package; /* This file is part of the JFact DL reasoner Copyright 2011-2013 by Ignazio Palmisano, Dmitry Tsarkov, University of Manchester This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA*/ import static; import static*; import static*; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicBoolean; import org.semanticweb.owlapi.model.IRI; import org.semanticweb.owlapi.model.OWLRuntimeException; import org.semanticweb.owlapi.reasoner.ReasonerInternalException; import org.semanticweb.owlapi.util.MultiMap; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import conformance.Original; import conformance.PortedFrom; /** Reasoning kernel */ @PortedFrom(file = "Kernel.h", name = "ReasoningKernel") public class ReasoningKernel implements Serializable { private static final long serialVersionUID = 11000L; /** options for the kernel and all related substructures */ @PortedFrom(file = "Kernel.h", name = "KernelOptions") private final JFactReasonerConfiguration kernelOptions; /** local TBox (to be created) */ @PortedFrom(file = "Kernel.h", name = "pTBox") protected TBox pTBox; /** set of axioms */ @PortedFrom(file = "Kernel.h", name = "Ontology") private final Ontology ontology = new Ontology(); /** expression translator to work with queries */ @PortedFrom(file = "Kernel.h", name = "pET") private ExpressionTranslator pET; @PortedFrom(file = "Kernel.h", name = "Name2Sig") private final Map<NamedEntity, TSignature> Name2Sig = new HashMap<NamedEntity, TSignature>(); /** ontology signature (used in incremental) */ @PortedFrom(file = "Kernel.h", name = "OntoSig") private TSignature OntoSig; // Top/Bottom role names: if set, they will appear in all hierarchy-related // output /** top object role name */ @PortedFrom(file = "Kernel.h", name = "topORoleName") private IRI topORoleName; /** bottom object role name */ @PortedFrom(file = "Kernel.h", name = "botORoleName") private IRI botORoleName; /** top data role name */ @PortedFrom(file = "Kernel.h", name = "topDRoleName") private IRI topDRoleName; /** bottom data role name */ @PortedFrom(file = "Kernel.h", name = "botDRoleName") private IRI botDRoleName; // values to propagate to the new KB in case of clearance @Original private AtomicBoolean interrupted; /** * @param b * b */ @Original public void setInterruptedSwitch(AtomicBoolean b) { interrupted = b; } // reasoning cache /** cache level */ @PortedFrom(file = "Kernel.h", name = "cacheLevel") private CacheStatus cacheLevel; /** cached query concept description */ @PortedFrom(file = "Kernel.h", name = "cachedQueryTree") private DLTree cachedQueryTree; /** cached concept (either defConcept or existing one) */ @PortedFrom(file = "Kernel.h", name = "cachedConcept") private Concept cachedConcept; /** cached query result (taxonomy position) */ @PortedFrom(file = "Kernel.h", name = "cachedVertex") private TaxonomyVertex cachedVertex; // internal flags /** set if TBox throws an exception during preprocessing/classification */ @PortedFrom(file = "Kernel.h", name = "reasoningFailed") private boolean reasoningFailed = false; /** trace vector for the last operation (set from the TBox trace-sets) */ @PortedFrom(file = "Kernel.h", name = "TraceVec") private final List<AxiomInterface> traceVec = new ArrayList<AxiomInterface>(); /** flag to gather trace information for the next reasoner's call */ @PortedFrom(file = "Kernel.h", name = "NeedTracing") private boolean needTracing = false; @Original private final DatatypeFactory datatypeFactory; // types for knowledge exploration /** knowledge exploration support */ @PortedFrom(file = "Kernel.h", name = "KE") private KnowledgeExplorer KE; /** atomic decomposer */ @PortedFrom(file = "Kernel.h", name = "AD") private AtomicDecomposer AD; /** syntactic locality based module extractor */ @PortedFrom(file = "Kernel.h", name = "ModSyn") private OntologyBasedModularizer ModSyn = null; /** semantic locality based module extractor */ @PortedFrom(file = "Kernel.h", name = "ModSem") private OntologyBasedModularizer ModSem = null; /** set to return by the locality checking procedure */ @PortedFrom(file = "Kernel.h", name = "Result") private final Set<AxiomInterface> Result = new HashSet<AxiomInterface>(); /** cached query input description */ @PortedFrom(file = "Kernel.h", name = "cachedQuery") private ConceptExpression cachedQuery; /** ignore cache for the TExpr* (useful for semantic AD) */ @PortedFrom(file = "Kernel.h", name = "ignoreExprCache") private boolean ignoreExprCache = false; private final Timer moduleTimer = new Timer(); // -- internal