package org.jtheque.views.impl.controllers; import org.jtheque.core.Core; import org.jtheque.core.lifecycle.LifeCycle; import org.jtheque.file.FileService; import org.jtheque.persistence.PersistenceService; import org.jtheque.ui.Action; import org.jtheque.ui.Controller; import org.jtheque.ui.UIUtils; import org.jtheque.ui.utils.AbstractController; import org.jtheque.ui.utils.BetterSwingWorker; import org.jtheque.utils.DesktopUtils; import; import org.jtheque.utils.ui.SwingUtils; import org.jtheque.views.ViewService; import org.jtheque.views.panel.ModuleView; import; import; import; import; import; import org.jtheque.xml.utils.XMLException; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import javax.annotation.Resource; import; /* * Copyright JTheque (Baptiste Wicht) * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ /** * The global controller. * * @author Baptiste Wicht */ public class GeneralController extends AbstractController<MainView> { @Resource private UIUtils uiUtils; @Resource private FileService fileService; @Resource private PersistenceService persistenceService; @Resource private ViewService viewService; @Resource private LifeCycle lifeCycle; @Resource private Core core; @Resource private Controller<ConfigView> configController; @Resource private Controller<MessageView> messageController; @Resource private Controller<EventView> eventController; @Resource private Controller<ErrorView> errorController; @Resource private Controller<ModuleView> moduleController; /** * Construct a new GeneralController. */ public GeneralController() { super(MainView.class); } /** * Backup the database. */ @Action("menu.backup") public void backup() { final boolean yes = uiUtils.askI18nUserForConfirmation( "dialogs.confirm.backup", "dialogs.confirm.backup.title"); if (yes) { File file = SwingUtils.chooseFile(new SimpleFilter("XML(*.xml)", ".xml")); if (file != null) { fileService.backup(file); } } } /** * Restore the database. */ @Action("menu.restore") public void restore() { final File file = SwingUtils.chooseFile(new SimpleFilter("XML(*.xml)", ".xml")); final boolean yes = uiUtils.askI18nUserForConfirmation( "dialogs.confirm.clear.database", "dialogs.confirm.clear.database.title"); new RestoreWorker(yes, file).execute(); } /** * Open the help. */ @Action("") public void help() { DesktopUtils.browse(core.getHelpURL()); } /** * Send a request for a Bug. */ @Action("menu.bug") public void bug() { DesktopUtils.browse(core.getBugTrackerURL()); } /** * Give an improvement proposal. */ @Action("menu.improvement") public void improvement() { DesktopUtils.browse(core.getImprovementURL()); } /** * Display the messages view. */ @Action("menu.messages") public void messages() { messageController.getView().display(); } /** * Display the events view. */ @Action("") public void events() { eventController.getView().display(); } /** * Display the errors view. */ @Action("menu.errors") public void errors() { errorController.getView().display(); } /** * Display the about view. */ @Action("menu.about") public void about() { viewService.displayAboutView(); } /** * Display the config view. */ @Action("menu.config") public void config() { configController.getView().display(); } /** * Display the modules view. */ @Action("menu.modules") public void modules() { moduleController.getView().display(); } /** * Exit from the application. */ @Action("menu.exit") public void exit() { getView().closeDown(); lifeCycle.exit(); } /** * A swing worker to restore the database. * * @author Baptiste Wicht */ private final class RestoreWorker extends BetterSwingWorker { private final boolean clear; private final File file; /** * Create a new RestoreWorker. * * @param clear indicate if we must clear the database or not. * @param file The file to restore from. */ RestoreWorker(boolean clear, File file) { super(); this.clear = clear; this.file = file; } @Override protected void before() { getView().getWindowState().startWait(); } @Override protected void doInBackground() { if (clear) { persistenceService.clearDatabase(); } try { fileService.restore(file); } catch (XMLException e) { LoggerFactory.getLogger(getClass()).error(e.getMessage(), e); } } @Override protected void done() { getView().getWindowState().stopWait(); } } }