/* Copyright (c) 2010, 2013 Daniel Doubrovkine, Markus Karg, All Rights Reserved * * The contents of this file is dual-licensed under 2 * alternative Open Source/Free licenses: LGPL 2.1 or later and * Apache License 2.0. (starting with JNA version 4.0.0). * * You can freely decide which license you want to apply to * the project. * * You may obtain a copy of the LGPL License at: * * http://www.gnu.org/licenses/licenses.html * * A copy is also included in the downloadable source code package * containing JNA, in file "LGPL2.1". * * You may obtain a copy of the Apache License at: * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/ * * A copy is also included in the downloadable source code package * containing JNA, in file "AL2.0". */ package com.sun.jna.platform.win32; import java.io.File; import java.io.FileNotFoundException; import java.nio.ByteOrder; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.LinkedHashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.TreeMap; import com.sun.jna.LastErrorException; import com.sun.jna.Memory; import com.sun.jna.Native; import com.sun.jna.Pointer; import com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinNT.HANDLE; import com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinNT.HANDLEByReference; import com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinNT.HRESULT; import com.sun.jna.ptr.IntByReference; import com.sun.jna.ptr.PointerByReference; /** * Kernel32 utility API. * * @author dblock[at]dblock.org * @author markus[at]headcrashing[dot]eu * @author Andreas "PAX" Lück, onkelpax-git[at]yahoo.de */ public abstract class Kernel32Util implements WinDef { /** * Get current computer NetBIOS name. * * @return Netbios name. */ public static String getComputerName() { char buffer[] = new char[WinBase.MAX_COMPUTERNAME_LENGTH + 1]; IntByReference lpnSize = new IntByReference(buffer.length); if (!Kernel32.INSTANCE.GetComputerName(buffer, lpnSize)) { throw new Win32Exception(Kernel32.INSTANCE.GetLastError()); } return Native.toString(buffer); } /** * Invokes {@link Kernel32#LocalFree(Pointer)} and checks if it succeeded. * * @param ptr The {@link Pointer} to the memory to be released - ignored if NULL * @throws Win32Exception if non-{@code ERROR_SUCCESS} code reported */ public static void freeLocalMemory(Pointer ptr) { Pointer res = Kernel32.INSTANCE.LocalFree(ptr); if (res != null) { throw new Win32Exception(Kernel32.INSTANCE.GetLastError()); } } /** * Invokes {@link Kernel32#GlobalFree(Pointer)} and checks if it succeeded. * * @param ptr The {@link Pointer} to the memory to be released - ignored if NULL * @throws Win32Exception if non-{@code ERROR_SUCCESS} code reported */ public static void freeGlobalMemory(Pointer ptr) { Pointer res = Kernel32.INSTANCE.GlobalFree(ptr); if (res != null) { throw new Win32Exception(Kernel32.INSTANCE.GetLastError()); } } /** * Closes all referenced handles. If an exception is thrown for * a specific handle, then it is accumulated until all * handles have been closed. If more than one exception occurs, * then it is added as a suppressed exception to the first one. * Once closed all handles, the accumulated exception (if any) is thrown * * @param refs The references to close * @see #closeHandleRef(WinNT.HANDLEByReference) */ public static void closeHandleRefs(HANDLEByReference... refs) { Win32Exception err = null; for (HANDLEByReference r : refs) { try { closeHandleRef(r); } catch(Win32Exception e) { if (err == null) { err = e; } else { err.addSuppressed(e); } } } if (err != null) { throw err; } } /** * Closes the handle in the reference * * @param ref The handle reference - ignored if {@code null} * @see #closeHandle(WinNT.HANDLE) */ public static void closeHandleRef(HANDLEByReference ref) { closeHandle((ref == null) ? null : ref.getValue()); } /** * Invokes {@link #closeHandle(WinNT.HANDLE)} on each handle. If an exception * is thrown for a specific handle, then it is accumulated until all * handles have been closed. If more than one exception occurs, then it * is added as a suppressed exception to the first one. Once closed all * handles, the accumulated exception (if any) is thrown * * @param handles The handles to be closed * @see Throwable#getSuppressed() */ public static void closeHandles(HANDLE... handles) { Win32Exception err = null; for (HANDLE h : handles) { try { closeHandle(h); } catch(Win32Exception e) { if (err == null) { err = e; } else { err.addSuppressed(e); } } } if (err != null) { throw err; } } /** * Invokes {@link Kernel32#CloseHandle(WinNT.HANDLE)} and checks the success code. * If not successful, then throws a {@link Win32Exception} with the * {@code GetLastError} value * * @param h The handle to be closed - ignored if {@code null} */ public static void closeHandle(HANDLE h) { if (h == null) { return; } if (!Kernel32.INSTANCE.CloseHandle(h)) { throw new Win32Exception(Kernel32.INSTANCE.GetLastError()); } } /** * Format a message from the value obtained from * {@link Kernel32#GetLastError()} or {@link Native#getLastError()}. * * @param code The error code * @return Formatted message. */ public static String formatMessage(int code) { PointerByReference buffer = new PointerByReference(); int nLen = Kernel32.INSTANCE.FormatMessage( WinBase.FORMAT_MESSAGE_ALLOCATE_BUFFER | WinBase.FORMAT_MESSAGE_FROM_SYSTEM | WinBase.FORMAT_MESSAGE_IGNORE_INSERTS, null, code, 0, // TODO: // MAKELANGID(LANG_NEUTRAL,SUBLANG_DEFAULT) buffer, 0, null); if (nLen == 0) { throw new LastErrorException(Native.getLastError()); } Pointer ptr = buffer.getValue(); try { String s = ptr.getWideString(0); return s.trim(); } finally { freeLocalMemory(ptr); } } /** * Format a message from an HRESULT. * * @param code * HRESULT * @return Formatted message. */ public static String formatMessage(HRESULT code) { return formatMessage(code.intValue()); } /** * @deprecated use {@link #formatMessage(WinNT.HRESULT)} instead. * @param code error code * @return formatted message */ @Deprecated public static String formatMessageFromHR(HRESULT code) { return formatMessage(code.intValue()); } /** * Format a system message from an error code. * * @param code * Error code, typically a result of GetLastError. * @return Formatted message. */ public static String formatMessageFromLastErrorCode(int code) { return formatMessageFromHR(W32Errors.HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(code)); } /** * @return Obtains the human-readable error message text from the last error * that occurred by invocating {@code Kernel32.GetLastError()}. */ public static String getLastErrorMessage() { return Kernel32Util.formatMessageFromLastErrorCode(Kernel32.INSTANCE .GetLastError()); } /** * Return the path designated for temporary files. * * @return Path. */ public static String getTempPath() { DWORD nBufferLength = new DWORD(WinDef.MAX_PATH); char[] buffer = new char[nBufferLength.intValue()]; if (Kernel32.INSTANCE.GetTempPath(nBufferLength, buffer).intValue() == 0) { throw new Win32Exception(Kernel32.INSTANCE.GetLastError()); } return Native.toString(buffer); } public static void deleteFile(String filename) { if (!Kernel32.INSTANCE.DeleteFile(filename)) { throw new Win32Exception(Kernel32.INSTANCE.GetLastError()); } } /** * Returns valid drives in the system. * * @return A {@link List} of valid drives. */ public static List<String> getLogicalDriveStrings() { DWORD dwSize = Kernel32.INSTANCE.GetLogicalDriveStrings(new DWORD(0), null); if (dwSize.intValue() <= 0) { throw new Win32Exception(Kernel32.INSTANCE.GetLastError()); } char buf[] = new char[dwSize.intValue()]; dwSize = Kernel32.INSTANCE.GetLogicalDriveStrings(dwSize, buf); int bufSize = dwSize.intValue(); if (bufSize <= 0) { throw new Win32Exception(Kernel32.INSTANCE.GetLastError()); } return Native.toStringList(buf, 0, bufSize); } /** * Retrieves file system attributes for a specified file or directory. * * @param fileName * The name of the file or directory. * @return The attributes of the specified file or directory. */ public static int getFileAttributes(String fileName) { int fileAttributes = Kernel32.INSTANCE.GetFileAttributes(fileName); if (fileAttributes == WinBase.INVALID_FILE_ATTRIBUTES) { throw new Win32Exception(Kernel32.INSTANCE.GetLastError()); } return fileAttributes; } /** * Retrieves the result of GetFileType, provided the file exists. * @param fileName file name * @return file type * @throws FileNotFoundException if file not found */ public static int getFileType(String fileName) throws FileNotFoundException { File f = new File(fileName); if (!f.exists()) { throw new FileNotFoundException(fileName); } HANDLE hFile = null; Win32Exception err = null; try { hFile = Kernel32.INSTANCE.CreateFile(fileName, WinNT.GENERIC_READ, WinNT.FILE_SHARE_READ, new WinBase.SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES(), WinNT.OPEN_EXISTING, WinNT.FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL, new