package; import de.bechte.junit.runners.context.HierarchicalContextRunner; import org.junit.rules.ExpectedException; import org.junit.*; import org.junit.runner.RunWith; import static org.junit.Assert.assertEquals; import static; @RunWith(HierarchicalContextRunner.class) public class HierarchicalBankTest { private static final double MONEY_DELTA = .00001; @BeforeClass public static void beforeClassFirstLevel() throws Exception { // Silly, just for demonstration, that before class works for the main class System.out.println("Setup Database, etc..."); } @AfterClass public static void afterClassFirstLevel() throws Exception { // Silly, just for demonstration, that after class works for the main class System.out.println("Cleanup Database, etc..."); } private static void assertMoneyEquals(double expected, double actual) { assertEquals(expected, actual, MONEY_DELTA); } public class BankContext { @Before public void setCurrentInterestRate() { Bank.currentInterestRate = 2.75; } @Test public void interestRateIsSet() { // Rather stupid test, but it shows, that tests // on this level get also executed smoothly... assertMoneyEquals(2.75, Bank.currentInterestRate); } public class NewAccountContext { private Account newAccount; @Before public void createNewAccount() throws Exception { newAccount = new Account(); } @Test public void balanceIsZero() throws Exception { assertMoneyEquals(0.0, newAccount.getBalance()); } @Test public void interestRateIsSet() throws Exception { assertMoneyEquals(2.75, newAccount.getInterestRate()); } } public class OldAccountContext { private Account oldAccount; @Before public void createOldAccount() throws Exception { oldAccount = new Account(); } public class AfterInterestRateChangeContext { @Before public void changeInterestRate() { Bank.currentInterestRate = 3.25; } @Test public void shouldHaveOldInterestRate() throws Exception { assertMoneyEquals(2.75, oldAccount.getInterestRate()); } @Test public void newAccountShouldHaveNewInterestRate() throws Exception { Account newAccount = new Account(); assertMoneyEquals(3.25, newAccount.getInterestRate()); } } } public class FailingAndIgnoredTestContext { @Rule public ExpectedException exception = ExpectedException.none(); @Test public void failingTest() throws Exception { fail("I always fail!"); } @Test(expected = Exception.class) public void testExpectingAnException() throws Exception { System.out.println("Should fail without exception!"); } @Test public void testExpectingAnExceptionWithRule() throws Exception { exception.expect(Exception.class); } @Test @Ignore public void ignoredTest() throws Exception { System.out.println("I should never be executed!"); } } } }