/* * Copyright (c) 2005-2016 Vincent Vandenschrick. All rights reserved. * * This file is part of the Jspresso framework. * * Jspresso is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * Jspresso is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License * along with Jspresso. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. */ package org.jspresso.framework.model.component.basic; import java.beans.PropertyChangeEvent; import java.beans.PropertyChangeListener; import java.beans.PropertyChangeListenerProxy; import java.io.Serializable; import java.lang.reflect.InvocationHandler; import java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException; import java.lang.reflect.Method; import java.lang.reflect.Proxy; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Locale; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import gnu.trove.map.hash.THashMap; import gnu.trove.set.hash.THashSet; import gnu.trove.set.hash.TLinkedHashSet; import org.apache.commons.beanutils.MethodUtils; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import org.jspresso.framework.model.component.ComponentException; import org.jspresso.framework.model.component.IComponent; import org.jspresso.framework.model.component.IComponentCollectionFactory; import org.jspresso.framework.model.component.IComponentExtension; import org.jspresso.framework.model.component.IComponentExtensionFactory; import org.jspresso.framework.model.component.IComponentFactory; import org.jspresso.framework.model.component.IComponentFactoryAware; import org.jspresso.framework.model.component.ILifecycleCapable; import org.jspresso.framework.model.component.IPropertyTranslation; import org.jspresso.framework.model.component.service.AbstractComponentServiceDelegate; import org.jspresso.framework.model.component.service.DependsOnHelper; import org.jspresso.framework.model.component.service.IComponentService; import org.jspresso.framework.model.component.service.ILifecycleInterceptor; import org.jspresso.framework.model.descriptor.IBooleanPropertyDescriptor; import org.jspresso.framework.model.descriptor.ICollectionPropertyDescriptor; import org.jspresso.framework.model.descriptor.IComponentDescriptor; import org.jspresso.framework.model.descriptor.IModelDescriptorAware; import org.jspresso.framework.model.descriptor.IPropertyDescriptor; import org.jspresso.framework.model.descriptor.IReferencePropertyDescriptor; import org.jspresso.framework.model.descriptor.IRelationshipEndPropertyDescriptor; import org.jspresso.framework.model.descriptor.IStringPropertyDescriptor; import org.jspresso.framework.model.descriptor.MandatoryPropertyException; import org.jspresso.framework.model.descriptor.basic.AbstractComponentDescriptor; import org.jspresso.framework.model.entity.EntityHelper; import org.jspresso.framework.model.entity.IEntity; import org.jspresso.framework.model.entity.IEntityFactory; import org.jspresso.framework.model.entity.IEntityLifecycleHandler; import org.jspresso.framework.security.UserPrincipal; import org.jspresso.framework.util.accessor.IAccessor; import org.jspresso.framework.util.accessor.IAccessorFactory; import org.jspresso.framework.util.accessor.ICollectionAccessor; import org.jspresso.framework.util.bean.AccessorInfo; import org.jspresso.framework.util.bean.BeanPropertyChangeRecorder; import org.jspresso.framework.util.bean.EAccessorType; import org.jspresso.framework.util.bean.IPropertyChangeCapable; import org.jspresso.framework.util.bean.SinglePropertyChangeSupport; import org.jspresso.framework.util.bean.SingleWeakPropertyChangeSupport; import org.jspresso.framework.util.collection.CollectionHelper; import org.jspresso.framework.util.lang.ObjectUtils; /** * This is the core implementation of all components in the application. * Instances of this class serve as handlers for proxies representing the * components. * * @author Vincent Vandenschrick */ public abstract class AbstractComponentInvocationHandler implements InvocationHandler, Serializable { // @formatter:off private static final Logger LOG = LoggerFactory.getLogger(AbstractComponentInvocationHandler.class); // @formatter:on private static final long serialVersionUID = -8332414648339056836L; private final IAccessorFactory accessorFactory; private SinglePropertyChangeSupport propertyChangeSupport; private SingleWeakPropertyChangeSupport weakPropertyChangeSupport; private List<PropertyChangeEvent> delayedEvents; private IComponentCollectionFactory collectionFactory; private final IComponentDescriptor<? extends IComponent> componentDescriptor; private Map<Class<IComponentExtension<IComponent>>, IComponentExtension<IComponent>> componentExtensions; private final IComponentExtensionFactory extensionFactory; private final IComponentFactory inlineComponentFactory; private Set<String> modifierMonitors; private boolean propertyProcessorsEnabled; private boolean propertyChangeEnabled; private boolean collectionSortEnabled; private Map<String, NestedReferenceTracker> referenceTrackers; private Map<String, Object> computedPropertiesCache; private static final Collection<String> LIFECYCLE_METHOD_NAMES; private IComponent owningComponent; private IPropertyDescriptor owningPropertyDescriptor; private Map<String, Set<String>> fakePclAttachements; private Map<String, Set<String>> delayedFakePclAttachements; // Fake PCL cannot be static, because there must be 1 registration on // referent per owning instance, i.e. 2 different instances must not share // the same fake PCL that will be removed when the referent is detached. private PropertyChangeListener fakePcl; static { Collection<String> methodNames = new THashSet<>(6); for (Method m : ILifecycleCapable.class.getMethods()) { methodNames.add(m.getName()); } LIFECYCLE_METHOD_NAMES = methodNames; } /** * Constructs a new {@code BasicComponentInvocationHandler} instance. * * @param componentDescriptor * The descriptor of the proxy component. * @param inlineComponentFactory * the factory used to create inline components. * @param collectionFactory * The factory used to create empty component collections from collection getters. * @param accessorFactory * The factory used to access proxy properties. * @param extensionFactory * The factory used to create component extensions based on their classes. */ protected AbstractComponentInvocationHandler(IComponentDescriptor<? extends IComponent> componentDescriptor, IComponentFactory inlineComponentFactory, IComponentCollectionFactory collectionFactory, IAccessorFactory accessorFactory, IComponentExtensionFactory extensionFactory) { this.componentDescriptor = componentDescriptor; this.inlineComponentFactory = inlineComponentFactory; this.collectionFactory = collectionFactory; this.accessorFactory = accessorFactory; this.extensionFactory = extensionFactory; this.propertyProcessorsEnabled = true; this.propertyChangeEnabled = true; this.collectionSortEnabled = true; } /** * Gets the interface class being the contract of this component. * * @return the component interface contract. */ public Class<?> getComponentContract() { return componentDescriptor.getComponentContract(); } /** * Handles methods invocations on the component proxy. Either : <li>delegates * to one of its extension if the accessed property is registered as being * part of an extension <li>handles property access internally * <p/> * {@inheritDoc} */ @Override @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public synchronized Object invoke(Object proxy, Method method, Object[] args) throws Throwable { String methodName = method.getName()/* .intern() */; switch (methodName) { case "hashCode": return computeHashCode((IComponent) proxy); case "equals": return computeEquals((IComponent) proxy, args[0]); case "toString": return toString(proxy); case "getComponentContract": return componentDescriptor.getComponentContract(); case "addPropertyChangeListener": if (args.length == 1) { addPropertyChangeListener(proxy, (PropertyChangeListener) args[0]); return null; } addPropertyChangeListener(proxy, (String) args[0], (PropertyChangeListener) args[1]); return null; case "addWeakPropertyChangeListener": if (args.length == 1) { addWeakPropertyChangeListener(proxy, (PropertyChangeListener) args[0]); return null; } addWeakPropertyChangeListener(proxy, (String) args[0], (PropertyChangeListener) args[1]); return null; case "removePropertyChangeListener": if (args.length == 1) { removePropertyChangeListener((PropertyChangeListener) args[0]); return null; } removePropertyChangeListener((String) args[0], (PropertyChangeListener) args[1]); return null; case "hasListeners": return hasListeners(proxy, (String) args[0]); case "getPropertyChangeListeners": if (args != null && args.length > 0) { return getPropertyChangeListeners(proxy, (String) args[0]); } return getPropertyChangeListeners(proxy); case "firePropertyChange": firePropertyChange(proxy, (String) args[0], args[1], args[2]); return null; case "blockEvents": return blockEvents(); case "releaseEvents": releaseEvents(); return null; case "straightSetProperty": straightSetProperty(proxy, (String) args[0], args[1]); return null; case "straightGetProperty": return straightGetProperty(proxy, (String) args[0]); case "straightSetProperties": straightSetProperties(proxy, (Map<String, Object>) args[0]); return null; case "straightGetProperties": return straightGetProperties(proxy); case "setPropertyProcessorsEnabled": propertyProcessorsEnabled = (Boolean) args[0]; return null; case "getOwningComponent": return owningComponent; case "getOwningPropertyDescriptor": return owningPropertyDescriptor; case "setOwningComponent": owningComponent = (IComponent) args[0]; owningPropertyDescriptor = (IPropertyDescriptor) args[1]; return null; case "checkIntegrity": checkIntegrity(proxy); return null; case "checkMandatoryProperties": checkMandatoryProperties(proxy); return null; default: if (isLifecycleMethod(method)) { return invokeLifecycleInterceptors(proxy, method, args); } AccessorInfo accessorInfo = getAccessorFactory().getAccessorInfo(method); EAccessorType accessorType = accessorInfo.getAccessorType(); IPropertyDescriptor propertyDescriptor = null; if (accessorType != EAccessorType.NONE) { String accessedPropertyName = accessorInfo.getAccessedPropertyName(); if (accessedPropertyName != null) { propertyDescriptor = componentDescriptor.getPropertyDescriptor(accessedPropertyName); } } if (propertyDescriptor != null) { Class<IComponentExtension<IComponent>> extensionClass = (Class<IComponentExtension<IComponent>>) propertyDescriptor .getDelegateClass(); if (extensionClass != null) { return accessComputedProperty(propertyDescriptor, accessorInfo, extensionClass, proxy, method, args); } else if (!propertyDescriptor.isComputed()) { if (accessorInfo.isModifier()) { if (modifierMonitors != null && modifierMonitors.contains(methodName)) { return null; } if (modifierMonitors == null) { modifierMonitors = new THashSet<>(1); } modifierMonitors.add(methodName); } try { Object param; switch (accessorType) { case GETTER: return getProperty(proxy, propertyDescriptor); case SETTER: param = sanitizeModifierParam(proxy, propertyDescriptor, args[0]); setProperty(proxy, propertyDescriptor, param); return null; case ADDER: if (args.length == 2) { param = sanitizeModifierParam(proxy, propertyDescriptor, args[1]); addToProperty(proxy, (ICollectionPropertyDescriptor<?