package com.atlassian.jgitflow.core.util; import*; /** * A helper utility to make dealing with file operations easier */ public class FileHelper { /** * Reads the first line of a file * * @param f the file to read * @return the first line of the file or an empty string */ public static String readFirstLine(File f) { String line = ""; BufferedReader br = null; try { if (null != f && f.exists() && f.canRead()) { br = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(f)); line = br.readLine(); } } catch (FileNotFoundException e) { //ignore } catch (IOException e) { //ignore } finally { if (null != br) { try { br.close(); } catch (IOException e) { //ignore } } } return line; } /** * Creates any non-existent parent directories for the given file * * @param f the file to create parent directories for * @throws */ public static void createParentDirs(File f) throws IOException { File parent = f.getCanonicalFile().getParentFile(); if (null != parent) { parent.mkdirs(); } } /** * Writes a string to a file replacing the entire contents * * @param s The string to write * @param f The file to write to * @throws */ public static void writeStringToFile(String s, File f) throws IOException { BufferedWriter bw = null; try { bw = new BufferedWriter(new FileWriter(f)); bw.write(s); } finally { if (null != bw) { bw.close(); } } } }