HANDLEByReference().getValue()); if (WinBase.INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE.equals(hFile)) { throw new Win32Exception(Kernel32.INSTANCE.GetLastError()); } int type = Kernel32.INSTANCE.GetFileType(hFile); switch (type) { case WinNT.FILE_TYPE_UNKNOWN: int rc = Kernel32.INSTANCE.GetLastError(); switch (rc) { case WinError.NO_ERROR: break; default: throw new Win32Exception(rc); } // fall-thru default: return type; } } catch(Win32Exception e) { err = e; throw err; // re-throw so finally block executed } finally { try { closeHandle(hFile); } catch(Win32Exception e) { if (err == null) { err = e; } else { err.addSuppressed(e); } } if (err != null) { throw err; } } } /** * @param rootName name of root drive * @return One of the WinBase.DRIVE_* constants. */ public static int getDriveType(String rootName) { return Kernel32.INSTANCE.GetDriveType(rootName); } /** * Get the value of an environment variable. * * @param name * Name of the environment variable. * @return Value of an environment variable. */ public static String getEnvironmentVariable(String name) { // obtain the buffer size int size = Kernel32.INSTANCE.GetEnvironmentVariable(name, null, 0); if (size == 0) { return null; } else if (size < 0) { throw new Win32Exception(Kernel32.INSTANCE.GetLastError()); } // obtain the value char[] buffer = new char[size]; size = Kernel32.INSTANCE.GetEnvironmentVariable(name, buffer, buffer.length); if (size <= 0) { throw new Win32Exception(Kernel32.INSTANCE.GetLastError()); } return Native.toString(buffer); } /** * Uses the {@link Kernel32#GetEnvironmentStrings()} to retrieve and * parse the current process environment * @return The current process environment as a {@link Map}. * @throws LastErrorException if failed to get or free the environment * data block * @see #getEnvironmentVariables(Pointer, long) */ public static Map<String,String> getEnvironmentVariables() { Pointer lpszEnvironmentBlock=Kernel32.INSTANCE.GetEnvironmentStrings(); if (lpszEnvironmentBlock == null) { throw new LastErrorException(Kernel32.INSTANCE.GetLastError()); } try { return getEnvironmentVariables(lpszEnvironmentBlock, 0L); } finally { if (!Kernel32.INSTANCE.FreeEnvironmentStrings(lpszEnvironmentBlock)) { throw new LastErrorException(Kernel32.INSTANCE.GetLastError()); } } } /** * @param lpszEnvironmentBlock The environment block as received from the * <A HREF="https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windows/desktop/ms683187(v=vs.85).aspx">GetEnvironmentStrings</A> * function * @param offset Offset within the block to parse the data * @return A {@link Map} of the parsed <code>name=value</code> pairs. * <B>Note:</B> if the environment block is {@code null} then {@code null} * is returned instead of an empty map since we want to distinguish * between the case that the data block is {@code null} and when there are * no environment variables (as unlikely as it may be) */ public static Map<String,String> getEnvironmentVariables(Pointer lpszEnvironmentBlock, long offset) { if (lpszEnvironmentBlock == null) { return null; } Map<String,String> vars=new TreeMap<String,String>(); boolean asWideChars=isWideCharEnvironmentStringBlock(lpszEnvironmentBlock, offset); long stepFactor=asWideChars ? 2L : 1L; for (long curOffset=offset; ; ) { String nvp=readEnvironmentStringBlockEntry(lpszEnvironmentBlock, curOffset, asWideChars); int len=nvp.length(); if (len == 0) { // found the ending '\0' break; } int pos=nvp.indexOf('='); if (pos < 0) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Missing variable value separator in " + nvp); } String name=nvp.substring(0, pos), value=nvp.substring(pos + 1); vars.put(name, value); curOffset += (len + 1 /* skip the ending '\0' */) * stepFactor; } return vars; } /** * @param lpszEnvironmentBlock The environment block as received from the * <A HREF="https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windows/desktop/ms683187(v=vs.85).aspx">GetEnvironmentStrings</A> * function * @param offset Offset within the block to look for the entry * @param asWideChars If {@code true} then the block contains {@code wchar_t} * instead of "plain old" {@code char}s * @return A {@link String} containing the <code>name=value</code> pair or * empty if reached end of block * @see #isWideCharEnvironmentStringBlock * @see #findEnvironmentStringBlockEntryEnd */ public static String readEnvironmentStringBlockEntry(Pointer lpszEnvironmentBlock, long offset, boolean asWideChars) { long endOffset=findEnvironmentStringBlockEntryEnd(lpszEnvironmentBlock, offset, asWideChars); int dataLen=(int) (endOffset - offset); if (dataLen == 0) { return ""; } int charsLen=asWideChars ? (dataLen / 2) : dataLen; char[] chars=new char[charsLen]; long curOffset=offset, stepSize=asWideChars ? 