/* D-Bus Java Implementation Copyright (c) 2005-2006 Matthew Johnson This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of either the GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2 or the Academic Free Licence Version 2.1. Full licence texts are included in the COPYING file with this program. */ package jolie.net.dbus; import java.lang.reflect.Array; import java.lang.reflect.Constructor; import java.lang.reflect.Field; import java.lang.reflect.GenericArrayType; import java.lang.reflect.Method; import java.lang.reflect.ParameterizedType; import java.lang.reflect.Type; import java.lang.reflect.TypeVariable; import java.text.MessageFormat; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Vector; import org.freedesktop.dbus.exceptions.DBusException; //import org.freedesktop.dbus.types.DBusListType; //import org.freedesktop.dbus.types.DBusMapType; //import org.freedesktop.dbus.types.DBusStructType; //import jolie.lang.parse.ast.types.UInt16; //import jolie.lang.parse.ast.types.UInt32; //import jolie.lang.parse.ast.types.UInt64; import cx.ath.matthew.debug.Debug; /** * Contains static methods for marshalling values. */ public class Marshalling { private static Map<Type, String[]> typeCache = new HashMap<Type, String[]>(); /** * Will return the DBus type corresponding to the given Java type. * Note, container type should have their ParameterizedType not their * Class passed in here. * @param c The Java types. * @return The DBus types. * @throws DBusException If the given type cannot be converted to a DBus type. */ public static String getDBusType(Type[] c) throws DBusException { StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(); for (Type t: c) for (String s: getDBusType(t)) sb.append(s); return sb.toString(); } /** * Will return the DBus type corresponding to the given Java type. * Note, container type should have their ParameterizedType not their * Class passed in here. * @param c The Java type. * @return The DBus type. * @throws DBusException If the given type cannot be converted to a DBus type. */ public static String[] getDBusType(Type c) throws DBusException { String[] cached = typeCache.get(c); if (null != cached) return cached; cached = getDBusType(c, false); typeCache.put(c, cached); return cached; } /** * Will return the DBus type corresponding to the given Java type. * Note, container type should have their ParameterizedType not their * Class passed in here. * @param c The Java type. * @param basic If true enforces this to be a non-compound type. (compound types are Maps, Structs and Lists/arrays). * @return The DBus type. * @throws DBusException If the given type cannot be converted to a DBus type. */ public static String[] getDBusType(Type c, boolean basic) throws DBusException { return recursiveGetDBusType(c, basic, 0); } private static StringBuffer[] out = new StringBuffer[10]; @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public static String[] recursiveGetDBusType(Type c, boolean basic, int level) throws DBusException { if (out.length <= level) { StringBuffer[] newout = new StringBuffer[out.length]; System.arraycopy(out, 0, newout, 0, out.length); out = newout; } if (null == out[level]) out[level] = new StringBuffer(); else out[level].delete(0, out[level].length()); if (basic && !(c instanceof Class)) throw new DBusException(c+ " is not a basic type"); if (c instanceof TypeVariable) out[level].append((char) Message.ArgumentType.VARIANT); else if (c instanceof GenericArrayType) { out[level].append((char) Message.ArgumentType.ARRAY); String[] s = recursiveGetDBusType(((GenericArrayType) c).getGenericComponentType(), false, level+1); if (s.length != 1) throw new DBusException("Multi-valued array types not permitted"); out[level].append(s[0]); /*} else if ((c instanceof Class && DBusSerializable.class.isAssignableFrom((Class<? extends Object>) c)) || (c instanceof ParameterizedType && DBusSerializable.class.isAssignableFrom((Class<? extends Object>) ((ParameterizedType) c).getRawType()))) { // it's a custom serializable type Type[] newtypes = null; if (c instanceof Class) { for (Method m: ((Class<? extends Object>) c).getDeclaredMethods()) if (m.getName().equals("deserialize")) newtypes = m.getGenericParameterTypes(); } else for (Method m: ((Class<? extends Object>) ((ParameterizedType) c).getRawType()).getDeclaredMethods()) if (m.getName().equals("deserialize")) newtypes = m.getGenericParameterTypes(); if (null == newtypes) throw new DBusException("Serializable classes must implement a deserialize method"); String[] sigs = new String[newtypes.length]; for (int j = 0; j < sigs.length; j++) { String[] ss = recursiveGetDBusType(newtypes[j], false, level+1); if (1 != ss.length) throw new DBusException("Serializable classes must serialize to native DBus types"); sigs[j] = ss[0]; } return sigs; */ } else if (c instanceof ParameterizedType) { ParameterizedType p = (ParameterizedType) c; if (p.getRawType().equals(Map.class)) { out[level].append("a{"); Type[] t = p.getActualTypeArguments(); try { String[] s = recursiveGetDBusType(t[0], true, level+1); if (s.length != 1) throw new DBusException("Multi-valued array types not permitted"); out[level].append(s[0]); s = recursiveGetDBusType(t[1], false, level+1); if (s.length != 1) throw new DBusException("Multi-valued array types not permitted"); out[level].append(s[0]); } catch (ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException AIOOBe) { //if (AbstractConnection.EXCEPTION_DEBUG && Debug.debug) Debug.print(Debug.ERR, AIOOBe); throw new DBusException("Map must have 2 parameters"); } out[level].append('}'); } else if (List.class.isAssignableFrom((Class<? extends Object>) p.getRawType())) { for (Type t: p.getActualTypeArguments()) { if (Type.class.equals(t)) out[level].append((char) Message.ArgumentType.SIGNATURE); else { String[] s = recursiveGetDBusType(t, false, level+1); if (s.length != 1) throw new DBusException("Multi-valued array types not permitted"); out[level].append((char) Message.ArgumentType.ARRAY); out[level].append(s[0]); } } } /*else if (p.getRawType().equals(Variant.class)) { out[level].append((char) Message.ArgumentType.VARIANT); }*/ /*else if (DBusInterface.class.isAssignableFrom((Class<? extends Object>) p.getRawType())) { out[level].append((char) Message.ArgumentType.OBJECT_PATH); }*/ /*else if (Tuple.class.isAssignableFrom((Class<? extends Object>) p.getRawType())) { Type[] ts = p.getActualTypeArguments(); Vector<String> vs = new Vector<String>(); for (Type t: ts) for (String s: recursiveGetDBusType(t, false, level+1)) vs.add(s); return vs.toArray(new String[0]); }*/ else throw new DBusException("Exporting non-exportable parameterized type "+c); } else if (c.equals(Byte.class)) out[level].append((char) Message.ArgumentType.BYTE); else if (c.equals(Byte.TYPE)) out[level].append((char) Message.ArgumentType.BYTE); else if (c.equals(Boolean.class)) out[level].append((char) Message.ArgumentType.BOOLEAN); else if (c.equals(Boolean.TYPE)) out[level].append((char) Message.ArgumentType.BOOLEAN); else if (c.equals(Short.class)) out[level].append((char) Message.ArgumentType.INT16); else if (c.equals(Short.TYPE)) out[level].append((char) Message.ArgumentType.INT16); //else if (c.equals(UInt16.class)) out[level].append((char) Message.ArgumentType.UINT16); else if (c.equals(Integer.class)) out[level].append((char) Message.ArgumentType.INT32); else if (c.equals(Integer.TYPE)) out[level].append((char) Message.ArgumentType.INT32); // else if (c.equals(UInt32.class)) out[level].append((char) Message.ArgumentType.UINT32); else if (c.equals(Long.class)) out[level].append((char) Message.ArgumentType.INT64); else if (c.equals(Long.TYPE)) out[level].append((char) Message.ArgumentType.INT64); //else if (c.equals(UInt64.class)) out[level].append((char) Message.ArgumentType.UINT64); else if (c.equals(Double.class)) out[level].append((char) Message.ArgumentType.DOUBLE); else if (c.equals(Double.TYPE)) out[level].append((char) Message.ArgumentType.DOUBLE); /*else if (c.equals(Float.class) && AbstractConnection.FLOAT_SUPPORT) out[level].append((char) Message.ArgumentType.FLOAT); else