package org.jwebsocket.plugins.rpc; import java.lang.reflect.Method; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.List; import javolution.util.FastList; import java.util.Arrays; import junit.framework.Assert; import org.easymock.EasyMock; import org.junit.Before; import org.junit.Test; import org.junit.runner.RunWith; import org.junit.runners.Parameterized; import org.junit.runners.Parameterized.Parameters; import org.jwebsocket.api.WebSocketConnector; import org.jwebsocket.plugins.rpc.util.ServerMethodMatcher; import org.jwebsocket.token.Token; import org.jwebsocket.token.TokenFactory; @RunWith(value=Parameterized.class) public class TestServerMethodMatcher { private WebSocketConnector lWebSocketConnector ; private MethodParametersTuple mMethodParametersTuple ; private String methodCalled ; public TestServerMethodMatcher(MethodParametersTuple aMethodParametersTuple) { mMethodParametersTuple = aMethodParametersTuple ; } @Parameters public static Collection getTestParameters () { List args ; MethodParametersTuple test1 = new MethodParametersTuple("test1", null, null, true) ; args = new FastList(); args.add("aaa"); MethodParametersTuple test2 = new MethodParametersTuple("test1", new Class[] {String.class}, args, true) ; args = new FastList(); args.add("aaa"); List<String> list = new FastList<String>() ; list.add("test"); args.add(list); MethodParametersTuple test3 = new MethodParametersTuple("test1", new Class[] {String.class, List.class}, args, true) ; args = new FastList(); //args.add(EasyMock.createMock(WebSocketConnector.class)); List<List<String>> list2 = new FastList<List<String>>() ; List<String> subList = new FastList<String>(); subList.add("aaa"); subList.add("ooo"); list2.add(subList); list2.add(subList); args.add(list2); args.add(TokenFactory.createToken()); MethodParametersTuple test4 = new MethodParametersTuple("test3", new Class[] {WebSocketConnector.class, List.class, Token.class}, args, true) ; Object[][] data = new Object[][] { { test1 }, { test2 }, { test3 } , { test4 } }; return Arrays.asList(data); } @Before public void init () { lWebSocketConnector = EasyMock.createMock(WebSocketConnector.class); methodCalled = null ; } @Test public void testServerMethodMatcher () { Method lMethod = null; try { lMethod = TestServerMethodMatcher.class.getMethod(mMethodParametersTuple.getMethodName(), mMethodParametersTuple.getMethodArgs()); } catch (SecurityException e) {"SecurityException for method "+mMethodParametersTuple.getMethodName()+" when testing the ServerMethodMatcher"); } catch (NoSuchMethodException e) {" method can't be found when testing the ServerMethodMatcher "+ e); } ServerMethodMatcher lServerMethodMatcher = new ServerMethodMatcher(lMethod, lWebSocketConnector); boolean isMethodMatchingAgainstParameter = lServerMethodMatcher.isMethodMatchingAgainstParameter(mMethodParametersTuple.getArgs()); Assert.assertEquals("method test 1 should match against null parameters", mMethodParametersTuple.getExceptedResult(), isMethodMatchingAgainstParameter); //Assert.assertEquals("not the correct method called", methodCalled, mMethodParametersTuple.getMethodName()); } public void test1 () { methodCalled = "test1"; } public void test1 (String aString) { methodCalled = "test1"; } public void test1 (String aString, List<String> aList) { methodCalled = "test1"; } public void test2 (List<List<String>> aList) { methodCalled = "test2"; } public void test2 (List<List<String>> aList, Token aToken) { methodCalled = "test2"; } public void test3 (WebSocketConnector aWebSocketConnector, List<List<String>> aList, Token aToken) { methodCalled = "test3"; } /** * Test case: store a Method+parameter+an excepted result after calling the serverMethodMather. * @author Quentin Ambard * */ public static class MethodParametersTuple { private String mMethodName; private List mArgs; private boolean mExceptedResult; private Class[] mMethodArgs; MethodParametersTuple (String aMethodName, Class[] aMethodArgs, List aArgs, boolean aExceptedResult) { mMethodName = aMethodName; mArgs = aArgs ; mExceptedResult = aExceptedResult; mMethodArgs = aMethodArgs ; } public String getMethodName() { return mMethodName; } public List getArgs() { return mArgs; } public boolean getExceptedResult() { return mExceptedResult; } public Class[] getMethodArgs() { return mMethodArgs; } } }