2L : 1L; ByteOrder byteOrder=ByteOrder.nativeOrder(); for (int index=0; index < chars.length; index++, curOffset += stepSize) { byte b=lpszEnvironmentBlock.getByte(curOffset); if (asWideChars) { byte x=lpszEnvironmentBlock.getByte(curOffset + 1L); if (ByteOrder.LITTLE_ENDIAN.equals(byteOrder)) { chars[index] = (char) (((x << Byte.SIZE) & 0xFF00) | (b & 0x00FF)); } else { // unlikely, but handle it chars[index] = (char) (((b << Byte.SIZE) & 0xFF00) | (x & 0x00FF)); } } else { chars[index] = (char) (b & 0x00FF); } } return new String(chars); } /** * @param lpszEnvironmentBlock The environment block as received from the * <A HREF="https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windows/desktop/ms683187(v=vs.85).aspx">GetEnvironmentStrings</A> * function * @param offset Offset within the block to look for the entry * @param asWideChars If {@code true} then the block contains {@code wchar_t} * instead of "plain old" {@code char}s * @return The offset of the <U>first</U> {@code '\0'} in the data block * starting at the specified offset - can be the start offset itself if empty * string. * @see #isWideCharEnvironmentStringBlock */ public static long findEnvironmentStringBlockEntryEnd(Pointer lpszEnvironmentBlock, long offset, boolean asWideChars) { for (long curOffset=offset, stepSize=asWideChars ? 2L : 1L; ; curOffset += stepSize) { byte b=lpszEnvironmentBlock.getByte(curOffset); if (b == 0) { return curOffset; } } } /** * <P>Attempts to determine whether the data block uses {@code wchar_t} * instead of "plain old" {@code char}s. It does that by reading * 2 bytes from the specified offset - the character value and its charset * indicator - and examining them as follows:</P> * <UL> * <LI> * If the charset indicator is non-zero then it is assumed to be * a "plain old" {@code char}s data block. <B>Note:</B> * the assumption is that the environment variable <U>name</U> (at * least) is ASCII. * </LI> * * <LI> * Otherwise (i.e., zero charset indicator), it is assumed to be * a {@code wchar_t} * </LI> * </UL> * <B>Note:</B> the code takes into account the {@link ByteOrder} even though * only {@link ByteOrder#LITTLE_ENDIAN} is the likely one * @param lpszEnvironmentBlock The environment block as received from the * <A HREF="https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windows/desktop/ms683187(v=vs.85).aspx">GetEnvironmentStrings</A> * function * @param offset offset * @return {@code true} if the block contains {@code wchar_t} instead of * "plain old" {@code char}s */ public static boolean isWideCharEnvironmentStringBlock(Pointer lpszEnvironmentBlock, long offset) { byte b0=lpszEnvironmentBlock.getByte(offset); byte b1=lpszEnvironmentBlock.getByte(offset + 1L); ByteOrder byteOrder=ByteOrder.nativeOrder(); if (ByteOrder.LITTLE_ENDIAN.equals(byteOrder)) { return isWideCharEnvironmentStringBlock(b1); } else { return isWideCharEnvironmentStringBlock(b0); } } private static boolean isWideCharEnvironmentStringBlock(byte charsetIndicator) { // assume wchar_t for environment variables represents ASCII letters if (charsetIndicator != 0) { return false; } else { return true; } } /** * Retrieves an integer associated with a key in the specified section of an * initialization file. * * @param appName * The name of the section in the initialization file. * @param keyName * The name of the key whose value is to be retrieved. This value * is in the form of a string; the * {@link Kernel32#GetPrivateProfileInt} function converts the * string into an integer and returns the integer. * @param defaultValue * The default value to return if the key name cannot be found in * the initialization file. * @param fileName * The name of the initialization file. If this parameter does * not contain a full path to the file, the system searches for * the file in the Windows directory. * @return The retrieved integer, or the default if not found. */ public static final int getPrivateProfileInt(final String appName, final String keyName, final int defaultValue, final String fileName) { return