package com.plectix.simulator.gui.lib; import java.awt.Color; import java.awt.Font; import java.awt.GraphicsEnvironment; import java.awt.Image; import java.awt.Toolkit; import; import; import; import; import; import java.text.MessageFormat; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Properties; import javax.swing.Icon; import javax.swing.ImageIcon; import javax.swing.UIManager; import javax.swing.plaf.synth.SynthLookAndFeel; /** * Constants for basic colors, sizes, fonts, etc. defined in a properties file * for easy customization, localization, branding, etc. * * @author ecemis */ public class UIProperties { private static Properties props = new Properties(); private static Map<String, Color> colors = new HashMap<String, Color>(); private static Map<String, Font> fonts = new HashMap<String, Font>(); private static Map<String, Image> images = new HashMap<String, Image>(); private static Map<String, Object> otherObjects = new HashMap<String, Object>(); /** * Initialize the UIProperties object from a .properties file. Any * properties whose values look like "Color(R,G,B)", * "Font(face,style,size)", or "Image(filename)" will be converted to * java.awt.Color, java.awt.Font, or java.awt.Image objects respectively and * saved in separate maps for faster retrieval. * * @see UIProperties#getColor(String) * @see UIProperties#getFont(String) * @see UIProperties#getImage(String) */ private UIProperties() throws Exception { // Load properties file loadPropertyFile(Settings.PROPERTIES_FILENAME); // Set up look-and-feel if (UIProperties.propertyExists("lookAndFeelResource")) { setLookAndFeel(UIProperties.getString("lookAndFeelResource")); } else { UIManager.setLookAndFeel(UIManager.getSystemLookAndFeelClassName()); } } private static void loadPropertyFile(String propertyFilename) throws IOException { // Load properties from resource Properties properties = new Properties(); properties.load(new FileReader(propertyFilename)); // Add to master properties props.putAll(properties); // Save maps of Color, Font, and Image objects for (Iterator it = properties.keySet().iterator(); it.hasNext();) { String key = (String); String value = properties.getProperty(key).trim(); if (value.startsWith("Color(")) { // Skip if we've already made this color if (colors.containsKey(value)) continue; // Convert "Color(1,2,3)" to "1,2,3" String temp = value.substring(6, value.length() - 1); // Separate RGB values String[] split = temp.split(","); int red = Integer.parseInt(split[0].trim()); int green = Integer.parseInt(split[1].trim()); int blue = Integer.parseInt(split[2].trim()); // Save new Color object in map if (split.length == 3) colors.put(value, new Color(red, green, blue)); else colors.put(value, new Color(red, green, blue, Integer.parseInt(split[3].trim()))); } else if (value.startsWith("Font(")) { // Skip if we've already made this font if (fonts.containsKey(value)) continue; // Convert "Font(x,y,z)" to "x,y,z" String temp = value.substring(5, value.length() - 1); // Separate parameters String[] split = temp.split(","); String face = split[0].trim(); int style = Font.PLAIN; if (split[1].trim().equalsIgnoreCase("bold")) style = Font.BOLD; else if (split[1].trim().equalsIgnoreCase("italic")) style = Font.ITALIC; float size = Float.parseFloat(split[2]); // Save new Font object in map // log.debug("Creating " + value); Font font = makeFont(face, style, size); fonts.put(value, font); } else if (value.startsWith("Image(")) { // Skip if we've already made this image if (images.containsKey(value)) continue; // Convert "Image(filename)" to "filename" String temp = value.substring(6, value.length() - 1); // Create the image object String resourcePath = Settings.IMAGES_RESOURCE_PATH + temp; URL url = UIProperties.class.getResource("/" + resourcePath); if (url == null) throw new FileNotFoundException(resourcePath); // log.debug("Creating image " + resourcePath); Image image = Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().getImage(url); // Force it to load now so the UI won't be glitchy later // when the image is first displayed image.getHeight(null); // Save new Image object in map images.put(value, image); } } } private static String getCheckedProperty(String property) { String result = props.getProperty(property); if (result == null) { // log.error("UI properties key " + property + " not found"); throw new IllegalArgumentException(property); } return result.trim(); } /** * Return true if the specified property key exists. * @param property property key to check * @return true if property key exists */ private static boolean propertyExists(String property) { return props.containsKey(property); } /** * Get a string from the property map. * @param property property key from conf/ * @return String value of property * @throws IllegalArgumentException if property key is not found */ public static String getString(String property) { return getCheckedProperty(property); } /** * Get an integer value from the property map. * @param property property key from conf/ * @return int value of property * @throws IllegalArgumentException if property key is not found */ public static int getInt(String property) { String result = getCheckedProperty(property); return Integer.parseInt(result); } /** * Get a double value from the property map. * @param property property key from conf/ * @return double value of property * @throws IllegalArgumentException if property key is not found */ public static double getDouble(String property) { String result = getCheckedProperty(property); return Double.parseDouble(result); } /** * Get a java.awt.Color object from the color map. The property * should be a value like "Color(x,y,z)". * @param property property key from conf/ * @return java.awt.Color with specified values * @throws IllegalArgumentException if property key is not found */ public static Color getColor(String property) { String result = getCheckedProperty(property); return colors.get(result); } /** * Get