if (c.equals(Float.class)) out[level].append((char) Message.ArgumentType.DOUBLE); else if (c.equals(Float.TYPE) && AbstractConnection.FLOAT_SUPPORT) out[level].append((char) Message.ArgumentType.FLOAT); else if (c.equals(Float.TYPE)) out[level].append((char) Message.ArgumentType.DOUBLE);*/ else if (c.equals(String.class)) out[level].append((char) Message.ArgumentType.STRING); //else if (c.equals(Variant.class)) out[level].append((char) Message.ArgumentType.VARIANT); /*else if (c instanceof Class && DBusInterface.class.isAssignableFrom((Class<? extends Object>) c)) out[level].append((char) Message.ArgumentType.OBJECT_PATH); else if (c instanceof Class && Path.class.equals((Class<? extends Object>) c)) out[level].append((char) Message.ArgumentType.OBJECT_PATH); else if (c instanceof Class && ObjectPath.class.equals((Class<? extends Object>) c)) out[level].append((char) Message.ArgumentType.OBJECT_PATH);*/ else if (c instanceof Class && ((Class<? extends Object>) c).isArray()) { if (Type.class.equals(((Class<? extends Object>) c).getComponentType())) out[level].append((char) Message.ArgumentType.SIGNATURE); else { out[level].append((char) Message.ArgumentType.ARRAY); String[] s = recursiveGetDBusType(((Class<? extends Object>) c).getComponentType(), false, level+1); if (s.length != 1) throw new DBusException("Multi-valued array types not permitted"); out[level].append(s[0]); } /*} else if (c instanceof Class && Struct.class.isAssignableFrom((Class<? extends Object>) c)) { out[level].append((char) Message.ArgumentType.STRUCT1); Type[] ts = Container.getTypeCache(c); if (null == ts) { Field[] fs = ((Class<? extends Object>) c).getDeclaredFields(); ts = new Type[fs.length]; for (Field f : fs) { Position p = f.getAnnotation(Position.class); if (null == p) continue; ts[p.value()] = f.getGenericType(); } Container.putTypeCache(c, ts); } for (Type t: ts) if (t != null) for (String s: recursiveGetDBusType(t, false, level+1)) out[level].append(s); out[level].append(')');*/ } else { throw new DBusException("Exporting non-exportable type "+c); } if (Debug.debug) Debug.print(Debug.VERBOSE, "Converted Java type: "+c+" to D-Bus Type: "+out[level]); return new String[] { out[level].toString() }; } /** * Converts a dbus type string into Java Type objects, * @param dbus The DBus type or types. * @param rv Vector to return the types in. * @param limit Maximum number of types to parse (-1 == nolimit). * @return number of characters parsed from the type string. */ public static int getJavaType(String dbus, List<Type> rv, int limit) throws DBusException { if (null == dbus || "".equals(dbus) || 0 == limit) return 0; try { int i = 0; for (; i < dbus.length() && (-1 == limit || limit > rv.size()); i++) switch(dbus.charAt(i)) { case Message.ArgumentType.STRUCT1: int j = i+1; for (int c = 1; c > 0; j++) { if (')' == dbus.charAt(j)) c--; else if (Message.ArgumentType.STRUCT1 == dbus.charAt(j)) c++; } Vector<Type> contained = new Vector<Type>(); int c = getJavaType(dbus.substring(i+1, j-1), contained, -1); //rv.add(new DBusStructType(contained.toArray(new Type[0]))); i = j; break; case Message.ArgumentType.ARRAY: if (Message.ArgumentType.DICT_ENTRY1 == dbus.charAt(i+1)) { contained = new Vector<Type>(); c = getJavaType(dbus.substring(i+2), contained, 2); //rv.add(new DBusMapType(contained.get(0), contained.get(1))); i += (c+2); } else { contained = new Vector<Type>(); c = getJavaType(dbus.substring(i+1), contained, 1); //rv.add(new DBusListType(contained.get(0))); i += c; } break; case Message.ArgumentType.VARIANT: //rv.add(Variant.class); break; case Message.ArgumentType.BOOLEAN: rv.add(Boolean.class); break; case Message.ArgumentType.INT16: rv.add(Short.class); break; case Message.ArgumentType.BYTE: rv.add(Byte.class); break; case Message.ArgumentType.OBJECT_PATH: //rv.add(DBusInterface.class); break; case Message.ArgumentType.UINT16: rv.add(Integer.class); break; case Message.ArgumentType.INT32: rv.add(Integer.class); break; case Message.ArgumentType.UINT32: // rv.add(UInt32.class); break; case