Kernel32.INSTANCE.GetPrivateProfileInt(appName, keyName, defaultValue, fileName); } /** * Retrieves a string from the specified section in an initialization file. * * @param lpAppName * The name of the section containing the key name. If this * parameter is {@code null}, the * {@link Kernel32#GetPrivateProfileString} function copies all * section names in the file to the supplied buffer. * @param lpKeyName * The name of the key whose associated string is to be * retrieved. If this parameter is {@code null}, all key names in * the section specified by the {@code lpAppName} parameter are * returned. * @param lpDefault * A default string. If the {@code lpKeyName} key cannot be found * in the initialization file, * {@link Kernel32#GetPrivateProfileString} returns the default. * If this parameter is {@code null}, the default is an empty * string, {@code ""}. * <p> * Avoid specifying a default string with trailing blank * characters. The function inserts a {@code null} character in * the {@code lpReturnedString} buffer to strip any trailing * blanks. * </p> * @param lpFileName * The name of the initialization file. If this parameter does * not contain a full path to the file, the system searches for * the file in the Windows directory. * @return <p> * If neither {@code lpAppName} nor {@code lpKeyName} is * {@code null} and the destination buffer is too small to hold the * requested string, the string is truncated. * </p> * <p> * If either {@code lpAppName} or {@code lpKeyName} is {@code null} * and the destination buffer is too small to hold all the strings, * the last string is truncated and followed by two {@code null} * characters. * </p> * <p> * In the event the initialization file specified by * {@code lpFileName} is not found, or contains invalid values, this * function will set errorno with a value of '0x2' (File Not Found). * To retrieve extended error information, call * {@link Kernel32#GetLastError}. * </p> */ public static final String getPrivateProfileString(final String lpAppName, final String lpKeyName, final String lpDefault, final String lpFileName) { final char buffer[] = new char[1024]; Kernel32.INSTANCE.GetPrivateProfileString(lpAppName, lpKeyName, lpDefault, buffer, new DWORD(buffer.length), lpFileName); return Native.toString(buffer); } public static final void writePrivateProfileString(final String appName, final String keyName, final String string, final String fileName) { if (!Kernel32.INSTANCE.WritePrivateProfileString(appName, keyName, string, fileName)) throw new Win32Exception(Kernel32.INSTANCE.GetLastError()); } /** * Convenience method to get the processor information. Takes care of * auto-growing the array. * * @return the array of processor information. */ public static final WinNT.SYSTEM_LOGICAL_PROCESSOR_INFORMATION[] getLogicalProcessorInformation() { int sizePerStruct = new WinNT.SYSTEM_LOGICAL_PROCESSOR_INFORMATION() .size(); WinDef.DWORDByReference bufferSize = new WinDef.DWORDByReference( new WinDef.DWORD(sizePerStruct)); Memory memory; while (true) { memory = new Memory(bufferSize.getValue().intValue()); if (!Kernel32.INSTANCE.GetLogicalProcessorInformation(memory, bufferSize)) { int err = Kernel32.INSTANCE.GetLastError(); if (err != WinError.ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER) throw new Win32Exception(err); } else { break; } } WinNT.SYSTEM_LOGICAL_PROCESSOR_INFORMATION firstInformation = new WinNT.SYSTEM_LOGICAL_PROCESSOR_INFORMATION( memory); int returnedStructCount = bufferSize.getValue().intValue() / sizePerStruct; return (WinNT.SYSTEM_LOGICAL_PROCESSOR_INFORMATION[]) firstInformation .toArray(new WinNT.SYSTEM_LOGICAL_PROCESSOR_INFORMATION[returnedStructCount]); } /** * Retrieves all the keys and values for the specified section of an initialization file. * * <p> * Each string has the following format: {@code key=string}. * </p> * <p> * This operation is atomic; no updates to the specified initialization file are allowed while this method is executed. * </p> * * @param appName * The name of the section in the initialization file. * @param fileName * The name of the initialization file. If this parameter does not contain a full path to the file, the system searches for the file in the * Windows directory. * @return The key name and value pairs associated with the named section. */ public static final String[] getPrivateProfileSection(final String appName, final String fileName) { final char buffer[] = new