame is received so that timing data can be inserted. Invoking <code>finish()</code> flushes all frames. If <code>setSize</code> was not invoked, the size of the first image is used for all subsequent frames. * * @param im BufferedImage containing frame to write. * @return true if successful. */ public boolean addFrame(BufferedImage im) { if ((im == null) || !started) { return false; } boolean ok = true; try { if (!sizeSet) { // use first frame's size setSize(im.getWidth(), im.getHeight()); } image = im; getImagePixels(); // convert to correct format if necessary analyzePixels(); // build color table & map pixels if (firstFrame) { writeLSD(); // logical screen descriptior writePalette(); // global color table if (repeat >= 0) { // use NS app extension to indicate reps writeNetscapeExt(); } } writeGraphicCtrlExt(); // write graphic control extension writeImageDesc(); // image descriptor if (!firstFrame) { writePalette(); // local color table } writePixels(); // encode and write pixel data firstFrame = false; } catch (IOException e) { ok = false; } return ok; } /** * Flushes any pending data and closes output file. If writing to an OutputStream, the stream is not closed. */ public boolean finish() { if (!started) return false; boolean ok = true; started = false; try { out.write(0x3b); // gif trailer out.flush(); if (closeStream) { out.close(); } } catch (IOException e) { ok = false; } // reset for subsequent use transIndex = 0; out = null; image = null; pixels = null; indexedPixels = null; colorTab = null; closeStream = false; firstFrame = true; return ok; } /** * Sets frame rate in frames per second. Equivalent to <code>setDelay(1000/fps)</code>. * * @param fps float frame rate (frames per second) */ public void setFrameRate(float fps) { if (fps != 0f) { delay = Math.round(100f / fps); } } /** * Sets quality of color quantization (conversion of images to the maximum 256 colors allowed by the GIF specification). Lower values (minimum = 1) produce better colors, but slow processing significantly. 10 is the default, and produces good color mapping at reasonable speeds. Values greater than 20 do not yield significant improvements in speed. * * @param quality int greater than 0. * @return */ public void setQuality(int quality) { if (quality < 1) quality = 1; sample = quality; } /** * Sets the GIF frame size. The default size is the size of the first frame added if this method is not invoked. * * @param w int frame width. * @param h int frame width. */ public void setSize(int w, int h) { if (started && !firstFrame) return; width = w; height = h; if (width < 1) width = 320; if (height < 1) height = 240; sizeSet = true; } /** * Initiates GIF file creation on the given stream. The stream is not closed automatically. * * @param os OutputStream on which GIF images are written. * @return false if initial write failed. */ public boolean start(OutputStream os) { if (os == null) return false; boolean ok = true; closeStream = false; out = os; try { writeString("GIF89a"); // header } catch (IOException e) { ok = false; } return started = ok; } /** * Initiates writing of a GIF file with the specified name. * * @param file String containing output file name. * @return false if open or initial write failed. */ public boolean start(String file) { boolean ok = true; try { out = new BufferedOutputStream(new FileOutputStream(file)); ok = start(out); closeStream = true; } catch (IOException e) { ok = false; } return started = ok; } public boolean isStarted() { return started; } /** * Analyzes image colors and creates color map. */ protected void analyzePixels() { int len = pixels.length; int nPix = len / 3; indexedPixels = new byte[nPix]; NeuQuant nq = new NeuQuant(pixels, len, sample); // initialize quantizer colorTab = nq.process(); // create reduced palette // convert map from BGR to RGB for (int i = 0; i < colorTab.length; i += 3) { byte temp = colorTab[i]; colorTab[i] = colorTab[i + 2]; colorTab[i + 2] = temp; usedEntry[i / 3] = false; } // map image pixels to new palette int k = 0; for (int i = 0; i < nPix; i++) { int index =[k++] & 0xff, pixels[k++] & 0xff, pixels[k++] & 0xff); usedEntry[index] = true; indexedPixels[i] = (byte) index; } pixels = null; colorDepth = 