query cache manipulation /** clear query cache */ @PortedFrom(file = "Kernel.h", name = "clearQueryCache") private void clearQueryCache() { cachedQuery = null; cachedQueryTree = null; } /** * set query cache value to QUERY * * @param query * query */ @PortedFrom(file = "Kernel.h", name = "setQueryCache") private void setQueryCache(ConceptExpression query) { clearQueryCache(); cachedQuery = query; } /** * set query cache value to QUERY * * @param query * query */ @PortedFrom(file = "Kernel.h", name = "setQueryCache") private void setQueryCache(DLTree query) { clearQueryCache(); cachedQueryTree = query; } /** * choose whether TExpr cache should be ignored * * @param value * value */ @PortedFrom(file = "Kernel.h", name = "setIgnoreExprCache") public void setIgnoreExprCache(boolean value) { ignoreExprCache = value; } /** * check whether query cache is the same as QUERY * * @param query * query * @return true if same */ @PortedFrom(file = "Kernel.h", name = "checkQueryCache") private boolean checkQueryCache(ConceptExpression query) { return ignoreExprCache ? false : query.equals(cachedQuery); } /** * check whether query cache is the same as QUERY * * @param query * query * @return true if same */ @PortedFrom(file = "Kernel.h", name = "checkQueryCache") private boolean checkQueryCache(DLTree query) { return equalTrees(cachedQueryTree, query); } /** @return status of the KB */ @PortedFrom(file = "Kernel.h", name = "getStatus") private KBStatus getStatus() { if (pTBox == null) { return kbEmpty; } // if the ontology is changed, it needs to be reclassified if (ontology.isChanged()) { return kbLoading; } return pTBox.getStatus(); } /** * @param expr * expr * @return get DLTree corresponding to an expression EXPR */ @PortedFrom(file = "Kernel.h", name = "e") public DLTree e(Expression expr) { return expr.accept(pET); } /** * @return fresh filled depending of a type of R * @param R * R */ @PortedFrom(file = "Kernel.h", name = "getFreshFiller") private DLTree getFreshFiller(Role R) { if (R.isDataRole()) { LiteralEntry t = new LiteralEntry("freshliteral"); t.setLiteral(DatatypeFactory.LITERAL.buildLiteral("freshliteral")); return DLTreeFactory.wrap(t); } else { return getTBox().getFreshConcept(); } } /** * @return role expression based on the R * @param R * R */ @PortedFrom(file = "Kernel.h", name = "Role") private RoleExpression Role(Role R) { if (R.isDataRole()) { return getExpressionManager().dataRole(R.getName()); } else { return getExpressionManager().objectRole(R.getName()); } } /** clear cache and flags */ @PortedFrom(file = "Kernel.h", name = "initCacheAndFlags") private void initCacheAndFlags() { cacheLevel = csEmpty; clearQueryCache(); cachedConcept = null; cachedVertex = null; needTracing = false; } /** set need tracing to true */ @PortedFrom(file = "Kernel.h", name = "needTracing") public void needTracing() { needTracing = true; } /** @return the trace-set of the last reasoning operation */ @PortedFrom(file = "Kernel.h", name = "getTrace") public List<AxiomInterface> getTrace() { List<AxiomInterface> toReturn = new ArrayList<AxiomInterface>(traceVec); traceVec.clear(); return toReturn; } /** * set the signature of the expression translator * * @param sig * sig */ @PortedFrom(file = "Kernel.h", name = "setSignature") public void setSignature(TSignature sig) { if (pET != null) { pET.setSignature(sig); } } /** @return the ontology */ @PortedFrom(file = "Kernel.h", name = "getOntology") public Ontology getOntology() { return ontology; } /** * @return related cache for an individual I * @param I * I * @param R * R */ @PortedFrom(file = "Kernel.h", name = "getRelated") private List<Individual> getRelated(Individual I, Role R) { if (!I.hasRelatedCache(R)) { I.setRelatedCache(R, buildRelatedCache(I, R)); } return I.getRelatedCache(R); } // -- internal reasoning methods /** * @param C * C * @return true iff C is satisfiable */ @PortedFrom(file = "Kernel.h", name = "checkSatTree") private boolean checkSatTree(DLTree C) { if (C.isTOP()) { return true; } if (C.isBOTTOM()) { return false; } this.setUpCache(C, csSat); return getTBox().isSatisfiable(cachedConcept); } /** * @param C * C * @return true iff C is satisfiable */ @PortedFrom(file = "Kernel.h", name = "checkSat") private boolean checkSat(ConceptExpression C) { setUpCache(C, csSat); return getTBox().isSatisfiable(cachedConcept); } /** * helper; * * @param C * C * @return true iff C is either named concept of Top/Bot */ @PortedFrom(file = "Kernel.h", name = "isNameOrConst") private boolean isNameOrConst(ConceptExpression