/******************************************************************************* * Copyright (c) 2004, 2010 BREDEX GmbH. * All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials * are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0 * which accompanies this distribution, and is available at * http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html * * Contributors: * BREDEX GmbH - initial API and implementation and/or initial documentation *******************************************************************************/ package org.eclipse.jubula.rc.swt.driver; import java.awt.event.InputEvent; import java.awt.image.BufferedImage; import java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException; import java.lang.reflect.Method; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.LinkedList; import java.util.List; import java.util.ListIterator; import java.util.Properties; import java.util.Set; import javax.swing.KeyStroke; import org.apache.commons.lang.ArrayUtils; import org.apache.commons.lang.Validate; import org.eclipse.jubula.rc.common.AUTServer; import org.eclipse.jubula.rc.common.driver.ClickOptions; import org.eclipse.jubula.rc.common.driver.ClickOptions.ClickModifier; import org.eclipse.jubula.rc.common.driver.IEventMatcher; import org.eclipse.jubula.rc.common.driver.IEventThreadQueuer; import org.eclipse.jubula.rc.common.driver.IRobot; import org.eclipse.jubula.rc.common.driver.IRobotEventConfirmer; import org.eclipse.jubula.rc.common.driver.IRobotEventInterceptor; import org.eclipse.jubula.rc.common.driver.IRobotFactory; import org.eclipse.jubula.rc.common.driver.IRunnable; import org.eclipse.jubula.rc.common.driver.InterceptorOptions; import org.eclipse.jubula.rc.common.driver.MouseMovementStrategy; import org.eclipse.jubula.rc.common.driver.RobotTiming; import org.eclipse.jubula.rc.common.exception.OsNotSupportedException; import org.eclipse.jubula.rc.common.exception.RobotException; import org.eclipse.jubula.rc.common.exception.StepExecutionException; import org.eclipse.jubula.rc.common.logger.AutServerLogger; import org.eclipse.jubula.rc.common.tester.adapter.interfaces.IComponent; import org.eclipse.jubula.rc.common.util.LocalScreenshotUtil; import org.eclipse.jubula.rc.common.util.PropertyUtil; import org.eclipse.jubula.rc.common.util.WorkaroundUtil; import org.eclipse.jubula.rc.swt.SwtAUTServer; import org.eclipse.jubula.rc.swt.tester.SwtApplicationTester; import org.eclipse.jubula.rc.swt.utils.SwtKeyCodeConverter; import org.eclipse.jubula.rc.swt.utils.SwtPointUtil; import org.eclipse.jubula.rc.swt.utils.SwtUtils; import org.eclipse.jubula.toolkit.enums.ValueSets; import org.eclipse.jubula.toolkit.enums.ValueSets.InteractionMode; import org.eclipse.jubula.tools.internal.i18n.I18n; import org.eclipse.jubula.tools.internal.messagehandling.MessageIDs; import org.eclipse.jubula.tools.internal.objects.event.EventFactory; import org.eclipse.jubula.tools.internal.objects.event.TestErrorEvent; import org.eclipse.jubula.tools.internal.utils.EnvironmentUtils; import org.eclipse.jubula.tools.internal.utils.TimeUtil; import org.eclipse.swt.SWT; import org.eclipse.swt.SWTError; import org.eclipse.swt.SWTException; import org.eclipse.swt.graphics.Point; import org.eclipse.swt.graphics.Rectangle; import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Composite; import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Control; import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Display; import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Event; import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.ScrollBar; import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Scrollable; import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Shell; import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Widget; /** * <p> * AWT/Swing implementation of the <code>IRobot</code> interface. It * uses the {@link java.awt.Robot} to move the mouse and perform clicks. Any * mouse move or click is intercepted and confirmed using the appropriate * AWT/Swing implementations of * {@link org.eclipse.jubula.rc.swt.driver.IRobotEventInterceptor}and * {@link org.eclipse.jubula.rc.swt.driver.IRobotEventConfirmer}. * </p> * * <p> * The <code>click()</code> and <code>move()</code> implementations expect * that the graphics component is of type {@link java.awt.Component}. * </p> * * @author BREDEX GmbH * @created 17.03.2005 */ public class RobotSwtImpl implements IRobot<Rectangle> { /** the logger */ private static AutServerLogger log = new AutServerLogger( RobotSwtImpl.class); /** * Base class for key typers. * * @author BREDEX GmbH * @created Nov 16, 2009 */ private abstract static class AbstractKeyTyper { /** * * @return an event that the key for this key typer has been pressed. */ public Event createKeyDownEvent() { return createKeyEvent(SWT.KeyDown); } /** * * @return an event that the key for this key typer has been released. */ public Event createKeyUpEvent() { return createKeyEvent(SWT.KeyUp); } /** * * @param eventType The type of event to create. * @return an event of the given type with the key-specific information * for this key typer. */ private Event createKeyEvent(int eventType) { final Event ke = new Event(); ke.type = eventType; ke.time = (int)System.currentTimeMillis(); assignKey(ke); return ke; } /** * Sets values of parameter(s) of the given event such that the event * corresponds to the key represented by this key typer. * * @param keyEvent The event to modify. */ protected abstract void assignKey(Event keyEvent); } /** * Provides a keycode-based key event. * * @author BREDEX GmbH * @created Nov 19, 2009 */ private static class KeyCodeTyper extends AbstractKeyTyper { /** the keycode represented by this key typer */ private int m_keyCode; /** * Constructor * * @param keyCode The keycode for events generated by this key typer. */ public KeyCodeTyper(int keyCode) { m_keyCode = keyCode; } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ public void assignKey(Event keyEvent) { keyEvent.keyCode = m_keyCode; } } /** * Provides a character-based key event. * * @author BREDEX GmbH * @created Nov 19, 2009 */ private static class KeyCharTyper extends AbstractKeyTyper { /** the character represented by this key typer */ private char m_keyChar; /** * Constructor * * @param keyChar The character for events generated by this key typer. */ public KeyCharTyper(char keyChar) { m_keyChar = keyChar; } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ public void assignKey(Event keyEvent) { keyEvent.character = m_keyChar; } } /** * <code>m_autServer</code> */ private SwtAUTServer m_autServer = null; /** * The AWT Robot instance. */ private SwtRobot m_robot; /** * The KeyboardHelper. */ private KeyboardHelper m_keyboardHelper = null; /** * The event interceptor. */ private IRobotEventInterceptor m_interceptor; /** The event thread queuer. */ private IEventThreadQueuer m_queuer; /** * Scrolls a component to visible. The Scroller asumes that the component is * embedded (directly or indirectly) into a <code>JScrollPane</code>( * <code>JViewPort</code> more precisely). Hierarchies of scrollpanes are * also supported. The default mechanismn of * {@link JComponent#scrollRectToVisible(java.awt.Rectangle) is not used * here because of limitations and bugs: <br> * * <code>JViewPort</code> overrides <code>scrollRectToVisible()</code>, * but doesn't call <code>super.scrollRectToVisible()</code>, so that * hierarchies of scrollpanes don't work. <br> * * <code>JTextField</code> interpretes <code>scrollRectToVisible()</code> * in a different way by scrolling the containing text, not the component * ifself. Again, <code>super.scrollRectToVisible()</code> is not called. */ private class Scroller { /** The component to scroll to visible. */ private Control m_component; /** * @param component The component to scroll to visible. */ public Scroller(Control component) { m_component = component; } /** * Scrolls the component passed to the constructor to visible. Also * scrolls the given rectangle (component-relative) to visible. * <em>NOTE</em>: This changes the given rectangle in order to reflect * its relative position within the component's client area. * * @param aRect * The bounds of the component, or a constraint within * a component. */ public void scrollRectToVisible(final Rectangle aRect) { m_queuer.invokeAndWait("scrollToComponent", new IRunnable<Void>() { //$NON-NLS-1$ public Void run() throws StepExecutionException { Point currentPoint = new Point(aRect.x, aRect.y); if (m_component instanceof Scrollable) { final Scrollable scrollable = (Scrollable)m_component; currentPoint.x = scroll( currentPoint.x, scrollable.getHorizontalBar()); currentPoint.y = scroll( currentPoint.y, scrollable.getVerticalBar()); } for (Control current = m_component; current.getParent() != null; current = current.getParent()) { final Composite currentParent = current.getParent(); currentPoint.x = scroll(currentPoint.x, currentParent.getHorizontalBar()); currentPoint.y = scroll(currentPoint.y, currentParent.getVerticalBar()); currentPoint = current.getDisplay().map( current, currentParent, currentPoint); } return null; } }); } /** * * <b>Must be called from the GUI thread.</b> * * @param scrollTarget The target value to make visible by scrolling. * @param scrollBar The scroll bar to use for performing the scrolling. * May be <code>null</code>. If this is * <code>null</code>, or if the component cannot be * scrolled, then no scrolling will occur. * @return the remaining distance to <code>scrollTarget</code>. This is * equivalent to <code>scrollTarget - * <amountScrolled></code> */ private int scroll(int scrollTarget, ScrollBar scrollBar) { if (scrollBar != null && !scrollBar.isDisposed()) { int oldScrollLoc = scrollBar.getSelection(); scrollBar.setSelection(scrollTarget); Event selectionEvent = new Event(); selectionEvent.type = SWT.Selection; selectionEvent.widget = scrollBar; // SWT.None indicates the end of a mouse drag event selectionEvent.detail = SWT.None; selectionEvent.time = (int)System.currentTimeMillis(); selectionEvent.display = scrollBar.getDisplay(); scrollBar.notifyListeners(SWT.Selection, selectionEvent); return scrollTarget - (scrollBar.getSelection() - oldScrollLoc); } return scrollTarget; } } /** * Creates a new instance. * @param factory The Robot factory instance. * @throws RobotException If the SWT-Robot cannot be created. */ public RobotSwtImpl(IRobotFactory factory) throws RobotException { try { m_autServer = (SwtAUTServer)AUTServer.getInstance(); m_robot = new SwtRobot((m_autServer).getAutDisplay()); m_robot.setAutoWaitForIdle(false); m_robot.setAutoDelay(0); } catch (SWTException swte) { log.error(swte); m_robot = null; throw new RobotException(swte); } catch (SecurityException se) { log.error(se); m_robot = null; throw new RobotException(se); } m_interceptor = factory.getRobotEventInterceptor(); m_queuer = factory.getEventThreadQueuer(); } /** * * {@inheritDoc} */ public void setKeyboardLayout(Properties layout) { m_keyboardHelper = new KeyboardHelper(layout); } /** * Implementation of the mouse click. The mouse is moved into the graphics * component by calling <code>moveImpl()</code> before performing the click. * @param graphicsComponent The graphics component to click on * @param constraints The constraints, may be <code>null</code>. * @param clickOptions The click options * @throws RobotException If the click delay is interupted or the event confirmation receives a timeout. */ private void clickImpl(Object graphicsComponent, Object constraints, ClickOptions clickOptions) throws RobotException { clickImpl(graphicsComponent, constraints, clickOptions, 50, false, 50, false); } /** * Implementation of the mouse click. The mouse is moved into the graphics * component by calling <code>moveImpl()</code> before performing the click. * @param graphicsComponent The graphics component to click on * @param constraints The constraints, may be <code>null</code>. * @param clickOptions The click options * @param xPos xPos in component * @param yPos yPos in component * @param yAbsolute true if y-position should be absolute * @param xAbsolute true if x-position should be absolute * @throws RobotException If the click delay is interupted or