package org.kalipo.agent; import org.apache.commons.lang.BooleanUtils; import org.joda.time.DateTime; import org.kalipo.aop.KalipoExceptionHandler; import org.kalipo.domain.Comment; import org.kalipo.domain.Site; import org.kalipo.domain.Thread; import org.kalipo.domain.User; import org.kalipo.repository.CommentRepository; import org.kalipo.repository.SiteRepository; import org.kalipo.repository.ThreadRepository; import org.kalipo.service.NotificationService; import org.kalipo.service.UserService; import org.kalipo.service.WebSocketService; import org.kalipo.service.util.NumUtils; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import; import; import; import org.springframework.scheduling.annotation.Scheduled; import org.springframework.stereotype.Service; import javax.inject.Inject; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import java.util.function.DoubleFunction; /** * Scheduled jobs for Comment entity */ @SuppressWarnings("unused") @Service @KalipoExceptionHandler public class CommentAgent { private final Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(CommentAgent.class); @Inject private CommentRepository commentRepository; @Inject private SiteRepository siteRepository; @Inject private ThreadRepository threadRepository; @Inject private UserService userService; @Inject private NotificationService notificationService; @Inject private WebSocketService webSocketService; @Scheduled(fixedDelay = 2000) public void setStatusAndQuality() { try { final PageRequest pageable = new PageRequest(0, 50); // todo create SVM with all approved comments Page<Comment> listWithNoneStatus = commentRepository.findByStatus(Comment.Status.NONE, pageable); if (listWithNoneStatus.hasContent()) { /* todo difference between quality and influence? quality: quality of comment refrlecting author and */ // todo use SVM of R to classify spam // List<Comment> approved = commentRepository.findByStatusAndThreadId(Comment.Status.APPROVED, thread.getId()); for (Comment comment : listWithNoneStatus) { Thread thread = threadRepository.findOne(comment.getThreadId()); Site site = siteRepository.findOne(thread.getSiteId()); final String authorId = comment.getAuthorId(); final boolean isSuperMod = userService.isSuperMod(authorId); final boolean isMod = site.getModeratorIds().contains(authorId); User author = userService.findOne(authorId); double innovative = 1d; // todo compare to other approved comments in this thread using SVM // double spam = 0d; double quality = author.getTrustworthiness(); // todo map quality in [0..1] comment.setQuality(quality); // if (spam > 0.8d) { //// comment.setStatus(Comment.Status.SPAM); //"%s creates spam comment %s ", authorId, comment.toString())); // // } else { if (isMod || isSuperMod) { comment.setStatus(Comment.Status.APPROVED); webSocketService.broadcast(comment.getThreadId(), WebSocketService.Type.COMMENT, comment); onApproval(comment);"Auto-approved comment %s cause author is mod", comment.getId())); } else if (quality > 0.5) { Comment.Status status; if (excessiveUpperCase(comment)) { status = Comment.Status.REJECTED; comment.setReviewMsg("Excessive upper-case usage");"Auto-rejected comment %s, due to excessive uppercase usage", comment.getId())); notificationService.announceCommentRejected(comment); } else if (excessiveSpecialChars(comment)) { status = Comment.Status.REJECTED; comment.setReviewMsg("Excessive special-char usage");"Auto-rejected comment %s, due to excessive special chars usage", comment.getId())); notificationService.announceCommentRejected(comment); } else { status = Comment.Status.APPROVED; onApproval(comment);"Auto-approved comment %s, due to good quality %s", comment.getId(), quality)); webSocketService.broadcast(comment.getThreadId(), WebSocketService.Type.COMMENT, comment); } comment.setStatus(status); } else { comment.setStatus(Comment.Status.PENDING);"Pending comment %s (q:%s)", comment.getId(), quality)); notificationService.announcePendingComment(thread, comment); webSocketService.broadcast(comment.getThreadId(), WebSocketService.Type.COMMENT, comment); } }; } } catch (Exception e) { log.error("Influence