C) { return C instanceof ConceptName || C instanceof ConceptTop || C instanceof ConceptBottom; } @PortedFrom(file = "Kernel.h", name = "isNameOrConst") private boolean isNameOrConst(DLTree C) { return C.isBOTTOM() || C.isTOP() || C.isName(); } /** * @param C * C * @param D * D * @return true iff C [= D holds */ @PortedFrom(file = "Kernel.h", name = "checkSub") private boolean checkSub(ConceptExpression C, ConceptExpression D) { if (this.isNameOrConst(D) && this.isNameOrConst(C)) { return this.checkSub(getTBox().getCI(e(C)), getTBox().getCI(e(D))); } return !checkSat(getExpressionManager().and(C, getExpressionManager().not(D))); } /** * @param useSemantic * useSemantic * @return module extractor */ @PortedFrom(file = "Kernel.h", name = "getModExtractor") public OntologyBasedModularizer getModExtractor(boolean useSemantic) { if (useSemantic) { if (ModSem == null) { ModSem = new OntologyBasedModularizer(ontology, OntologyBasedModularizer.buildTModularizer(useSemantic, this)); } return ModSem; } if (ModSyn == null) { ModSyn = new OntologyBasedModularizer(ontology, OntologyBasedModularizer.buildTModularizer(useSemantic, this)); } return ModSyn; } /** * @param signature * signature * @param useSemantic * useSemantic * @param type * type * @return a set of axioms that corresponds to the atom with the id INDEX */ @PortedFrom(file = "Kernel.h", name = "getModule") public List<AxiomInterface> getModule(List<Expression> signature, boolean useSemantic, ModuleType type) { // init signature TSignature Sig = new TSignature(); Sig.setLocality(false); for (Expression q : signature) { if (q instanceof NamedEntity) { Sig.add((NamedEntity) q); } } return getModExtractor(useSemantic).getModule(Sig, type); } /** * @param signature * signature * @param useSemantic * useSemantic * @param type * type * @return a set of axioms that corresponds to the atom with the id INDEX */ @PortedFrom(file = "Kernel.h", name = "getNonLocal") public Set<AxiomInterface> getNonLocal(List<Expression> signature, boolean useSemantic, ModuleType type) { // init signature TSignature Sig = new TSignature(); Sig.setLocality(type == ModuleType.M_TOP); for (Expression q : signature) { if (q instanceof NamedEntity) { Sig.add((NamedEntity) q); } } // do check LocalityChecker LC = getModExtractor(useSemantic).getModularizer() .getLocalityChecker(); LC.setSignatureValue(Sig); Result.clear(); for (AxiomInterface p : getOntology().getAxioms()) { if (!LC.local(p)) { Result.add(p); } } return Result; } /** * @param C * C * @param D * D * @return true iff C [= D holds */ @PortedFrom(file = "Kernel.h", name = "checkSub") private boolean checkSub(Concept C, Concept D) { // check whether a concept is fresh if (D.getpName() == 0) // D is fresh { if (C.getpName() == 0) { return C.equals(D); // 2 fresh concepts subsumes one another iff they are the same } else { // C is known return !getTBox().isSatisfiable(C); // C [= D iff C=\bottom } } else { // D is known if (C.getpName() == 0) { // C [= D iff D = \top, or ~D = \bottom return !checkSatTree(DLTreeFactory.createSNFNot(getTBox() .getTree(C))); } } // here C and D are known (not fresh) // check the obvious ones if (D.isTop() || C.isBottom()) { return true; } if (getStatus().ordinal() < kbClassified.ordinal()) { // unclassified => do via SAT test return getTBox().isSubHolds(C, D); } // classified => do the taxonomy traversal SupConceptActor actor = new SupConceptActor(D); Taxonomy tax = getCTaxonomy(); return tax.getRelativesInfo(C.getTaxVertex(), actor, true, false, true); } /** * @throws ReasonerInternalException * exception if no TBox found */ @PortedFrom(file = "Kernel.h", name = "checkTBox") private void checkTBox() { if (pTBox == null) { throw new ReasonerInternalException("KB Not Initialised"); } } /** @return get RW access to TBox */ @PortedFrom(file = "Kernel.h", name = "getTBox") public TBox getTBox() { checkTBox(); return pTBox; } /** clear TBox and related structures; keep ontology in place */ @PortedFrom(file = "Kernel.h", name = "clearTBox") private void clearTBox() { pTBox = null; pET = null; getExpressionManager().clearNameCache(); } /** @return Object RoleMaster from TBox */ @PortedFrom(file = "Kernel.h", name = "getORM") private RoleMaster getORM() { return getTBox().getORM(); } /** @return Data RoleMaster from TBox */ @PortedFrom(file = "Kernel.h", name = "getDRM") private RoleMaster getDRM() { return getTBox().getDRM(); } /** @return concept hierarchy */ @PortedFrom(file = "Kernel.h", name = "getCTaxonomy") private Taxonomy getCTaxonomy() { // if (!isKBClassified()) { // throw new ReasonerInternalException( // "No access to concept taxonomy: ontology not classified"); // } return getTBox().getTaxonomy(); } /** @return object role hierarchy */ @PortedFrom(file = "Kernel.h", name = "getORTaxonomy") private Taxonomy getORTaxonomy() { if (!isKBPreprocessed()) { throw new ReasonerInternalException( "No access to the object role taxonomy: ontology not preprocessed"); } return getORM().getTaxonomy(); } /** @return data role hierarchy */ @PortedFrom(file = "Kernel.h", name = "getDRTaxonomy") private Taxonomy getDRTaxonomy() { if (!isKBPreprocessed()) { throw new ReasonerInternalException( "No access to the data role taxonomy: ontology not preprocessed"); } return getDRM().getTaxonomy(); } // transformation methods /** * @return individual by the TIndividualExpr * @param i * i * @param reason * reason */ @PortedFrom(file = "Kernel.h", name = "getIndividual") private Individual getIndividual(IndividualExpression i, String reason) { DLTree I = e(i); if (I == null) { throw new ReasonerInternalException(reason); } return (Individual) getTBox().getCI(I); } /** * @return role by the TRoleExpr * @param r * r * @param reason * reason */ @PortedFrom(file = "Kernel.h", name = "getRole") private Role getRole(RoleExpression r, String reason) { return Role.resolveRole(e(r), reason); } /** * @return taxonomy of the property wrt it's name * @param R * R */ @PortedFrom(file = "Kernel.h", name = "getTaxonomy") private Taxonomy getTaxonomy(Role R) { return R.isDataRole() ? getDRTaxonomy() : getORTaxonomy(); } /** * @return taxonomy vertext of the property wrt it's name * @param R * R */ @PortedFrom(file = "Kernel.h", name = "getTaxVertex") private TaxonomyVertex getTaxVertex(Role R) { return R.getTaxVertex(); } /** @return kernel configuration */ @PortedFrom(file = "Kernel.h", name = "getOptions") public JFactReasonerConfiguration getOptions() { return kernelOptions; } /** @return classification status of KB */ @PortedFrom(file = "Kernel.h", name = "isKBPreprocessed") public boolean isKBPreprocessed() { return getStatus().ordinal() >= kbCChecked.ordinal(); } /** @return classification status of KB */ @PortedFrom(file = "Kernel.h", name = "isKBClassified") public boolean isKBClassified() { return getStatus().ordinal() >= kbClassified.ordinal(); } /** @return realistion status of KB */ @PortedFrom(file = "Kernel.h", name = "isKBRealised") public boolean isKBRealised() { return getStatus().ordinal() >= kbRealised.ordinal(); } /** * set top/bottom role names to use them in the related output * * @param topO * topO * @param botO * botO * @param topD * topD * @param botD * botD */ @PortedFrom(file = "Kernel.h", name = "setTopBottomRoleNames") public void setTopBottomRoleNames(IRI topO, IRI botO, IRI topD, IRI botD) { topORoleName = topO; botORoleName = botO; topDRoleName = topD; botDRoleName = botD; ontology.getExpressionManager().setTopBottomRoles(topORoleName, botORoleName, topDRoleName, botDRoleName); } /** * dump query processing TIME, reasoning statistics and a (preprocessed) * TBox * * @param time * time */ @PortedFrom(file = "Kernel.h", name = "writeReasoningResult") public void writeReasoningResult(long time) { // get rid of the query leftovers getTBox().clearQueryConcept(); getTBox().writeReasoningResult(time); } // helper methods to query properties of roles /** * @param R * R * @return true if R is functional wrt ontology */ @PortedFrom(file = "Kernel.h", name = "checkFunctionality") private boolean checkFunctionality(Role R) { // R is transitive iff \ER.C and \ER.\not C is unsatisfiable DLTree tmp = DLTreeFactory.createSNFExists(DLTreeFactory.createRole(R) .copy(), DLTreeFactory.createSNFNot(getFreshFiller(R))); tmp = DLTreeFactory.createSNFAnd(tmp, DLTreeFactory.createSNFExists( DLTreeFactory.createRole(R), getFreshFiller(R))); return !checkSatTree(tmp); } /** * @param R * R * @return true if R is functional; set the value for R if necessary */ @PortedFrom(file = "Kernel.h", name = "getFunctionality") private boolean getFunctionality(Role R) { if (!R.isFunctionalityKnown()) { R.setFunctional(checkFunctionality(R)); } return R.isFunctional(); } /** * @param R * R * @return true if R is transitive wrt ontology */ @PortedFrom(file = "Kernel.h", name = "checkTransitivity") private boolean checkTransitivity(DLTree R) { // R is transitive iff \ER.\ER.C and \AR.