package org.cyclopsgroup.jmxterm.cmd; import static org.junit.Assert.assertEquals; import static org.junit.Assert.assertNull; import; import; import; import; import; import org.cyclopsgroup.jmxterm.MockSession; import org.jmock.Expectations; import org.jmock.Mockery; import org.junit.Test; /** * Test case for {@link BeanCommand} * * @author <a href="">Jiaqi Guo</a> */ public class BeanCommandTest { private BeanCommand command = new BeanCommand(); private StringWriter output = new StringWriter(); private void setBeanAndVerify( String beanName, String domainName, final String expectedBean ) throws IOException, JMException { Mockery context = new Mockery(); final MBeanServerConnection con = context.mock( MBeanServerConnection.class ); command.setBean( beanName ); MockSession s = new MockSession( output, con ); if ( domainName != null ) { s.setDomain( domainName ); } context.checking( new Expectations() { { atLeast( 1 ).of( con ).getMBeanInfo( new ObjectName( expectedBean ) ); } } ); command.setSession( s ); command.execute(); assertEquals( expectedBean, s.getBean() ); } /** * Test execution with NULL result * * @throws IOException Allows network IO errors * @throws JMException Allows JMX exceptions */ @Test public void testExecuteWithGettingNull() throws IOException, JMException { command.setSession( new MockSession( output, null ) ); command.execute(); assertEquals( "null", output.toString().trim() ); } /** * Test execution with some result * * @throws IOException Allows network IO errors * @throws JMException Allows JMX exceptions */ @Test public void testExecuteWithGettingSomething() throws IOException, JMException { MockSession s = new MockSession( output, null ); s.setBean( "something" ); command.setSession( s ); command.execute(); assertEquals( "something", output.toString().trim() ); } /** * Test the case where an illegal bean is requested * * @throws IOException Allows network IO errors * @throws JMException Allows JMX exceptions */ @Test( expected = IllegalArgumentException.class ) public void testExecuteWithInvalidBean() throws IOException, JMException { command.setBean( "blablabla" ); command.setSession( new MockSession( output, null ) ); command.execute(); } /** * Test the case where NULL is get * * @throws IOException Allows network IO errors * @throws JMException Allows JMX exceptions */ @Test public void testExecuteWithSettingNull() throws IOException, JMException { command.setBean( "null" ); MockSession s = new MockSession( output, null ); s.setBean( "something" ); command.setSession( s ); command.execute(); assertNull( s.getBean() ); } /** * Test setting names with special character such as dot, dash and underline, without setting a domain first * * @throws IOException Allows network IO errors * @throws JMException Allows JMX exceptions */ @Test public void testSettingSpecialCharactersWithoutDomain() throws IOException, JMException { setBeanAndVerify( "domain_name.with-dash:attr.name_1-1=a.b", null, "domain_name.with-dash:attr.name_1-1=a.b" ); } /** * Test the case where a domain is set * * @throws IOException Allows network IO errors * @throws JMException Allows JMX exceptions */ @Test public void testSettingWithDomain() throws IOException, JMException { setBeanAndVerify( "type=x", "something", "something:type=x" ); } /** * Test the case where domain is set * * @throws IOException Allows network IO errors * @throws JMException Allows JMX exceptions */ @Test public void testSettingWithoutDomain() throws IOException, JMException { setBeanAndVerify( "something:type=x", null, "something:type=x" ); } /** * Test setting names with special character such as dot, dash and underline * * @throws IOException Allows network IO errors * @throws JMException Allows JMX exceptions */ @Test public void testSettingWithSpecialCharacters() throws IOException, JMException { setBeanAndVerify( "attr.name_1-1=a.b", "domain_name.with-dash", "domain_name.with-dash:attr.name_1-1=a.b" ); } }