package org.jtwig.integration.node; import org.jtwig.JtwigModel; import org.jtwig.JtwigTemplate; import org.jtwig.integration.AbstractIntegrationTest; import org.jtwig.parser.ParseException; import org.junit.Rule; import org.junit.Test; import org.junit.rules.ExpectedException; import static org.hamcrest.MatcherAssert.assertThat; import static; import static org.hamcrest.core.StringContains.containsString; import static org.jtwig.JtwigModel.newModel; public class IfConditionTest extends AbstractIntegrationTest { @Rule public ExpectedException expectedException = ExpectedException.none(); @Test public void simpleIfCondition() throws Exception { JtwigTemplate jtwigTemplate = JtwigTemplate.inlineTemplate("{% if (true) %}ok{% else %}ko{% endif %}"); String result = jtwigTemplate.render(newModel()); assertThat(result, is("ok")); } @Test public void ifExpressionWhereVariableUnexpected() throws Exception { String result = JtwigTemplate.inlineTemplate("{% if (variable) %}OK{% else %}KO{% endif %}") .render(JtwigModel.newModel().with("variable", new Object())); assertThat(result, is("OK")); } @Test public void ifConditionWhiteSpaceControlEndIf() throws Exception { JtwigTemplate jtwigTemplate = JtwigTemplate.inlineTemplate("{% if (true) -%} ok{% else %}ko{% endif %}"); String result = jtwigTemplate.render(newModel()); assertThat(result, is("ok")); } @Test public void ifConditionWhiteSpaceControlStartIf() throws Exception { JtwigTemplate jtwigTemplate = JtwigTemplate.inlineTemplate(" {%- if (true) -%} ok{% else %}ko{% endif %}"); String result = jtwigTemplate.render(newModel()); assertThat(result, is("ok")); } @Test public void ifConditionWhiteSpaceControlStartElse() throws Exception { JtwigTemplate jtwigTemplate = JtwigTemplate.inlineTemplate(" {%- if (true) -%} ok {%- else %}ko{% endif %}"); String result = jtwigTemplate.render(newModel()); assertThat(result, is("ok")); } @Test public void ifConditionWhiteSpaceControl() throws Exception { JtwigTemplate jtwigTemplate = JtwigTemplate.inlineTemplate(" {%- if (false) -%} ko {%- else -%} ok {%- endif -%} "); String result = jtwigTemplate.render(newModel()); assertThat(result, is("ok")); } @Test public void simpleIfSharedContext() throws Exception { JtwigTemplate jtwigTemplate = JtwigTemplate.inlineTemplate("{% set a = 2 %}{% if (true) %}{% set a = 1 %}{% endif %}{{ a }}"); String result = jtwigTemplate.render(newModel()); assertThat(result, is("1")); } @Test public void simpleIfConditionWithVariable() throws Exception { JtwigTemplate jtwigTemplate = JtwigTemplate.inlineTemplate("{% if (isItTrue) %}ok{% else %}ko{% endif %}"); String result = jtwigTemplate.render(newModel().with("isItTrue", true)); assertThat(result, is("ok")); } @Test public void ifConditionElse() throws Exception { JtwigTemplate jtwigTemplate = JtwigTemplate.inlineTemplate("{% if (false) %}ko{% else %}ok{% endif %}"); String result = jtwigTemplate.render(newModel()); assertThat(result, is("ok")); } @Test public void ifConditionWithoutExpression() throws Exception { JtwigTemplate jtwigTemplate = JtwigTemplate.inlineTemplate("{% if ()%}ko{% endif %}"); expectedException.expect(ParseException.class); expectedException.expectMessage(containsString("Expecting an expression together with the if construction")); jtwigTemplate.render(newModel()); } @Test public void ifConditionWithoutEndCode() throws Exception { JtwigTemplate jtwigTemplate = JtwigTemplate.inlineTemplate("{% if (true) ko{% endif %}"); expectedException.expect(ParseException.class); expectedException.expectMessage(containsString("If condition code island not closed")); jtwigTemplate.render(newModel()); } @Test public void ifConditionWithoutEndIfEndCode() throws Exception { JtwigTemplate jtwigTemplate = JtwigTemplate.inlineTemplate("{% if (true) %}ko{% endif"); expectedException.expect(ParseException.class); expectedException.expectMessage(containsString("If condition endif code island not closed")); jtwigTemplate.render(newModel()); } @Test public void elseIfConditionWithoutExpression() throws Exception { JtwigTemplate jtwigTemplate = JtwigTemplate.inlineTemplate("{% if (true) %}{% elseif ()%}ko{% endif %}"); expectedException.expect(ParseException.class); expectedException.expectMessage(containsString("Expecting an expression together with the if construction")); jtwigTemplate.render(newModel()); } @Test public void elseIfConditionWithoutEndingParentheses() throws Exception { JtwigTemplate jtwigTemplate = JtwigTemplate.inlineTemplate("{% if (true) %}{% elseif (true %}ko{% endif %}"); expectedException.expect(ParseException.class); expectedException.expectMessage(containsString("Expecting an expression together with the if construction")); jtwigTemplate.render(newModel()); } @Test public void elseIfConditionWithoutEndCode() throws Exception { JtwigTemplate jtwigTemplate = JtwigTemplate.inlineTemplate("{% if (true) %}{% elseif (true) ko{% endif %}"); expectedException.expect(ParseException.class); expectedException.expectMessage(containsString("If condition code island not closed")); jtwigTemplate.render(newModel()); } @Test public void ifConditionIncorrectElseIf() throws Exception { // For the time being we will use this, but we might want to improve our messages and try to check the if syntax JtwigTemplate jtwigTemplate = JtwigTemplate.inlineTemplate("{% if (false) %}ko{% else if (true) %}ok{% endif %}"); expectedException.expect(ParseException.class); expectedException.expectMessage(containsString("Expecting ending of else block")); jtwigTemplate.render(newModel()); } @Test public void ifConditionMissingEnd() throws Exception { // For the time being we will use this, but we might want to improve our messages and try to check the if syntax JtwigTemplate jtwigTemplate = JtwigTemplate.inlineTemplate("{% if (false) %}ko"); expectedException.expect(ParseException.class); expectedException.expectMessage(containsString("Missing endif tag")); jtwigTemplate.render(newModel()); } }