/* See LICENSE for licensing and NOTICE for copyright. */ package org.ldaptive; import org.testng.Assert; import org.testng.annotations.DataProvider; import org.testng.annotations.Test; /** * Unit test for {@link DnParser}. * * @author Middleware Services */ public class DnParserTest { /** * DN test data. * * @return test data */ @DataProvider(name = "DNs") public Object[][] createDNs() { return new Object[][] { /* single value DN */ new Object[] { "UID=jsmith", "uid", "jsmith", }, /* multi value DN */ new Object[] { "UID=jsmith,DC=ldaptive,DC=org", "uid", "jsmith", }, /* whitespace */ new Object[] { " UID = jsmith ,DC=ldaptive,DC=org", "Uid", "jsmith", }, /* case sensitivity */ new Object[] { "CN=Jim Smith,UID=jsmith,DC=ldaptive,DC=org", "UId", "jsmith", }, /* multi value RDN */ new Object[] { "OU=Sales+CN=J. Smith,DC=ldaptive,DC=org", "ou", "Sales", }, new Object[] { "OU=Sales+CN=J. Smith,DC=ldaptive,DC=org", "cn", "J. Smith", }, /* escaped data */ new Object[] { "CN=James \"Jim\" Smith\\, III,DC=ldaptive,DC=org", "CN", "James \"Jim\" Smith, III", }, new Object[] { "OU=Sales\\; Data\\+Algorithms,DC=ldaptive,DC=org", "OU", "Sales; Data+Algorithms", }, /* encoded data */ new Object[] { "CN=\\23John Smith\\20,DC=ldaptive,DC=org", "CN", "#John Smith ", }, new Object[] { "CN=Lu\\C4\\8Di\\C4\\87", "cn", "Lučić", }, new Object[] { "CN=Lu\\C4\\8D\\C4\\8Di\\C4\\87", "cn", "Luččić", }, new Object[] { "CN=Lu\\C4\\8D\\C4\\8Di\\C4\\87o", "cn", "Luččićo", }, new Object[] { "CN=\\C4\\87Lu\\C4\\8D\\C4\\8Di\\C4\\87o", "cn", "ćLuččićo", }, new Object[] { ",DC=ldaptive,DC=org", "", "Hi", }, new Object[] { "0.9.2342.19200300.100.1.1=#04066A736D697468,DC=ldaptive,DC=org", "0.9.2342.19200300.100.1.1", "jsmith", }, /* invalid DNs, but can be parsed */ new Object[] { "UID=jsmith,,DC=ldaptive,DC=org", ",dc", "ldaptive", }, new Object[] { "UID=john\\?smith", "uid", "john?smith", }, new Object[] { "UID=john\\GGsmith", "uid", "johnGGsmith", }, new Object[] { "UID=john\\", "uid", "john", }, }; } /** * DN test data. * * @return test data */ @DataProvider(name = "invalidDNs") public Object[][] createInvalidDNs() { return new Object[][] { /* invalid hex */ new Object[] {"1.1.1=#GG", }, new Object[] {"1.1.1=#000", }, new Object[] {"1.1.1=#F", }, new Object[] {"1.1.1=#", }, /* unescaped characters*/ new Object[] {"UID=john,smith", }, new Object[] {"UID=john+smith", }, new Object[] {"UID=john\\Fsmith", }, /* missing equals */ new Object[] {"UID", }, new Object[] {"UID:jsmith", }, /* missing value */ new Object[] {"UID=", }, new Object[] {"UID = ", }, }; } /** * @param dn to parse * @param name of an attribute to test * @param value of an attribute to test * * @throws Exception On test failure. */ @Test(groups = {"dnParser"}, dataProvider = "DNs") public void testParsing(final String dn, final String name, final String value) throws Exception { Assert.assertEquals(DnParser.getValue(dn, name), value); } /** * @param dn to parse * * @throws Exception On test failure. */ @Test(groups = {"dnParser"}, dataProvider = "invalidDNs") public void testInvalidParsing(final String dn) throws Exception { try { DnParser.getValue(dn, ""); Assert.fail("Should have thrown IllegalArgumentException"); } catch (Exception e) { Assert.assertEquals(e.getClass(), IllegalArgumentException.class); } } /** @throws Exception On test failure. */ @Test(groups = {"dnParser"}) public void testSubstring() throws Exception { final String dn = "CN=Jim Smith,UID=jsmith,DC=ldaptive,DC=org"; try { DnParser.substring(dn, -1); Assert.fail("Should have thrown IndexOutOfBoundsException"); } catch (Exception e) { Assert.assertEquals(e.getClass(), IndexOutOfBoundsException.class); } Assert.assertEquals(DnParser.substring(dn, 0), "CN=Jim Smith,UID=jsmith,DC=ldaptive,DC=org"); Assert.assertEquals(DnParser.substring(dn, 1), "UID=jsmith,DC=ldaptive,DC=org"); Assert.assertEquals(DnParser.substring(dn, 2), "DC=ldaptive,DC=org"); Assert.assertEquals(DnParser.substring(dn, 3), "DC=org"); try { DnParser.substring(dn, 4); Assert.fail("Should have thrown IndexOutOfBoundsException"); } catch (Exception e) { Assert.assertEquals(e.getClass(), IndexOutOfBoundsException.class); } } /** @throws Exception On test failure. */ @Test(groups = {"dnParser"}) public void testSubstringEndIndex() throws Exception { final String dn = "CN=Jim Smith,UID=jsmith,DC=ldaptive,DC=org"; try { DnParser.substring(dn, -1, 0); Assert.fail("Should have thrown IndexOutOfBoundsException"); } catch (Exception e) { Assert.assertEquals(e.getClass(), IndexOutOfBoundsException.class); } try { DnParser.substring(dn, 2, 1); Assert.fail("Should have thrown IndexOutOfBoundsException"); } catch (Exception e) { Assert.assertEquals(e.getClass(), IndexOutOfBoundsException.class); } Assert.assertEquals(DnParser.substring(dn, 0, 4), "CN=Jim Smith,UID=jsmith,DC=ldaptive,DC=org"); Assert.assertEquals(DnParser.substring(dn, 1, 4), "UID=jsmith,DC=ldaptive,DC=org"); Assert.assertEquals(DnParser.substring(dn, 2, 4), "DC=ldaptive,DC=org"); Assert.assertEquals(DnParser.substring(dn, 3, 4), "DC=org"); Assert.assertEquals(DnParser.substring(dn, 0, 1), "CN=Jim Smith"); Assert.assertEquals(DnParser.substring(dn, 1, 2), "UID=jsmith"); Assert.assertEquals(DnParser.substring(dn, 2, 3), "DC=ldaptive"); Assert.assertEquals(DnParser.substring(dn, 3, 4), "DC=org"); Assert.assertEquals(DnParser.substring(dn, 0, 2), "CN=Jim Smith,UID=jsmith"); Assert.assertEquals(DnParser.substring(dn, 2, 4), "DC=ldaptive,DC=org"); try { DnParser.substring(dn, 1, 5); Assert.fail("Should have thrown IndexOutOfBoundsException"); } catch (Exception e) { Assert.assertEquals(e.getClass(), IndexOutOfBoundsException.class); } } }