>) propertyDescriptor, (Integer) args[0], param); } else { param = sanitizeModifierParam(proxy, propertyDescriptor, args[0]); addToProperty(proxy, (ICollectionPropertyDescriptor<?>) propertyDescriptor, param); } return null; case REMOVER: param = sanitizeModifierParam(proxy, propertyDescriptor, args[0]); removeFromProperty(proxy, (ICollectionPropertyDescriptor<?>) propertyDescriptor, param); return null; default: break; } } finally { if (modifierMonitors != null && accessorInfo.isModifier()) { modifierMonitors.remove(methodName); } } } else { String propertyName = propertyDescriptor.getName(); if (propertyDescriptor.isFilterOnly()) { throw new ComponentException("The '" + propertyName + "' property is meant to be used only on filters for the following component : \n" + componentDescriptor.getComponentContract().getName()); } else if (propertyDescriptor instanceof IStringPropertyDescriptor && ((IStringPropertyDescriptor) propertyDescriptor).isTranslatable()) { if (accessorInfo.isModifier()) { if (propertyName.endsWith(IComponentDescriptor.NLS_SUFFIX)) { invokeNlsSetter(proxy, (IStringPropertyDescriptor) propertyDescriptor, (String) args[0]); } else { invokeNlsOrRawSetter(proxy, (IStringPropertyDescriptor) propertyDescriptor, (String) args[0]); } return null; } else { if (propertyName.endsWith(IComponentDescriptor.NLS_SUFFIX)) { return invokeNlsGetter(proxy, (IStringPropertyDescriptor) propertyDescriptor); } else { return invokeNlsOrRawGetter(proxy, (IStringPropertyDescriptor) propertyDescriptor); } } } else { try { return invokeServiceMethod(proxy, method, args); } catch (NoSuchMethodException ignored) { // it will fall back in the general case. } throw new ComponentException("The '" + propertyName + "' property is described as computed but we couldn't determine a way to compute it," + " either through an extension or a service delegate on the following component : \n" + componentDescriptor.getComponentContract().getName()); } } } else { try { return invokeServiceMethod(proxy, method, args); } catch (NoSuchMethodException ignored) { // it will fall back in the general case. } } break; } throw new ComponentException(method.toString() + " is not supported on the component " + componentDescriptor.getComponentContract().getName()); } /** * Invoke nls getter. * * @param proxy * the proxy * @param propertyDescriptor * the property descriptor * @return the translated value */ protected String invokeNlsGetter(Object proxy, IStringPropertyDescriptor propertyDescriptor) { return (String) straightGetProperty(proxy, propertyDescriptor.getName() + IComponentDescriptor.RAW_SUFFIX); } /** * Invoke nls or raw getter. * * @param proxy * the proxy * @param propertyDescriptor * the property descriptor * @return the translated value or raw if non-existent. */ protected String invokeNlsOrRawGetter(Object proxy, IStringPropertyDescriptor propertyDescriptor) { String nlsOrRawValue = invokeNlsGetter(proxy, propertyDescriptor); if (nlsOrRawValue == null) { nlsOrRawValue = (String) straightGetProperty(proxy, propertyDescriptor.getName() + IComponentDescriptor .RAW_SUFFIX); } return nlsOrRawValue; } /** * Invoke nls setter. * * @param proxy * the proxy * @param propertyDescriptor * the property descriptor * @param translatedValue * the translated value */ protected void invokeNlsSetter(Object proxy, IStringPropertyDescriptor propertyDescriptor, String translatedValue) { straightSetProperty(proxy, propertyDescriptor.getName() + IComponentDescriptor.RAW_SUFFIX, translatedValue); } /** * Invoke nls or raw setter. * * @param proxy * the proxy * @param propertyDescriptor * the property descriptor * @param translatedValue * the translated value */ protected void invokeNlsOrRawSetter(Object proxy, IStringPropertyDescriptor propertyDescriptor, String translatedValue) { String oldTranslation = invokeNlsOrRawGetter(proxy, propertyDescriptor); invokeNlsSetter(proxy, propertyDescriptor, translatedValue); String propertyName = propertyDescriptor.getName(); storeProperty(propertyName, translatedValue); firePropertyChange(proxy, propertyName, oldTranslation, translatedValue); } private boolean isLifecycleMethod(Method method) { String methodName = method.getName(); if (LIFECYCLE_METHOD_NAMES.contains(methodName)) { try { return ILifecycleCapable.class.getMethod(methodName, method.getParameterTypes()) != null; } catch (NoSuchMethodException ignored) { // this is certainly normal. } } return false; } /** * Gives chance to subclasses to perform sanity checks and eventually * substitute the passed param by an other one when it's technically * necessary. * * @param target * the target being modified. * @param propertyDescriptor * the descriptor of the property being modified. * @param param * the modifier parameter. * @return the parameter to actually pass to the modifier */ protected Object sanitizeModifierParam(Object target, IPropertyDescriptor propertyDescriptor, Object param) { return param; } /** * Sets the collectionFactory. * * @param collectionFactory * the collectionFactory to set. */ public void setCollectionFactory(IComponentCollectionFactory collectionFactory) { this.collectionFactory = collectionFactory; } /** * Delegate method to compute object equality. * * @param proxy * the target component to compute equality of. * @param another * the object to compute equality against. * @return the computed equality. */ protected abstract boolean computeEquals(IComponent proxy, Object another); /** * Delegate method to compute hashcode. * * @param proxy * the target component to compute hashcode for. * @return the computed hashcode. */ protected abstract int computeHashCode(IComponent proxy); /** * Gives a chance to configure created extensions. * * @param extension * the extension to configure. */ protected void configureExtension(IComponentExtension<IComponent> extension) { if (extension instanceof IComponentFactoryAware) { ((IComponentFactoryAware) extension) .setComponentFactory(getInlineComponentFactory()); } extension.postCreate(); } /** * Gives a chance to the implementor to decorate a component reference before * returning it when fetching association ends. * * @param referent * the component reference to decorate. * @param referentDescriptor * the component descriptor of the referent. * @return the decorated component. */ protected abstract IComponent decorateReferent(IComponent referent, IComponentDescriptor<? extends IComponent> referentDescriptor); /** * An empty hook that gets called whenever an entity is detached from a parent * one. * * @param parent * the parent entity. * @param child * the child entity. * @param propertyDescriptor * the property descriptor this entity was detached from. */ @SuppressWarnings("UnusedParameters") protected void entityDetached(IEntity parent, IEntity child, IRelationshipEndPropertyDescriptor propertyDescriptor) { // defaults to no-op. } /** * Gets the accessorFactory. * * @return the accessorFactory. */ protected IAccessorFactory getAccessorFactory() { return accessorFactory; } /** * Gets a collection property value. * * @param proxy * the proxy to get the property of. * @param propertyDescriptor * the property descriptor to get the value for. * @return the property value. */ @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "ConstantConditions"}) protected Object getCollectionProperty(Object proxy, ICollectionPropertyDescriptor<? extends IComponent> propertyDescriptor) { String propertyName = propertyDescriptor.getName(); try { Object property = straightGetProperty(proxy, propertyName); if (property == null) { property = collectionFactory .createComponentCollection(propertyDescriptor.getReferencedDescriptor().getCollectionInterface()); storeProperty(propertyName, property); } if (property instanceof List<?>) { List<IComponent> propertyAsList = (List<IComponent>) property; for (int i = 0; i < propertyAsList.size(); i++) { IComponent referent = propertyAsList.get(i); IComponent decorated = decorateReferent(referent, propertyDescriptor .getReferencedDescriptor().getElementDescriptor() .getComponentDescriptor()); if (decorated != referent) { propertyAsList.set(i, decorated); } if (referent == null) { if (proxy instanceof IEntity) { LOG.warn( "A null element was detected in indexed list [{}] on {}, id {} at index {}", propertyName, ((IEntity) proxy).getComponentContract().getName(), ((IEntity) proxy).getId(), i); LOG.warn("This might be normal but sometimes it reveals a mis-use of indexed collection property accessors."); } } else if(EntityHelper.isInlineComponentReference( propertyDescriptor.getReferencedDescriptor().getElementDescriptor())) { if (decorated != null) { decorated.setOwningComponent((IComponent) proxy, propertyDescriptor); } } } } else if (property instanceof Set<?>) { Set<IComponent> propertyAsSet = (Set<IComponent>) property; for (IComponent referent : new THashSet<>(propertyAsSet)) { IComponent decorated = decorateReferent(referent, propertyDescriptor .getReferencedDescriptor().getElementDescriptor() .getComponentDescriptor()); if (decorated != referent) { propertyAsSet.add(decorated); } if (EntityHelper.isInlineComponentReference( propertyDescriptor.getReferencedDescriptor().getElementDescriptor())) { if (decorated != null) { decorated.setOwningComponent((IComponent) proxy, propertyDescriptor); } } } } if (isCollectionSortOnReadEnabled() && collectionSortEnabled) { inlineComponentFactory.sortCollectionProperty((IComponent) proxy, propertyName); } if (property instanceof ICollectionWrapper<?>) { return property; } List<Class<?