package kg.apc.jmeter; import kg.apc.charting.ChartSettings; import kg.apc.charting.GraphPanelChart; import kg.apc.cmd.UniversalRunner; import kg.apc.jmeter.graphs.AbstractGraphPanelVisualizer; import kg.apc.jmeter.vizualizers.CorrectedResultCollector; import org.apache.jorphan.logging.LoggingManager; import org.apache.log.Logger; import; import; import; import; import java.util.ListIterator; import java.util.Properties; public class PluginsCMDWorker { private int graphWidth = 800; private int graphHeight = 600; public static final int EXPORT_PNG = 1; public static final int EXPORT_CSV = 2; private int exportMode = 0; private String inputFile; private String outputCSV; private String outputPNG; private AbstractGraphPanelVisualizer pluginType; private static final Logger log = LoggingManager.getLoggerForClass(); private int aggregate = -1; private int zeroing = -1; private int preventOutliers = -1; private int rowsLimit = -1; private int forceY = -1; private int lowCounts = -1; private int granulation = -1; private int relativeTimes = -1; private int gradient = -1; private int autoScaleRows = -1; private float lineWeight = -1; private String includeLabels = ""; private String excludeLabels = ""; private String startOffset = ""; private String endOffset = ""; private int includeSamplesWithRegex = -1; private int excludeSamplesWithRegex = -1; private int successFilter = -1; private int markers = -1; public PluginsCMDWorker() {"Using JMeterPluginsCMD v. " + JMeterPluginsUtils.getVersion()); JMeterPluginsUtils.prepareJMeterEnv(UniversalRunner.getJARLocation()); } public void addExportMode(int mode) { exportMode |= mode; } public void setInputFile(String string) { inputFile = string; } public void setOutputCSVFile(String string) { outputCSV = string; } public void setOutputPNGFile(String string) { outputPNG = string; } public void setPluginType(String string) { pluginType = getGUIObject(string); } private void checkParams() { if (pluginType == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Missing plugin type specification"); } if (exportMode == 0) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Missing any export specification"); } if (inputFile == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Missing input JTL file specification"); } if (!(new File(inputFile).exists())) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Cannot find specified JTL file: " + inputFile); } } public void setGraphWidth(int i) { graphWidth = i; } public void setGraphHeight(int i) { graphHeight = i; } public int doJob() { checkParams(); AbstractGraphPanelVisualizer pluginInstance = pluginType; pluginType.setIgnoreCurrentTestStartTime(); setOptions(pluginInstance); CorrectedResultCollector rc; rc = (CorrectedResultCollector) pluginInstance.createTestElement(); rc.setExcludeLabels(excludeLabels); rc.setIncludeLabels(includeLabels); rc.setStartOffset(startOffset); rc.setEndOffset(endOffset); if (includeSamplesWithRegex >= 0) { rc.setEnabledIncludeRegex(includeSamplesWithRegex != 0); } if (excludeSamplesWithRegex >= 0) { rc.setEnabledExcludeRegex(excludeSamplesWithRegex != 0); } if (successFilter >= 0) { rc.setErrorLogging(successFilter == 0); rc.setSuccessOnlyLogging(successFilter != 0); } if (pluginType.getStaticLabel().equals(JMeterPluginsUtils.prefixLabel("Merge Results"))) { mergeResults(pluginInstance, rc); } else { log.debug("Using JTL file: " + inputFile); rc.setFilename(inputFile); rc.setListener(pluginInstance); pluginInstance.configure(rc); // rc.testStarted(); rc.loadExistingFile(); // rc.testEnded(); } // to handle issue 64 and since it must be cheap - set options again setOptions(pluginInstance); if ((exportMode & EXPORT_PNG) == EXPORT_PNG) { File pngFile = new File(outputPNG); forceDir(pngFile); try { pluginInstance.getGraphPanelChart().saveGraphToPNG(pngFile, graphWidth, graphHeight); } catch (IOException ex) { throw new RuntimeException(ex); } } if ((exportMode & EXPORT_CSV) == EXPORT_CSV) { File csvFile = new File(outputCSV); forceDir(csvFile); try { pluginInstance.getGraphPanelChart().saveGraphToCSV(csvFile); } catch (IOException ex) { throw new RuntimeException(ex); } } return 0; } private void mergeResults(AbstractGraphPanelVisualizer pluginInstance, CorrectedResultCollector rc) { log.debug("Using properties file with MergeResults plugin: " + inputFile); Properties prop = new Properties(); InputStream input = null; try { input = new FileInputStream(inputFile); // load a properties file prop.load(input); for (int i = 1; i < 5; i++) { rc.setFilename(null == prop.getProperty("inputJtl" + i) ? "" : prop.getProperty("inputJtl" + i)); if (rc.getFilename().isEmpty()) { break; } rc.setPrefixLabel(null == prop.getProperty("prefixLabel" + i) ? "" : prop.getProperty("prefixLabel" + i)); rc.setIncludeLabels(null == prop .getProperty("includeLabels" + i) ? "" : prop .getProperty("includeLabels" + i)); rc.setExcludeLabels(null == prop .getProperty("excludeLabels" + i) ? "" : prop .getProperty("excludeLabels" + i)); rc.setEnabledIncludeRegex(Boolean.valueOf(prop .getProperty("includeLabelRegex" + i))); rc.setEnabledExcludeRegex(Boolean.valueOf(prop .getProperty("excludeLabelRegex" + i))); rc.setStartOffset(null == prop.getProperty("startOffset" + i) ? "" : prop.getProperty("startOffset" + i)); rc.setEndOffset(null == prop.getProperty("endOffset" + i) ? "" : prop.getProperty("endOffset" + i)); rc.setListener(pluginInstance); pluginInstance.configure(rc); // rc.testStarted(); rc.loadExistingFile(); // rc.testEnded(); } } catch (IOException ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); } finally { if (input != null) { try { input.close(); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } } } private AbstractGraphPanelVisualizer getGUIObject(String pluginType) { Class a; try { a = Class.forName(pluginType); } catch (ClassNotFoundException ex) { if (!pluginType.endsWith("Gui")) { return getGUIObject(pluginType + "Gui"); } if (!pluginType.startsWith("kg.apc.jmeter.vizualizers.")) { return getGUIObject("kg.apc.jmeter.vizualizers." + pluginType); } throw new RuntimeException(ex); } try { return (AbstractGraphPanelVisualizer) a.newInstance(); } catch (InstantiationException | IllegalAccessException ex) { throw new RuntimeException(ex); } } private void setOptions(AbstractGraphPanelVisualizer gui) { GraphPanelChart graph = gui.getGraphPanelChart(); if (aggregate >= 0) { gui.switchModel(aggregate > 0); } if (granulation >= 0) { gui.setGranulation(granulation); } if (relativeTimes >= 0) { graph.setUseRelativeTime(relativeTimes > 0); } if (lineWeight >= 0) { graph.getChartSettings().setLineWidth(lineWeight); } if (gradient >= 0) { graph.getChartSettings().setDrawGradient(gradient > 0); } if (zeroing >= 0) { graph.getChartSettings().setDrawFinalZeroingLines(zeroing > 0); } if (rowsLimit >= 0) { graph.getChartSettings().setMaxPointPerRow(rowsLimit); } if (preventOutliers >= 0) { graph.getChartSettings().setPreventXAxisOverScaling(preventOutliers > 0); } if (lowCounts >= 0) { graph.getChartSettings().setHideNonRepValLimit(lowCounts); } if (forceY >= 0) { graph.getChartSettings().setForcedMaxY(forceY); } if (autoScaleRows >= 0) { graph.getChartSettings().setExpendRows(autoScaleRows > 0); } if (markers >= 0) { graph.getChartSettings().setChartMarkers(markers > 0 ? ChartSettings.CHART_MARKERS_YES : ChartSettings.CHART_MARKERS_NO); } } public void setAggregate(int logicValue) { aggregate = logicValue; } public void setZeroing(int logicValue) { zeroing = logicValue; } public void setPreventOutliers(int logicValue) { preventOutliers = logicValue; } public void setRowsLimit(int parseInt) { rowsLimit = parseInt; } public void setForceY(int parseInt) { forceY = parseInt; } public void setHideLowCounts(int parseInt) { lowCounts = parseInt; } public void setGranulation(int parseInt) { granulation = parseInt; } public void setRelativeTimes(int logicValue) { relativeTimes = logicValue; } public void setGradient(int logicValue) { gradient = logicValue; } public void setMarkers(int logicValue) { markers = logicValue; } public void setIncludeLabels(String string) { includeLabels = string; } public void setExcludeLabels(String string) { excludeLabels = string; } public void setIncludeSamplesWithRegex(int logicValue) { includeSamplesWithRegex = logicValue; } public void setExcludeSamplesWithRegex(int logicValue) { excludeSamplesWithRegex = logicValue; } public void setStartOffset(String string) { startOffset = string; } public void setEndOffset(String string) { endOffset = string; } public void setAutoScaleRows(int logicValue) { autoScaleRows = logicValue; } public void setLineWeight(float parseInt) { lineWeight = parseInt; } public void setSuccessFilter(int logicValue) { successFilter = logicValue; } private void forceDir(File resultFile) { File parent = resultFile.getParentFile(); if (parent != null) { if (!parent.mkdirs() && !parent.exists()) { throw new RuntimeException("Failed to create directory for " + resultFile.getAbsolutePath()); } } } public void processUnknownOption(String nextArg, ListIterator args) { if (pluginType != null && pluginType instanceof CMDLineArgumentsProcessor) { log.debug("Trying to process unknown option using CMDLineArgumentsProcessor: " + nextArg); CMDLineArgumentsProcessor obj = (CMDLineArgumentsProcessor) pluginType; obj.processCMDOption(nextArg, args); } else { throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Unrecognized option: " + nextArg); } } }