// Copyright 2001 Finn Bock package org.python.modules; import java.lang.ref.*; import java.util.*; import org.python.core.*; public class _weakref implements ClassDictInit { static ReferenceQueue referenceQueue = new ReferenceQueue(); static RefReaperThread reaperThread; static Map objects = new HashMap(); public static PyObject ReferenceError = null; static { reaperThread = new RefReaperThread(); reaperThread.setDaemon(true); reaperThread.start(); } /** <i>Internal use only. Do not call this method explicit.</i> */ public static void classDictInit(PyObject dict) throws PyIgnoreMethodTag { ReferenceError = Py.makeClass("ReferenceError", new PyObject[] { Py.RuntimeError }, Py.newJavaCode(_weakref.class, "empty__init__"), Py.None); dict.__setitem__("ReferenceError", ReferenceError); } // An empty __init__ method public static PyObject empty__init__(PyObject[] arg, String[] kws) { PyObject dict = new PyStringMap(); dict.__setitem__("__module__", new PyString("_weakref")); return dict; } public static ReferenceType ref(PyObject object) { GlobalRef gref = mkGlobal(object); ReferenceType ret = (ReferenceType)gref.find(ReferenceType.class); if (ret != null) { return ret; } return new ReferenceType(mkGlobal(object), null); } public static ReferenceType ref(PyObject object, PyObject callback) { return new ReferenceType(mkGlobal(object), callback); } public static ProxyType proxy(PyObject object) { GlobalRef gref = mkGlobal(object); ProxyType ret = (ProxyType)gref.find(ProxyType.class); if (ret != null) { return ret; } if (object.isCallable()) { return new CallableProxyType(mkGlobal(object), null); } else { return new ProxyType(mkGlobal(object), null); } } public static ProxyType proxy(PyObject object, PyObject callback) { if (object.isCallable()) { return new CallableProxyType(mkGlobal(object), callback); } else { return new ProxyType(mkGlobal(object), callback); } } public static int getweakrefcount(PyObject o) { GlobalRef ref = (GlobalRef) objects.get(new GlobalRef(o)); if (ref == null) return 0; return ref.count(); } public static PyList getweakrefs(PyObject o) { GlobalRef ref = (GlobalRef) objects.get(new GlobalRef(o)); if (ref == null) return new PyList(); return ref.refs(); } private static GlobalRef mkGlobal(PyObject object) { GlobalRef ref = (GlobalRef) objects.get(new GlobalRef(object)); if (ref == null) { ref = new GlobalRef(object, referenceQueue); objects.put(ref, ref); } return ref; } static class RefReaperThread extends Thread { RefReaperThread() { super("weakref reaper"); } public void collect() throws InterruptedException { GlobalRef gr = (GlobalRef) referenceQueue.remove(); gr.call(); objects.remove(gr); gr = null; } public void run() { while (true) { try { collect(); } catch (InterruptedException exc) { } } } } public static class GlobalRef extends WeakReference { private Vector references = new Vector(); private int hash; private boolean realHash; // If the hash value was calculated by the underlying object public GlobalRef(PyObject object) { super(object); calcHash(object); } public GlobalRef(PyObject object, ReferenceQueue queue) { super(object, queue); calcHash(object); } /** * Calculate a hash code to use for this object. If the PyObject we're * referencing implements hashCode, we use that value. If not, we use * System.identityHashCode(refedObject). This allows this object to be * used in a Map while allowing Python ref objects to tell if the * hashCode is actually valid for the object. */ private void calcHash (PyObject object) { try { hash = object.hashCode(); realHash = true; } catch (PyException e) { if (Py.matchException(e, Py.TypeError)) { hash = System.identityHashCode(object); } else { throw e; } } } public synchronized void add(AbstractReference ref) { Reference r = new WeakReference(ref); references.addElement(r); } private final AbstractReference getReferenceAt(int idx) { WeakReference wref = (WeakReference) references.elementAt(idx); return (AbstractReference) wref.get(); } /** * Search for a reusable refrence. To be reused, it must be of the * same class and it must not have a callback. */ synchronized AbstractReference find(Class cls) { for (int i = references.size() - 1; i >= 0; i--) { AbstractReference r = getReferenceAt(i); if (r == null) { references.removeElementAt(i); } else if (r.callback == null && r.getClass() == cls) { return r; } } return null; } /** * Call each of the registered references. */ synchronized void call() { for (int i = references.size() - 1; i >= 0; i--) { AbstractReference r = getReferenceAt(i); if (r == null) references.removeElementAt(i); else r.call(); } } synchronized public int count() { for (int i = references.size() - 1; i >= 0; i--) { AbstractReference r = getReferenceAt(i); if (r == null) { references.removeElementAt(i); } } return references.size(); } synchronized public PyList refs() { Vector list = new Vector(); for (int i = references.size() - 1; i >= 0; i--) { AbstractReference r = getReferenceAt(i); if (r == null) references.removeElementAt(i); else list.addElement(r); } return new PyList(list); } /** * Allow GlobalRef's to be used as hashtable keys. */ public boolean equals(Object o) { if (this == o) return true; if (!