the event confirmation receives a timeout. */ private void clickImpl(final Object graphicsComponent, final Object constraints, final ClickOptions clickOptions, final int xPos, final boolean xAbsolute, final int yPos, final boolean yAbsolute) throws RobotException { Widget component = (Widget)graphicsComponent; Rectangle constraintsRect = (Rectangle)constraints; moveImpl(component, constraintsRect, xPos, xAbsolute, yPos, yAbsolute, clickOptions); clickImpl(component, clickOptions); } /** * Logs information for a RobotException (usually a timeout). * * @param graphicsComponent The component being tested. * @param re The <code>RobotException</code> to log. * @param sb <code>StringBuffer</code> containing any desired initial * content. */ private void logRobotException(final Object graphicsComponent, RobotException re, final StringBuffer sb) { // Get mouse coordinates Point mouseCoords = m_queuer.invokeAndWait("get mouse coordinates", //$NON-NLS-1$ new IRunnable<Point>() { public Point run() throws StepExecutionException { return m_autServer.getAutDisplay() .getCursorLocation(); } }); // Get component bounds Rectangle compBounds = null; if (graphicsComponent instanceof Widget) { compBounds = m_queuer.invokeAndWait( "getBounds", new IRunnable<Rectangle>() { //$NON-NLS-1$ public Rectangle run() throws StepExecutionException { return SwtUtils.getWidgetBounds( (Widget)graphicsComponent); } }); } sb.append("Component: "); //$NON-NLS-1$ // Component value must be appended in the GUI thread. Otherwise // we receive a "*Wrong Thread*" message rather than actual // component information. m_queuer.invokeAndWait( "appendGraphicsComponent", new IRunnable<Void>() { //$NON-NLS-1$ public Void run() throws StepExecutionException { sb.append(graphicsComponent); // Return value not used return null; } }); sb.append("\n"); //$NON-NLS-1$ sb.append("Bounds: "); //$NON-NLS-1$ sb.append(compBounds); sb.append("\n"); ////$NON-NLS-1$ sb.append("Mouse position: "); //$NON-NLS-1$ sb.append(mouseCoords); log.error(sb.toString(), re); } /** * Performs a mouse move only if the mouse cursor is not currently within * given constraints. In this case, the mouse is moved into the middle of * the given constraint. * * @param constraint * The rectangle to move to the center of, if necessary. */ public void preMove(final Rectangle constraint) throws RobotException { boolean isAlreadyInConstraints = m_queuer.invokeAndWait( "isAlreadyInConstraints", new IRunnable<Boolean>() { //$NON-NLS-1$ public Boolean run() throws StepExecutionException { return constraint.contains( m_autServer.getAutDisplay().getCursorLocation()); } }); if (!isAlreadyInConstraints) { Point p = new Point(constraint.x + (constraint.width / 2), constraint.y + (constraint.height / 2)); m_robot.mouseMove(p.x - 1, p.y - 1); m_robot.mouseMove(p.x, p.y); } } /** * Checks if the mouse has to be moved on <code>p</code> or if the mouse * pointer already resides on this location. * Runs in the GUI-Thread * @param p The point to move to * @return <code>true</code> if the mouse pointer resides on a different point, otherwise <code>false</code>. */ private boolean isMouseMoveRequired(Point p) { boolean result = false; Point point = m_queuer.invokeAndWait("isMouseMoveRequired", //$NON-NLS-1$ new IRunnable<Point>() { public Point run() throws StepExecutionException { Display d = (m_autServer).getAutDisplay(); return d.getCursorLocation(); } }); if (point != null) { result = !point.equals(p); result = true; } return result; } /** * The mouse is moved into the center of the graphics component. * @param graphicsComponent graphicsComponent The graphics component to move to. */ private void moveToCenter(final Object graphicsComponent) { moveImpl((Widget)graphicsComponent, null, 50, false, 50, false, ClickOptions.create()); } /** * Implementation of the mouse move. The mouse is moved into the graphics * component. * * @param graphicsComponent The component into which the mouse will be * moved. * @param constraints The rectangle to move to, relative to the location of * the given component. May be <code>null</code>. * If <code>null</code>, the mouse will be moved to the * center of the given component. * @param xPos xPos in component * @param yPos yPos in component * @param xAbsolute true if x-position should be absolute * @param yAbsolute true if y-position should be absolute * @param clickOptions Contains mouse movement strategy information. * @throws StepExecutionException If the click delay is interupted or the event confirmation receives a timeout. */ private void moveImpl(final Widget graphicsComponent, final Rectangle constraints, final int xPos, final boolean xAbsolute, final int yPos, final boolean yAbsolute, ClickOptions clickOptions) throws StepExecutionException { if (clickOptions.isScrollToVisible() && graphicsComponent instanceof Control) { ensureComponentVisible((Control)graphicsComponent, constraints); } Rectangle bounds = getBounds(graphicsComponent); if (constraints != null) { if (graphicsComponent instanceof Control) { Point convertedLocation = convertLocation(constraints, (Control)graphicsComponent); bounds.x = convertedLocation.x; bounds.y = convertedLocation.y; } else { bounds.x += constraints.x; bounds.y += constraints.y; } bounds.height = constraints.height; bounds.width = constraints.width; } Point pointToGo = SwtPointUtil.calculatePointToGo( xPos, xAbsolute, yPos, yAbsolute, bounds); if (isMouseMoveRequired(pointToGo)) { if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { log.debug("Moving mouse to: " + pointToGo); //$NON-NLS-1$ } Point initialPoint = m_queuer.invokeAndWait("moveImpl", //$NON-NLS-1$ new IRunnable<Point>() { public Point run() throws StepExecutionException { Display d = m_autServer.getAutDisplay(); return d.getCursorLocation(); } }); if (pointToGo != null && (pointToGo.x < 0 || pointToGo.y < 0)) { throw new RobotException( "Error occurred while attempting to move the mouse pointer.", //$NON-NLS-1$ EventFactory.createActionError( TestErrorEvent.CLICKPOINT_OFFSCREEN, new String[] { String.valueOf(pointToGo.x), String.valueOf(pointToGo.y)})); } java.awt.Point [] path = MouseMovementStrategy.getMovementPath( new java.awt.Point(initialPoint.x, initialPoint.y), new java.awt.Point(pointToGo.x, pointToGo.y), clickOptions.getStepMovement(), clickOptions.getFirstHorizontal()); for (int i = 0; i < path.length; i++) { m_robot.mouseMove(path[i].x, path[i].y); } logAndCorrectMousePosition(pointToGo); } } /** * Use SWT's mapping function, if possible, as it is more * multi-platform than simply adding the x and y values. * @param constraints the constraints * @param graphicsComponent the graphics component * @return the converted location */ private Point convertLocation(final Rectangle constraints, final Control graphicsComponent) { Point convertedLocation = m_queuer.invokeAndWait( "toDisplay", new IRunnable<Point>() { //$NON-NLS-1$ public Point run() throws StepExecutionException { return graphicsComponent.toDisplay(constraints.x, constraints.y); } }); // adjust Y-location due to issue / bug // http://eclip.se/353907 if (EnvironmentUtils.isMacOS() && graphicsComponent instanceof org.eclipse.swt.widgets.List) { final org.eclipse.swt.widgets.List list = (org.eclipse.swt.widgets.List)graphicsComponent; Integer correctedYPos = m_queuer.invokeAndWait( "correctedYPos", new IRunnable<Integer>() { //$NON-NLS-1$ public Integer run() throws StepExecutionException { return list.getClientArea().y; } }); convertedLocation.y += correctedYPos.intValue(); } return convertedLocation; } /** * Checks whether the move was really successful. If not, a few workarounds * are attempted in order to correct the situation. The workarounds are * logged at the warn-level as they are used. If, after all workarounds * have been applied, the mouse pointer is still not at the correct * position, then an error is logged. * * @param pointToGo The point where the mouse pointer should currently be. */ private void logAndCorrectMousePosition(Point pointToGo) { String runnableName = "moveImpl.getCursorPoint"; //$NON-NLS-1$ Point curPoint = m_queuer.invokeAndWait(runnableName, new IRunnable<Point>() { public Point run() throws StepExecutionException { Display d = m_autServer.getAutDisplay(); return d.getCursorLocation(); } }); if (!curPoint.equals(pointToGo)) { log.warn("Current and end points not equal after mouse move. Waiting 1 second to see if a delay fixes the problem."); //$NON-NLS-1$ SwtRobot.delay(1000); m_robot.waitForIdle(); curPoint = m_queuer.invokeAndWait(runnableName, new IRunnable<Point>() { public Point run() throws StepExecutionException { Display d = m_autServer.getAutDisplay(); return d.getCursorLocation(); } }); if (!curPoint.equals(pointToGo)) { log.warn("Delay did not fix the problem. Trying to call mouse move one more time with an additional wait afterward."); //$NON-NLS-1$ m_robot.mouseMove(pointToGo.x, pointToGo.y); SwtRobot.delay(1000); m_robot.waitForIdle(); SwtRobot.delay(1000); curPoint = m_queuer.invokeAndWait(runnableName, new IRunnable<Point>() { public Point run() throws StepExecutionException { Display d = m_autServer.getAutDisplay(); return d.getCursorLocation(); } }); if (!curPoint.equals(pointToGo)) { log.error("Current and end points not equal after mouse move. The mouse pointer could not be correctly moved."); //$NON-NLS-1$ } } } } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ public void click(Object graphicsComponent, Rectangle constraints) throws RobotException { click(graphicsComponent, constraints, ClickOptions.create()); } /** * {@inheritDoc} * java.lang.Object, org.eclipse.jubula.rc.swt.robot.ClickOptions) */ public void click(Object graphicsComponent, Rectangle constraints, ClickOptions clickOptions) throws RobotException { clickImpl(graphicsComponent, constraints, clickOptions); } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ public void move(final Object graphicsComponent, final Rectangle constraints) throws RobotException { moveToCenter(graphicsComponent); } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ public void type(final Object graphicsComponent, final char character) throws RobotException { Validate.notNull(graphicsComponent, "The graphic component must not be null"); //$NON-NLS-1$ // Workaround for issue http://eclip.se/342718 if (EnvironmentUtils.isMacOS() && Character.toLowerCase(character) == WorkaroundUtil.CHAR_B) { SwtApplicationTester impClass = new SwtApplicationTester(); impClass.rcNativeInputText(String.valueOf(character)); return; } if (m_keyboardHelper == null) { throw new StepExecutionException("No keyboard layout available.", //$NON-NLS-1$ EventFactory.createActionError( TestErrorEvent.UNSUPPORTED_KEYBOARD_LAYOUT)); } final KeyboardHelper.KeyStroke keyStroke = m_keyboardHelper.getKeyStroke(character); final Integer[] modifiers = keyStroke.getModifiers(); final char key = keyStroke.getChar(); final InterceptorOptions options = new InterceptorOptions(new long[]{ SWT.KeyUp}); // add confirmer final IEventMatcher matcher = new DefaultSwtEventMatcher(SWT.KeyUp); final IRobotEventConfirmer confirmer = m_interceptor.intercept(options); final Boolean succeeded = m_queuer.invokeAndWait( this.getClass().getName() + ".type", //$NON-NLS-1$ new IRunnable<Boolean>() { public Boolean run() { Boolean success = Boolean.TRUE; try { // press the modifier keys for (int i = 0; i < modifiers.length; i++) { final int mod = modifiers[i].intValue(); if (!postKeyPress(graphicsComponent, mod, '\0')) { success = Boolean.FALSE; break; } } if (success.booleanValue()) { if (!postKeyPress(graphicsComponent, 0, key)) { success = Boolean.FALSE; } } } finally { if (!postKeyRelease(graphicsComponent, 0, key)) { success = Boolean.FALSE; } // release the modifier keys for (int i = 0; i < modifiers.length; i++) { final int mod = modifiers[i].intValue(); if (!postKeyRelease(graphicsComponent, mod, '\0')) { success = Boolean.FALSE; } } } return success; } }); if (!succeeded.booleanValue()) { final String msg = "Failed to type character '" //$NON-NLS-1$ + String.valueOf(character) + "' into component '" //$NON-NLS-1$ + SwtUtils.toString((Widget)graphicsComponent) + "'"; //$NON-NLS-1$ if (log.isWarnEnabled()) { log.warn(msg); } throw new RobotException(msg, EventFactory.createActionError( TestErrorEvent.INPUT_FAILED)); } // Workaround for bug http://eclip.se/342718 if (!