package net.enilink.komma.common.ui; import java.lang.reflect.Constructor; import java.lang.reflect.Method; import net.enilink.komma.core.URI; import net.enilink.komma.core.URIs; import org.eclipse.core.resources.IFile; import org.eclipse.core.runtime.Platform; import org.eclipse.jface.operation.IRunnableWithProgress; import org.eclipse.ui.IEditorInput; import org.osgi.framework.Bundle; public class EclipseUtil { static final Class<?> FILE_CLASS; static { Class<?> fileClass = null; try { fileClass = IFile.class; } catch (Throwable exception) { // Ignore any exceptions and assume the class isn't available. } FILE_CLASS = fileClass; } static final Class<?> FILE_REVISION_CLASS; static final Method FILE_REVISION_GET_URI_METHOD; static { Class<?> fileRevisionClass = null; Method fileRevisionGetURIMethod = null; Bundle bundle = Platform.getBundle(""); if (bundle != null && (bundle.getState() & (Bundle.ACTIVE | Bundle.STARTING | Bundle.RESOLVED)) != 0) { try { fileRevisionClass = bundle .loadClass(""); fileRevisionGetURIMethod = fileRevisionClass .getMethod("getURI"); } catch (Throwable exeption) { // Ignore any exceptions and assume the class isn't // available. } } FILE_REVISION_CLASS = fileRevisionClass; FILE_REVISION_GET_URI_METHOD = fileRevisionGetURIMethod; } static final String URI_EDITOR_INPUT_CLASSNAME = "org.eclipse.ui.IURIEditorInput"; static final Class<?> URI_EDITOR_INPUT_CLASS; static { Class<?> editorInputClass = null; try { editorInputClass = EclipseUtil.class.getClassLoader().loadClass( URI_EDITOR_INPUT_CLASSNAME); } catch (Throwable exception) { // The class is not available. } URI_EDITOR_INPUT_CLASS = editorInputClass; } public static URI getURI(IEditorInput editorInput) { if (FILE_CLASS != null) { IFile file = (IFile) editorInput.getAdapter(FILE_CLASS); if (file != null) { return URIs.createPlatformResourceURI(file.getFullPath() .toString(), true); } } if (FILE_REVISION_CLASS != null) { Object fileRevision = editorInput.getAdapter(FILE_REVISION_CLASS); if (fileRevision != null) { try { return URIs .createURI((( FILE_REVISION_GET_URI_METHOD .invoke(fileRevision)).toString()); } catch (Throwable exception) { CommonUIPlugin.INSTANCE.log(exception); } } } if (URI_EDITOR_INPUT_CLASS != null && editorInput != null && URI_EDITOR_INPUT_CLASS.isAssignableFrom(editorInput .getClass())) { try { Method getURI = editorInput.getClass().getMethod("getURI"); uri = ( getURI.invoke(editorInput); return URIs.createURI(uri.toString()).trimFragment(); } catch (Exception e) { // Ignore } } return null; } static final String FILE_EDITOR_INPUT_CLASSNAME = "org.eclipse.ui.part.FileEditorInput"; static final Class<?> FILE_EDITOR_INPUT_CLASS; static { Class<?> editorInputClass = null; try { editorInputClass = EclipseUtil.class.getClassLoader().loadClass( FILE_EDITOR_INPUT_CLASSNAME); } catch (Throwable exception) { // The class is not available. } FILE_EDITOR_INPUT_CLASS = editorInputClass; } public static IEditorInput createEditorInput(IFile file) { if (FILE_EDITOR_INPUT_CLASS != null) { try { Constructor<?> init = FILE_EDITOR_INPUT_CLASS .getConstructor(IFile.class); return (IEditorInput) init.newInstance(file); } catch (Exception e) { // Ignore } } return null; } public static IFile getFile(Object datum) { if (datum == null) { return null; } if (datum instanceof IFile) { return (IFile) datum; } else if (FILE_EDITOR_INPUT_CLASS != null && FILE_EDITOR_INPUT_CLASS.isAssignableFrom(datum.getClass())) { try { Method getFile = datum.getClass().getMethod("getFile"); return (IFile) getFile.invoke(datum); } catch (Exception e) { // Ignore } } return null; } public static IRunnableWithProgress createWorkspaceModifyOperation( IRunnableWithProgress runnable) { try { Constructor<?> constructor = EclipseUtil.class .getClassLoader() .loadClass( "org.eclipse.ui.actions.WorkspaceModifyDelegatingOperation") .getConstructor(IRunnableWithProgress.class); return (IRunnableWithProgress) constructor.newInstance(runnable); } catch (Exception e) { // class not found } return runnable; } }