char[32768]; // Maximum section size according to MSDN (http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windows/desktop/ms724348(v=vs.85).aspx) if (Kernel32.INSTANCE.GetPrivateProfileSection(appName, buffer, new DWORD(buffer.length), fileName).intValue() == 0) { throw new Win32Exception(Kernel32.INSTANCE.GetLastError()); } return new String(buffer).split("\0"); } /** * Retrieves the names of all sections in an initialization file. * <p> * This operation is atomic; no updates to the initialization file are allowed while this method is executed. * </p> * * @param fileName * The name of the initialization file. If this parameter is {@code NULL}, the function searches the Win.ini file. If this parameter does not * contain a full path to the file, the system searches for the file in the Windows directory. * @return the section names associated with the named file. */ public static final String[] getPrivateProfileSectionNames(final String fileName) { final char buffer[] = new char[65536]; // Maximum INI file size according to MSDN (http://support.microsoft.com/kb/78346) if (Kernel32.INSTANCE.GetPrivateProfileSectionNames(buffer, new DWORD(buffer.length), fileName).intValue() == 0) { throw new Win32Exception(Kernel32.INSTANCE.GetLastError()); } return new String(buffer).split("\0"); } /** * @param appName * The name of the section in which data is written. This section name is typically the name of the calling application. * @param strings * The new key names and associated values that are to be written to the named section. Each entry must be of the form {@code key=value}. * @param fileName * The name of the initialization file. If this parameter does not contain a full path for the file, the function searches the Windows directory * for the file. If the file does not exist and lpFileName does not contain a full path, the function creates the file in the Windows directory. */ public static final void writePrivateProfileSection(final String appName, final String[] strings, final String fileName) { final StringBuilder buffer = new StringBuilder(); for (final String string : strings) buffer.append(string).append('\0'); buffer.append('\0'); if (! Kernel32.INSTANCE.WritePrivateProfileSection(appName, buffer.toString(), fileName)) { throw new Win32Exception(Kernel32.INSTANCE.GetLastError()); } } /** * Invokes the {@link Kernel32#QueryDosDevice(String, char[], int)} method * and parses the result * @param lpszDeviceName The device name * @param maxTargetSize The work buffer size to use for the query * @return The parsed result */ public static final List<String> queryDosDevice(String lpszDeviceName, int maxTargetSize) { char[] lpTargetPath = new char[maxTargetSize]; int dwSize = Kernel32.INSTANCE.QueryDosDevice(lpszDeviceName, lpTargetPath, lpTargetPath.length); if (dwSize == 0) { throw new Win32Exception(Kernel32.INSTANCE.GetLastError()); } return Native.toStringList(lpTargetPath, 0, dwSize); } /** * Invokes and parses the result of {@link Kernel32#GetVolumePathNamesForVolumeName(String, char[], int, IntByReference)} * @param lpszVolumeName The volume name * @return The parsed result * @throws Win32Exception If failed to retrieve the required information */ public static final List<String> getVolumePathNamesForVolumeName(String lpszVolumeName) { char[] lpszVolumePathNames = new char[WinDef.MAX_PATH + 1]; IntByReference lpcchReturnLength = new IntByReference(); if (!Kernel32.INSTANCE.GetVolumePathNamesForVolumeName(lpszVolumeName, lpszVolumePathNames, lpszVolumePathNames.length, lpcchReturnLength)) { int hr = Kernel32.INSTANCE.GetLastError(); if (hr != WinError.ERROR_MORE_DATA) { throw new Win32Exception(hr); } int required = lpcchReturnLength.getValue(); lpszVolumePathNames = new char[required]; // this time we MUST succeed if (!Kernel32.INSTANCE.GetVolumePathNamesForVolumeName(lpszVolumeName, lpszVolumePathNames, lpszVolumePathNames.length, lpcchReturnLength)) { throw new Win32Exception(Kernel32.INSTANCE.GetLastError()); } } int bufSize = lpcchReturnLength.getValue(); return Native.toStringList(lpszVolumePathNames, 0, bufSize); } // prefix and suffix of a volume GUID path public static final String VOLUME_GUID_PATH_PREFIX = "\\\\?\\Volume{"; public static final String VOLUME_GUID_PATH_SUFFIX = "}\\"; /** * Parses and returns the pure GUID value of a volume name obtained * from {@link Kernel32#FindFirstVolume(char[], int)} or * {@link Kernel32#FindNextVolume} calls * * @param volumeGUIDPath * The volume GUID path as returned by one of the above mentioned calls * @return The pure GUID value after stripping the "\\?