package; /** * Abstract base type for {@link uk.kludje.Meta}. * Exposed for custom implementations. * * @param <T> the class type that possesses the properties * @param <PGL> this type */ @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public abstract class PropertyGetterList<T, PGL extends PropertyGetterList<T, PGL>> { protected abstract PGL newInstance(PGL old, String name, TypedProperty getter); public abstract int size(); public abstract String nameAt(int index); public abstract TypedProperty propertyAt(int index); public PGL namedObject(String name, Getter<T> getter) { return newInstance((PGL) this, name, getter); } public PGL namedBoolean(String name, BooleanGetter<T> getter) { return newInstance((PGL) this, name, getter); } public PGL namedByte(String name, ByteGetter<T> getter) { return newInstance((PGL) this, name, getter); } /** * @param name a property name for toString() generation; must not be null * @param getter the value retriever * @return a new instance with the property appended */ public PGL namedShort(String name,<T> getter) { return newInstance((PGL) this, name, getter); } /** * @param name a property name for toString() generation; must not be null * @param getter the value retriever * @return a new instance with the property appended */ public PGL namedInt(String name,<T> getter) { return newInstance((PGL) this, name, getter); } /** * @param name a property name for toString() generation; must not be null * @param getter the value retriever * @return a new instance with the property appended */ public PGL namedLong(String name,<T> getter) { return newInstance((PGL) this, name, getter); } /** * @param name a property name for toString() generation; must not be null * @param getter the value retriever * @return a new instance with the property appended */ public PGL namedFloat(String name,<T> getter) { return newInstance((PGL) this, name, getter); } /** * @param name a property name for toString() generation; must not be null * @param getter the value retriever * @return a new instance with the property appended */ public PGL namedDouble(String name,<T> getter) { return newInstance((PGL) this, name, getter); } /** * @param name a property name for toString() generation; must not be null * @param getter the value retriever * @return a new instance with the property appended */ public PGL namedChar(String name,<T> getter) { return newInstance((PGL) this, name, getter); } /** * Use to specify properties of type object checked should be considered by this type. * <p> * Do not use this method for primitive properties - alternatives have been provided. * <p> * This method does not mutate the instance; it returns a new one. * * @param getters a vararg array of non-null getters * @return a new instance */ @SafeVarargs public final PGL objects(<T>... getters) { PGL result = (PGL) this; for (<T> g : getters) { result = newInstance(result, "", g); } return result; } @SafeVarargs public final PGL booleans(<T>... getters) { PGL result = (PGL) this; for (<T> g : getters) { result = newInstance(result, "", g); } return result; } @SafeVarargs public final PGL chars(<T>... getters) { PGL result = (PGL) this; for (<T> g : getters) { result = newInstance(result, "", g); } return result; } @SafeVarargs public final PGL bytes(<T>... getters) { PGL result = (PGL) this; for (<T> g : getters) { result = newInstance(result, "", g); } return result; } @SafeVarargs public final PGL shorts(<T>... getters) { PGL result = (PGL) this; for (<T> g : getters) { result = newInstance(result, "", g); } return result; } @SafeVarargs public final PGL ints(<T>... getters) { PGL result = (PGL) this; for (<T> g : getters) { result = newInstance(result, "", g); } return result; } @SafeVarargs public final PGL longs(<T>... getters) { PGL result = (PGL) this; for (<T> g : getters) { result = newInstance(result, "", g); } return result; } @SafeVarargs public final PGL floats(<T>... getters) { PGL result = (PGL) this; for (<T> g : getters) { result = newInstance(result, "", g); } return result; } @SafeVarargs public final PGL doubles(<T>... getters) { PGL result = (PGL) this; for (<T> g : getters) { result = newInstance(result, "", g); } return result; } }