\not C is unsatisfiable DLTree tmp = DLTreeFactory.createSNFExists(R.copy(), DLTreeFactory.createSNFNot(getTBox().getFreshConcept())); tmp = DLTreeFactory.createSNFExists(R.copy(), tmp); tmp = DLTreeFactory.createSNFAnd(tmp, DLTreeFactory.createSNFForall(R, getTBox().getFreshConcept())); return !checkSatTree(tmp); } /** * @param R * R * @return true if R is symmetric wrt ontology */ @PortedFrom(file = "Kernel.h", name = "checkSymmetry") private boolean checkSymmetry(DLTree R) { // R is symmetric iff C and \ER.\AR.(not C) is unsatisfiable DLTree tmp = DLTreeFactory.createSNFForall(R.copy(), DLTreeFactory.createSNFNot(getTBox().getFreshConcept())); tmp = DLTreeFactory.createSNFAnd(getTBox().getFreshConcept(), DLTreeFactory.createSNFExists(R, tmp)); return !checkSatTree(tmp); } /** * @param R * R * @return true if R is reflexive wrt ontology */ @PortedFrom(file = "Kernel.h", name = "checkReflexivity") private boolean checkReflexivity(DLTree R) { // R is reflexive iff C and \AR.(not C) is unsatisfiable DLTree tmp = DLTreeFactory.createSNFForall(R, DLTreeFactory.createSNFNot(getTBox().getFreshConcept())); tmp = DLTreeFactory.createSNFAnd(getTBox().getFreshConcept(), tmp); return !checkSatTree(tmp); } @PortedFrom(file = "Kernel.h", name = "checkRoleSubsumption") private boolean checkRoleSubsumption(Role R, Role S) { if (R.isDataRole() != S.isDataRole()) { return false; } // R [= S iff \ER.C and \AS.(not C) is unsatisfiable DLTree tmp = DLTreeFactory.createSNFForall(DLTreeFactory.createRole(S), DLTreeFactory.createSNFNot(getFreshFiller(S))); tmp = DLTreeFactory.createSNFAnd(DLTreeFactory.createSNFExists( DLTreeFactory.createRole(R), getFreshFiller(R)), tmp); return !checkSatTree(tmp); } /** @return expression manager */ @PortedFrom(file = "Kernel.h", name = "getExpressionManager") public ExpressionManager getExpressionManager() { return ontology.getExpressionManager(); } /** * create new KB * * @return false if new tbox was created */ @PortedFrom(file = "Kernel.h", name = "newKB") private boolean newKB() { if (pTBox != null) { return true; } pTBox = new TBox(datatypeFactory, getOptions(), topORoleName, botORoleName, topDRoleName, botDRoleName, interrupted); pET = new ExpressionTranslator(pTBox); initCacheAndFlags(); return false; } /** * delete existing KB * * @return false */ @PortedFrom(file = "Kernel.h", name = "releaseKB") private boolean releaseKB() { clearTBox(); ontology.clear(); // the new KB is coming so the failures of the previous one doesn't // matter reasoningFailed = false; return false; } /** * reset current KB * * @return true if no new tbox is created */ @PortedFrom(file = "Kernel.h", name = "clearKB") public boolean clearKB() { if (pTBox == null) { return true; } return releaseKB() || newKB(); } // * ASK part /* * Before execution of any query the Kernel make sure that the KB is in an * appropriate state: Preprocessed, Classified or Realised. If the ontology * was changed between asks, incremental classification is performed and the * corrected result is returned. */ /** @return consistency status of KB */ @PortedFrom(file = "Kernel.h", name = "isKBConsistent") public boolean isKBConsistent() { if (getStatus().ordinal() <= kbLoading.ordinal()) { processKB(kbCChecked); } return getTBox().isConsistent(); } /** ensure that KB is preprocessed/consistence checked */ @PortedFrom(file = "Kernel.h", name = "preprocessKB") private void preprocessKB() { isKBConsistent(); } /** ensure that KB is classified */ @PortedFrom(file = "Kernel.h", name = "classifyKB") public void classifyKB() { if (!isKBClassified()) { processKB(kbClassified); } isKBConsistent(); } /** ensure that KB is realised */ @PortedFrom(file = "Kernel.h", name = "realiseKB") public void realiseKB() { if (!isKBRealised()) { processKB(kbRealised); } isKBConsistent(); } // role info retrieval /** * @param R * R * @return true iff object role is functional */ @PortedFrom(file = "Kernel.h", name = "isFunctional") public boolean isFunctional(ObjectRoleExpression R) { // ensure KB is ready to answer the query preprocessKB(); Role r = getRole(R, "Role expression expected in isFunctional()"); if (r.isTop()) { // universal role is symmetric return true; } if (r.isBottom()) { // empty role is symmetric return true; } return getFunctionality(r); } /** * @param R * R * @return true iff data role is functional */ @PortedFrom(file = "Kernel.h", name = "isFunctional") public boolean isFunctional(DataRoleExpression R) { // ensure KB is ready to answer the query preprocessKB(); Role r = getRole(R, "Role expression expected in isFunctional()"); if (r.isTop()) { // universal role is symmetric return true; } if (r.isBottom()) { // empty role is symmetric return true; } return