>> implementedInterfaces = new ArrayList<>(); implementedInterfaces.add(ICollectionWrapper.class); implementedInterfaces.addAll(Arrays.asList(property.getClass().getInterfaces())); return Proxy.newProxyInstance(AbstractComponentInvocationHandler.class.getClassLoader(), implementedInterfaces.toArray(new Class[implementedInterfaces.size()]), new PersistentCollectionWrapper<>((Collection<IComponent>) property, (IComponent) proxy, propertyName, propertyDescriptor.getCollectionDescriptor().getElementDescriptor().getComponentContract(), accessorFactory)); } catch (RuntimeException re) { LOG.error("Error when retrieving [{}] collection property on {}", propertyName, proxy); throw (re); } } /** * Allow to disable collection property sorting on read. * * @return true if collection sorting is enabled on read access. */ protected boolean isCollectionSortOnReadEnabled() { return true; } /** * Is dirty tracking enabled. * * @return {@code true} if dirty tracking is enabled. */ protected boolean isDirtyTrackingEnabled() { return true; } /** * Sets dirty tracking enabled. * * @param enabled * {@code true} if enabled, {@code false} otherwise. */ protected void setDirtyTrackingEnabled(boolean enabled) { // NO-OP; } /** * Creates and registers an extension instance. * * @param extensionClass * the extension class. * @param proxy * the proxy to register the extension on. * @return the component extension. */ protected synchronized IComponentExtension<? extends IComponent> getExtensionInstance( Class<IComponentExtension<IComponent>> extensionClass, IComponent proxy) { IComponentExtension<IComponent> extension; if (componentExtensions == null) { componentExtensions = new THashMap<>(1, 1.0f); extension = null; } else { extension = componentExtensions.get(extensionClass); } if (extension == null) { extension = extensionFactory.createComponentExtension(extensionClass, componentDescriptor.getComponentContract(), proxy); componentExtensions.put(extensionClass, extension); configureExtension(extension); } return extension; } /** * Gets the inlineComponentFactory. * * @return the inlineComponentFactory. */ protected IComponentFactory getInlineComponentFactory() { return inlineComponentFactory; } /** * Gets a property value. * * @param proxy * the proxy to get the property of. * @param propertyDescriptor * the property descriptor to get the value for. * @return the property value. */ @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") protected Object getProperty(Object proxy, IPropertyDescriptor propertyDescriptor) { if (propertyDescriptor instanceof ICollectionPropertyDescriptor) { return getCollectionProperty( proxy, (ICollectionPropertyDescriptor<? extends IComponent>) propertyDescriptor); } if (propertyDescriptor instanceof IReferencePropertyDescriptor) { return getReferenceProperty(proxy, (IReferencePropertyDescriptor<IComponent>) propertyDescriptor); } Object propertyValue = straightGetProperty(proxy, propertyDescriptor.getName()); return propertyValue; } /** * Gets a reference property value. * * @param proxy * the proxy to get the property of. * @param propertyDescriptor * the property descriptor to get the value for. * @return the property value. */ @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") protected Object getReferenceProperty(Object proxy, final IReferencePropertyDescriptor<IComponent> propertyDescriptor) { String propertyName = propertyDescriptor.getName(); Object referent = straightGetProperty(proxy, propertyName); if (referent instanceof IPropertyChangeCapable) { initializeInlineTrackerIfNeeded((IPropertyChangeCapable) referent, propertyName, true); Set<String> delayedNestedPropertyListening = null; if (delayedFakePclAttachements != null) { delayedNestedPropertyListening = delayedFakePclAttachements .remove(propertyName); } if (delayedNestedPropertyListening != null) { Set<String> nestedPropertyListening = null; if (fakePclAttachements != null) { nestedPropertyListening = fakePclAttachements .get(propertyName); } if (nestedPropertyListening == null) { nestedPropertyListening = new THashSet<>(1); if (fakePclAttachements == null) { fakePclAttachements = new THashMap<>(1, 1.0f); } fakePclAttachements.put(propertyName, nestedPropertyListening); } for (String nestedPropertyName : delayedNestedPropertyListening) { ((IPropertyChangeCapable) referent).addWeakPropertyChangeListener(nestedPropertyName, createOrGetFakePcl()); nestedPropertyListening.add(nestedPropertyName); } } } IComponentDescriptor<IComponent> referencedDescriptor = (IComponentDescriptor<IComponent>) propertyDescriptor .getReferencedDescriptor(); if (referent == null && EntityHelper.isInlineComponentReference(propertyDescriptor) && !propertyDescriptor.isComputed() && propertyDescriptor.isMandatory()) { boolean wasDirtyTrackingEnabled = isDirtyTrackingEnabled(); try { setDirtyTrackingEnabled(false); referent = inlineComponentFactory .createComponentInstance(referencedDescriptor.getComponentContract()); storeReferenceProperty(proxy, propertyDescriptor, null, referent); } finally { setDirtyTrackingEnabled(wasDirtyTrackingEnabled); } } if (referent instanceof IComponent) { return decorateReferent((IComponent) referent, referencedDescriptor); } return referent; } /** * Invokes a service method on the component. * * @param proxy * the component to invoke the service on. * @param method * the method implemented by the component. * @param args * the arguments of the method implemented by the component. * @return the value returned by the method execution if any. * * @throws NoSuchMethodException * if no mean could be found to service the method. */ @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") protected Object invokeServiceMethod(Object proxy, Method method, Object... args) throws NoSuchMethodException { IComponentService service = componentDescriptor.getServiceDelegate(method); if (service != null) { try { if (service instanceof AbstractComponentServiceDelegate<?>) { Method refinedMethod = service.getClass().getMethod(method.getName(), method.getParameterTypes()); if (refinedMethod != null) { return ((AbstractComponentServiceDelegate<Object>) service) .executeWith(proxy, refinedMethod, args); } } int signatureSize = method.getParameterTypes().length + 1; Class<?>[] parameterTypes = new Class<?>[signatureSize]; Object[] parameters = new Object[signatureSize]; parameterTypes[0] = componentDescriptor.getComponentContract(); parameters[0] = proxy; for (int i = 1; i < signatureSize; i++) { parameterTypes[i] = method.getParameterTypes()[i - 1]; parameters[i] = args[i - 1]; } return MethodUtils.invokeMethod(service, method.getName(), parameters, parameterTypes); } catch (IllegalAccessException | NoSuchMethodException ex) { throw new ComponentException(ex); } catch (InvocationTargetException ex) { if (ex.getCause() instanceof RuntimeException) { throw (RuntimeException) ex.getCause(); } throw new ComponentException(ex.getCause()); } } throw new NoSuchMethodException(method.toString()); } /** * Whether the object is fully initialized. * * @param objectOrProxy * the object to test. * @return true if the object is fully initialized. */ protected boolean isInitialized(Object objectOrProxy) { return true; } /** * An empty hook that gets called when an component is created (still transient). * * @param proxy * the proxy * @param entityFactory * an entity factory instance which can be used to complete the lifecycle step. * @param principal * the principal triggering the action. * @param entityLifecycleHandler * entityLifecycleHandler. */ protected void onCreate(Object proxy, IEntityFactory entityFactory, UserPrincipal principal, IEntityLifecycleHandler entityLifecycleHandler) { registerServicesForwardingListenersIfNecessary(proxy); } /** * An empty hook that gets called whenever an entity is to be persisted. * * @param proxy * the proxy * @param entityFactory * an entity factory instance which can be used to complete the lifecycle step. * @param principal * the principal triggering the action. * @param entityLifecycleHandler * entityLifecycleHandler. */ protected void onPersist(Object proxy, IEntityFactory entityFactory, UserPrincipal principal, IEntityLifecycleHandler entityLifecycleHandler) { // defaults to no-op. } /** * An empty hook that gets called whenever an entity is to be updated. * * @param proxy * the proxy * @param entityFactory * an entity factory instance which can be used to complete the lifecycle step. * @param principal * the principal triggering the action. * @param entityLifecycleHandler * entityLifecycleHandler. */ protected void onUpdate(Object proxy, IEntityFactory entityFactory, UserPrincipal principal, IEntityLifecycleHandler entityLifecycleHandler) { // defaults to no-op. } /** * An empty hook that gets called just before an component is deleted (delete). * * @param proxy * the proxy * @param entityFactory * an entity factory instance which can be used to complete the lifecycle step. * @param principal * the principal triggering the action. * @param entityLifecycleHandler * entityLifecycleHandler. * @return true if the state of the component has been updated. */ protected boolean onDelete(Object proxy, IEntityFactory entityFactory, UserPrincipal principal, IEntityLifecycleHandler entityLifecycleHandler) { // defaults to no-op. return false; } /** * An empty hook that gets called when an component is loaded from the persistent store or merged back * from the unit of work. * * @param proxy * the proxy */ protected void onLoad(Object proxy) { registerServicesForwardingListenersIfNecessary(proxy); } /** * An empty hook that gets called whenever an entity is cloned to the unit of work. * * @param <E> * tha actual component type. * @param proxy * the proxy * @param sourceComponent * the component that is the source of the cloning. */ protected <E extends IComponent> void onClone(Object proxy, E sourceComponent) { registerServicesForwardingListenersIfNecessary(proxy); } private boolean servicesForwardingListenersRegistered = false; private void registerServicesForwardingListenersIfNecessary(Object proxy) { if (!servicesForwardingListenersRegistered) { servicesForwardingListenersRegistered = true; Collection<Class<?>> serviceContracts = componentDescriptor.getServiceContracts(); if (serviceContracts != null) { for (Class<?> serviceContract : serviceContracts) { DependsOnHelper.registerDependsOnListeners(serviceContract, (IPropertyChangeCapable) proxy, accessorFactory); } } } } /** * Direct read access to the properties map without any other operation. Use * with caution only in subclasses. * * @param propertyName * the property name. * @return the property value. */ protected abstract Object retrievePropertyValue(String propertyName); /** * Refine property to store object. * * @param propertyValue * the property value * @return the object */ protected Object refinePropertyToStore(Object propertyValue) { if (propertyValue instanceof ICollectionWrapper<?>) { return ((ICollectionWrapper) propertyValue).getWrappedCollection(); } return propertyValue; } /** * Direct write access to the properties map without any other operation. Use * with caution only in subclasses. * * @param propertyName * the property name. * @param propertyValue * the property value. */ protected abstract void storeProperty(String propertyName, Object propertyValue); /** * Store collection property. * * @param proxy * the proxy * @param propertyDescriptor * the property descriptor * @param oldPropertyValue * the old property value * @param newPropertyValue * the new property value */ @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") protected void storeCollectionProperty(Object proxy, ICollectionPropertyDescriptor<?