/* * Copyright 2016 Red Hat, Inc. and/or its affiliates * and other contributors as indicated by the @author tags. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package org.keycloak.authentication.authenticators.browser; import org.jboss.logging.Logger; import org.keycloak.Config; import org.keycloak.authentication.Authenticator; import org.keycloak.authentication.AuthenticatorFactory; import org.keycloak.common.Profile; import org.keycloak.common.util.StreamUtil; import org.keycloak.models.AuthenticationExecutionModel; import org.keycloak.models.KeycloakSession; import org.keycloak.models.KeycloakSessionFactory; import org.keycloak.provider.EnvironmentDependentProviderFactory; import org.keycloak.provider.ProviderConfigProperty; import java.io.IOException; import java.util.List; import static java.util.Arrays.asList; import static org.keycloak.authentication.authenticators.browser.ScriptBasedAuthenticator.SCRIPT_CODE; import static org.keycloak.authentication.authenticators.browser.ScriptBasedAuthenticator.SCRIPT_DESCRIPTION; import static org.keycloak.authentication.authenticators.browser.ScriptBasedAuthenticator.SCRIPT_NAME; import static org.keycloak.provider.ProviderConfigProperty.SCRIPT_TYPE; import static org.keycloak.provider.ProviderConfigProperty.STRING_TYPE; /** * An {@link AuthenticatorFactory} for {@link ScriptBasedAuthenticator}s. * * @author <a href="mailto:thomas.darimont@gmail.com">Thomas Darimont</a> */ public class ScriptBasedAuthenticatorFactory implements AuthenticatorFactory, EnvironmentDependentProviderFactory { private static final Logger LOGGER = Logger.getLogger(ScriptBasedAuthenticatorFactory.class); public static final String PROVIDER_ID = "auth-script-based"; static final AuthenticationExecutionModel.Requirement[] REQUIREMENT_CHOICES = { AuthenticationExecutionModel.Requirement.REQUIRED, AuthenticationExecutionModel.Requirement.OPTIONAL, AuthenticationExecutionModel.Requirement.DISABLED}; static final ScriptBasedAuthenticator SINGLETON = new ScriptBasedAuthenticator(); @Override public Authenticator create(KeycloakSession session) { /* would be great to have the actual authenticatorId here in order to initialize the authenticator in the ctor with the appropriate config from session.getContext().getRealm().getAuthenticatorConfigById(authenticatorId); This would help to avoid potentially re-evaluating the provide script multiple times per authenticator execution. */ return SINGLETON; } @Override public void init(Config.Scope config) { //NOOP } @Override public void postInit(KeycloakSessionFactory factory) { //NOOP } @Override public void close() { //NOOP } @Override public String getId() { return PROVIDER_ID; } @Override public String getReferenceCategory() { return "script"; } @Override public boolean isConfigurable() { return true; } @Override public boolean isUserSetupAllowed() { return true; } @Override public AuthenticationExecutionModel.Requirement[] getRequirementChoices() { return REQUIREMENT_CHOICES; } @Override public String getDisplayType() { return "Script"; } @Override public String getHelpText() { return "Script based authentication. Allows to define custom authentication logic via JavaScript."; } @Override public List<ProviderConfigProperty> getConfigProperties() { ProviderConfigProperty name = new ProviderConfigProperty(); name.setType(STRING_TYPE); name.setName(SCRIPT_NAME); name.setLabel("Script Name"); name.setHelpText("The name of the script used to authenticate."); ProviderConfigProperty description = new ProviderConfigProperty(); description.setType(STRING_TYPE); description.setName(SCRIPT_DESCRIPTION); description.setLabel("Script Description"); description.setHelpText("The description of the script used to authenticate."); ProviderConfigProperty script = new ProviderConfigProperty(); script.setType(SCRIPT_TYPE); script.setName(SCRIPT_CODE); script.setLabel("Script Source"); String scriptTemplate = "//enter your script code here"; try { scriptTemplate = StreamUtil.readString(getClass().getResourceAsStream("/scripts/authenticator-template.js")); } catch (IOException ioe) { LOGGER.warn(ioe); } script.setDefaultValue(scriptTemplate); script.setHelpText("The script used to authenticate. Scripts must at least define a function with the name 'authenticate(context)' that accepts a context (AuthenticationFlowContext) parameter.\n" + "This authenticator exposes the following additional variables: 'script', 'realm', 'user', 'session', 'httpRequest', 'LOG'"); return asList(name, description, script); } @Override public boolean isSupported() { return Profile.isFeatureEnabled(Profile.Feature.SCRIPTS); } }