8; palSize = 7; // get closest match to transparent color if specified if (transparent != null) { transIndex = findClosest(transparent); } } /** * Returns index of palette color closest to c */ protected int findClosest(Color c) { if (colorTab == null) return -1; int r = c.getRed(); int g = c.getGreen(); int b = c.getBlue(); int minpos = 0; int dmin = 256 * 256 * 256; int len = colorTab.length; for (int i = 0; i < len;) { int dr = r - (colorTab[i++] & 0xff); int dg = g - (colorTab[i++] & 0xff); int db = b - (colorTab[i] & 0xff); int d = dr * dr + dg * dg + db * db; int index = i / 3; if (usedEntry[index] && (d < dmin)) { dmin = d; minpos = index; } i++; } return minpos; } /** * Extracts image pixels into byte array "pixels" */ protected void getImagePixels() { int w = image.getWidth(); int h = image.getHeight(); int type = image.getType(); if ((w != width) || (h != height) || (type != BufferedImage.TYPE_3BYTE_BGR)) { // create new image with right size/format BufferedImage temp = new BufferedImage(width, height, BufferedImage.TYPE_3BYTE_BGR); Graphics2D g = temp.createGraphics(); // 因为有的图片背景是透明色,所以用白色填充 FIXED g.setComposite(AlphaComposite.getInstance(AlphaComposite.SRC_ATOP, 1)); g.fillRect(0, 0, width, height); // g.drawImage(image, 0, 0, null); image = temp; } pixels = ((DataBufferByte) image.getRaster().getDataBuffer()).getData(); } /** * Writes Graphic Control Extension */ protected void writeGraphicCtrlExt() throws IOException { out.write(0x21); // extension introducer out.write(0xf9); // GCE label out.write(4); // data block size int transp, disp; if (transparent == null) { transp = 0; disp = 0; // dispose = no action } else { transp = 1; disp = 2; // force clear if using transparent color } if (dispose >= 0) { disp = dispose & 7; // user override } disp <<= 2; // packed fields out.write(0 | // 1:3 reserved disp | // 4:6 disposal 0 | // 7 user input - 0 = none transp); // 8 transparency flag writeShort(delay); // delay x 1/100 sec out.write(transIndex); // transparent color index out.write(0); // block terminator } /** * Writes Image Descriptor */ protected void writeImageDesc() throws IOException { out.write(0x2c); // image separator writeShort(0); // image position x,y = 0,0 writeShort(0); writeShort(width); // image size writeShort(height); // packed fields if (firstFrame) { // no LCT - GCT is used for first (or only) frame out.write(0); } else { // specify normal LCT out.write(0x80 | // 1 local color table 1=yes 0 | // 2 interlace - 0=no 0 | // 3 sorted - 0=no 0 | // 4-5 reserved palSize); // 6-8 size of color table } } /** * Writes Logical Screen Descriptor */ protected void writeLSD() throws IOException { // logical screen size writeShort(width); writeShort(height); // packed fields out.write((0x80 | // 1 : global color table flag = 1 (gct used) 0x70 | // 2-4 : color resolution = 7 0x00 | // 5 : gct sort flag = 0 palSize)); // 6-8 : gct size out.write(0); // background color index out.write(0); // pixel aspect ratio - assume 1:1 } /** * Writes Netscape application extension to define repeat count. */ protected void writeNetscapeExt() throws IOException { out.write(0x21); // extension introducer out.write(0xff); // app extension label out.write(11); // block size writeString("NETSCAPE" + "2.0"); // app id + auth code out.write(3); // sub-block size out.write(1); // loop sub-block id writeShort(repeat); // loop count (extra iterations, 0=repeat forever) out.write(0); // block terminator } /** * Writes color table */ protected void writePalette() throws IOException { out.write(colorTab, 0, colorTab.length); int n = (3 * 256) - colorTab.length; for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) { out.write(0); } } /** * Encodes and writes pixel data */ protected void writePixels() throws IOException { LZWEncoder encoder = new LZWEncoder(width, height, indexedPixels, colorDepth); encoder.encode(out); } /** * Write 16-bit value to output stream, LSB first */ protected void writeShort(int value) throws IOException { out.write(value & 0xff); out.write((value >> 8) & 0xff); } /** * Writes string to output stream */ protected void writeString(String s) throws IOException { for (int i = 0; i < s.length(); i++) { out.write((byte) s.charAt(i)); } } }