getFunctionality(r); } /** * @param R * R * @return true iff role is inverse-functional */ @PortedFrom(file = "Kernel.h", name = "isInverseFunctional") public boolean isInverseFunctional(ObjectRoleExpression R) { // ensure KB is ready to answer the query preprocessKB(); Role r = getRole(R, "Role expression expected in isInverseFunctional()") .inverse(); if (r.isTop()) { // universal role is symmetric return true; } if (r.isBottom()) { // empty role is symmetric return true; } return getFunctionality(r); } /** * @param R * R * @return true iff role is transitive */ @PortedFrom(file = "Kernel.h", name = "isTransitive") public boolean isTransitive(ObjectRoleExpression R) { // ensure KB is ready to answer the query preprocessKB(); Role r = getRole(R, "Role expression expected in isTransitive()"); if (r.isTop()) { // universal role is symmetric return true; } // empty role is symmetric if (r.isBottom()) { return true; } if (!r.isTransitivityKnown()) { r.setTransitive(checkTransitivity(e(R))); } return r.isTransitive(); } /** * @param R * R * @return true iff role is symmetric */ @PortedFrom(file = "Kernel.h", name = "isSymmetric") public boolean isSymmetric(ObjectRoleExpression R) { preprocessKB(); Role r = getRole(R, "Role expression expected in isSymmetric()"); if (r.isTop()) { return true; } if (r.isBottom()) { return true; } if (!r.isSymmetryKnown()) { r.setSymmetric(checkSymmetry(e(R))); } return r.isSymmetric(); } /** * @param R * R * @return true iff role is asymmetric */ @PortedFrom(file = "Kernel.h", name = "isAsymmetric") public boolean isAsymmetric(ObjectRoleExpression R) { preprocessKB(); Role r = getRole(R, "Role expression expected in isAsymmetric()"); if (r.isTop()) { return true; } if (r.isBottom()) { return true; } if (!r.isAsymmetryKnown()) { r.setAsymmetric(getTBox().isDisjointRoles(r, r.inverse())); } return r.isAsymmetric(); } /** * @param R * R * @return true iff role is reflexive */ @PortedFrom(file = "Kernel.h", name = "isReflexive") public boolean isReflexive(ObjectRoleExpression R) { preprocessKB(); Role r = getRole(R, "Role expression expected in isReflexive()"); if (r.isTop()) { return true; } if (r.isBottom()) { return true; } if (!r.isReflexivityKnown()) { r.setReflexive(checkReflexivity(e(R))); } return r.isReflexive(); } /** * @param R * R * @return true iff role is irreflexive */ @PortedFrom(file = "Kernel.h", name = "isIrreflexive") public boolean isIrreflexive(ObjectRoleExpression R) { preprocessKB(); Role r = getRole(R, "Role expression expected in isIrreflexive()"); if (r.isTop()) { return true; } if (r.isBottom()) { return true; } if (!r.isIrreflexivityKnown()) { r.setIrreflexive(getTBox().isIrreflexive(r)); } return r.isIrreflexive(); } // all-disjoint query implementation /** * @param l * l * @return true if disjoint */ @PortedFrom(file = "Kernel.h", name = "isDisjointRoles") public boolean isDisjointRoles(List<? extends RoleExpression> l) { int nTopRoles = 0; List<Role> Roles = new ArrayList<Role>(l.size()); for (RoleExpression p : l) { role = getRole(p, "Role expression expected in isDisjointRoles()"); if (role.isTop()) { // universal role is not disjoint with anything ++nTopRoles; } if (role.isBottom()) { // empty role is disjoint with everything continue; } Roles.add(role); } // deal with top-roles if (nTopRoles > 0) { // universal role is not disjoint with anything but the bottom role return !(nTopRoles > 1 || !Roles.isEmpty()); } // test pair-wise disjointness for (int i = 0; i < Roles.size() - 1; i++) { for (int j = i + 1; j < Roles.size(); j++) { if (!getTBox().isDisjointRoles(Roles.get(i), Roles.get(j))) { return false; } } } return true; } /** * @param R * R * @param S * S * @return true iff two roles are disjoint */ @PortedFrom(file = "Kernel.h", name = "isDisjointRoles") public boolean isDisjointRoles(ObjectRoleExpression R, ObjectRoleExpression S) { preprocessKB(); Role r = getRole(R, "Role expression expected in isDisjointRoles()"); Role s = getRole(S, "Role expression expected in isDisjointRoles()"); if (r.isTop() || s.isTop()) { // universal role is not disjoint with anything return false; } // empty role is disjoint with everything if (r.isBottom() || s.isBottom()) { return true; } return getTBox().isDisjointRoles(r, s); } /** * @param R * R * @param S * S * @return true iff two roles are disjoint */ @PortedFrom(file = "Kernel.h", name = "isDisjointRoles") public boolean isDisjointRoles(DataRoleExpression R, DataRoleExpression S) { preprocessKB(); Role r = getRole(R, "Role expression expected in