(key == WorkaroundUtil.CHAR_9 && EnvironmentUtils.isMacOS())) { confirmer.waitToConfirm(graphicsComponent, matcher); } else { TimeUtil.delay(50); } } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ public void type(Object graphicsComponent, String text) throws RobotException { if (text != null) { for (int i = 0; i < text.length(); i++) { char ch = text.charAt(i); type(graphicsComponent, ch); } } } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ public void keyType(Object graphicsComponent, int keycode) throws RobotException { try { InterceptorOptions options = new InterceptorOptions(new long[]{ SWT.KeyUp, SWT.KeyDown}); IRobotEventConfirmer confirmer = m_interceptor.intercept(options); try { m_robot.keyPress(keycode); } finally { m_robot.keyRelease(keycode); } confirmer.waitToConfirm(graphicsComponent, new KeySwtEventMatcher( SWT.KeyUp)); } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) { throw new RobotException(e); } } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ public void keyPress(Object graphicsComponent, int keycode) throws RobotException { // A direct "post" is necessary here (rather than using the AWT Robot) // because we do not receive event confirmation for the KeyDown event // on MacOS X Cocoa. if (!post(new KeyCodeTyper(keycode).createKeyDownEvent())) { final String msg = "Failed to post key event for keycode '" //$NON-NLS-1$ + keycode + "'"; //$NON-NLS-1$ log.warn(msg); throw new RobotException( msg, EventFactory.createActionError( TestErrorEvent.INVALID_INPUT)); } } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ public void keyRelease(Object graphicsComponent, int keycode) throws RobotException { // A direct "post" is necessary here (rather than using the AWT Robot) // because we do not receive event confirmation for the KeyDown event // on MacOS X Cocoa. if (!post(new KeyCodeTyper(keycode).createKeyUpEvent())) { final String msg = "Failed to post key event for keycode '" //$NON-NLS-1$ + keycode + "'"; //$NON-NLS-1$ log.warn(msg); throw new RobotException( msg, EventFactory.createActionError( TestErrorEvent.INVALID_INPUT)); } } /** * * @param keyStroke The key stroke. * @return a list of key typers capable of generating the necessary * events to simulate the modifiers of the given key stroke. */ private List<AbstractKeyTyper> modifierKeyTypers(KeyStroke keyStroke) { List<AbstractKeyTyper> l = new LinkedList<AbstractKeyTyper>(); int modifiers = keyStroke.getModifiers(); // this is jdk 1.3 - code. // use ALT_DOWN_MASK instead etc. with jdk 1.4 ! if ((modifiers & InputEvent.ALT_MASK) != 0) { l.add(new KeyCodeTyper(SWT.ALT)); } if ((modifiers & InputEvent.CTRL_MASK) != 0) { l.add(new KeyCodeTyper(SWT.CTRL)); } if ((modifiers & InputEvent.SHIFT_MASK) != 0) { l.add(new KeyCodeTyper(SWT.SHIFT)); } if ((modifiers & InputEvent.META_MASK) != 0) { l.add(new KeyCodeTyper(SWT.COMMAND)); } return l; } /** * * @param keyStrokeSpec String representing the key for which a * key typer should be returned. * @return a key typer capable of generating the necessary * event to simulate the base key of the given key stroke * spec. */ private static AbstractKeyTyper getBaseKeyTyper(String keyStrokeSpec) { String [] specElements = keyStrokeSpec.split(" "); //$NON-NLS-1$ String baseKey = specElements[specElements.length - 1]; int code = SwtKeyCodeConverter.getKeyCode(baseKey); if (code == -1) { return new KeyCharTyper( getOSSspecificSpecBaseCharacter(SwtKeyCodeConverter .getKeyChar(baseKey).charValue())); } return new KeyCodeTyper(code); } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ public void keyStroke(final String keyStrokeSpec) throws RobotException { final KeyStroke keyStroke = getKeyStroke(keyStrokeSpec); final List<AbstractKeyTyper> keyTyperList = modifierKeyTypers(keyStroke); keyTyperList.add(getBaseKeyTyper(keyStrokeSpec)); m_robot.setAutoWaitForIdle(true); // first press all keys, then release all keys, but // avoid to press and release any key twice (even if perhaps alt // and meta should have the same keycode(??) final Set<AbstractKeyTyper> alreadyDown = new HashSet<AbstractKeyTyper>(); final ListIterator<AbstractKeyTyper> i = keyTyperList.listIterator(); final InterceptorOptions options = new InterceptorOptions( new long[] { SWT.KeyUp }); try { m_queuer.invokeAndWait(this.getClass().getName() + ".type", //$NON-NLS-1$ new IRunnable<Boolean>() { public Boolean run() { // SYNCH THREAD START boolean success = true; while (i.hasNext()) { AbstractKeyTyper keyTyper = i .next(); if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { log.debug("trying to press: " + keyTyper); //$NON-NLS-1$ } if (!alreadyDown.contains(keyTyper)) { if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { log.debug("pressing: " + keyTyper); //$NON-NLS-1$ } // post the event! if (!post(keyTyper.createKeyDownEvent())) { success = false; } alreadyDown.add(keyTyper); } } if (!success) { final String msg = "Failed to post keystroke '" //$NON-NLS-1$ + keyStrokeSpec + "'"; //$NON-NLS-1$ if (log.isWarnEnabled()) { log.warn(msg); } throw new RobotException( msg, EventFactory.createActionError( TestErrorEvent.INVALID_INPUT)); } return success; } }); } finally { releaseKeys(options, alreadyDown, i); } } /** * Creates a KeyStroke of the given keyStrokeSpec * * @param keyStrokeSpec * see {@link KeyStroke#getKeyStroke(String)} and * {@link KeyStroke#getKeyStroke(Char)} * @return a KeyStroke. * @throws RobotException * if no KeyStroke can be created. */ private KeyStroke getKeyStroke(String keyStrokeSpec) throws RobotException { KeyStroke keyStroke; if (keyStrokeSpec.length() == 1) { char singeKeyStrokeSpecChar = keyStrokeSpec.charAt(0); singeKeyStrokeSpecChar = getOSSspecificSpecBaseCharacter(singeKeyStrokeSpecChar); keyStroke = KeyStroke.getKeyStroke(singeKeyStrokeSpecChar); } else { int keyStrokeSpecSize = keyStrokeSpec.length(); char keySpec = keyStrokeSpec.charAt(keyStrokeSpecSize - 1); // '�'.toUpperCase is "SS" we do not want that! if ('�' != keySpec) { keySpec = Character.toUpperCase(keySpec); } String modifiedKeyStrokeSpec = keyStrokeSpec.substring(0, keyStrokeSpecSize - 1) + keySpec; keyStroke = KeyStroke.getKeyStroke(modifiedKeyStrokeSpec); } if (keyStroke == null) { final String msg = "Failed to post keystroke '" + keyStrokeSpec //$NON-NLS-1$ + "'"; //$NON-NLS-1$ if (log.isWarnEnabled()) { log.warn(msg); } throw new RobotException(msg, EventFactory.createActionError( TestErrorEvent.INVALID_PARAM_VALUE)); } return keyStroke; } /** * @param character * the character * @return the "corrected" character, e.g. for Mac OS X it has to be in * lower case */ private static char getOSSspecificSpecBaseCharacter(char character) { if (EnvironmentUtils.isMacOS() && Character.isUpperCase(character)) { return Character.toLowerCase(character); } return character; } /** * Ensures that the passed component is visible * @param component The component. * @param bounds Optional bounds inside the component. If not <code>null</code>, the bounds are scrolled to visible. * @throws RobotException If the component's screen location cannot be calculated. */ private void ensureComponentVisible(final Control component, final Rectangle bounds) throws RobotException { Rectangle rectangle = bounds; if (rectangle == null) { rectangle = m_queuer.invokeAndWait( "getRelativeWidgetBounds", new IRunnable<Rectangle>() { //$NON-NLS-1$ public Rectangle run() throws StepExecutionException { return SwtUtils.getRelativeWidgetBounds(component, component); } }); } if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { log.debug("Scrolling rectangle to visible: " + rectangle); //$NON-NLS-1$ } Scroller scroller = new Scroller(component); scroller.scrollRectToVisible(rectangle); } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ public void scrollToVisible(Object graphicsComponent, Rectangle constraints) throws RobotException { if (graphicsComponent instanceof Control) { ensureComponentVisible((Control)graphicsComponent, constraints); } } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ public void activateApplication(String method) throws RobotException { try { final Shell window = getActiveWindow(); if (window == null) { throw new RobotException("No AUT window is available.", //$NON-NLS-1$ EventFactory.createImplClassErrorEvent()); } WindowActivationMethod wam = WindowActivationMethod.createWindowActivationMethod( method, m_robot, m_queuer); wam.activate(window); // Verify that window was successfully activated Shell activeWindow = m_queuer.invokeAndWait( "getActiveWindow", new IRunnable<Shell>() { //$NON-NLS-1$ public Shell run() throws StepExecutionException { return window.getDisplay().getActiveShell(); } }); if (activeWindow != window) { throw new StepExecutionException( I18n.getString( TestErrorEvent.WINDOW_ACTIVATION_FAILED, true), EventFactory.createActionError( TestErrorEvent.WINDOW_ACTIVATION_FAILED)); } } catch (Exception exc) { throw new RobotException(exc); } } /** * Guesses the active window. If windows exist but are not active, one of * the existing windows will be returned. * Returns <code>null</code> if no windows exist for the AUT. * @return the active window */ public Shell getActiveWindow() { return m_queuer.invokeAndWait( "getActiveWindow", //$NON-NLS-1$ new IRunnable<Shell>() { public Shell run() throws StepExecutionException { Display autDisplay = m_autServer.getAutDisplay(); Shell activeShell = autDisplay.getActiveShell(); if (activeShell == null) { Shell [] existingShells = autDisplay.getShells(); for (int i = 0; i < existingShells.length; i++) { Shell shell = existingShells[i]; if (shell.isVisible()) { activeShell = shell; break; } } if (activeShell == null && existingShells.length > 0) { activeShell = existingShells[0]; } } return activeShell; } }); } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ public void keyToggle(Object obj, int key, boolean activated) throws OsNotSupportedException { if (activated && isActivated(key) || !activated && !isActivated(key)) { return; } List<AbstractKeyTyper> keyTyperList = new LinkedList<AbstractKeyTyper>(); keyTyperList.add(new KeyCodeTyper(key)); m_robot.setAutoWaitForIdle(true); final Set<AbstractKeyTyper> alreadyDown = new HashSet<AbstractKeyTyper>(); final ListIterator<AbstractKeyTyper> i = keyTyperList.listIterator(); final InterceptorOptions options = new InterceptorOptions( new long[]{SWT.KeyUp}); try { while (i.hasNext()) { m_queuer.invokeAndWait(this.getClass().getName() + ".type", //$NON-NLS-1$ new IRunnable<Void>() { public Void run() { // SYNCH THREAD START AbstractKeyTyper keyTyper = i.next(); if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { log.debug("trying to press: " + keyTyper); //$NON-NLS-1$ } if (!alreadyDown.contains(keyTyper)) { if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { log.debug("pressing: " + keyTyper); //$NON-NLS-1$ } post(keyTyper.createKeyDownEvent()); alreadyDown.add(keyTyper); } return null; } } ); TimeUtil.delay(20); } } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) { throw new RobotException(e); } finally { releaseKeys(options, alreadyDown, i); } } /** * @param key the key * @return true, if key is already activated */ private boolean isActivated(int key) throws OsNotSupportedException { if (SWT.getPlatform().equals("win32")) { //$NON-NLS-1$ try { return isActivatedWIN(key); } catch (Exception e) { log.error(e); } } else if (SWT.getPlatform().equals("motif")) { //$NON-NLS-1$ return isActivatedMOTIF(key); } else if (SWT.getPlatform().equals("gtk")) { //$NON-NLS-1$ return isActivatedGTK(key); } throw new OsNotSupportedException("Current os \"" //$NON-NLS-1$ + SWT.getPlatform() + "\" is not supported.", //$NON-NLS-1$ MessageIDs.E_UNSUPPORTED_OS); } /** * @param key the key to toggle * @return true, if <b>windows</b> key is already locked */ private boolean isActivatedWIN(int key) throws ClassNotFoundException, IllegalArgumentException, SecurityException, IllegalAccessException, NoSuchFieldException, NoSuchMethodException, InvocationTargetException { // Use reflection so that this compiles on all platforms String className = "org.eclipse.swt.internal.win32.OS"; //$NON-NLS-1$ Class clazz = Class.forName(className); int osSpecificKey = -1; switch (key) { case SWT.NUM_LOCK : osSpecificKey = clazz.getDeclaredField("VK_NUMLOCK").getInt(null); //$NON-NLS-1$ break; case SWT.CAPS_LOCK : osSpecificKey = clazz.getDeclaredField("VK_CAPITAL").getInt(null); //$NON-NLS-1$ break; case SWT.SCROLL_LOCK : osSpecificKey = clazz.getDeclaredField("VK_SCROLL").getInt(null); //$NON-NLS-1$ break; default : break; } // Call org.eclipse.swt.internal.win32.OS.GetKeyState String methodName = "GetKeyState"; //$NON-NLS-1$ Class [] params = new Class [] { Integer.TYPE, }; Object [] args = new Object [] { new Integer(osSpecificKey), }; Method method = clazz.getMethod(methodName, params); short keyState = ((Short)method.invoke(clazz, args)).shortValue(); if (keyState == 1) { return true; } return false; } /** * @param key the key to toggle * @return true, if <b>gtk</b> key is already locked */ private boolean isActivatedGTK(int key) { switch (key) { default: } throw new UnsupportedOperationException("OS.GetKeyState"); //$NON-NLS-1$ } /** * @param key the key to toggle * @return true, if <b>motif</b> key is already locked */ private boolean isActivatedMOTIF(int key) { switch (key) { default: } throw new UnsupportedOperationException("OS.GetKeyState"); //$NON-NLS-1$ } /** * Gets the InputEvent-ButtonMask of the given mouse button number * @param button the button number * @return the InputEvent button mask */ private int getButtonMask(int button) { if (button == InteractionMode.primary.rcIntValue()) { return SWT.BUTTON1; } if (button == InteractionMode.tertiary.rcIntValue()) { return SWT.BUTTON2; } if (button == InteractionMode.secondary.rcIntValue()) { return SWT.BUTTON3; } throw new RobotException("unsupported mouse button", null); //$NON-NLS-1$ } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ public void clickAtCurrentPosition(Object graphicsComponent, int clickCount, int button) { clickImpl(graphicsComponent, ClickOptions.create().setClickCount(clickCount) .setMouseButton(button)); } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ public java.awt.Point getCurrentMousePosition() { java.awt.Point currentPos = m_queuer.invokeAndWait( "getCursorPosition", new IRunnable<java.awt.Point>() { //$NON-NLS-1$ public java.awt.Point run() throws StepExecutionException { Display d = (m_autServer).getAutDisplay(); final Point cursorLocation = d.getCursorLocation(); return new java.awt.Point(cursorLocation.x, cursorLocation.y); } }); return currentPos; } /** * * {@inheritDoc} */ public boolean isMouseInComponent(Object graphicsComponent) { final Widget comp = (Widget)graphicsComponent; final java.awt.Point currentMousePosition = getCurrentMousePosition(); final Point currMousePos = new Point(currentMousePosition.x, currentMousePosition.y); final Rectangle bounds = m_queuer.invokeAndWait( "getBounds", new IRunnable<Rectangle>() { //$NON-NLS-1$ public Rectangle run() throws StepExecutionException { return SwtUtils.getWidgetBounds(comp); } }); Point treeLocUpperLeft = new Point(bounds.x, bounds.y); final Point treeLocLowerRight = new Point( bounds.width + treeLocUpperLeft.x, bounds.height + treeLocUpperLeft.y); final boolean x1 = currMousePos.x >= treeLocUpperLeft.x; final boolean x2 = currMousePos.x < treeLocLowerRight.x; final boolean y1 = currMousePos.y >= treeLocUpperLeft.y; final boolean y2 = currMousePos.y < treeLocLowerRight.y; return x1 && x2 && y1 && y2; } /** * @param options options * @param alreadyDown set of pressed keys * @param i ListIterator */ private void releaseKeys(final InterceptorOptions options, final Set<AbstractKeyTyper> alreadyDown, final ListIterator<AbstractKeyTyper> i) { // Release all keys in reverse order. final Set<AbstractKeyTyper> alreadyUp = new HashSet<AbstractKeyTyper>(); try { while (i.hasPrevious()) { IRobotEventConfirmer confirmer = m_interceptor .intercept(options); m_queuer.invokeAndWait(this.getClass().getName() + ".type", //$NON-NLS-1$ new IRunnable<Void>() { public Void run() { // SYNCH THREAD START AbstractKeyTyper keyTyper = i.previous(); if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { log.debug("trying to release: " + keyTyper); //$NON-NLS-1$ } if (alreadyDown.contains(keyTyper) && !alreadyUp.contains(keyTyper)) { if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { log.debug("releasing: " + keyTyper); //$NON-NLS-1$ } post(keyTyper.createKeyUpEvent()); alreadyUp.add(keyTyper); } return null; } } ); confirmer.waitToConfirm(null, new KeySwtEventMatcher(SWT.KeyUp)); } } catch (RobotException e) { log.error("error releasing keys", e); //$NON-NLS-1$ if (!i.hasPrevious()) { throw e; } } } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ public String getSystemModifierSpec() { String keyStrokeSpec = ValueSets.Modifier.control.rcValue(); if (SWT.MOD1 == SWT.COMMAND) { keyStrokeSpec = ValueSets.Modifier.meta.rcValue(); } else if (SWT.MOD1 == SWT.ALT) { keyStrokeSpec = ValueSets.Modifier.alt.rcValue(); } return keyStrokeSpec; } /** * Gets the absolute bounds of the given Widget. * This method runs in the GUI-Thread. * @param component a Widget * @return the bounds * @see SwtUtils#getBounds(Control) */ private Rectangle getBounds(final Widget component) { return m_queuer.invokeAndWait("getBounds", new IRunnable<Rectangle>() { //$NON-NLS-1$ public Rectangle run() throws StepExecutionException { return SwtUtils.getWidgetBounds(component); } }); } /** * Posts a Key-Press-event with the given modifier and the given character. * @param graphicsComponent a graphicsComponent. * @param modifier The modifier (e.g. SWT.SHIFT, SWT.CTRL, etc.) * @param character a character to press. * @return true if the event could be posted false otherwise. */ private boolean postKeyPress(Object graphicsComponent, int modifier, char character) { final Event event = createUntypedEvent((Widget)graphicsComponent, modifier, character); event.type = SWT.KeyDown; return post(event); } /** * Posts a Key-Release-event with the given modifier and the given character. * @param graphicsComponent a graphicsComponent. * @param modifier The modifier (e.g. SWT.SHIFT, SWT.CTRL, etc.) * @param character a character to release. * @return true if the event could be posted false otherwise. */ private boolean postKeyRelease(Object