/* * To change this license header, choose License Headers in Project Properties. * To change this template file, choose Tools | Templates * and open the template in the editor. */ package se.kth.karamel.backend.converter; import com.google.gson.Gson; import com.google.gson.JsonArray; import com.google.gson.JsonElement; import com.google.gson.JsonObject; import com.google.gson.JsonPrimitive; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import se.kth.karamel.backend.running.model.ClusterRuntime; import se.kth.karamel.backend.running.model.GroupRuntime; import se.kth.karamel.backend.running.model.MachineRuntime; import se.kth.karamel.common.clusterdef.json.JsonCluster; import se.kth.karamel.common.clusterdef.json.JsonCookbook; import se.kth.karamel.common.clusterdef.json.JsonGroup; import se.kth.karamel.common.clusterdef.json.JsonRecipe; import se.kth.karamel.common.util.Settings; import se.kth.karamel.common.exception.KaramelException; /** * * @author kamal */ public class ChefJsonGenerator { /** * Generates all purge chef-jsons per machine&purge pair through the following steps: * 1. root-json: makes an empty json object as root * 2. group-jsons: per group in the cluster clones a new json from the root json * 2.1 all cookbooks' attributes: adds all attributes related to all cookbooks in that group * 2.2 purge-json: clones the group-json and adds machine-ips and run-list for that recipe * 2.3 returns all generated jsons for all machine-cookbook-purge combination * * @param definition * @param clusterEntity * @return map of machineId-recipeName->json */ public static Map<String, JsonObject> generateClusterChefJsonsForPurge(JsonCluster definition, ClusterRuntime clusterEntity) throws KaramelException { Map<String, JsonObject> chefJsons = new HashMap<>(); JsonObject root = new JsonObject(); for (GroupRuntime groupEntity : clusterEntity.getGroups()) { JsonObject clone = cloneJsonObject(root); JsonGroup jsonGroup = UserClusterDataExtractor.findGroup(definition, groupEntity.getName()); //Adding all attribtues to all chef-jsons for (JsonCookbook cb : jsonGroup.getCookbooks()) { addCookbookAttributes(cb, clone); } for (JsonCookbook cb : jsonGroup.getCookbooks()) { Map<String, JsonObject> gj = generatePurgeChefJsons(clone, cb, groupEntity); chefJsons.putAll(gj); } } return chefJsons; } /** * Generates all chef-jsons per machine&recipe pair through the following steps: * 1. root-json: makes an empty json object as root * 2. all-ips: adds all recipe private and public ips into the root json * 3. group-jsons: per group in the cluster clones a new json from the root json * 3.1 all cookbooks' attributes: adds all attributes related to all cookbooks in that group * 3.2 recipe-json: clones the group-json per recipe and adds machine-ips and run-list for that recipe * 3.3 returns all generated jsons for all machine-cookbook-recipe combination * * @param definition * @param clusterEntity * @return map of machineId-recipeName->json */ public static Map<String, JsonObject> generateClusterChefJsonsForInstallation(JsonCluster definition, ClusterRuntime clusterEntity) throws KaramelException { Map<String, JsonObject> chefJsons = new HashMap<>(); JsonObject root = new JsonObject(); aggregateIpAddresses(root, definition, clusterEntity); for (GroupRuntime groupEntity : clusterEntity.getGroups()) { JsonObject clone = cloneJsonObject(root); JsonGroup jsonGroup = UserClusterDataExtractor.findGroup(definition, groupEntity.getName()); //Adding all attribtues to all chef-jsons for (JsonCookbook cb : jsonGroup.getCookbooks()) { addCookbookAttributes(cb, clone); } for (JsonCookbook cb : jsonGroup.getCookbooks()) { Map<String, JsonObject> gj = generateRecipesChefJsons(clone, cb, groupEntity); chefJsons.putAll(gj); } } return chefJsons; } /** * For a specific cookbook, generates chef-json of purge for all the combinations of machine-purge. * @param json * @param cb * @param groupEntity * @return * @throws KaramelException */ public static Map<String, JsonObject> generatePurgeChefJsons(JsonObject json, JsonCookbook cb, GroupRuntime groupEntity) throws KaramelException { Map<String, JsonObject> groupJsons = new HashMap<>(); for (MachineRuntime me : groupEntity.getMachines()) { String purgeRecipeName = cb.getName() + Settings.COOKBOOK_DELIMITER + Settings.PURGE_RECIPE; JsonObject clone = addMachineNRecipeToJson(json, me, purgeRecipeName); groupJsons.put(me.getId() + purgeRecipeName, clone); } return groupJsons; } /** * For a specific cookbook, generates all chef-jsons for all the combinations of machine-recipe. * @param json * @param cb * @param groupEntity * @return * @throws KaramelException */ public static Map<String, JsonObject> generateRecipesChefJsons(JsonObject json, JsonCookbook cb, GroupRuntime groupEntity) throws KaramelException { Map<String, JsonObject> groupJsons = new HashMap<>(); for (MachineRuntime me : groupEntity.getMachines()) { for (JsonRecipe recipe : cb.getRecipes()) { JsonObject clone = addMachineNRecipeToJson(json, me, recipe.getCanonicalName()); groupJsons.put(me.getId() + recipe.getCanonicalName(), clone); } String