isDisjointRoles()"); Role s = getRole(S, "Role expression expected in isDisjointRoles()"); if (r.isTop() || s.isTop()) { return false; } if (r.isBottom() || s.isBottom()) { return true; } return getTBox().isDisjointRoles(r, s); } /** * @param R * R * @param S * S * @return true if R is a sub-role of S */ @PortedFrom(file = "Kernel.h", name = "isSubRoles") public boolean isSubRoles(ObjectRoleComplexExpression R, ObjectRoleExpression S) { preprocessKB(); Role r = getRole(R, "Role expression expected in isSubRoles()"); Role s = getRole(S, "Role expression expected in isSubRoles()"); if (r.isBottom() || s.isTop()) { // \bot [= X [= \top return true; } if (r.isTop() && s.isBottom()) { // as \top [= \bot leads to inconsistent ontology return false; } if (getExpressionManager().isEmptyRole(R) || getExpressionManager().isUniversalRole(S)) { // \bot [= X [= \top return true; } if (getExpressionManager().isUniversalRole(R) && getExpressionManager().isEmptyRole(S)) { // as \top [= \bot leads to inconsistent ontology return false; } // told case first if (!r.isTop() && !s.isBottom() && r.lesserequal(s)) { return true; } // check the general case // FIXME!! cache it later return checkRoleSubsumption(r, s); } // single satisfiability /** * @param C * C * @return true iff C is satisfiable */ @PortedFrom(file = "Kernel.h", name = "isSatisfiable") public boolean isSatisfiable(ConceptExpression C) { preprocessKB(); try { return checkSat(C); } catch (OWLRuntimeException crn) { if (C instanceof ConceptName) { // this is an unknown concept return true; } // complex expression, involving unknown names throw crn; } } /** * @param C * C * @param D * D * @return true iff C [= D holds */ @PortedFrom(file = "Kernel.h", name = "isSubsumedBy") public boolean isSubsumedBy(ConceptExpression C, ConceptExpression D) { preprocessKB(); if (this.isNameOrConst(D) && this.isNameOrConst(C)) { return this.checkSub(getTBox().getCI(e(C)), getTBox().getCI(e(D))); } DLTree nD = DLTreeFactory.createSNFNot(e(D)); return !checkSatTree(DLTreeFactory.createSNFAnd(e(C), nD)); } /** * @param C * C * @param D * D * @return true iff C is disjoint with D; that is, C [= \not D holds */ @PortedFrom(file = "Kernel.h", name = "isDisjoint") public boolean isDisjoint(ConceptExpression C, ConceptExpression D) { return isSubsumedBy(C, getExpressionManager().not(D)); } /** * @param C * C * @param D * D * @return true iff C is equivalent to D */ @PortedFrom(file = "Kernel.h", name = "isEquivalent") public boolean isEquivalent(ConceptExpression C, ConceptExpression D) { if (C.equals(D)) { return true; } preprocessKB(); // try to detect C=D wrt named concepts if (isKBClassified() && this.isNameOrConst(D) && this.isNameOrConst(C)) { TaxonomyVertex cV = getTBox().getCI(e(C)).getTaxVertex(); TaxonomyVertex dV = getTBox().getCI(e(D)).getTaxVertex(); if (cV == null && dV == null) { // 2 different fresh names return false; } if (cV == null || dV == null) { // not the same return false; } return cV.equals(dV); } // not classified or not named constants return isSubsumedBy(C, D) && isSubsumedBy(D, C); } // concept hierarchy /** * apply actor__apply() to all super/sub-concepts of [complex] C * * @param C * C * @param direct * direct * @param actor * actor * @param supDirection * true for superClasses, false for subclasses * @param <T> * type * @return actor */ @PortedFrom(file = "Kernel.h", name = "getSupConcepts") public <T extends Expression> TaxonomyActor<T> getConcepts( // refactored getSupConcepts and getSubConcepts ConceptExpression C, boolean direct, TaxonomyActor<T> actor, boolean supDirection) { classifyKB(); setUpCache(C, csClassified); actor.clear(); getCTaxonomy().getRelativesInfo(cachedVertex, actor, false, direct, supDirection); return actor; } /** * apply actor__apply() to all DIRECT sub-concepts of [complex] C * * @param C * C * @param direct * direct * @param actor * actor * @param supDirection * true for super direction * @return actor */ @PortedFrom(file = "Kernel.h", name = "getSubConcepts") public Actor getConcepts(ConceptExpression C, boolean direct, Actor actor, boolean supDirection) { classifyKB(); this.setUpCache(C, csClassified); actor.clear(); Taxonomy tax = getCTaxonomy(); tax.getRelativesInfo(cachedVertex, actor, false, direct, supDirection); return actor; } /** * apply actor__apply() to all synonyms of [complex] C * * @param C * C * @param actor * actor * @param <T> * type * @return actor */ @PortedFrom(file = "Kernel.h", name = "getEquivalentConcepts") public <T extends