> propertyDescriptor, Object oldPropertyValue, Object newPropertyValue) { String propertyName = propertyDescriptor.getName(); if (EntityHelper.isInlineComponentReference(propertyDescriptor.getReferencedDescriptor().getElementDescriptor())) { if (oldPropertyValue instanceof Collection<?> && isInitialized(oldPropertyValue)) { for (IComponent component : (Collection<IComponent>) oldPropertyValue) { if (component != null) { component.setOwningComponent(null, null); } } } if (newPropertyValue instanceof Collection<?> && isInitialized(newPropertyValue)) { for (IComponent component : (Collection<IComponent>) newPropertyValue) { if (component != null) { component.setOwningComponent((IComponent) proxy, propertyDescriptor); } } } } storeProperty(propertyName, newPropertyValue); } /** * Performs necessary registration on inline components before actually * storing them. * * @param proxy * the proxy to store the reference property for. * @param propertyDescriptor * the reference property descriptor. * @param oldPropertyValue * the old reference property value. * @param newPropertyValue * the new reference property value. */ protected void storeReferenceProperty(Object proxy, IReferencePropertyDescriptor<?> propertyDescriptor, Object oldPropertyValue, Object newPropertyValue) { String propertyName = propertyDescriptor.getName(); NestedReferenceTracker referenceTracker = null; if (referenceTrackers != null) { referenceTracker = referenceTrackers.get(propertyName); } // Handle owning component. if (oldPropertyValue instanceof IComponent && EntityHelper.isInlineComponentReference(propertyDescriptor) && isInitialized(oldPropertyValue)) { ((IComponent) oldPropertyValue).setOwningComponent(null, null); } if (newPropertyValue instanceof IComponent && EntityHelper.isInlineComponentReference(propertyDescriptor) && isInitialized(newPropertyValue)) { ((IComponent) newPropertyValue).setOwningComponent((IComponent) proxy, propertyDescriptor); } if (oldPropertyValue instanceof IPropertyChangeCapable) { if (isInitialized(oldPropertyValue)) { if (referenceTracker != null) { ((IPropertyChangeCapable) oldPropertyValue).removePropertyChangeListener(referenceTracker); } Set<String> nestedPropertyListening = null; if (fakePclAttachements != null) { nestedPropertyListening = fakePclAttachements.get(propertyName); } if (nestedPropertyListening != null) { for (String nestedPropertyName : nestedPropertyListening) { ((IPropertyChangeCapable) oldPropertyValue).removePropertyChangeListener(nestedPropertyName, createOrGetFakePcl()); } } if (delayedFakePclAttachements != null) { delayedFakePclAttachements.remove(propertyName); } } } storeProperty(propertyName, newPropertyValue); if (newPropertyValue instanceof IPropertyChangeCapable) { Set<String> nestedPropertyListening = null; if (fakePclAttachements != null) { nestedPropertyListening = fakePclAttachements.get(propertyName); } if (nestedPropertyListening != null) { if (isInitialized(newPropertyValue)) { for (String nestedPropertyName : nestedPropertyListening) { ((IPropertyChangeCapable) newPropertyValue).addWeakPropertyChangeListener(nestedPropertyName, createOrGetFakePcl()); } } else { if (delayedFakePclAttachements == null) { delayedFakePclAttachements = new THashMap<>(1, 1.0f); } delayedFakePclAttachements.put(propertyName, nestedPropertyListening); } } if (referenceTracker == null) { referenceTracker = new NestedReferenceTracker(proxy, propertyName, EntityHelper.isInlineComponentReference( propertyDescriptor) && !propertyDescriptor.isComputed()); if (referenceTrackers == null) { referenceTrackers = new THashMap<>(1, 1.0f); } referenceTrackers.put(propertyName, referenceTracker); } referenceTracker.setInitialized(false); initializeInlineTrackerIfNeeded((IPropertyChangeCapable) newPropertyValue, propertyName, // To avoid breaking lazy initialization of oldPropertyValue !isInitialized(oldPropertyValue) || (isInitialized(newPropertyValue) && !ObjectUtils.equals(oldPropertyValue, newPropertyValue))); } else if (referenceTracker != null) { if (oldPropertyValue instanceof IComponent // To avoid breaking lazy initialization optimisation && isInitialized(oldPropertyValue)) { for (Map.Entry<String, Object> property : ((IComponent) oldPropertyValue).straightGetProperties().entrySet()) { referenceTracker.propertyChange(new PropertyChangeEvent(oldPropertyValue, property.getKey(), property.getValue(), null)); } } } } /** * Performs (potentially delayed due to lazy initialization) inline tracker * attachment. * * @param referenceProperty * the reference to link the tracker to. * @param propertyName * the property name of the tracker. * @param fireNestedPropertyChange * Whenever the initialization is performed, does a first set of * property change events be fired ? */ private void initializeInlineTrackerIfNeeded(IPropertyChangeCapable referenceProperty, String propertyName, boolean fireNestedPropertyChange) { if (referenceProperty != null && isInitialized(referenceProperty)) { NestedReferenceTracker storedTracker = null; if (referenceTrackers != null) { storedTracker = referenceTrackers.get(propertyName); } if (storedTracker != null && !storedTracker.isInitialized()) { storedTracker.setInitialized(true); referenceProperty.addWeakPropertyChangeListener(storedTracker); if (fireNestedPropertyChange && referenceProperty instanceof IComponent) { for (Map.Entry<String, Object> property : ((IComponent) referenceProperty).straightGetProperties() .entrySet()) { storedTracker.propertyChange(new PropertyChangeEvent(referenceProperty, property.getKey(), IPropertyChangeCapable.UNKNOWN, property.getValue())); } } } } } /** * Directly gets all property values out of the property store without any * other operation. * * @param proxy * the proxy to straight get the properties from. * @return The map of properties. */ protected Map<String, Object> straightGetProperties(Object proxy) { Map<String, Object> allProperties = new HashMap<>(); for (IPropertyDescriptor propertyDescriptor : componentDescriptor.getPropertyDescriptors()) { String propertyName = propertyDescriptor.getName(); if (!(propertyDescriptor.isComputed() && propertyDescriptor.getPersistenceFormula() == null)) { allProperties.put(propertyName, straightGetProperty(proxy, propertyName)); } } return allProperties; } /** * Directly get a property value out of the property store without any other * operation. * * @param proxy * the proxy to straight get the property from. * @param propertyName * the name of the property. * @return the property value or null. */ protected Object straightGetProperty(Object proxy, String propertyName) { IPropertyDescriptor propertyDescriptor = componentDescriptor.getPropertyDescriptor(propertyName); if (propertyDescriptor == null || (propertyDescriptor.isComputed() && propertyDescriptor.getPersistenceFormula() == null)) { return null; } Object propertyValue = retrievePropertyValue(propertyName); if (propertyValue == null && propertyDescriptor instanceof IBooleanPropertyDescriptor) { return Boolean.FALSE; } return propertyValue; } /** * Directly set a property value to the property store without any other * operation. * * @param proxy * the proxy to straight set the property to. * @param propertyName * the name of the property. * @param newPropertyValue * the property value or null. */ protected void straightSetProperty(Object proxy, String propertyName, Object newPropertyValue) { IPropertyDescriptor propertyDescriptor = componentDescriptor.getPropertyDescriptor(propertyName); if (propertyDescriptor == null || (propertyDescriptor.isComputed() && propertyDescriptor.getPersistenceFormula() == null)) { return; } Object currentPropertyValue = straightGetProperty(proxy, propertyName); if (propertyDescriptor instanceof IReferencePropertyDescriptor) { // reference must change sometimes even if entities are equal. if (/* !ObjectUtils.equals(currentPropertyValue, newPropertyValue) */currentPropertyValue != newPropertyValue) { storeReferenceProperty(proxy, (IReferencePropertyDescriptor<?>) propertyDescriptor, currentPropertyValue, newPropertyValue); } } else if (propertyDescriptor instanceof ICollectionPropertyDescriptor) { storeCollectionProperty(proxy, (ICollectionPropertyDescriptor<?>) propertyDescriptor, currentPropertyValue, newPropertyValue ); if (currentPropertyValue != null && currentPropertyValue == newPropertyValue && isInitialized(currentPropertyValue)) { currentPropertyValue = Proxy.newProxyInstance (Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader(), new Class<?>[]{ ((ICollectionPropertyDescriptor<?>) propertyDescriptor).getReferencedDescriptor().getCollectionInterface()}, new NeverEqualsInvocationHandler(CollectionHelper.cloneCollection((Collection<?>) currentPropertyValue))); } } else { storeProperty(propertyName, newPropertyValue); } doFirePropertyChange(proxy, propertyName, currentPropertyValue, newPropertyValue); } private synchronized void addPropertyChangeListener(Object proxy, PropertyChangeListener listener) { if (listener == null) { return; } if (propertyChangeSupport == null) { propertyChangeSupport = new SinglePropertyChangeSupport(proxy); } propertyChangeSupport.addPropertyChangeListener(listener); } private synchronized void addWeakPropertyChangeListener(Object proxy, PropertyChangeListener listener) { if (listener == null) { return; } if (weakPropertyChangeSupport == null) { weakPropertyChangeSupport = new SingleWeakPropertyChangeSupport(proxy); } weakPropertyChangeSupport.addPropertyChangeListener(listener); } private synchronized void addPropertyChangeListener(Object proxy, String propertyName, PropertyChangeListener listener) { if (listener == null) { return; } if (propertyChangeSupport == null) { propertyChangeSupport = new SinglePropertyChangeSupport(proxy); } handleNestedPropertyChangeListening(proxy, propertyName); propertyChangeSupport.addPropertyChangeListener(propertyName, listener); } private synchronized void addWeakPropertyChangeListener(Object proxy, String propertyName, PropertyChangeListener listener) { if (listener == null) { return; } if (weakPropertyChangeSupport == null) { weakPropertyChangeSupport = new SingleWeakPropertyChangeSupport(proxy); } handleNestedPropertyChangeListening(proxy, propertyName); weakPropertyChangeSupport.addPropertyChangeListener(propertyName, listener); } private void handleNestedPropertyChangeListening(Object proxy, String propertyName) { int nestedDelimIndex = propertyName.indexOf(IAccessor.NESTED_DELIM); if (nestedDelimIndex >= 0) { String rootProperty = propertyName.substring(0, nestedDelimIndex); String nestedPropertyName = propertyName.substring(nestedDelimIndex + 1); NestedReferenceTracker referenceTracker = null; if (referenceTrackers != null) { referenceTracker = referenceTrackers.get(rootProperty); } if (referenceTracker == null) { IReferencePropertyDescriptor<?