/** * */ package jframe.launcher.api; import java.util.regex.Pattern; /** * @author dzh * @date Feb 16, 2016 5:13:36 PM * @since 1.0 */ public interface LauncherConstants { String REGEX_VAR = "\\$\\{(.+?)\\}"; Pattern P_VAR = Pattern.compile(REGEX_VAR, Pattern.CASE_INSENSITIVE); String UTF8 = "utf-8"; /********************** VAR in shell argument ***********************/ String APP_HOME = "app.home"; // application root directory String FILE_CONFIG = "file.config"; // file path of config.properties String LAUNCHER = "launcher"; // launcher class /********************** VAR in config.properties ***********************/ String LAUNCH_MODE = "launch.mode"; // launching mode, daemon or not String APP_MAIN = "app.main"; // main class of application String APP_LAUNCHER = "app.launcher"; // launcher class of application String PID_APP = "app.pid"; // launcher progress's pid file name String PID_DAEMON = "daemon.pid"; // main/daemon progress's pid file name String FILE_VMARGS = "vmargs"; /********************** VAR value ***********************/ String LAUNCH_MODE_DAEMON = "daemon"; // String FILE_CONFIG_NAME = "config.properties"; }