package; import java.util.Set; import java.util.UUID; import retrofit.http.Body; import retrofit.http.DELETE; import retrofit.http.GET; import retrofit.http.POST; import retrofit.http.PUT; import retrofit.http.Path; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import com.kryptnostic.kodex.v1.exceptions.types.BadRequestException; /** * RESTful API for adding, modifying, and removing users on the Kryptnostic platform. * * @author Nick Hewitt * @author Matthew Tamayo-Rios <> * */ public interface UserDirectoryApi { public static final String CONTROLLER = "/directory"; public static final String ID = "id"; public static final String EMAIL = "email"; public static final String REALM = "realm"; public static final String USERNAME = "username"; public static final String DISCOVERY = "/discovery"; public static final String USER = "/user"; public static final String USERS = "/users"; public static final String RESET = "/reset"; public static final String ID_PATH = "/{" + ID + "}"; public static final String ID_WITH_DOT = "/{" + ID + ":.+}"; public static final String REALM_PATH = "/{" + REALM + "}"; public static final String USERNAME_PATH = "/{" + USERNAME + "}"; public static final String EMAIL_PATH = "/" + EMAIL + "/{" + EMAIL + "}"; // +EMAIL needed to // disambiguate from get user public static final String EMAIL_PATH_WITH_DOT = "/" + EMAIL + "/{" + EMAIL + ":.+}"; /** * Get the account details for a given user. * * @param userId String form of reserved {@link UUID} * @return The user */ @GET( CONTROLLER + USER + ID_PATH ) Optional<User> getUser( @Path( ID ) UUID userId ); // developer /** * Get the account details for a set of users. * * @param userIds Set of UUIDs * @return The users */ @POST( CONTROLLER + USERS ) Set<User> getUsers( @Body Set<UUID> userIds ); // developer /** * Delete a specific user, removing it from the directory. * * @param userId the user id of the user to be deleted. * @return the UUID of the user deleted if any. * @throws RealmMismatchException */ @DELETE( CONTROLLER + USER + ID_PATH ) Optional<UUID> deleteUser( @Path( ID ) UUID userId ) throws RealmMismatchException; // developer /** * Allows resolving an e-mail to a UUID. This is an open API. * * @param email * @return */ @GET( CONTROLLER + USER + EMAIL_PATH ) Optional<UUID> resolve( @Path( EMAIL ) String email ); /** * This API resets the users authenticator. It does not impact key information. * * @param userKey * @param newPassword * @return * @throws UserUpdateException * @throws ReservationTakenException * @throws BadRequestException * @throws MailException */ @PUT( CONTROLLER + USER + ID_PATH ) Optional<UUID> resetPassword( @Path( ID ) UUID userKey, @Body String newPassword ) throws UserUpdateException, ReservationTakenException, BadRequestException, MailException; /** * Allows discovering contacts by e-mail or name search. * * @param request E-mail and name search terms. * @return Scored soundex, metaphone, and exact match search results on name and e-mail as specified in the request. */ @POST( CONTROLLER + DISCOVERY ) ContactDiscoveryResponse discover( ContactDiscoveryRequest request ); }