package org.kairosdb.datastore.h2.orm; import java.util.*; import org.agileclick.genorm.runtime.*; /** This class has been automatically generated by GenORMous. This file should not be modified. */ public class Tag_base extends GenOrmRecord { protected static final Logger s_logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(Tag.class.getName()); public static final String COL_NAME = "name"; public static final String COL_VALUE = "value"; //Change this value to true to turn on warning messages private static final boolean WARNINGS = false; private static final String SELECT = "SELECT this.\"name\", this.\"value\" "; private static final String FROM = "FROM tag this "; private static final String WHERE = "WHERE "; private static final String KEY_WHERE = "WHERE \"name\" = ? AND \"value\" = ?"; public static final String TABLE_NAME = "tag"; public static final int NUMBER_OF_COLUMNS = 2; private static final String s_fieldEscapeString = "\""; public static final GenOrmFieldMeta NAME_FIELD_META = new GenOrmFieldMeta("name", "string", 0, true, false); public static final GenOrmFieldMeta VALUE_FIELD_META = new GenOrmFieldMeta("value", "string", 1, true, false); //=========================================================================== public static TagFactoryImpl factory = new TagFactoryImpl(); public static interface TagFactory extends GenOrmRecordFactory { public boolean delete(String name, String value); public Tag find(String name, String value); public Tag findOrCreate(String name, String value); } public static class TagFactoryImpl //Inherit interfaces implements TagFactory { public static final String CREATE_SQL = "CREATE CACHED TABLE tag (\n \"name\" VARCHAR NOT NULL,\n \"value\" VARCHAR NOT NULL,\n PRIMARY KEY (\"name\", \"value\")\n )"; private ArrayList<GenOrmFieldMeta> m_fieldMeta; private ArrayList<GenOrmConstraint> m_foreignKeyConstraints; protected TagFactoryImpl() { m_fieldMeta = new ArrayList<GenOrmFieldMeta>(); m_fieldMeta.add(NAME_FIELD_META); m_fieldMeta.add(VALUE_FIELD_META); m_foreignKeyConstraints = new ArrayList<GenOrmConstraint>(); } protected Tag newTag(java.sql.ResultSet rs) { Tag rec = new Tag(); ((Tag_base)rec).initialize(rs); return ((Tag)GenOrmDataSource.getGenOrmConnection().getUniqueRecord(rec)); } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** Returns a list of the feild meta for the class that this is a factory of */ public List<GenOrmFieldMeta> getFields() { return (m_fieldMeta); } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** Returns a list of foreign key constraints */ public List<GenOrmConstraint> getForeignKeyConstraints() { return (m_foreignKeyConstraints); } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** Returns the SQL create statement for this table */ public String getCreateStatement() { return (CREATE_SQL); } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** Creates a new entry with the specified primary keys. */ public Tag create(String name, String value) { Tag rec = new Tag(); rec.m_isNewRecord = true; ((Tag_base)rec).setName(name); ((Tag_base)rec).setValue(value); return ((Tag)GenOrmDataSource.getGenOrmConnection().getUniqueRecord(rec)); } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** Creates a new entry that is empty */ public Tag createRecord() { Tag rec = new Tag(); rec.m_isNewRecord = true; return ((Tag)GenOrmDataSource.getGenOrmConnection().getUniqueRecord(rec)); } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** If the table has a primary key that has a key generator this method will return a new table entry with a generated primary key. @return Tag with generated primary key */ public Tag createWithGeneratedKey() { throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Tag does not support a generated primary key"); } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** A generic api for finding a record. @param keys This must match the primary key for this record. If the record has multiple primary keys this parameter must be of type Object[] where each element is the corresponding key. @return Tag or null if no record is found */ public Tag findRecord(Object keys) { Object[] kArr = (Object[])keys; return (find((String)kArr[0], (String)kArr[1])); } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** Deletes the record with the specified primary keys. The point of this api is to prevent a hit on the db to see if the record is there. This call will add a record to the next transaction that is marked for delete. @return Returns true if the record was previous created and existed either in the transaction cache or the db. */ public boolean delete(String name, String value) { boolean ret = false; Tag rec = new Tag(); ((Tag_base)rec).initialize(name, value); GenOrmConnection con = GenOrmDataSource.getGenOrmConnection(); Tag cachedRec = (Tag)con.getCachedRecord(rec.getRecordKey()); if (cachedRec != null) { ret = true; cachedRec.delete(); } else { rec = (Tag)con.getUniqueRecord(rec); //This adds the record to the cache rec.delete(); ret = rec.flush(); rec.setIgnored(true); //So the system does not try to delete it again at commmit } return (ret); } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** Find the record with the specified primary keys @return Tag or null if no record is found */ public Tag find(String name, String value) { Tag rec = new Tag(); //Create temp object and look in cache for it ((Tag_base)rec).initialize(name, value); rec = (Tag)GenOrmDataSource.getGenOrmConnection().getCachedRecord(rec.getRecordKey()); java.sql.PreparedStatement genorm_statement = null; java.sql.ResultSet genorm_rs = null; if (rec == null) { try { //No cached object so look in db genorm_statement = GenOrmDataSource.prepareStatement(SELECT+FROM+KEY_WHERE); genorm_statement.setString(1, name); genorm_statement.setString(2, value); s_logger.debug(genorm_statement.toString()); genorm_rs = genorm_statement.executeQuery(); if ( rec = newTag(genorm_rs); } catch (java.sql.SQLException sqle) { throw new GenOrmException(sqle); } finally { try { if (genorm_rs != null) genorm_rs.close(); if (genorm_statement != null) genorm_statement.close(); } catch (java.sql.SQLException sqle2) { throw new GenOrmException(sqle2); } } } return (rec); } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** This is the same as find except if the record returned is null a new one is created with the specified primary keys @return A new or existing record. */ public Tag findOrCreate(String name, String value) { Tag rec = find(name, value); if (rec == null) rec = create(name, value); return (rec); } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** Convenience method for selecting records. Ideally this should not be use, instead a custom query for this table should be used. @param where sql where statement. */ public ResultSet select(String where) { return (select(where, null)); } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** Convenience method for selecting records. Ideally this should not be use, instead a custom query for this table should be used. @param where sql where statement. @param orderBy sql order by statement */ public ResultSet select(String where, String orderBy) { ResultSet rs = null; java.sql.Statement stmnt = null; try { stmnt = GenOrmDataSource.createStatement(); StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.append(SELECT); sb.append(FROM); if (where != null) { sb.append(WHERE); sb.append(where); } if (orderBy != null) { sb.append(" "); sb.append(orderBy); } String query = sb.toString(); rs = new SQLResultSet(stmnt.executeQuery(query), query, stmnt); } catch (java.sql.SQLException sqle) { try { if (stmnt != null) stmnt.close(); } catch (java.sql.SQLException sqle2) { } throw new GenOrmException(sqle); } return (rs); } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** Calls all query methods with test parameters. */ public void testQueryMethods() { ResultSet rs; } } //=========================================================================== public static interface ResultSet extends GenOrmResultSet { public ArrayList<Tag> getArrayList(int maxRows); public ArrayList<Tag> getArrayList(); public Tag getRecord(); public Tag getOnlyRecord(); } //=========================================================================== private static class SQLResultSet implements ResultSet { private java.sql.ResultSet m_resultSet; private java.sql.Statement m_statement; private String m_query; private boolean m_onFirstResult; //------------------------------------------------------------------------ protected SQLResultSet(java.sql.ResultSet resultSet, String query, java.sql.Statement statement) { m_resultSet = resultSet; m_statement = statement; m_query = query; m_onFirstResult = false; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------ /** Closes any underlying java.sql.Result set and java.sql.Statement that was used to create this results set. */ public void close() { try { m_resultSet.close(); m_statement.close(); } catch (java.sql.SQLException sqle) { throw new GenOrmException(sqle); } } //------------------------------------------------------------------------ /** Returns the reults as an ArrayList of Record objects. The Result set is closed within this call @param maxRows if the result set contains more than this param then an exception is thrown */ public ArrayList<Tag> getArrayList(int maxRows) { ArrayList<Tag> results = new ArrayList<Tag>(); int count = 0; try { if (m_onFirstResult) { count ++; results.add(factory.newTag(m_resultSet)); } while ( && (count < maxRows)) { count ++; results.add(factory.newTag(m_resultSet)); } if ( throw new GenOrmException("Bound of "+maxRows+" is too small for query ["+m_query+"]"); } catch (java.sql.SQLException sqle) { sqle.printStackTrace(); throw new GenOrmException(sqle); } close(); return (results); } //------------------------------------------------------------------------ /** Returns the reults as an ArrayList of Record objects. The Result set is closed within this call */ public ArrayList<Tag> getArrayList() { ArrayList<Tag> results = new ArrayList<Tag>(); try { if (m_onFirstResult) results.add(factory.newTag(m_resultSet)); while ( results.add(factory.newTag(m_resultSet)); } catch (java.sql.SQLException sqle) { sqle.printStackTrace(); throw new GenOrmException(sqle); } close(); return (results); } //------------------------------------------------------------------------ /** Returns the underlying java.sql.ResultSet object */ public java.sql.ResultSet getResultSet() { return (m_resultSet); } //------------------------------------------------------------------------ /** Returns the current record in the result set */ public Tag getRecord() { return (factory.newTag(m_resultSet)); } //------------------------------------------------------------------------ /** This call expects only one record in the result set. If multiple records are found an excpetion is thrown. The ResultSet object is automatically closed by this call. */ public Tag getOnlyRecord() { Tag ret = null; try { if ( ret = factory.newTag(m_resultSet); if ( throw new GenOrmException("Multiple rows returned in call from Tag.getOnlyRecord"); } catch (java.sql.SQLException sqle) { throw new GenOrmException(sqle); } close(); return (ret); } //------------------------------------------------------------------------ /** Returns true if there is another record in the result set. */ public boolean next() { boolean ret = false; m_onFirstResult = true; try { ret =; } catch (java.sql.SQLException sqle) { throw new GenOrmException(sqle); } return (ret); } } //=========================================================================== private GenOrmString m_name; private GenOrmString m_value; private List<GenOrmRecordKey> m_foreignKeys; public List<GenOrmRecordKey> getForeignKeys() { return (m_foreignKeys); } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** */ public String getName() { return (m_name.getValue()); } public Tag setName(String data) { boolean changed = m_name.setValue(data); //Add the now dirty record to the transaction only if it is not previously dirty if (changed) { if (m_dirtyFlags.isEmpty()) GenOrmDataSource.getGenOrmConnection().addToTransaction(this); m_dirtyFlags.set(NAME_FIELD_META.getDirtyFlag()); if (m_isNewRecord) //Force set the prev value m_name.setPrevValue(data); } return ((Tag)this); } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** */ public String getValue() { return (m_value.getValue()); } public Tag setValue(String data) { boolean changed = m_value.setValue(data); //Add the now dirty record to the transaction only if it is not previously dirty if (changed) { if (m_dirtyFlags.isEmpty()) GenOrmDataSource.getGenOrmConnection().addToTransaction(this); m_dirtyFlags.set(VALUE_FIELD_META.getDirtyFlag()); if (m_isNewRecord) //Force set the prev value m_value.setPrevValue(data); } return ((Tag)this); } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- protected void initialize(String name, String value) { m_name.setValue(name); m_name.setPrevValue(name); m_value.setValue(value); m_value.setPrevValue(value); } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- protected void initialize(java.sql.ResultSet rs) { try { if (s_logger.isDebug()) { java.sql.ResultSetMetaData meta = rs.getMetaData(); for (int I = 1; I <= meta.getColumnCount(); I++) { s_logger.debug("Reading - "+meta.getColumnName(I) +" : "+rs.getString(I)); } } m_name.setValue(rs, 1); m_value.setValue(rs, 2); } catch (java.sql.SQLException sqle) { throw new GenOrmException(sqle); } } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- /*package*/ Tag_base() { super(TABLE_NAME); m_logger = s_logger; m_foreignKeys = new ArrayList<GenOrmRecordKey>(); m_dirtyFlags = new java.util.BitSet(NUMBER_OF_COLUMNS); m_name = new GenOrmString(NAME_FIELD_META); addField(m_name); m_value = new GenOrmString(VALUE_FIELD_META); addField(m_value); GenOrmRecordKey foreignKey; } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- @Override public GenOrmConnection getGenOrmConnection() { return (GenOrmDataSource.getGenOrmConnection()); } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- @Override public String getFieldEscapeString() { return (s_fieldEscapeString); } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- @Override public void setMTS() { } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- @Override public void setCTS() { } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- public String toString() { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.append("name=\""); sb.append(m_name.getValue()); sb.append("\" "); sb.append("value=\""); sb.append(m_value.getValue()); sb.append("\" "); return (sb.toString().trim()); } //=========================================================================== }