installRecipeName = cb.getName() + Settings.COOKBOOK_DELIMITER + Settings.INSTALL_RECIPE; JsonObject clone = addMachineNRecipeToJson(json, me, installRecipeName); groupJsons.put(me.getId() + installRecipeName, clone); } return groupJsons; } public static JsonObject addMachineNRecipeToJson(JsonObject json, MachineRuntime me, String recipeName) { JsonObject clone = cloneJsonObject(json); addMachineIps(clone, me); addRunListForRecipe(clone, recipeName); return clone; } /** * Takes a machine-specific json with a recipe-name that has to be run on that machine, it then generates * the run_list section into the json with the recipe-name. * @param chefJson * @param recipeName */ public static void addRunListForRecipe(JsonObject chefJson, String recipeName) { JsonArray jarr = new JsonArray(); jarr.add(new JsonPrimitive(recipeName)); chefJson.add(Settings.REMOTE_CHEFJSON_RUNLIST_TAG, jarr); } /** * It takes a machine-specfic json and adds private_ips and public_ips into it. * @param json * @param machineEntity */ public static void addMachineIps(JsonObject json, MachineRuntime machineEntity) { JsonArray ips = new JsonArray(); ips.add(new JsonPrimitive(machineEntity.getPrivateIp())); json.add("private_ips", ips); ips = new JsonArray(); ips.add(new JsonPrimitive(machineEntity.getPublicIp())); json.add("public_ips", ips); } /** * It adds those attributes related to one cookbook into the json object. * For example [ndb/ports=[123, 134, 145], ndb/DataMemory=111] * @param jc * @param root */ public static void addCookbookAttributes(JsonCookbook jc, JsonObject root) { Set<Map.Entry<String, Object>> entrySet = jc.getAttrs().entrySet(); for (Map.Entry<String, Object> entry : entrySet) { String[] keyComps = entry.getKey().split(Settings.ATTR_DELIMITER); Object value = entry.getValue(); // Object value = valStr; // if (valStr.startsWith("$")) { // if (valStr.contains(".")) { // value = cluster.getVariable(valStr.substring(1)); // } else { // value = getVariable(valStr.substring(1)); // } // } JsonObject o1 = root; for (int i = 0; i < keyComps.length; i++) { String comp = keyComps[i]; if (i == keyComps.length - 1) { if (value instanceof Collection) { JsonArray jarr = new JsonArray(); for (Object valElem : ((Collection) value)) { jarr.add(new JsonPrimitive(valElem.toString())); } o1.add(comp, jarr); } else { o1.addProperty(comp, value.toString()); } } else { JsonElement o2 = o1.get(comp); if (o2 == null) { JsonObject o3 = new JsonObject(); o1.add(comp, o3); o1 = o3; } else { o1 = o2.getAsJsonObject(); } } } } } /** * Adds private_ips and public_ips of all machines per each recipe as an attribute. * For example * hadoop::dn/private_ips: [,] * hadoop::dn/public_ips: [,] * install recipes are ignored here * @param json * @param definition * @param clusterEntity */ public static void aggregateIpAddresses(JsonObject json, JsonCluster definition, ClusterRuntime clusterEntity) { Map<String, Set<String>> privateIps = new HashMap<>(); Map<String, Set<String>> publicIps = new HashMap<>(); for (GroupRuntime ge : clusterEntity.getGroups()) { JsonGroup jg = UserClusterDataExtractor.findGroup(definition, ge.getName()); for (MachineRuntime me : ge.getMachines()) { for (JsonCookbook jc : jg.getCookbooks()) { for (JsonRecipe recipe : jc.getRecipes()) { if (!recipe.getCanonicalName().endsWith(Settings.COOKBOOK_DELIMITER + Settings.INSTALL_RECIPE)) { String privateAttr = recipe.getCanonicalName() + Settings.ATTR_DELIMITER + Settings.REMOTE_CHEFJSON_PRIVATEIPS_TAG; String publicAttr = recipe.getCanonicalName() + Settings.ATTR_DELIMITER + Settings.REMOTE_CHEFJSON_PUBLICIPS_TAG; if (!privateIps.containsKey(privateAttr)) { privateIps.put(privateAttr, new HashSet<String>()); publicIps.put(publicAttr, new HashSet<String>()); } privateIps.get(privateAttr).add(me.getPrivateIp()); publicIps.get(publicAttr).add(me.getPublicIp()); } } } } } attr2Json(json, privateIps); attr2Json(json, publicIps); } /** * It converts attributes into the json format and adds them into the root json object. * For example hadoop::dn/private_ips: [,] is converted into * {"hadoop":{"dn":{"private_ips":["", ""]}}} * @param root * @param attrs */ public static void attr2Json(JsonObject root, Map<String, Set<String>> attrs) { Set<Map.Entry<String, Set<String>>> entrySet = attrs.entrySet(); for (Map.Entry<String, Set<String>> entry : entrySet) { String[] keyComps = entry.getKey().split(Settings.COOKBOOK_DELIMITER + "|" + Settings.ATTR_DELIMITER); JsonObject o1 = root; for (int i = 0; i < keyComps.length; i++) { String comp = keyComps[i]; if (i == keyComps.length - 1) { JsonArray jarr = new JsonArray(); for (Object valElem : entry.getValue()) { jarr.add(new JsonPrimitive(valElem.toString())); } o1.add(comp, jarr); } else { JsonElement o2 = o1.get(comp); if (o2 == null) { JsonObject o3 = new JsonObject(); o1.add(comp, o3); o1 = o3; } else { o1 = o2.getAsJsonObject(); } } } } } public static JsonObject cloneJsonObject(JsonObject jo) { Gson gson = new Gson(); JsonElement jelem = gson.fromJson(jo.toString(), JsonElement.class); JsonObject clone = jelem.getAsJsonObject(); return clone; } }