> rootPropertyDescriptor = (IReferencePropertyDescriptor<?>) componentDescriptor .getPropertyDescriptor(rootProperty); referenceTracker = new NestedReferenceTracker(proxy, rootProperty, EntityHelper.isInlineComponentReference( rootPropertyDescriptor) && !rootPropertyDescriptor.isComputed()); if (referenceTrackers == null) { referenceTrackers = new THashMap<>(1, 1.0f); } referenceTrackers.put(rootProperty, referenceTracker); } Object currentRootProperty = straightGetProperty(proxy, rootProperty); if (currentRootProperty instanceof IPropertyChangeCapable) { if (isInitialized(currentRootProperty)) { ((IPropertyChangeCapable) currentRootProperty).addWeakPropertyChangeListener(nestedPropertyName, createOrGetFakePcl()); Set<String> nestedPropertyListening = null; if (fakePclAttachements != null) { nestedPropertyListening = fakePclAttachements.get(propertyName); } if (nestedPropertyListening == null) { nestedPropertyListening = new THashSet<>(1); if (fakePclAttachements == null) { fakePclAttachements = new THashMap<>(1, 1.0f); } fakePclAttachements.put(rootProperty, nestedPropertyListening); } nestedPropertyListening.add(nestedPropertyName); } else { Set<String> delayedNestedPropertyListening = null; if (delayedFakePclAttachements != null) { delayedNestedPropertyListening = delayedFakePclAttachements.get(propertyName); } if (delayedNestedPropertyListening == null) { delayedNestedPropertyListening = new THashSet<>(1); if (delayedFakePclAttachements == null) { delayedFakePclAttachements = new THashMap<>(1, 1.0f); } delayedFakePclAttachements.put(rootProperty, delayedNestedPropertyListening); } delayedNestedPropertyListening.add(nestedPropertyName); } } referenceTracker.addToTrackedProperties(nestedPropertyName); } } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") protected void addToProperty(Object proxy, ICollectionPropertyDescriptor<?> propertyDescriptor, int index, Object value) { String propertyName = propertyDescriptor.getName(); Collection<Object> collectionProperty = (Collection<Object>) straightGetProperty(proxy, propertyName); if (value instanceof IEntity && collectionProperty.contains(value)) { if (collectionProperty instanceof Set<?>) { LOG.warn( "You have added twice the same element to the following collection property : {}.{}" + componentDescriptor .getComponentContract().getName(), propertyName); } else { throw new ComponentException( "Collection property does not allow duplicates : " + componentDescriptor.getComponentContract().getName() + "." + propertyName); } } try { if (propertyProcessorsEnabled) { propertyDescriptor.preprocessAdder(proxy, collectionProperty, value); } IRelationshipEndPropertyDescriptor reversePropertyDescriptor = propertyDescriptor.getReverseRelationEnd(); if (reversePropertyDescriptor != null) { if (reversePropertyDescriptor instanceof IReferencePropertyDescriptor<?>) { accessorFactory.createPropertyAccessor(reversePropertyDescriptor.getName(), propertyDescriptor.getReferencedDescriptor().getElementDescriptor().getComponentContract()).setValue( value, proxy); } else if (reversePropertyDescriptor instanceof ICollectionPropertyDescriptor<?>) { ICollectionAccessor collectionAccessor = accessorFactory.createCollectionPropertyAccessor( reversePropertyDescriptor.getName(), propertyDescriptor.getReferencedDescriptor().getElementDescriptor().getComponentContract(), ((ICollectionPropertyDescriptor<?>) reversePropertyDescriptor).getCollectionDescriptor() .getElementDescriptor() .getComponentContract()); if (collectionAccessor instanceof IModelDescriptorAware) { ((IModelDescriptorAware) collectionAccessor).setModelDescriptor(reversePropertyDescriptor); } collectionAccessor.addToValue(value, proxy); } } Collection<?> oldCollectionSnapshot = CollectionHelper.cloneCollection((Collection<?>) collectionProperty); boolean inserted; if (collectionProperty instanceof List<?> && index >= 0 && index < collectionProperty.size()) { ((List<Object>) collectionProperty).add(index, value); inserted = true; } else { inserted = collectionProperty.add(value); } if (inserted) { if (EntityHelper.isInlineComponentReference(propertyDescriptor.getReferencedDescriptor().getElementDescriptor())) { if (value != null) { ((IComponent) value).setOwningComponent((IComponent) proxy, propertyDescriptor); } } if (collectionSortEnabled) { inlineComponentFactory.sortCollectionProperty((IComponent) proxy, propertyName); } // This will be a no-op. Only for allowing to put a breakpoint on the state collection property setter. storeProperty(propertyName, collectionProperty); doFirePropertyChange(proxy, propertyName, oldCollectionSnapshot, collectionProperty); if (propertyProcessorsEnabled) { propertyDescriptor.postprocessAdder(proxy, collectionProperty, value); } } } catch (RuntimeException ex) { rollbackProperty(proxy, propertyDescriptor, collectionProperty); throw ex; } catch (InvocationTargetException ex) { rollbackProperty(proxy, propertyDescriptor, collectionProperty); if (ex.getCause() instanceof RuntimeException) { throw (RuntimeException) ex.getCause(); } throw new ComponentException(ex.getCause()); } catch (IllegalAccessException | NoSuchMethodException ex) { throw new ComponentException(ex); } } private void addToProperty(Object proxy, ICollectionPropertyDescriptor<?> propertyDescriptor, Object value) { addToProperty(proxy, propertyDescriptor, -1, value); } private void checkIntegrity(Object proxy) { checkMandatoryProperties(proxy); if (propertyProcessorsEnabled) { for (IPropertyDescriptor propertyDescriptor : componentDescriptor.getPropertyDescriptors()) { if (!propertyDescriptor.isComputed()) { propertyDescriptor.preprocessSetter(proxy, straightGetProperty(proxy, propertyDescriptor.getName())); } } } } private void checkMandatoryProperties(Object proxy) { if (propertyProcessorsEnabled) { for (IPropertyDescriptor propertyDescriptor : componentDescriptor.getPropertyDescriptors()) { if (!propertyDescriptor.isComputed()) { if (propertyDescriptor.isMandatory()) { Object newValue = straightGetProperty(proxy, propertyDescriptor.getName()); if (newValue == null || (isInitialized(newValue) && newValue instanceof Collection<?> && ((Collection<?>) newValue).isEmpty())) { throw new MandatoryPropertyException(propertyDescriptor, proxy); } } if (propertyDescriptor instanceof ICollectionPropertyDescriptor<?> && !((ICollectionPropertyDescriptor<?>) propertyDescriptor).getReferencedDescriptor() .isNullElementAllowed()) { Object newValue = straightGetProperty(proxy, propertyDescriptor.getName()); if (isInitialized(newValue) && newValue instanceof Collection<?>) { for (Object element : ((Collection<?>) newValue)) { if (element == null) { throw new MandatoryPropertyException(propertyDescriptor, proxy); } } } } } } } } @SuppressWarnings({"unused", "UnusedParameters"}) private boolean hasListeners(Object proxy, String propertyName) { if (computedPropertiesCache != null && computedPropertiesCache.containsKey(propertyName)) { // this is necessary in order to force cache re-computation computedPropertiesCache.remove(propertyName); } if (propertyChangeSupport != null && propertyChangeSupport.hasListeners(propertyName)) { PropertyChangeListener[] listeners = propertyChangeSupport.getPropertyChangeListeners(propertyName); if (listeners != null && listeners.length > 0) { return true; } listeners = propertyChangeSupport.getPropertyChangeListeners(); for (PropertyChangeListener listener : listeners) { // Avoid single property change listeners and dirt trackers if (!(listener instanceof PropertyChangeListenerProxy || listener instanceof BeanPropertyChangeRecorder)) { return true; } } } if (weakPropertyChangeSupport != null && weakPropertyChangeSupport.hasListeners(propertyName)) { PropertyChangeListener[] listeners = weakPropertyChangeSupport.getPropertyChangeListeners(propertyName); if (listeners != null && listeners.length > 0) { return true; } listeners = weakPropertyChangeSupport.getPropertyChangeListeners(); for (PropertyChangeListener listener : listeners) { if (listener instanceof NestedReferenceTracker && ((NestedReferenceTracker) listener).source instanceof IComponent) { if (!propertyName.contains(((NestedReferenceTracker) listener).referencePropertyName) && ((IComponent) ((NestedReferenceTracker) listener).source).hasListeners( ((NestedReferenceTracker) listener).referencePropertyName + "." + propertyName)) { // Query nested component but prevent // stack overflows with 1-1 relationships return true; } } else { return true; } } } return false; } @SuppressWarnings({"unused", "UnusedParameters"}) private PropertyChangeListener[] getPropertyChangeListeners(Object proxy) { List<PropertyChangeListener> listeners = new ArrayList<>(); if (propertyChangeSupport != null) { for (PropertyChangeListener pcl : propertyChangeSupport.getPropertyChangeListeners()) { // Avoid single property change listeners if (!(pcl instanceof PropertyChangeListenerProxy)) { listeners.add(pcl); } } } if (weakPropertyChangeSupport != null) { Collections.addAll(listeners, weakPropertyChangeSupport.getPropertyChangeListeners()); } return listeners.toArray(new PropertyChangeListener[listeners.size()]); } @SuppressWarnings({"unused", "UnusedParameters"}) private PropertyChangeListener[] getPropertyChangeListeners(Object proxy, String propertyName) { List<PropertyChangeListener> listeners = new ArrayList<>(); if (propertyChangeSupport != null) { Collections.addAll(listeners, propertyChangeSupport.getPropertyChangeListeners(propertyName)); } if (weakPropertyChangeSupport != null) { Collections.addAll(listeners, weakPropertyChangeSupport.getPropertyChangeListeners(propertyName)); } return listeners.toArray(new PropertyChangeListener[listeners.size()]); } /** * Fire property change. * * @param proxy * the proxy * @param propertyName * the property name * @param oldValue * the old value * @param newValue * the new value */ protected void firePropertyChange(Object proxy, String propertyName, Object oldValue, Object newValue) { Object actualNewValue = newValue; if (computedPropertiesCache != null && computedPropertiesCache.containsKey(propertyName) && oldValue != IPropertyChangeCapable.UNKNOWN) { computedPropertiesCache.remove(propertyName); actualNewValue = IPropertyChangeCapable.UNKNOWN; } doFirePropertyChange(proxy, propertyName, oldValue, actualNewValue); // This method supports firing nested property changes if (propertyName != null) { int lastIndexOfDelim = propertyName.lastIndexOf(IAccessor.NESTED_DELIM); if (lastIndexOfDelim > 