estimation failed.", e); } } private void onApproval(Comment comment) { final String authorId = getAuthorIdRespectingAnonymity(comment); notificationService.notifyMentionedUsers(comment, authorId); if (comment.getParentId() != null) { notificationService.notifyAuthorOfParent(comment, authorId); } } private String getAuthorIdRespectingAnonymity(Comment comment) { return BooleanUtils.isTrue(comment.getAnonymous()) ? "Anon" : comment.getAuthorId(); } private boolean excessiveSpecialChars(Comment comment) { // todo implement: reject comments only written in UPPER CASE or so return false; } private boolean excessiveUpperCase(Comment comment) { String text = comment.getBody(); long ucCount = text.chars().filter(Character::isUpperCase).count(); int len = text.length(); return len > 20 && ucCount > 15; } @Scheduled(fixedDelay = 5000, initialDelay = 5000) public void estimateCommentsInfluence() { try { /* Notes from "Identifying the Influential Bloggers in a Community" */ // weight incoming final DoubleFunction<Double> w_in = influence -> log(influence) * 1.7; // weight outgoing final DoubleFunction<Double> w_out = influence -> log(influence) * 1.7; // weight dislikes final DoubleFunction<Double> w_dislikes = dislikes -> log(dislikes) * 1.7; // weight likes final DoubleFunction<Double> w_likes = likes -> log(likes) * 1.7; Sort sortByDate = new Sort(Sort.Direction.ASC, "lastModifiedDate"); PageRequest pageable = new PageRequest(0, 10, sortByDate); List<Thread> threads = threadRepository.findByStatus(Thread.Status.OPEN, pageable); for (Thread thread : threads) { thread.setLastModifiedDate(;; Sort sortByLevel = new Sort(Sort.Direction.DESC, "level"); List<Comment> comments = commentRepository.findByThreadId(thread.getId(), sortByLevel); log.debug(String.format("Updating comment-influence of thread %s with %s comments", thread.getId(), comments.size())); // Map<String,Comment> thisComments = new HashMap<>(comments.size() * 2); // comments.forEach(c -> thisComments.put(c.getId(), c)); // id to influence map final Map<String, Double> influenceMap = new HashMap<>(); // todo influence should be calculated in one loop, not several int changed = 0; for (Comment comment : comments) { // = replies Set<Comment> i = commentRepository.findByParentId(comment.getId()); //iota - incoming influence // double transitiveInfluence = w_in.apply(influence_incoming(i, influenceMap));// - w_out.apply(NumUtils.nullToZero(θ == null ? null : θ.getInfluence())); // = parent, linked // Comment θ = comment.getParentId()==null ? null : thisComments.get(comment.getParentId()); //theta - outgoing influence Double i_out = 0d; //w_out.apply(NumUtils.nullToZero(θ == null ? null : θ.getInfluence())); int i_inCount = i.isEmpty() ? 0 : 1 + i.size(); Double i_in = w_in.apply(i_inCount + influence_incoming(i, influenceMap)); double transitiveInfluence = i_in - i_out; // todo include comment.getQuality() double selfInfluence = w_likes.apply(NumUtils.nullToZero(comment.getLikes())) - w_dislikes.apply(NumUtils.nullToZero(comment.getDislikes())); double influence = selfInfluence + transitiveInfluence; influenceMap.put(comment.getId(), influence); if (comment.getInfluence() == null) { changed++; log.debug(String.format("comment %s first influence %s", comment.getId(), influence)); } else if (comment.getInfluence() != influence) { changed++; log.debug(String.format("comment %s changed influence (%s, %s) %s -> %s", comment.getId(), i_out, i_in, comment.getInfluence(), influence)); } comment.setInfluence(influence); } if (changed > 0) { log.debug(String.format("influence changed in %s comments in thread %s", changed, thread.getId()));; } } } catch (Exception e) { log.error("Influence estimation failed.", e); } } private Double influence_incoming(Set<Comment> incoming, Map<String, Double> influenceMap) { if (incoming.isEmpty()) { return 0d; } double total = 0d; for (Comment comment : incoming) { if (influenceMap.containsKey(comment.getId())) { total += influenceMap.get(comment.getId()); } } return total; } private double log(Double num) { return Math.log(Math.max(1, NumUtils.nullToZero(num) + 1)); } }