(o instanceof GlobalRef)) return false; Object t = this.get(); Object u = ((GlobalRef)o).get(); if ((t == null) || (u == null)) return false; if (t == u) return true; return t.equals(u); } /** * Allow GlobalRef's to be used as hashtable keys. */ public int hashCode() { return hash; } } public static abstract class AbstractReference extends PyObject { PyObject callback; protected GlobalRef gref; public AbstractReference(GlobalRef gref, PyObject callback) { this.gref = gref; this.callback = callback; gref.add(this); } void call() { if (callback == null) return; try { callback.__call__(this); } catch (Exception exc) { exc.printStackTrace(); } } protected PyObject py() { PyObject o = (PyObject) gref.get(); if (o == null) { throw new PyException(ReferenceError, "weakly-referenced object no longer exists"); } return o; } public int hashCode() { if (gref.realHash) { return gref.hash; } throw Py.TypeError("unhashable instance"); } public PyObject __eq__(PyObject other) { if (other.getClass() != getClass()) return null; PyObject pythis = (PyObject) gref.get(); PyObject pyother = (PyObject) ((AbstractReference) other). gref.get(); if (pythis == null || pyother == null) return this == other ? Py.One : Py.Zero; return pythis._eq(pyother); } } public static class ReferenceType extends AbstractReference { ReferenceType(GlobalRef gref, PyObject callback) { super(gref, callback); } public PyObject __call__() { return Py.java2py(gref.get()); } public String toString() { String ret = "<weakref " + Py.idstr(this) +";"; PyObject obj = (PyObject) gref.get(); if (obj != null) ret += " to " + obj.safeRepr() + ">"; else ret += " dead>"; return ret; } } public static class ProxyType extends AbstractReference { ProxyType(GlobalRef ref, PyObject callback) { super(ref, callback); } public PyObject __findattr__(String name) { return py().__findattr__(name); } public void __setattr__(String name, PyObject value) { py().__setattr__(name, value); } public void __delattr__(String name) { py().__delattr__(name); } public PyString __str__() { return py().__str__(); } public PyString __hex__() { return py().__hex__(); } public PyString __oct__() { return py().__oct__(); } public PyObject __int__() { return py().__int__(); } public PyFloat __float__() { return py().__float__(); } public PyLong __long__() { return py().__long__(); } public PyComplex __complex__() { return py().__complex__(); } public PyObject __pos__() { return py().__pos__(); } public PyObject __neg__() { return py().__neg__(); } public PyObject __abs__() { return py().__abs__(); } public PyObject __invert__() { return py().__invert__(); } public PyObject __add__(PyObject o) { return py().__add__(o); } public PyObject __radd__(PyObject o) { return py().__radd__(o); } public PyObject __iadd__(PyObject o) { return py().__iadd__(o); } public PyObject __sub__(PyObject o) { return py().__sub__(o); } public PyObject __rsub__(PyObject o) { return py().__rsub__(o); } public PyObject __isub__(PyObject o) { return py().__isub__(o); } public PyObject __mul__(PyObject o) { return py().__mul__(o); } public PyObject __rmul__(PyObject o) { return py().__rmul__(o); } public PyObject __imul__(PyObject o) { return py().__imul__(o); } public PyObject __div__(PyObject o) { return py().__div__(o); } public PyObject __rdiv__(PyObject o) { return py().__rdiv__(o); } public PyObject __idiv__(PyObject o) { return py().__idiv__(o); } public PyObject __mod__(PyObject o) { return py().__mod__(o); } public PyObject __rmod__(PyObject o) { return py().__rmod__(o); } public PyObject __imod__(PyObject o) { return py().__imod__(o); } public PyObject __divmod__(PyObject o) { return py().__divmod__(o); } public PyObject __rdivmod__(PyObject o) { return py().__rdivmod__(o);} public PyObject __pow__(PyObject o) { return py().__pow__(o); } public PyObject __rpow__(PyObject o) { return py().__rpow__(o); } public PyObject __ipow__(PyObject o) { return py().__ipow__(o); } public PyObject __lshift__(PyObject o) { return py().__lshift__(o); } public PyObject __rlshift__(PyObject o) { return py().__rlshift__(o);} public PyObject __ilshift__(PyObject o) { return py().__ilshift__(o);} public PyObject __rshift__(PyObject o) { return py().__rshift__(o); } public PyObject __rrshift__(PyObject o) { return py().__rrshift__(o);} public PyObject __irshift__(PyObject o) { return py().__irshift__(o);} public PyObject __and__(PyObject o) { return py().__and__(o); } public PyObject __rand__(PyObject o) { return py().__rand__(o); } public PyObject __iand__(PyObject o) { return py().__iand__(o); } public PyObject __or__(PyObject o) { return py().__or__(o); } public PyObject __ror__(PyObject o) { return py().__ror__(o); } public PyObject __ior__(PyObject o) { return py().__ior__(o); } public PyObject __xor__(PyObject o) { return py().__xor__(o); } public PyObject __rxor__(PyObject o) { return py().__rxor__(o); } public PyObject __ixor__(PyObject o) { return py().__ixor__(o); } public String toString() { String ret = "<weakref " +Py.idstr(this); PyObject obj = (PyObject) gref.get(); if (obj == null) obj = Py.None; ret += " to " + obj.safeRepr() + " "+ Py.idstr(obj) + ">"; return ret; } } public static class CallableProxyType extends ProxyType { CallableProxyType(GlobalRef ref, PyObject callback) { super(ref, callback); } public PyObject __call__(PyObject[] args, String[] kws) { return py().__call__(args, kws); } } }