\" prefix and * removing the trailing backslash. * @throws IllegalArgumentException if bad format encountered * @see <A HREF="https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windows/desktop/aa365248(v=vs.85).aspx">Naming a Volume</A> */ public static final String extractVolumeGUID(String volumeGUIDPath) { if ((volumeGUIDPath == null) || (volumeGUIDPath.length() <= (VOLUME_GUID_PATH_PREFIX.length() + VOLUME_GUID_PATH_SUFFIX.length())) || (!volumeGUIDPath.startsWith(VOLUME_GUID_PATH_PREFIX)) || (!volumeGUIDPath.endsWith(VOLUME_GUID_PATH_SUFFIX))) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Bad volume GUID path format: " + volumeGUIDPath); } return volumeGUIDPath.substring(VOLUME_GUID_PATH_PREFIX.length(), volumeGUIDPath.length() - VOLUME_GUID_PATH_SUFFIX.length()); } /** * * This function retrieves the full path of the executable file of a given process. * * @param hProcess * Handle for the running process * @param dwFlags * 0 - The name should use the Win32 path format. * 1(WinNT.PROCESS_NAME_NATIVE) - The name should use the native system path format. * * @return the full path of the process's executable file of null if failed. To get extended error information, * call GetLastError. */ public static final String QueryFullProcessImageName(HANDLE hProcess, int dwFlags) { char[] path = new char[WinDef.MAX_PATH]; IntByReference lpdwSize = new IntByReference(path.length); if (Kernel32.INSTANCE.QueryFullProcessImageName(hProcess, 0, path, lpdwSize)) return new String(path).substring(0, lpdwSize.getValue()); throw new Win32Exception(Kernel32.INSTANCE.GetLastError()); } /** * Gets the specified resource out of the specified executable file * * @param path * The path to the executable file * @param type * The type of the resource (either a type name or type ID is * allowed) * @param name * The name or ID of the resource * @return The resource bytes, or null if no such resource exists. * @throws IllegalStateException if the call to LockResource fails */ public static byte[] getResource(String path, String type, String name) { HMODULE target = Kernel32.INSTANCE.LoadLibraryEx(path, null, Kernel32.LOAD_LIBRARY_AS_DATAFILE); if (target == null) { throw new Win32Exception(Kernel32.INSTANCE.GetLastError()); } Win32Exception err = null; Pointer start = null; int length = 0; byte[] results = null; try { Pointer t = null; try { t = new Pointer(Long.parseLong(type)); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { t = new Memory(Native.WCHAR_SIZE * (type.length() + 1)); t.setWideString(0, type); } Pointer n = null; try { n = new Pointer(Long.parseLong(name)); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { n = new Memory(Native.WCHAR_SIZE * (name.length() + 1)); n.setWideString(0, name); } HRSRC hrsrc = Kernel32.INSTANCE.FindResource(target, n, t); if (hrsrc == null) { throw new Win32Exception(Kernel32.INSTANCE.GetLastError()); } // according to MSDN, on 32 bit Windows or newer, calling FreeResource() is not necessary - and in fact does nothing but return false. HANDLE loaded = Kernel32.INSTANCE.LoadResource(target, hrsrc); if (loaded == null) { throw new Win32Exception(Kernel32.INSTANCE.GetLastError()); } length = Kernel32.INSTANCE.SizeofResource(target, hrsrc); if (length == 0) { throw new Win32Exception(Kernel32.INSTANCE.GetLastError()); } // MSDN: It is not necessary to unlock resources because the system automatically deletes them when the process that created them terminates. // MSDN does not say that LockResource sets GetLastError start = Kernel32.INSTANCE.LockResource(loaded); if (start == null) { throw new IllegalStateException("LockResource returned null."); } // have to capture it into a byte array before you free the library, otherwise bad things happen. results = start.getByteArray(0, length); } catch (Win32Exception we) { err = we; } finally { // from what I can tell on MSDN, the only thing that needs cleanup on this is the HMODULE from LoadLibrary if (target != null) { if (!Kernel32.INSTANCE.FreeLibrary(target)) { Win32Exception we = new Win32Exception(Kernel32.INSTANCE.GetLastError()); if (err != null) { we.addSuppressed(err); } throw we; } } } if (err != null) { throw err; } return results; } /** * Gets a list of all resources from the specified executable file * * @param path * The path to the executable file * @return A map of resource type name/ID => resources.