package netflix.karyon.transport.interceptor; import; import netflix.karyon.transport.RequestRouter; import rx.Observable; import rx.Subscriber; import rx.subscriptions.SerialSubscription; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; /** * A utility class to execute a chain of interceptors defined by {@link InterceptorSupport} * * @author Nitesh Kant */ public class InterceptorExecutor<I, O, C extends KeyEvaluationContext> { private final List<InterceptorHolder<I, C, InboundInterceptor<I, O>>> allIn; private final List<InterceptorHolder<I, C, OutboundInterceptor<O>>> allOut; private final Handler<I, O> router; public InterceptorExecutor(AbstractInterceptorSupport<I, O, C, ?, ?> support, Handler<I, O> router) { this.router = router; allIn = support.getInboundInterceptors(); allOut = support.getOutboundInterceptors(); } /** * @deprecated Use {@link #InterceptorExecutor(AbstractInterceptorSupport, Handler)} instead. */ @Deprecated public InterceptorExecutor(AbstractInterceptorSupport<I, O, C, ?, ?> support, final RequestRouter<I, O> router) { this.router = new Handler<I, O>() { @Override public Observable<Void> handle(I input, O output) { return router.route(input, output); } }; allIn = support.getInboundInterceptors(); allOut = support.getOutboundInterceptors(); } /** * Executes the interceptor chain for the passed request and response. * * @param request Request to be executed. * @param response Response to be populated. * @param keyEvaluationContext The context for {@link InterceptorKey} evaluation. * * @return The final result of execution after executing all the inbound and outbound interceptors and the router. */ public Observable<Void> execute(final I request, final O response, C keyEvaluationContext) { final ExecutionContext context = new ExecutionContext(request, keyEvaluationContext); InboundInterceptor<I, O> nextIn = context.nextIn(request); Observable<Void> startingPoint; if (null != nextIn) { startingPoint =, response); } else if (context.invokeRouter()){ startingPoint = router.handle(request, response); } else { return Observable.error(new IllegalStateException("No router defined.")); // No router defined. } return startingPoint.lift(new Observable.Operator<Void, Void>() { @Override public Subscriber<? super Void> call(Subscriber<? super Void> child) { SerialSubscription subscription = new SerialSubscription(); ChainSubscriber chainSubscriber = new ChainSubscriber(subscription, context, request, response, child); subscription.set(chainSubscriber); child.add(subscription); return chainSubscriber; } }); } private enum NextExecutionState { NotStarted, NextInHolder, NextInInterceptor, Router, NextOutInterceptor, End} private class ExecutionContext { private final C keyEvaluationContext; private NextExecutionState nextExecutionState = NextExecutionState.NotStarted; /** * This list is eagerly created by evaluating keys of all out interceptors as we do not want to hold the * request (for key evaluation) till the outbound interceptor execution starts. */ private List<OutboundInterceptor<O>> applicableOutInterceptors; private int currentHolderIndex; private int currentInterceptorIndex; public ExecutionContext(I request, C keyEvaluationContext) { this.keyEvaluationContext = keyEvaluationContext; applicableOutInterceptors = new ArrayList<OutboundInterceptor<O>>(); // Execution is not multi-threaded. for (InterceptorHolder<I, C, OutboundInterceptor<O>> holder : allOut) { switch (keyEvaluationContext.getEvaluationResult(holder.getKey())) { // Result is cached. case Apply: applicableOutInterceptors.addAll(holder.getInterceptors()); break; case Skip: break; case NotExecuted: boolean apply = holder.getKey().apply(request, keyEvaluationContext); keyEvaluationContext.updateKeyEvaluationResult(holder.getKey(), apply); if (apply) { applicableOutInterceptors.addAll(holder.getInterceptors()); } break; } } } public InboundInterceptor<I, O> nextIn(I request) { switch (nextExecutionState) { case NotStarted: nextExecutionState = NextExecutionState.NextInInterceptor; // Index is 0, so we can skip the NextInHolder state. return nextIn(request); case NextInHolder: ++currentHolderIndex; currentInterceptorIndex = 0; nextExecutionState = NextExecutionState.NextInInterceptor; return nextIn(request); case NextInInterceptor: if (currentHolderIndex >= allIn.size()) { nextExecutionState = NextExecutionState.Router; return null; } else { InterceptorHolder<I, C, InboundInterceptor<I, O>> holder = allIn.get( currentHolderIndex); switch (keyEvaluationContext.getEvaluationResult(holder.getKey())) { // Result is cached. case Apply: return returnNextInterceptor(request, holder); case Skip: nextExecutionState = NextExecutionState.NextInHolder; return nextIn(request); case NotExecuted: boolean apply = holder.getKey().apply(request, keyEvaluationContext); keyEvaluationContext.updateKeyEvaluationResult(holder.getKey(), apply); return nextIn(request); } } } return null; } public OutboundInterceptor<O> nextOut() { switch (nextExecutionState) { case NextOutInterceptor: if (currentInterceptorIndex >= applicableOutInterceptors.size()) { nextExecutionState = NextExecutionState.End; return null; } else { return applicableOutInterceptors.get(currentInterceptorIndex++); } } return null; } private InboundInterceptor<I, O> returnNextInterceptor(I request, InterceptorHolder<I, C, InboundInterceptor<I, O>> holder) { List<InboundInterceptor<I, O>> interceptors = holder.getInterceptors(); if (currentInterceptorIndex >= interceptors.size()) { nextExecutionState = NextExecutionState.NextInHolder; return nextIn(request); } return interceptors.get(currentInterceptorIndex++); } public boolean invokeRouter() { if (NextExecutionState.Router == nextExecutionState) { currentHolderIndex = 0; nextExecutionState = NextExecutionState.NextOutInterceptor; return true; } else { return false; } } } private class ChainSubscriber extends Subscriber<Void> { private final SerialSubscription subscription; private final ExecutionContext context; private final I request; private final O response; private final Subscriber<? super Void> child; public ChainSubscriber(SerialSubscription subscription, ExecutionContext context, I request, O response, Subscriber<? super Void> child) { this.subscription = subscription; this.context = context; this.request = request; this.response = response; this.child = child; } @Override public void onCompleted() { InboundInterceptor<I, O> nextIn = context.nextIn(request); OutboundInterceptor<O> nextOut; if (null != nextIn) { Observable<Void> interceptorResult =, response); handleResult(interceptorResult); } else if (context.invokeRouter()) { handleResult(router.handle(request, response)); } else if (null != (nextOut = context.nextOut())) { handleResult(nextOut.out(response)); } else { child.onCompleted(); } } private void handleResult(Observable<Void> aResult) { ChainSubscriber nextSubscriber = new ChainSubscriber(subscription, context, request, response, child); subscription.set(nextSubscriber); aResult.unsafeSubscribe(nextSubscriber); } @Override public void onError(Throwable e) { child.onError(e); } @Override public void onNext(Void aVoid) { child.onNext(aVoid); } } }