0) { Object propertyHolder; try { propertyHolder = getAccessorFactory().createPropertyAccessor(propertyName.substring(0, lastIndexOfDelim), getComponentContract()).getValue(proxy); if (propertyHolder != null && propertyHolder instanceof IComponent) { ((IComponent) propertyHolder).firePropertyChange(propertyName.substring(lastIndexOfDelim + 1), oldValue, actualNewValue); } } catch (IllegalAccessException | NoSuchMethodException ex) { throw new ComponentException(ex); } catch (InvocationTargetException ex) { if (ex.getCause() instanceof RuntimeException) { throw (RuntimeException) ex.getCause(); } throw new ComponentException(ex.getCause()); } } } } private void doFirePropertyChange(Object proxy, String propertyName, Object oldValue, Object newValue) { if (propertyChangeEnabled) { if ((oldValue == null && newValue == null) || (oldValue == newValue)) { return; } if (!isInitialized(oldValue) || !isInitialized(newValue)) { doFirePropertyChange(new PropertyChangeEvent(proxy, propertyName, IPropertyChangeCapable.UNKNOWN, newValue)); } else { doFirePropertyChange(new PropertyChangeEvent(proxy, propertyName, oldValue, newValue)); } } } private void doFirePropertyChange(PropertyChangeEvent evt) { if (propertyChangeEnabled) { if (delayedEvents != null) { if (isDirtyTrackingEnabled()) { delayedEvents.add(evt); } else { delayedEvents.add(new DirtyFreePropertyChangeEvent(evt)); } } else { if (propertyChangeSupport != null) { propertyChangeSupport.firePropertyChange(evt); } if (weakPropertyChangeSupport != null) { weakPropertyChangeSupport.firePropertyChange(evt); } } } } private static class DirtyFreePropertyChangeEvent extends PropertyChangeEvent { private static final long serialVersionUID = -3661229785535176973L; /** * Instantiates a new Dirty free property change event. * * @param pce * the pce */ public DirtyFreePropertyChangeEvent(PropertyChangeEvent pce) { super(pce.getSource(), pce.getPropertyName(), pce.getOldValue(), pce.getNewValue()); } } private boolean blockEvents() { if (delayedEvents == null) { delayedEvents = new ArrayList<>(); return true; } return false; } private void releaseEvents() { if (delayedEvents != null) { List<PropertyChangeEvent> delayedEventsCopy = new ArrayList<>(delayedEvents); delayedEvents = null; for (PropertyChangeEvent evt : delayedEventsCopy) { boolean wasDirtyTrackingEnabled = isDirtyTrackingEnabled(); try { if (evt instanceof DirtyFreePropertyChangeEvent) { setDirtyTrackingEnabled(false); } doFirePropertyChange(evt); } finally { setDirtyTrackingEnabled(wasDirtyTrackingEnabled); } } } } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") private synchronized Object accessComputedProperty(IPropertyDescriptor propertyDescriptor, AccessorInfo accessorInfo, Class<IComponentExtension<IComponent>> extensionClass, Object proxy, Method method, Object... args) { try { String propertyName = propertyDescriptor.getName(); Object computedPropertyValue = null; if (accessorInfo.isModifier()) { computedPropertyValue = getAccessorFactory().createPropertyAccessor(propertyDescriptor.getName(), getComponentContract()).getValue(proxy); Object interceptedValue = args[args.length - 1]; if (propertyProcessorsEnabled) { switch (accessorInfo.getAccessorType()) { case SETTER: interceptedValue = propertyDescriptor.interceptSetter(proxy, interceptedValue); propertyDescriptor.preprocessSetter(proxy, interceptedValue); break; case ADDER: ((ICollectionPropertyDescriptor<?>) propertyDescriptor).preprocessAdder(proxy, (Collection<Object>) computedPropertyValue, interceptedValue); break; case REMOVER: ((ICollectionPropertyDescriptor<?>) propertyDescriptor).preprocessRemover(proxy, (Collection<Object>) computedPropertyValue, interceptedValue); break; default: break; } args[args.length - 1] = interceptedValue; } } else if (propertyDescriptor.isCacheable()) { if (computedPropertiesCache != null && computedPropertiesCache.containsKey(propertyName)) { computedPropertyValue = computedPropertiesCache.get(propertyName); return computedPropertyValue; } } IComponentExtension<? extends IComponent> extensionDelegate = getExtensionInstance(extensionClass, (IComponent) proxy); if (accessorInfo.isModifier()) { // do not change computed property value invokeExtensionMethod(extensionDelegate, method, args); } else { computedPropertyValue = invokeExtensionMethod(extensionDelegate, method, args); } if (accessorInfo.isModifier()) { Object newComputedPropertyValue = getAccessorFactory().createPropertyAccessor(propertyDescriptor.getName(), getComponentContract()).getValue(proxy); switch (accessorInfo.getAccessorType()) { case SETTER: propertyDescriptor.postprocessSetter(proxy, computedPropertyValue, newComputedPropertyValue); break; case ADDER: ((ICollectionPropertyDescriptor<?>) propertyDescriptor).postprocessAdder(proxy, (Collection<Object>) newComputedPropertyValue, args[args.length - 1]); break; case REMOVER: ((ICollectionPropertyDescriptor<?>) propertyDescriptor).postprocessRemover(proxy, (Collection<Object>) newComputedPropertyValue, args[args.length - 1]); break; default: break; } } else if (propertyDescriptor.isCacheable()) { if (computedPropertiesCache == null) { computedPropertiesCache = new THashMap<>(1, 1.0f); } computedPropertiesCache.put(propertyName, computedPropertyValue); } return computedPropertyValue; } catch (IllegalAccessException | NoSuchMethodException ex) { throw new ComponentException(ex); } catch (InvocationTargetException ex) { if (ex.getCause() instanceof RuntimeException) { throw (RuntimeException) ex.getCause(); } throw new ComponentException(ex.getCause()); } } private Object invokeExtensionMethod(IComponentExtension<? extends IComponent> componentExtension, Method method, Object... args) throws NoSuchMethodException, IllegalAccessException, InvocationTargetException { return MethodUtils.invokeMethod(componentExtension, method.getName(), args, method.getParameterTypes()); } @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "ConstantConditions"}) private boolean invokeLifecycleInterceptors(Object proxy, Method lifecycleMethod, Object... args) { String methodName = lifecycleMethod.getName()/* .intern() */; if (ILifecycleCapable.ON_CREATE_METHOD_NAME.equals(methodName)) { onCreate(proxy, (IEntityFactory) args[0], (UserPrincipal) args[1], (IEntityLifecycleHandler) args[2]); } else if (ILifecycleCapable.ON_PERSIST_METHOD_NAME.equals(methodName)) { onPersist(proxy, (IEntityFactory) args[0], (UserPrincipal) args[1], (IEntityLifecycleHandler) args[2]); } else if (ILifecycleCapable.ON_UPDATE_METHOD_NAME.equals(methodName)) { onUpdate(proxy, (IEntityFactory) args[0], (UserPrincipal) args[1], (IEntityLifecycleHandler) args[2]); } else if (ILifecycleCapable.ON_LOAD_METHOD_NAME.equals(methodName)) { onLoad(proxy); } else if (ILifecycleCapable.ON_CLONE_METHOD_NAME.equals(methodName)) { onClone(proxy, (IComponent) args[0]); } else if (ILifecycleCapable.ON_DELETE_METHOD_NAME.equals(methodName)) { onDelete(proxy, (IEntityFactory) args[0], (UserPrincipal) args[1], (IEntityLifecycleHandler) args[2]); } boolean interceptorResults = false; for (ILifecycleInterceptor<?> lifecycleInterceptor : componentDescriptor.getLifecycleInterceptors()) { int signatureSize = lifecycleMethod.getParameterTypes().length + 1; Class<?>[] parameterTypes = new Class<?>[signatureSize]; Object[] parameters = new Object[signatureSize]; parameterTypes[0] = componentDescriptor.getComponentContract(); parameters[0] = proxy; for (int i = 1; i < signatureSize; i++) { parameterTypes[i] = lifecycleMethod.getParameterTypes()[i - 1]; parameters[i] = args[i - 1]; } try { Object interceptorResult = MethodUtils.invokeMethod(lifecycleInterceptor, methodName, parameters, parameterTypes); if (interceptorResult instanceof Boolean) { interceptorResults = interceptorResults || (Boolean) interceptorResult; } } catch (IllegalAccessException | NoSuchMethodException ex) { throw new ComponentException(ex); } catch (InvocationTargetException ex) { if (ex.getCause() instanceof RuntimeException) { throw (RuntimeException) ex.getCause(); } throw new ComponentException(ex.getCause()); } } // invoke lifecycle method on inline components for (IPropertyDescriptor propertyDescriptor : componentDescriptor .getPropertyDescriptors()) { if (propertyDescriptor instanceof IReferencePropertyDescriptor<?> && EntityHelper .isInlineComponentReference((IReferencePropertyDescriptor<IComponent>) propertyDescriptor) && !propertyDescriptor.isComputed()) { Object inlineComponent = getProperty(proxy, propertyDescriptor); if (inlineComponent instanceof ILifecycleCapable) { try { Object[] compArgs = null; if (args != null) { compArgs = new Object[args.length]; for (int j = 0; j < args.length; j++) { // certainly onClone argument if (args[j] != null && ((IComponent) proxy).getComponentContract().isAssignableFrom(args[j].getClass())) { // we must retrieve the original inline component compArgs[j] = ((IComponent) args[j]).straightGetProperty(propertyDescriptor.getName()); } else { compArgs[j] = args[j]; } } } Object interceptorResult = MethodUtils.invokeMethod( inlineComponent, methodName, compArgs, lifecycleMethod.getParameterTypes()); if (interceptorResult instanceof Boolean) { interceptorResults = interceptorResults || (Boolean) interceptorResult; } } catch (NoSuchMethodException | IllegalAccessException ex) { throw new ComponentException(ex); } catch (InvocationTargetException ex) { if (ex.getCause() instanceof RuntimeException) { throw (RuntimeException) ex.getCause(); } throw new ComponentException(ex.getCause()); } } } } switch (methodName) { case ILifecycleCapable.ON_PERSIST_METHOD_NAME: // Important to check for not null values. checkIntegrity(proxy); break; case ILifecycleCapable.ON_UPDATE_METHOD_NAME: // Important to check for not null values // since the checking has been delayed until persistence. checkMandatoryProperties(proxy); break; case ILifecycleCapable.ON_DELETE_METHOD_NAME: // Performs any necessary operation on internal state to mark the proxy // deleted and thus unusable. markDeleted(proxy); break; default: break; } return interceptorResults; } /** * Performs any necessary operation on internal state to mark the proxy * deleted and thus unusable. * * @param proxy * the proxy. */ protected void markDeleted(Object proxy) { // NO-OP. } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") protected void removeFromProperty(Object proxy, ICollectionPropertyDescriptor<?> propertyDescriptor, Object value) { String propertyName = propertyDescriptor.getName(); // The following optimization breaks bidirectional N-N relationship persistence // if (!isInitialized(straightGetProperty(proxy, propertyName))) { // return; // } Collection<Object> collectionProperty = (Collection<Object>) straightGetProperty(proxy, propertyName); try { if (propertyProcessorsEnabled) { propertyDescriptor.preprocessRemover(proxy, collectionProperty, value); } if (collectionProperty.contains(value)) { IRelationshipEndPropertyDescriptor reversePropertyDescriptor = propertyDescriptor .getReverseRelationEnd(); if (reversePropertyDescriptor != null) { if (reversePropertyDescriptor instanceof IReferencePropertyDescriptor<?