Message.ArgumentType.INT64: rv.add(Long.class); break; case Message.ArgumentType.UINT64: rv.add(Long.class); break; case Message.ArgumentType.DOUBLE: rv.add(Double.class); break; case Message.ArgumentType.FLOAT: rv.add(Float.class); break; case Message.ArgumentType.STRING: rv.add(String.class); break; case Message.ArgumentType.SIGNATURE: rv.add(Type[].class); break; case Message.ArgumentType.DICT_ENTRY1: rv.add(Map.Entry.class); contained = new Vector<Type>(); c = getJavaType(dbus.substring(i+1), contained, 2); i+=c+1; break; default: throw new DBusException(MessageFormat.format(("Failed to parse DBus type signature: {0} ({1})."), new Object[] { dbus, dbus.charAt(i) })); } return i; } catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException IOOBe) { //if (AbstractConnection.EXCEPTION_DEBUG && Debug.debug) Debug.print(Debug.ERR, IOOBe); throw new DBusException("Failed to parse DBus type signature: "+dbus); } } /** * Recursively converts types for serialization onto DBus. * @param parameters The parameters to convert. * @param types The (possibly generic) types of the parameters. * @return The converted parameters. * @throws DBusException Thrown if there is an error in converting the objects. */ /*@SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public static Object[] convertParameters(Object[] parameters, Type[] types, AbstractConnection conn) throws DBusException { if (null == parameters) return null; for (int i = 0; i < parameters.length; i++) { if (Debug.debug) Debug.print(Debug.VERBOSE,"Converting "+i+" from "+parameters[i]+" to "+types[i]); if (null == parameters[i]) continue; if (parameters[i] instanceof DBusSerializable) { for (Method m: parameters[i].getClass().getDeclaredMethods()) if (m.getName().equals("deserialize")) { Type[] newtypes = m.getParameterTypes(); Type[] expand = new Type[types.length + newtypes.length - 1]; System.arraycopy(types, 0, expand, 0, i); System.arraycopy(newtypes, 0, expand, i, newtypes.length); System.arraycopy(types, i+1, expand, i+newtypes.length, types.length-i-1); types = expand; Object[] newparams = ((DBusSerializable) parameters[i]).serialize(); Object[] exparams = new Object[parameters.length + newparams.length - 1]; System.arraycopy(parameters, 0, exparams, 0, i); System.arraycopy(newparams, 0, exparams, i, newparams.length); System.arraycopy(parameters, i+1, exparams, i+newparams.length, parameters.length-i-1); parameters = exparams; } i--; } else if (parameters[i] instanceof Tuple) { Type[] newtypes = ((ParameterizedType) types[i]).getActualTypeArguments(); Type[] expand = new Type[types.length + newtypes.length - 1]; System.arraycopy(types, 0, expand, 0, i); System.arraycopy(newtypes, 0, expand, i, newtypes.length); System.arraycopy(types, i+1, expand, i+newtypes.length, types. length-i-1); types = expand; Object[] newparams = ((Tuple) parameters[i]).getParameters(); Object[] exparams = new Object[parameters.length + newparams.length - 1]; System.arraycopy(parameters, 0, exparams, 0, i); System.arraycopy(newparams, 0, exparams, i, newparams.length); System.arraycopy(parameters, i+1, exparams, i+newparams.length, parameters.length-i-1); parameters = exparams; if (Debug.debug) Debug.print(Debug.VERBOSE, "New params: "+Arrays.deepToString(parameters)+" new types: "+Arrays.deepToString(types)); i--; } else if (types[i] instanceof TypeVariable && !(parameters[i] instanceof Variant)) // its an unwrapped variant, wrap it parameters[i] = new Variant<Object>(parameters[i]); else if (parameters[i] instanceof DBusInterface) parameters[i] = conn.getExportedObject((DBusInterface) parameters[i]); } return parameters; } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") static Object deSerializeParameter(Object parameter, Type type, AbstractConnection conn) throws Exception { if (Debug.debug) Debug.print(Debug.VERBOSE, "Deserializing from "+parameter.getClass()+" to "+type.getClass()); if (null == parameter) return null; // its a wrapped variant, unwrap it if (type instanceof TypeVariable && parameter instanceof