/**************************************************************** * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one * * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file * * distributed with this work for additional information * * regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file * * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the * * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance * * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, * * software distributed under the License is distributed on an * * "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY * * KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the * * specific language governing permissions and limitations * * under the License. * ****************************************************************/ package org.apache.james.mime4j.stream; import java.io.IOException; import java.io.InputStream; import org.apache.james.mime4j.MimeException; import org.apache.james.mime4j.codec.Base64InputStream; import org.apache.james.mime4j.codec.DecodeMonitor; import org.apache.james.mime4j.codec.QuotedPrintableInputStream; import org.apache.james.mime4j.io.BufferedLineReaderInputStream; import org.apache.james.mime4j.io.LimitedInputStream; import org.apache.james.mime4j.io.LineNumberSource; import org.apache.james.mime4j.io.LineReaderInputStream; import org.apache.james.mime4j.io.LineReaderInputStreamAdaptor; import org.apache.james.mime4j.io.MimeBoundaryInputStream; import org.apache.james.mime4j.util.MimeUtil; public class MimeEntity extends AbstractEntity { private final LineNumberSource lineSource; private final BufferedLineReaderInputStream inbuffer; private int recursionMode; private MimeBoundaryInputStream currentMimePartStream; private LineReaderInputStreamAdaptor dataStream; private byte[] tmpbuf; public MimeEntity( LineNumberSource lineSource, InputStream instream, MutableBodyDescriptor body, int startState, int endState, MimeEntityConfig config, DecodeMonitor monitor) { super(body, startState, endState, config, monitor); this.lineSource = lineSource; this.inbuffer = new BufferedLineReaderInputStream( instream, 4 * 1024, config.getMaxLineLen()); this.dataStream = new LineReaderInputStreamAdaptor( inbuffer, config.getMaxLineLen()); } public MimeEntity( LineNumberSource lineSource, InputStream instream, MutableBodyDescriptor body, int startState, int endState, MimeEntityConfig config) { this(lineSource, instream, body, startState, endState, config, config.isStrictParsing() ? DecodeMonitor.STRICT : DecodeMonitor.SILENT); } public MimeEntity( LineNumberSource lineSource, InputStream instream, MutableBodyDescriptor body) { this(lineSource, instream, body, EntityStates.T_START_MESSAGE, EntityStates.T_END_MESSAGE, new MimeEntityConfig(), DecodeMonitor.SILENT); } public int getRecursionMode() { return recursionMode; } public void setRecursionMode(int recursionMode) { this.recursionMode = recursionMode; } public void stop() { this.inbuffer.truncate(); } @Override protected int getLineNumber() { if (lineSource == null) return -1; else return lineSource.getLineNumber(); } @Override protected LineReaderInputStream getDataStream() { return dataStream; } public EntityStateMachine advance() throws IOException, MimeException { switch (state) { case EntityStates.T_START_MESSAGE: state = EntityStates.T_START_HEADER; break; case EntityStates.T_START_BODYPART: state = EntityStates.T_START_HEADER; break; case EntityStates.T_START_HEADER: case EntityStates.T_FIELD: state = parseField() ? EntityStates.T_FIELD : EntityStates.T_END_HEADER; break; case EntityStates.T_END_HEADER: String mimeType = body.getMimeType(); if (recursionMode == RecursionMode.M_FLAT) { state = EntityStates.T_BODY; } else if (MimeUtil.isMultipart(mimeType)) { state = EntityStates.T_START_MULTIPART; clearMimePartStream(); } else if (recursionMode != RecursionMode.M_NO_RECURSE && MimeUtil.isMessage(mimeType)) { state = EntityStates.T_BODY; return nextMessage(); } else { state = EntityStates.T_BODY; } break; case EntityStates.T_START_MULTIPART: if (dataStream.isUsed()) { advanceToBoundary(); state = EntityStates.T_END_MULTIPART; break; } else { createMimePartStream(); state = EntityStates.T_PREAMBLE; if (!currentMimePartStream.isEmptyStream()) break; // continue to next state } case EntityStates.T_PREAMBLE: // removed specific code. Fallback to T_IN_BODYPART that // better handle missing parts. // Removed the T_IN_BODYPART state (always use T_PREAMBLE) advanceToBoundary(); if (currentMimePartStream.eof() && !currentMimePartStream.isLastPart()) { monitor(Event.MIME_BODY_PREMATURE_END); } else { if (!currentMimePartStream.isLastPart()) { clearMimePartStream(); createMimePartStream(); return nextMimeEntity(); } } clearMimePartStream(); state = EntityStates.T_EPILOGUE; break; case EntityStates.T_EPILOGUE: state = EntityStates.T_END_MULTIPART; break; case EntityStates.T_BODY: case EntityStates.T_END_MULTIPART: state = endState; break; default: if (state == endState) { state = EntityStates.T_END_OF_STREAM; break; } throw new IllegalStateException("Invalid state: " + stateToString(state)); } return null; } private void createMimePartStream() throws MimeException, IOException { String boundary = body.getBoundary(); // TODO move the following lines inside the MimeBoundaryInputStream constructor int bufferSize = 2 * boundary.length(); if (bufferSize < 4096) { bufferSize = 4096; } try { inbuffer.ensureCapacity(bufferSize); currentMimePartStream = new MimeBoundaryInputStream(inbuffer, boundary); } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) { // thrown when boundary is too long throw new MimeException(e.getMessage(), e); } dataStream = new LineReaderInputStreamAdaptor( currentMimePartStream, config.getMaxLineLen()); } private void clearMimePartStream() { currentMimePartStream = null; dataStream = new LineReaderInputStreamAdaptor( inbuffer, config.getMaxLineLen()); } private void advanceToBoundary() throws IOException { if (!dataStream.eof()) { if (tmpbuf == null) { tmpbuf = new byte[2048]; } InputStream instream = getLimitedContentStream(); while (instream.read(tmpbuf)!= -1) { } } } private EntityStateMachine nextMessage() { // optimize nesting of streams returning the "lower" stream instead of // always return dataStream (that would add a LineReaderInputStreamAdaptor in the chain) InputStream instream = currentMimePartStream != null ? currentMimePartStream : inbuffer; instream = decodedStream(instream); return nextMimeEntity(EntityStates.T_START_MESSAGE, EntityStates.T_END_MESSAGE, instream); } private InputStream decodedStream(InputStream instream) { String transferEncoding = body.getTransferEncoding(); if (MimeUtil.isBase64Encoding(transferEncoding)) { instream = new Base64InputStream(instream, monitor); } else if (MimeUtil.isQuotedPrintableEncoded(transferEncoding)) { instream = new QuotedPrintableInputStream(instream, monitor); } return instream; } private EntityStateMachine nextMimeEntity() { return nextMimeEntity(EntityStates.T_START_BODYPART, EntityStates.T_END_BODYPART, currentMimePartStream); } private EntityStateMachine nextMimeEntity(int startState, int endState, InputStream instream) { if (recursionMode == RecursionMode.M_RAW) { RawEntity message = new RawEntity(instream); return message; } else { MimeEntity mimeentity = new MimeEntity( lineSource, instream, body.newChild(), startState, endState, config, monitor); mimeentity.setRecursionMode(recursionMode); return mimeentity; } } private InputStream getLimitedContentStream() { long maxContentLimit = config.getMaxContentLen(); if (maxContentLimit >= 0) { return new LimitedInputStream(dataStream, maxContentLimit); } else { return dataStream; } } /** * @see org.apache.james.mime4j.stream.EntityStateMachine#getContentStream() */ public InputStream getContentStream() { switch (state) { case EntityStates.T_START_MULTIPART: case EntityStates.T_PREAMBLE: case EntityStates.T_EPILOGUE: case EntityStates.T_BODY: return getLimitedContentStream(); default: throw new IllegalStateException("Invalid state: " + stateToString(state)); } } /** * @see org.apache.james.mime4j.stream.EntityStateMachine#getDecodedContentStream() */ public InputStream getDecodedContentStream() throws IllegalStateException { return decodedStream(getContentStream()); } }