>) { accessorFactory.createPropertyAccessor( reversePropertyDescriptor.getName(), propertyDescriptor.getReferencedDescriptor() .getElementDescriptor().getComponentContract()).setValue( value, null); } else if (reversePropertyDescriptor instanceof ICollectionPropertyDescriptor<?>) { ICollectionAccessor collectionAccessor = accessorFactory .createCollectionPropertyAccessor(reversePropertyDescriptor.getName(), propertyDescriptor.getReferencedDescriptor().getElementDescriptor().getComponentContract(), ((ICollectionPropertyDescriptor<?>) reversePropertyDescriptor).getCollectionDescriptor() .getElementDescriptor() .getComponentContract()); if (collectionAccessor instanceof IModelDescriptorAware) { ((IModelDescriptorAware) collectionAccessor) .setModelDescriptor(reversePropertyDescriptor); } collectionAccessor.removeFromValue(value, proxy); } } Collection<?> oldCollectionSnapshot = CollectionHelper .cloneCollection((Collection<?>) collectionProperty); if (collectionProperty.remove(value)) { if (EntityHelper.isInlineComponentReference(propertyDescriptor.getReferencedDescriptor().getElementDescriptor())) { if (value != null) { ((IComponent) value).setOwningComponent(null, null); } } // This will be a no-op. Only for allowing to put a breakpoint on the state collection property setter. storeProperty(propertyName, collectionProperty); doFirePropertyChange(proxy, propertyName, oldCollectionSnapshot, collectionProperty); if (propertyProcessorsEnabled) { propertyDescriptor.postprocessRemover(proxy, collectionProperty, value); } if (proxy instanceof IEntity && value instanceof IEntity) { entityDetached((IEntity) proxy, (IEntity) value, propertyDescriptor); } } } } catch (RuntimeException ex) { rollbackProperty(proxy, propertyDescriptor, collectionProperty); throw ex; } catch (InvocationTargetException ex) { rollbackProperty(proxy, propertyDescriptor, collectionProperty); if (ex.getCause() instanceof RuntimeException) { throw (RuntimeException) ex.getCause(); } throw new ComponentException(ex.getCause()); } catch (IllegalAccessException | NoSuchMethodException ex) { throw new ComponentException(ex); } } private synchronized void removePropertyChangeListener( PropertyChangeListener listener) { if (listener == null) { return; } if (propertyChangeSupport != null) { propertyChangeSupport.removePropertyChangeListener(listener); } if (weakPropertyChangeSupport != null) { weakPropertyChangeSupport.removePropertyChangeListener(listener); } } private synchronized void removePropertyChangeListener(String propertyName, PropertyChangeListener listener) { if (listener == null) { return; } if (propertyChangeSupport != null) { propertyChangeSupport .removePropertyChangeListener(propertyName, listener); } if (weakPropertyChangeSupport != null) { weakPropertyChangeSupport.removePropertyChangeListener(propertyName, listener); } } private void rollbackProperty(Object proxy, IPropertyDescriptor propertyDescriptor, Object oldProperty) { // boolean wasPropertyProcessorsEnabled = propertyProcessorsEnabled; // try { // propertyProcessorsEnabled = false; // setProperty(proxy, propertyDescriptor, oldProperty); // } finally { // propertyProcessorsEnabled = wasPropertyProcessorsEnabled; // } straightSetProperty(proxy, propertyDescriptor.getName(), oldProperty); } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") private void setProperty(Object proxy, IPropertyDescriptor propertyDescriptor, Object newProperty) { String propertyName = propertyDescriptor.getName(); Object oldProperty; try { oldProperty = accessorFactory.createPropertyAccessor(propertyName, componentDescriptor.getComponentContract()).getValue(proxy); } catch (IllegalAccessException | NoSuchMethodException ex) { throw new ComponentException(ex); } catch (InvocationTargetException ex) { if (ex.getCause() instanceof RuntimeException) { throw (RuntimeException) ex.getCause(); } throw new ComponentException(ex.getCause()); } Object actualNewProperty; if (propertyProcessorsEnabled) { actualNewProperty = propertyDescriptor .interceptSetter(proxy, newProperty); } else { actualNewProperty = newProperty; } if (isInitialized(oldProperty) && isInitialized(actualNewProperty) && ObjectUtils.equals(oldProperty, actualNewProperty)) { return; } if (propertyProcessorsEnabled) { propertyDescriptor.preprocessSetter(proxy, actualNewProperty); } if (propertyDescriptor instanceof IRelationshipEndPropertyDescriptor) { // It's a relation end IRelationshipEndPropertyDescriptor reversePropertyDescriptor = ((IRelationshipEndPropertyDescriptor) propertyDescriptor) .getReverseRelationEnd(); try { if (propertyDescriptor instanceof IReferencePropertyDescriptor) { // It's a 'one' relation end storeReferenceProperty(proxy, (IReferencePropertyDescriptor<?>) propertyDescriptor, oldProperty, actualNewProperty); if (reversePropertyDescriptor != null) { // It is bidirectional, so we are going to update the other end. if (reversePropertyDescriptor instanceof IReferencePropertyDescriptor) { // It's a one-to-one relationship if (proxy instanceof IEntity && oldProperty instanceof IEntity) { entityDetached((IEntity) proxy, (IEntity) oldProperty, ((IRelationshipEndPropertyDescriptor) propertyDescriptor)); } IAccessor reversePropertyAccessor = accessorFactory .createPropertyAccessor(reversePropertyDescriptor.getName(), ((IReferencePropertyDescriptor<?>) propertyDescriptor).getReferencedDescriptor() .getComponentContract()); if (oldProperty != null) { reversePropertyAccessor.setValue(oldProperty, null); } if (actualNewProperty != null) { reversePropertyAccessor.setValue(actualNewProperty, proxy); } } else if (reversePropertyDescriptor instanceof ICollectionPropertyDescriptor) { // It's a one-to-many relationship ICollectionAccessor reversePropertyAccessor = accessorFactory .createCollectionPropertyAccessor(reversePropertyDescriptor.getName(), ((IReferencePropertyDescriptor<?>) propertyDescriptor).getReferencedDescriptor() .getComponentContract(), ((ICollectionPropertyDescriptor<?>) reversePropertyDescriptor).getCollectionDescriptor() .getElementDescriptor() .getComponentContract()); if (reversePropertyAccessor instanceof IModelDescriptorAware) { ((IModelDescriptorAware) reversePropertyAccessor) .setModelDescriptor(reversePropertyDescriptor); } if (oldProperty != null) { reversePropertyAccessor.removeFromValue(oldProperty, proxy); } if (actualNewProperty != null) { reversePropertyAccessor.addToValue(actualNewProperty, proxy); } } } } else if (propertyDescriptor instanceof ICollectionPropertyDescriptor) { Collection<?> oldCollectionSnapshot = CollectionHelper .cloneCollection((Collection<?>) oldProperty); // It's a 'many' relation end Collection<Object> oldPropertyElementsToRemove = new THashSet<>(1); Collection<Object> newPropertyElementsToAdd = new TLinkedHashSet<>(1); Collection<Object> propertyElementsToKeep = new THashSet<>(1); if (oldProperty != null) { oldPropertyElementsToRemove.addAll((Collection<?>) oldProperty); propertyElementsToKeep.addAll((Collection<?>) oldProperty); } if (actualNewProperty != null) { newPropertyElementsToAdd.addAll((Collection<?>) actualNewProperty); } propertyElementsToKeep.retainAll(newPropertyElementsToAdd); oldPropertyElementsToRemove.removeAll(propertyElementsToKeep); newPropertyElementsToAdd.removeAll(propertyElementsToKeep); ICollectionAccessor propertyAccessor = accessorFactory .createCollectionPropertyAccessor(propertyName, componentDescriptor.getComponentContract(), ((ICollectionPropertyDescriptor<?>) propertyDescriptor).getCollectionDescriptor() .getElementDescriptor().getComponentContract()); boolean oldCollectionSortEnabled = collectionSortEnabled; boolean oldPropertyChangeEnabled = propertyChangeEnabled; boolean oldPropertyProcessorsEnabled = propertyProcessorsEnabled; try { // Delay sorting for performance reasons. collectionSortEnabled = false; // Block property changes for performance reasons; propertyChangeEnabled = false; // Block property processors propertyProcessorsEnabled = false; for (Object element : oldPropertyElementsToRemove) { propertyAccessor.removeFromValue(proxy, element); } for (Object element : newPropertyElementsToAdd) { propertyAccessor.addToValue(proxy, element); } inlineComponentFactory.sortCollectionProperty((IComponent) proxy, propertyName); } finally { collectionSortEnabled = oldCollectionSortEnabled; propertyChangeEnabled = oldPropertyChangeEnabled; propertyProcessorsEnabled = oldPropertyProcessorsEnabled; } // if the property is a list we may restore the element order and be // careful not to miss one... if (actualNewProperty instanceof List) { Collection<Object> currentProperty = (Collection<Object>) oldProperty; if (currentProperty instanceof List) { // Just check that only order differs Set<Object> temp = new THashSet<>(currentProperty); temp.removeAll((List<?>) actualNewProperty); if (currentProperty instanceof ICollectionWrapper) { currentProperty = ((ICollectionWrapper) currentProperty).getWrappedCollection(); } currentProperty.clear(); currentProperty.addAll((List<?