<br> * A map key + a single list item + the path to the executable can * be handed off to getResource() to actually get the resource. */ public static Map<String, List<String>> getResourceNames(String path) { HMODULE target = Kernel32.INSTANCE.LoadLibraryEx(path, null, Kernel32.LOAD_LIBRARY_AS_DATAFILE); if (target == null) { throw new Win32Exception(Kernel32.INSTANCE.GetLastError()); } final List<String> types = new ArrayList<String>(); final Map<String, List<String>> result = new LinkedHashMap<String, List<String>>(); WinBase.EnumResTypeProc ertp = new WinBase.EnumResTypeProc() { @Override public boolean invoke(HMODULE module, Pointer type, Pointer lParam) { // simulate IS_INTRESOURCE macro defined in WinUser.h // basically that means that if "type" is less than or equal to 65,535 // it assumes it's an ID. // otherwise it assumes it's a pointer to a string if (Pointer.nativeValue(type) <= 65535) { types.add(Pointer.nativeValue(type) + ""); } else { types.add(type.getWideString(0)); } return true; } }; WinBase.EnumResNameProc ernp = new WinBase.EnumResNameProc() { @Override public boolean invoke(HMODULE module, Pointer type, Pointer name, Pointer lParam) { String typeName = ""; if (Pointer.nativeValue(type) <= 65535) { typeName = Pointer.nativeValue(type) + ""; } else { typeName = type.getWideString(0); } if (Pointer.nativeValue(name) < 65535) { result.get(typeName).add(Pointer.nativeValue(name) + ""); } else { result.get(typeName).add(name.getWideString(0)); } return true; } }; Win32Exception err = null; try { if (!Kernel32.INSTANCE.EnumResourceTypes(target, ertp, null)) { throw new Win32Exception(Kernel32.INSTANCE.GetLastError()); } for (final String typeName : types) { result.put(typeName, new ArrayList<String>()); // simulate MAKEINTRESOURCE macro in WinUser.h // basically, if the value passed in can be parsed as a number then convert it into one and run with that. // otherwise, assume it's a string and construct a pointer to said string. Pointer pointer = null; try { pointer = new Pointer(Long.parseLong(typeName)); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { pointer = new Memory(Native.WCHAR_SIZE * (typeName.length() + 1)); pointer.setWideString(0, typeName); } boolean callResult = Kernel32.INSTANCE.EnumResourceNames(target, pointer, ernp, null); if (!callResult) { throw new Win32Exception(Kernel32.INSTANCE.GetLastError()); } } } catch (Win32Exception e) { err = e; } finally { // from what I can tell on MSDN, the only thing that needs cleanup // on this is the HMODULE from LoadLibrary if (target != null) { if (!Kernel32.INSTANCE.FreeLibrary(target)) { Win32Exception we = new Win32Exception(Kernel32.INSTANCE.GetLastError()); if (err != null) { we.addSuppressed(err); } throw we; } } } if (err != null) { throw err; } return result; } /** * Returns all the executable modules for a given process ID.<br> * * @param processID * The process ID to get executable modules for * @return All the modules in the process. */ public static List<Tlhelp32.MODULEENTRY32W> getModules(int processID) { HANDLE snapshot = Kernel32.INSTANCE.CreateToolhelp32Snapshot(Tlhelp32.TH32CS_SNAPMODULE, new DWORD(processID)); if (snapshot == null) { throw new Win32Exception(Kernel32.INSTANCE.GetLastError()); } Win32Exception we = null; try { Tlhelp32.MODULEENTRY32W first = new Tlhelp32.MODULEENTRY32W(); if (!Kernel32.INSTANCE.Module32FirstW(snapshot, first)) { throw new Win32Exception(Kernel32.INSTANCE.GetLastError()); } List<Tlhelp32.MODULEENTRY32W> modules = new ArrayList<Tlhelp32.MODULEENTRY32W>(); modules.add(first); Tlhelp32.MODULEENTRY32W next = new Tlhelp32.MODULEENTRY32W(); while (Kernel32.INSTANCE.Module32NextW(snapshot, next)) { modules.add(next); next = new Tlhelp32.MODULEENTRY32W(); } int lastError = Kernel32.INSTANCE.GetLastError(); // if we got a false from Module32Next, // check to see if it returned false because we're genuinely done // or if something went wrong. if (lastError != W32Errors.ERROR_SUCCESS && lastError != W32Errors.ERROR_NO_MORE_FILES) { throw new Win32Exception(lastError); } return modules; } catch (Win32Exception e) { we = e; throw we; // re-throw so finally block is executed } finally { try { closeHandle(snapshot); } catch(Win32Exception e) { if (we == null) { we = e; } else { we.addSuppressed(e); } } if (we != null) { throw we; } } } }