Variant) { parameter = ((Variant)parameter).getValue(); } // Turn a signature into a Type[] if (type instanceof Class && ((Class) type).isArray() && ((Class) type).getComponentType().equals(Type.class) && parameter instanceof String) { Vector<Type> rv = new Vector<Type>(); getJavaType((String) parameter, rv, -1); parameter = rv.toArray(new Type[0]); } // its an object path, get/create the proxy if (parameter instanceof ObjectPath) { if (type instanceof Class && DBusInterface.class.isAssignableFrom((Class) type)) parameter = conn.getExportedObject( ((ObjectPath) parameter).source, ((ObjectPath) parameter).path); else parameter = new Path(((ObjectPath) parameter).path); } // it should be a struct. create it if (parameter instanceof Object[] && type instanceof Class && Struct.class.isAssignableFrom((Class) type)) { if (Debug.debug) Debug.print(Debug.VERBOSE, "Creating Struct "+type+" from "+parameter); Type[] ts = Container.getTypeCache(type); if (null == ts) { Field[] fs = ((Class) type).getDeclaredFields(); ts = new Type[fs.length]; for (Field f : fs) { Position p = f.getAnnotation(Position.class); if (null == p) continue; ts[p.value()] = f.getGenericType(); } Container.putTypeCache(type, ts); } // recurse over struct contents parameter = deSerializeParameters((Object[]) parameter, ts, conn); for (Constructor con: ((Class) type).getDeclaredConstructors()) { try { parameter = con.newInstance((Object[]) parameter); break; } catch (IllegalArgumentException IAe) {} } } // recurse over arrays if (parameter instanceof Object[]) { Type[] ts = new Type[((Object[]) parameter).length]; Arrays.fill(ts, parameter.getClass().getComponentType()); parameter = deSerializeParameters((Object[]) parameter, ts, conn); } if (parameter instanceof List) { Type type2; if (type instanceof ParameterizedType) type2 = ((ParameterizedType) type).getActualTypeArguments()[0]; else if (type instanceof GenericArrayType) type2 = ((GenericArrayType) type).getGenericComponentType(); else if (type instanceof Class && ((Class) type).isArray()) type2 = ((Class) type).getComponentType(); else type2 = null; if (null != type2) parameter = deSerializeParameters((List) parameter, type2, conn); } // correct floats if appropriate if (type.equals(Float.class) || type.equals(Float.TYPE)) if (!(parameter instanceof Float)) parameter = ((Number) parameter).floatValue(); // make sure arrays are in the correct format if (parameter instanceof Object[] || parameter instanceof List || parameter.getClass().isArray()) { if (type instanceof ParameterizedType) parameter = ArrayFrob.convert(parameter, (Class<? extends Object>) ((ParameterizedType) type).getRawType()); else if (type instanceof GenericArrayType) { Type ct = ((GenericArrayType) type).getGenericComponentType(); Class cc = null; if (ct instanceof Class) cc = (Class) ct; if (ct instanceof ParameterizedType) cc = (Class) ((ParameterizedType) ct).getRawType(); Object o = Array.newInstance(cc, 0); parameter = ArrayFrob.convert(parameter, o.getClass()); } else if (type instanceof Class && ((Class) type).isArray()) { Class cc = ((Class) type).getComponentType(); if ((cc.equals(Float.class) || cc.equals(Float.TYPE)) && (parameter instanceof double[])) { double[] tmp1 = (double[]) parameter; float[] tmp2 = new float[tmp1.length]; for (int i = 0; i < tmp1.length; i++) tmp2[i] = (float) tmp1[i]; parameter = tmp2; } Object o = Array.newInstance(cc, 0); parameter = ArrayFrob.convert(parameter, o.getClass()); } } if (parameter instanceof DBusMap) { if (Debug.debug) Debug.print(Debug.VERBOSE, "Deserializing a Map"); DBusMap dmap = (DBusMap) parameter; Type[] maptypes = ((ParameterizedType) type).getActualTypeArguments(); for (int i = 0; i < dmap.entries.length; i++) { dmap.entries[i][0] = deSerializeParameter(dmap.entries[i][0], maptypes[0], conn); dmap.entries[i][1] = deSerializeParameter(dmap.entries[i][1], maptypes[1], conn); } } return parameter; }*/ /*static List<Object> deSerializeParameters(List<Object> parameters, Type type, AbstractConnection conn) throws Exception { if (Debug.debug) Debug.print(Debug.VERBOSE, "Deserializing from "+parameters+" to "+type); if (null == parameters) return null; for (int i = 0; i < parameters.size(); i++) { if (null == parameters.get(i)) continue; /* DO NOT DO THIS! IT'S REALLY NOT SUPPORTED! * if (type instanceof Class && DBusSerializable.class.isAssignableFrom((Class) types[i])) { for (Method m: ((Class) types[i]).getDeclaredMethods()) if (m.getName().equals("deserialize")) { Type[] newtypes = m.getGenericParameterTypes(); try { Object[] sub = new Object[newtypes.length]; System.arraycopy(parameters, i, sub, 0, newtypes.length); sub = deSerializeParameters(sub, newtypes, conn); DBusSerializable sz = (DBusSerializable) ((Class) types[i]).newInstance(); m.invoke(sz, sub); Object[] compress = new Object[parameters.length - newtypes.length + 1]; System.arraycopy(parameters, 0, compress, 0, i); compress[i] = sz; System.arraycopy(parameters, i + newtypes.length, compress, i+1, parameters.length - i - newtypes.length); parameters = compress; } catch (ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException AIOOBe) { if (AbstractConnection.EXCEPTION_DEBUG && Debug.debug) Debug.print(Debug.ERR, AIOOBe); throw new DBusException("Not enough elements to create custom object from serialized data ("+(parameters.size()-i)+" < "+(newtypes.length)+")"); } } } else parameters.set(i, deSerializeParameter(parameters.get(i), type, conn)); } return parameters; }*/ /* @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") static Object[] deSerializeParameters(Object[] parameters, Type[] types, AbstractConnection conn) throws Exception { if (Debug.debug) Debug.print(Debug.VERBOSE, "Deserializing from "+Arrays.deepToString(parameters)+" to "+Arrays.deepToString(types)); if (null == parameters) return null; if (types.length == 1 && types[0] instanceof ParameterizedType && Tuple.class.isAssignableFrom((Class) ((ParameterizedType) types[0]).getRawType())) { types = ((ParameterizedType) types[0]).getActualTypeArguments(); } for (int i = 0; i < parameters.length; i++) { // CHECK IF ARRAYS HAVE THE SAME LENGTH <-- has to happen after expanding parameters if (i >= types.length) { if (Debug.debug) { for (int j = 0; j < parameters.length; j++) { Debug.print(Debug.ERR, String.format("Error, Parameters difference (%1d, '%2s')", j, parameters[j].toString())); } } throw new DBusException(_("Error deserializing message: number of parameters didn't match receiving signature")); } if (null == parameters[i]) continue; if ((types[i] instanceof Class && DBusSerializable.class.isAssignableFrom((Class<? extends Object>) types[i])) || (types[i] instanceof ParameterizedType && DBusSerializable.class.isAssignableFrom((Class<? extends Object>) ((ParameterizedType) types[i]).getRawType()))) { Class<? extends DBusSerializable> dsc; if (types[i] instanceof Class) dsc = (Class<? extends DBusSerializable>) types[i]; else dsc = (Class<? extends DBusSerializable>) ((ParameterizedType) types[i]).getRawType(); for (Method m: dsc.getDeclaredMethods()) if (m.getName().equals("deserialize")) { Type[] newtypes = m.getGenericParameterTypes(); try { Object[] sub = new Object[newtypes.length]; System.arraycopy(parameters, i, sub, 0, newtypes.length); sub = deSerializeParameters(sub, newtypes, conn); DBusSerializable sz = dsc.newInstance(); m.invoke(sz, sub); Object[] compress = new Object[parameters.length - newtypes.length + 1]; System.arraycopy(parameters, 0, compress, 0, i); compress[i] = sz; System.arraycopy(parameters, i + newtypes.length, compress, i+1, parameters.length - i - newtypes.length); parameters = compress; } catch (ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException AIOOBe) { if (AbstractConnection.EXCEPTION_DEBUG && Debug.debug) Debug.print(Debug.ERR, AIOOBe); throw new DBusException(MessageFormat.format(_("Not enough elements to create custom object from serialized data ({0} < {1})."), new Object[] { parameters.length-i, newtypes.length })); } } } else parameters[i] = deSerializeParameter(parameters[i], types[i], conn); } return parameters; }*/ }