graphicsComponent, int modifier, char character) { final Event event = createUntypedEvent((Widget)graphicsComponent, modifier, character); event.type = SWT.KeyUp; return post(event); } /** * Creates an Event with the given parameters without an {@link Event#type}. * @param graphicsComponent a Widget * @param modifier a modifier, e.g. a SWT-constant (SWT.CTRL, etc.) * @param character a char value * @return an Event. */ private Event createUntypedEvent(Widget graphicsComponent, int modifier, char character) { final Event event = new Event(); event.keyCode = modifier; event.character = character; event.widget = graphicsComponent; return event; } /** * Posts an {@link Event} on the UI input queue. * * @param event the {@link Event} to post * @return true if the event could be posted false otherwise. * @see Display#post(Event) */ private boolean post(Event event) { try { final Display display = m_autServer.getAutDisplay(); if (!display.post(event)) { final String msg = "posting event failed: " + event; //$NON-NLS-1$ log.error(msg); return false; } } catch (SWTError swte) { log.error(swte); throw new RobotException(swte); } return true; } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ public void mousePress(final Object graphicsComponent, Rectangle constraints, final int button) throws RobotException { if (graphicsComponent != null) { move(graphicsComponent, constraints); } RobotTiming.sleepPreClickDelay(); m_robot.mousePress(getButtonMask(button)); } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ public void mouseRelease(final Object graphicsComponent, Rectangle constraints, final int button) throws RobotException { if (graphicsComponent != null) { move(graphicsComponent, constraints); } RobotTiming.sleepPreClickDelay(); m_robot.mouseRelease(getButtonMask(button)); } /** * Clicks at the current mouse position. * * @param graphicsComponent The component used for confirming the click. * @param clickOptions Configuration for the click. */ private void clickImpl(Object graphicsComponent, ClickOptions clickOptions) { int buttonMask = getButtonMask(clickOptions.getMouseButton()); int clickCount = clickOptions.getClickCount(); int[] modifierMask = getModifierMask(clickOptions.getClickModifier()); if (clickCount > 0) { final IEventMatcher matcher = new ClickSwtEventMatcher(clickOptions); IRobotEventConfirmer confirmer = null; if (clickOptions.isConfirmClick()) { final InterceptorOptions options = new InterceptorOptions( new long[]{SWT.MouseUp, SWT.MouseDown}); confirmer = m_interceptor.intercept(options); } try { pressModifier(modifierMask); RobotTiming.sleepPreClickDelay(); for (int i = 0; i < clickCount; i++) { m_robot.mousePress(buttonMask); RobotTiming.sleepPostMouseDownDelay(); m_robot.mouseRelease(buttonMask); RobotTiming.sleepPostMouseUpDelay(); } if (confirmer != null) { try { confirmer.waitToConfirm(graphicsComponent, matcher); } catch (RobotException re) { StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer( "Robot exception occurred while clicking...\n"); //$NON-NLS-1$ logRobotException(graphicsComponent, re, sb); throw re; } } } finally { releaseModifier(modifierMask); } } } /** * @param clickModifier * the click modifier to use for this click * @return an array of modifiers to press before click and release after * click */ private int[] getModifierMask(ClickModifier clickModifier) { int[] modifier = new int[0]; if (clickModifier.hasModifiers(ClickModifier.M1)) { modifier = ArrayUtils.add(modifier, SwtUtils .getSystemDefaultModifier()); } if (clickModifier.hasModifiers(ClickModifier.M2)) { modifier = ArrayUtils.add(modifier, SwtUtils.getSystemModifier2()); } if (clickModifier.hasModifiers(ClickModifier.M3)) { modifier = ArrayUtils.add(modifier, SwtUtils.getSystemModifier3()); } if (clickModifier.hasModifiers(ClickModifier.M4)) { modifier = ArrayUtils.add(modifier, SwtUtils.getSystemModifier4()); } return modifier; } /** * @param modifierMask * array of modifiers to press before click */ private void pressModifier(int[] modifierMask) { for (int i = 0; i < modifierMask.length; i++) { keyPress(null, modifierMask[i]); } } /** * @param modifierMask * array of modifiers release after click */ private void releaseModifier(int[] modifierMask) { for (int i = 0; i < modifierMask.length; i++) { keyRelease(null, modifierMask[i]); } } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ public void click(Object graphicsComponent, Rectangle constraints, ClickOptions clickOptions, int xPos, boolean xAbsolute, int yPos, boolean yAbsolute) throws RobotException { clickImpl(graphicsComponent, constraints, clickOptions, xPos, xAbsolute, yPos, yAbsolute); } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ public String getPropertyValue(Object graphicsComponent, String propertyName) throws RobotException { return PropertyUtil.getPropertyValue(graphicsComponent, propertyName); } /** {@inheritDoc} */ public BufferedImage createFullScreenCapture() { return LocalScreenshotUtil.createFullScreenCapture(); } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ public void shakeMouse() { m_queuer.invokeAndWait("shakeMouse", new IRunnable<Void>() { //$NON-NLS-1$ public Void run() throws StepExecutionException { /** * number of pixels by which a "mouse shake" offsets the mouse * cursor */ final int mouseShakeOffset = 10; java.awt.Point origin = AUTServer.getInstance().getRobot() .getCurrentMousePosition(); SwtRobot lowLevelRobot = new SwtRobot(Display.getDefault()); lowLevelRobot.mouseMove(origin.x + mouseShakeOffset, origin.y + mouseShakeOffset); lowLevelRobot.mouseMove(origin.x - mouseShakeOffset, origin.y - mouseShakeOffset); lowLevelRobot.mouseMove(origin.x, origin.y); if (!EnvironmentUtils.isWindowsOS() && !EnvironmentUtils.isMacOS()) { boolean moreEvents = true; while (moreEvents) { moreEvents = Display.getDefault().readAndDispatch(); } } return null; } }); } /** {@inheritDoc} */ public java.awt.Rectangle getComponentBounds(IComponent component) { Rectangle swtRec = getBounds((Widget) component.getRealComponent()); java.awt.Rectangle rectangle = new java.awt.Rectangle( swtRec.x, swtRec.y, swtRec.width, swtRec.height); return rectangle; } }