a java.awt.Font object from the font map. * * @param property property key from conf/ * @return java.awt.Font Font with specified values * @throws IllegalArgumentException if property key is not found */ public static Font getFont(String property) { String result = getCheckedProperty(property); return fonts.get(result); } /** * Get a java.awt.Font object from the font map, specified by * name, style, and size. In almost all cases, you should call * getFont(String) instead, to specify the font by property key. * * @param name Font name, e.g. "Gill Sans" * @param style Font style * @param size Font size * @return Font matching name, style, and size, or null if not found */ public static Font getFont(String name, int style, int size) { String styleString = "plain"; if (style == Font.BOLD) styleString = "bold"; else if (style == Font.ITALIC) styleString = "italic"; StringBuffer key = new StringBuffer(); key.append("Font(").append(name).append(",").append(styleString).append(",").append(size).append(")"); Font result = fonts.get(key.toString()); if (result == null) { // log.warn("Unexpected font: " + key.toString() + " (make sure font is defined in"); } return result; } /** * Get a java.awt.Image object from the image map. The property * should be a value like "Image(filename)". The filename should * be relative to images/. * @param property property key from * @return java.awt.Image image with specified filename * @throws IllegalArgumentException if property key is not found */ private static Image getImage(String property) { String result = getCheckedProperty(property); return images.get(result); } /** * Creates and returns an object. This method uses reflection * to create them by name. Examples: * * <pre> point.origin = java.awt.Point(int=0, int=0) my.rectangle = java.awt.Rectangle(int=130, int=10, int=120, int=20) my.dimension = java.awt.Dimension(int=800, int=600) * </pre> * * Note that this function also shares the same objects * through a hashmap. * * @param property a property, e.g. <code>point.origin</code> * @return cashed or created object */ public static Object getObject(String property) { String objectString = getCheckedProperty(property); Object ret = otherObjects.get(objectString); if (ret != null) { return ret; } int openParan = objectString.indexOf("("); int closeParan = objectString.indexOf(")"); String className = objectString.substring(0, openParan); String[] arguments = objectString.substring(openParan+1, closeParan).split(","); Class[] args = new Class[arguments.length]; Object[] objs = new Object[arguments.length]; for (int i= 0; i< args.length; i++){ String[] argumentFields = arguments[i].trim().split("="); // primitive Java types: if (argumentFields[0].trim().equalsIgnoreCase("boolean")){ args[i] = boolean.class; objs[i] = Boolean.parseBoolean(argumentFields[1].trim()); } else if (argumentFields[0].trim().equalsIgnoreCase("byte")){ args[i] = byte.class; objs[i] = Byte.parseByte(argumentFields[1].trim()); } else if (argumentFields[0].trim().equalsIgnoreCase("char")){ args[i] = char.class; objs[i] = argumentFields[1].trim().charAt(0); } else if (argumentFields[0].trim().equalsIgnoreCase("short")){ args[i] = short.class; objs[i] = Short.parseShort(argumentFields[1].trim()); } else if (argumentFields[0].trim().equalsIgnoreCase("int")){ args[i] = int.class; objs[i] = Integer.parseInt(argumentFields[1].trim()); } else if (argumentFields[0].trim().equalsIgnoreCase("long")){ args[i] = long.class; objs[i] = Long.parseLong(argumentFields[1].trim()); } else if (argumentFields[0].trim().equalsIgnoreCase("float")){ args[i] = float.class; objs[i] = Float.parseFloat(argumentFields[1].trim()); } else if (argumentFields[0].trim().equalsIgnoreCase("double")){ args[i] = double.class; objs[i] = Double.parseDouble(argumentFields[1].trim()); } else { return null; } } try { ret = Class.forName(className).getConstructor(args).newInstance(objs); otherObjects.put(objectString, ret); return ret; } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); // log.error("UI properties key " + property + " is ill-defined!"); throw new IllegalArgumentException(property); } } /** * Return an Icon for an image retrieved from getImage(). * @see #getImage(String) * @param property property key from * @return icon for image with specified filename */ public static Icon getIcon(String property) { return new ImageIcon(getImage(property)); } private static void setLookAndFeel(String lookAndFeelResource) throws Exception { SynthLookAndFeel synth = new SynthLookAndFeel(); InputStream lookAndFeelStream = UIProperties.class.getResourceAsStream("/" + lookAndFeelResource); synth.load(lookAndFeelStream, UIProperties.class); UIManager.setLookAndFeel(synth); } private static Font makeFont(String face, int style, float size) { // Look for match in available fonts Font[] fonts = GraphicsEnvironment.getLocalGraphicsEnvironment().getAllFonts(); for (Font f : fonts) { if (f.getName().equalsIgnoreCase(face)) return f.deriveFont(style, size); } // Use system font by default // log.warn("Font " + face + " not found; using SansSerif"); return new Font("SansSerif", style, (int) size); } public static void setProperty(String name, int value) { props.setProperty(name, Integer.toString(value)); } public static void setProperty(String name, String value) { props.setProperty(name, value); } public static void setProperty(String name, Color value) { colors.put(name, value); } /** * Format a message specified by a property key. The message is * may use {0}, {1}, etc. as placeholders for the values supplied * as additional parameters to this method. * @see MessageFormat#format(String, Object[]) * @param propertyName property key name * @param args variable-length list of replacement values for {0} etc. * @return formatted message */ public static String getMessageString(String propertyName, Object... args) { String message = UIProperties.getString(propertyName); return MessageFormat.format(message, args); } }