/* * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more * contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership. * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0 * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with * the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package org.apache.karaf.features.internal.service; import java.io.IOException; import java.io.InputStream; import java.io.OutputStream; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import org.apache.felix.utils.manifest.Clause; import org.apache.felix.utils.manifest.Parser; import org.apache.karaf.features.internal.resolver.ResourceBuilder; import org.junit.Before; import org.junit.Test; import org.osgi.framework.BundleException; import org.osgi.resource.Resource; import static org.apache.karaf.features.internal.resolver.ResourceUtils.getUri; import static org.junit.Assert.assertEquals; import static org.junit.Assert.assertNotNull; public class OverridesTest { private String bsn = "bsn"; private Resource b100; private Resource b101; private Resource b102; private Resource b110; private Resource c100; private Resource c101; private Resource c110; @Before public void setUp() throws BundleException { b100 = resource("karaf-100.jar") .set("Bundle-SymbolicName", bsn) .set("Bundle-Version", "1.0.0") .build(); b101 = resource("karaf-101.jar") .set("Bundle-SymbolicName", bsn) .set("Bundle-Version", "1.0.1") .build(); b102 = resource("karaf-102.jar") .set("Bundle-SymbolicName", bsn) .set("Bundle-Version", "1.0.2") .build(); b110 = resource("karaf-110.jar") .set("Bundle-SymbolicName", bsn) .set("Bundle-Version", "1.1.0") .build(); c100 = resource("karafc-100.jar") .set("Bundle-SymbolicName", bsn) .set("Bundle-Version", "1.0.0") .set("Bundle-Vendor", "Apache") .build(); c101 = resource("karafc-101.jar") .set("Bundle-SymbolicName", bsn) .set("Bundle-Version", "1.0.1") .set("Bundle-Vendor", "NotApache") .build(); c110 = resource("karafc-110.jar") .set("Bundle-SymbolicName", bsn) .set("Bundle-Version", "1.1.0") .set("Bundle-Vendor", "NotApache") .build(); } @Test public void testDifferentVendors() throws IOException { Map<String, Resource> map = asResourceMap(c100, c101, c110); assertEquals(c100, map.get(getUri(c100))); Overrides.override(map, Arrays.asList(getUri(c101), getUri(c110))); assertEquals(c101, map.get(getUri(c100))); } @Test public void testMatching101() throws IOException { Map<String, Resource> map = asResourceMap(b100, b101, b110); assertEquals(b100, map.get(getUri(b100))); Overrides.override(map, Arrays.asList(getUri(b101), getUri(b110))); assertEquals(b101, map.get(getUri(b100))); } @Test public void testMatching102() throws IOException { Map<String, Resource> map = asResourceMap(b100, b101, b102, b110); assertEquals(b100, map.get(getUri(b100))); Overrides.override(map, Arrays.asList(getUri(b101), getUri(b102), getUri(b110))); assertEquals(b102, map.get(getUri(b100))); } @Test public void testMatchingRange() throws IOException { Map<String, Resource> map = asResourceMap(b100, b101, b110); assertEquals(b100, map.get(getUri(b100))); Overrides.override(map, Arrays.asList(getUri(b101), getUri(b110) + ";range=\"[1.0, 2.0)\"")); assertEquals(b110, map.get(getUri(b100))); } @Test public void testNotMatching() throws IOException { Map<String, Resource> map = asResourceMap(b100, b110); assertEquals(b100, map.get(getUri(b100))); Overrides.override(map, Arrays.asList(getUri(b110))); assertEquals(b100, map.get(getUri(b100))); } @Test public void testLoadOverrides() { Set<String> overrides = Overrides.loadOverrides(getClass().getResource("overrides.properties").toExternalForm()); assertEquals(2, overrides.size()); Clause karafAdminCommand = null; Clause karafAdminCore = null; for (Clause clause : Parser.parseClauses(overrides.toArray(new String[overrides.size()]))) { if (clause.getName().equals("mvn:org.apache.karaf.admin/org.apache.karaf.admin.command/2.3.0.redhat-61033X")) { karafAdminCommand = clause; } if (clause.getName().equals("mvn:org.apache.karaf.admin/org.apache.karaf.admin.core/2.3.0.redhat-61033X")) { karafAdminCore = clause; } } assertNotNull("Missing admin.command bundle override", karafAdminCommand); assertNotNull("Missing admin.core bundle override", karafAdminCore); assertNotNull("Missing range on admin.core override", karafAdminCore.getAttribute(Overrides.OVERRIDE_RANGE)); } static Builder resource(String uri) { return new Builder(uri); } static Map<String, Resource> asResourceMap(Resource... resources) { Map<String, Resource> map = new HashMap<String, Resource>(); for (Resource resource : resources) { map.put(getUri(resource), resource); } return map; } static class Builder { String uri; Map<String,String> headers = new HashMap<String,String>(); Builder(String uri) { this.uri = uri; this.headers.put("Bundle-ManifestVersion", "2"); } Builder set(String key, String value) { this.headers.put(key, value); return this; } Resource build() throws BundleException { return ResourceBuilder.build(uri, headers); } } }