>) actualNewProperty); currentProperty.addAll(temp); } } oldProperty = oldCollectionSnapshot; } } catch (RuntimeException ex) { rollbackProperty(proxy, propertyDescriptor, oldProperty); throw ex; } catch (InvocationTargetException ex) { rollbackProperty(proxy, propertyDescriptor, oldProperty); if (ex.getCause() instanceof RuntimeException) { throw (RuntimeException) ex.getCause(); } throw new ComponentException(ex.getCause()); } catch (IllegalAccessException | NoSuchMethodException ex) { throw new ComponentException(ex); } } else { storeProperty(propertyName, actualNewProperty); } doFirePropertyChange(proxy, propertyName, oldProperty, actualNewProperty); if (propertyProcessorsEnabled) { propertyDescriptor.postprocessSetter(proxy, oldProperty, actualNewProperty); } } private void straightSetProperties(Object proxy, Map<String, Object> backendProperties) { boolean eventsBlocked = blockEvents(); try { for (Map.Entry<String, Object> propertyEntry : backendProperties .entrySet()) { straightSetProperty(proxy, propertyEntry.getKey(), propertyEntry.getValue()); } } finally { if (eventsBlocked) { releaseEvents(); } } } private PropertyChangeListener createOrGetFakePcl() { if (fakePcl == null) { fakePcl = new PropertyChangeListener() { @Override public void propertyChange(PropertyChangeEvent evt) { // It's fake } }; } return fakePcl; } /** * To string. * * @param proxy * the proxy * @return the to string */ protected String toString(Object proxy) { try { String toStringPropertyName = componentDescriptor.getToStringProperty(); Object toStringValue = accessorFactory.createPropertyAccessor( toStringPropertyName, componentDescriptor.getComponentContract()) .getValue(proxy); if (toStringValue == null) { return ""; } return toStringValue.toString(); } catch (IllegalAccessException | NoSuchMethodException ex) { throw new ComponentException(ex); } catch (InvocationTargetException ex) { if (ex.getCause() instanceof RuntimeException) { throw (RuntimeException) ex.getCause(); } throw new ComponentException(ex.getCause()); } } /** * Gets component descriptor. * * @return the component descriptor */ protected IComponentDescriptor<? extends IComponent> getComponentDescriptor() { return componentDescriptor; } /** * Gets translated property value. * * @param proxy * the proxy * @param propertyDescriptor * the property descriptor * @param locale * the locale * @return the translated property value */ @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") protected String getNlsPropertyValue(Object proxy, IStringPropertyDescriptor propertyDescriptor, Locale locale) { if (locale != null) { String barePropertyName = propertyDescriptor.getName(); if (barePropertyName.endsWith(IComponentDescriptor.NLS_SUFFIX)) { barePropertyName = barePropertyName.substring(0, barePropertyName.length() - IComponentDescriptor.NLS_SUFFIX.length()); } String nlsPropertyName = barePropertyName + IComponentDescriptor.NLS_SUFFIX; Set<IPropertyTranslation> translations = (Set<IPropertyTranslation>) straightGetProperty(proxy, AbstractComponentDescriptor.getComponentTranslationsDescriptorTemplate().getName()); if (translations != null && isInitialized(translations)) { String sessionLanguage = locale.getLanguage(); if (sessionLanguage != null) { for (IPropertyTranslation translation : translations) { if (sessionLanguage.equalsIgnoreCase(translation.getLanguage()) && barePropertyName.equals( translation.getPropertyName())) { return translation.getTranslatedValue(); } } } return null; } return (String) straightGetProperty(proxy, nlsPropertyName); } return null; } /** * Sets translated property value. * * @param proxy * the proxy * @param propertyDescriptor * the property descriptor * @param translatedValue * the translated value * @param entityFactory * the entity factory * @param locale * the locale */ @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") protected void setNlsPropertyValue(Object proxy, IStringPropertyDescriptor propertyDescriptor, String translatedValue, IEntityFactory entityFactory, Locale locale) { if (locale != null) { String actualTranslatedValue = (String) propertyDescriptor.interceptSetter(proxy, translatedValue); // manually trigger interceptors propertyDescriptor.preprocessSetter(proxy, translatedValue); String barePropertyName = propertyDescriptor.getName(); if (barePropertyName.endsWith(IComponentDescriptor.NLS_SUFFIX)) { barePropertyName = barePropertyName.substring(0, barePropertyName.length() - IComponentDescriptor.NLS_SUFFIX.length()); } String nlsPropertyName = barePropertyName + IComponentDescriptor.NLS_SUFFIX; String oldTranslation = invokeNlsGetter(proxy, propertyDescriptor); Set<IPropertyTranslation> translations; String translationsPropertyName = AbstractComponentDescriptor.getComponentTranslationsDescriptorTemplate().getName(); Class<? extends IComponent> translationContract = ((ICollectionPropertyDescriptor<IComponent>) getComponentDescriptor() .getPropertyDescriptor(translationsPropertyName)).getReferencedDescriptor().getElementDescriptor() .getComponentContract(); ICollectionAccessor translationsAccessor = getAccessorFactory(). createCollectionPropertyAccessor(translationsPropertyName, getComponentContract(), translationContract); try { translations = translationsAccessor.getValue(proxy); } catch (IllegalAccessException | NoSuchMethodException ex) { throw new ComponentException(ex); } catch (InvocationTargetException ex) { if (ex.getCause() instanceof RuntimeException) { throw (RuntimeException) ex.getCause(); } throw new ComponentException(ex.getCause()); } String sessionLanguage = locale.getLanguage(); IPropertyTranslation oldSessionTranslation = null; if (sessionLanguage != null) { for (IPropertyTranslation translation : translations) { if (sessionLanguage.equalsIgnoreCase(translation.getLanguage()) && barePropertyName.equals( translation.getPropertyName())) { oldSessionTranslation = translation; } } } // Cannot simply update the old session translation or Hibernate will not manage persistence correctly. if (oldSessionTranslation != null) { try { translationsAccessor.removeFromValue(proxy, oldSessionTranslation); } catch (IllegalAccessException | NoSuchMethodException ex) { throw new ComponentException(ex); } catch (InvocationTargetException ex) { if (ex.getCause() instanceof RuntimeException) { throw (RuntimeException) ex.getCause(); } throw new ComponentException(ex.getCause()); } } IPropertyTranslation sessionTranslation = (IPropertyTranslation) entityFactory.createComponentInstance( translationContract); sessionTranslation.setLanguage(locale.getLanguage()); sessionTranslation.setPropertyName(barePropertyName); sessionTranslation.setTranslatedValue(actualTranslatedValue); try { translationsAccessor.addToValue(proxy, sessionTranslation); } catch (IllegalAccessException | NoSuchMethodException ex) { throw new ComponentException(ex); } catch (InvocationTargetException ex) { if (ex.getCause() instanceof RuntimeException) { throw (RuntimeException) ex.getCause(); } throw new ComponentException(ex.getCause()); } firePropertyChange(proxy, nlsPropertyName, oldTranslation, actualTranslatedValue); propertyDescriptor.postprocessSetter(proxy, oldTranslation, actualTranslatedValue); } } private class NestedReferenceTracker implements PropertyChangeListener { private final Object source; private final String referencePropertyName; private boolean enabled; private boolean initialized; private final boolean referencesInlinedComponent; private final Set<String> trackedProperties; /** * Constructs a new {@code InlineReferenceTracker} instance. * * @param source * the proxy holding the reference tracker. * @param referencePropertyName * the name of the component to track the properties. * @param referencesInlineComponent * is it tracking an inline component or an entity ref ? */ public NestedReferenceTracker(Object source, String referencePropertyName, boolean referencesInlineComponent) { this.source = source; this.referencePropertyName = referencePropertyName; this.referencesInlinedComponent = referencesInlineComponent; this.enabled = true; this.initialized = false; this.trackedProperties = new THashSet<>(1); } /** * Adds a property to the list of tracked nested properties for this nested * reference tracker instance. * * @param nestedPropertyName * the nested property name. */ public void addToTrackedProperties(String nestedPropertyName) { trackedProperties.add(nestedPropertyName); } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public void propertyChange(PropertyChangeEvent evt) { if (enabled) { try { enabled = false; String evtPropertyName = evt.getPropertyName(); Object evtOldValue = evt.getOldValue(); Object evtNewValue = evt.getNewValue(); if (source instanceof IEntity && referencesInlinedComponent) { // for dirtiness notification. // must check if the actual property change does not come from a // nested entity. In that case, the persistent state has not // changed. boolean chainHasEntity = false; String[] chain = evtPropertyName.split( "\\" + IAccessor.NESTED_DELIM); IComponent sourceComponent = (IComponent) evt.getSource(); if (chain.length > 1) { StringBuilder chainPart = new StringBuilder(); for (int i = 0; i < chain.length - 1 && !chainHasEntity; i++) { if (chainPart.length() > 0) { chainPart.append(IAccessor.NESTED_DELIM); } chainPart.append(chain[i]); if (sourceComponent .straightGetProperty(chainPart.toString()) instanceof IEntity) { chainHasEntity = true; } } } if (!chainHasEntity) { IComponent oldComponentValue = getInlineComponentFactory().createComponentInstance( sourceComponent.getComponentContract()); oldComponentValue.straightSetProperties(sourceComponent.straightGetProperties()); oldComponentValue.straightSetProperty(evtPropertyName, evtOldValue == IComponent.UNKNOWN ? null : evtOldValue); doFirePropertyChange(source, referencePropertyName, oldComponentValue, evt.getSource()); } } // for ui notification for (String trackedProperty : trackedProperties) { if (trackedProperty.equals(evtPropertyName)) { if (!(evtOldValue instanceof IComponent) // FAKE OLD COMPONENT VALUE || AbstractComponentInvocationHandler.this.isInitialized(evtOldValue) || ((IComponent) evtOldValue).getOwningComponent() == null) { doFirePropertyChange(source, referencePropertyName + IAccessor.NESTED_DELIM + trackedProperty, evtOldValue, evtNewValue); } } else if (trackedProperty.startsWith(evtPropertyName)) { String remainderProperty = trackedProperty.substring(evtPropertyName.length() + 1); if (remainderProperty.indexOf(IAccessor.NESTED_DELIM) >= 0) { // If the remainder is a nested property, we have to take // care of manually firing. if (evtNewValue != null) { try { Object newValue = getAccessorFactory().createPropertyAccessor(remainderProperty, evtNewValue .getClass()).getValue(evtNewValue); doFirePropertyChange(source, referencePropertyName + IAccessor.NESTED_DELIM + trackedProperty, IPropertyChangeCapable.UNKNOWN, newValue); } catch (IllegalAccessException | NoSuchMethodException ex) { throw new ComponentException(ex); } catch (InvocationTargetException ex) { if (ex.getTargetException() instanceof RuntimeException) { throw (RuntimeException) ex.getTargetException(); } throw new ComponentException(ex); } } else { doFirePropertyChange(source, referencePropertyName + IAccessor.NESTED_DELIM + trackedProperty, IPropertyChangeCapable.UNKNOWN, null); } } } } } finally { enabled = true; } } } /** * Gets the initialized. * * @return the initialized. */ public boolean isInitialized() { return initialized; } /** * Sets the initialized. * * @param initialized * the initialized to set. */ public void setInitialized(boolean initialized) { this.initialized = initialized; } } private static final class NeverEqualsInvocationHandler implements InvocationHandler { private final Object delegate; private NeverEqualsInvocationHandler(Object delegate) { this.delegate = delegate; } /** * Just 'overrides' the equals method to always return false. * <p/> * {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public Object invoke(Object proxy, Method method, Object[] args) throws Throwable { if (method.getName().equals("equals") && args.length == 1) { return false; } return method.invoke(delegate, args); } } }