Expression> TaxonomyActor<T> getEquivalentConcepts( ConceptExpression C, TaxonomyActor<T> actor) { classifyKB(); setUpCache(C, csClassified); actor.clear(); actor.apply(cachedVertex); return actor; } /** * apply actor::apply() to all named concepts disjoint with [complex] C * * @param C * C * @param actor * actor * @param <T> * type * @return actor */ @PortedFrom(file = "Kernel.h", name = "getDisjointConcepts") public <T extends Expression> TaxonomyActor<T> getDisjointConcepts( ConceptExpression C, TaxonomyActor<T> actor) { classifyKB(); setUpCache(getExpressionManager().not(C), csClassified); actor.clear(); // we are looking for all sub-concepts of (not C) (including synonyms) getCTaxonomy() .getRelativesInfo(cachedVertex, actor, true, false, false); return actor; } // role hierarchy /** * apply actor__apply() to all DIRECT super-roles of [complex] R * * @param r * r * @param direct * direct * @param actor * actor * @param supDirection * true for super direction * @param <T> * type * @return actor */ @PortedFrom(file = "Kernel.h", name = "getSupRoles") public <T extends RoleExpression> TaxonomyActor<T> getRoles( RoleExpression r, boolean direct, TaxonomyActor<T> actor, boolean supDirection) { preprocessKB(); // ensure KB is ready to answer the query Role R = getRole(r, "Role expression expected in getRoles()"); actor.clear(); getTaxonomy(R).getRelativesInfo(getTaxVertex(R), actor, false, direct, supDirection); return actor; } /** * apply actor__apply() to all synonyms of [complex] R * * @param r * r * @param actor * actor * @param <T> * type * @return actor */ @PortedFrom(file = "Kernel.h", name = "getEquivalentRoles") public <T extends RoleExpression> TaxonomyActor<T> getEquivalentRoles( RoleExpression r, TaxonomyActor<T> actor) { preprocessKB(); Role R = getRole(r, "Role expression expected in getEquivalentRoles()"); actor.clear(); actor.apply(getTaxVertex(R)); return actor; } // domain and range as a set of named concepts /** * apply actor__apply() to all DIRECT NC that are in the domain of [complex] * R * * @param r * r * @param direct * direct * @param actor * actor * @param <T> * type * @return modified actor */ @PortedFrom(file = "Kernel.h", name = "getORoleDomain") public <T extends ConceptExpression> TaxonomyActor<T> getORoleDomain( ObjectRoleExpression r, boolean direct, TaxonomyActor<T> actor) { classifyKB(); setUpCache( getExpressionManager().exists(r, getExpressionManager().top()), csClassified); actor.clear(); getCTaxonomy() .getRelativesInfo(cachedVertex, actor, true, direct, true); return actor; } /** * apply actor::apply() to all DIRECT NC that are in the domain of data role * R * * @param r * r * @param direct * direct * @param actor * actor * @param <T> * type * @return modified actor */ @PortedFrom(file = "Kernel.h", name = "getDRoleDomain") public <T extends ConceptExpression> TaxonomyActor<T> getDRoleDomain( DataRoleExpression r, boolean direct, TaxonomyActor<T> actor) { classifyKB(); setUpCache( getExpressionManager().exists(r, getExpressionManager().dataTop()), csClassified); actor.clear(); getCTaxonomy() .getRelativesInfo(cachedVertex, actor, true, direct, true); return actor; } /** * apply actor__apply() to all DIRECT NC that are in the range of [complex] * R * * @param r * r * @param direct * direct * @param actor * actor * @param <T> * type */ @PortedFrom(file = "Kernel.h", name = "getRoleRange") private <T extends ConceptExpression> void getRoleRange( ObjectRoleExpression r, boolean direct, TaxonomyActor<T> actor) { getORoleDomain(getExpressionManager().inverse(r), direct, actor); } // instances /** * @param C * C * @param actor * actor * @param direct * direct * @return actor */ @PortedFrom(file = "Kernel.h", name = "getInstances") public TaxonomyActor<IndividualExpression> getInstances( ConceptExpression C, TaxonomyActor<IndividualExpression> actor, boolean direct) { if (direct) { getDirectInstances(C, actor); } else { this.getInstances(C, actor); } return actor; } /** * apply actor__apply() to all direct instances of given [complex] C * * @param C * C * @param actor * actor */ @PortedFrom(file = "Kernel.h", name = "getDirectInstances") public void getDirectInstances(ConceptExpression C, Actor actor) { realiseKB(); setUpCache(C, csClassified); actor.clear(); // implement 1-level check by hand // if the root vertex contains individuals -- we are done if (actor.apply(cachedVertex)) { return; } // if not, just go 1 level down and apply the actor regardless of what's // found // FIXME!! check again after bucket-method will be implemented for (TaxonomyVertex p : cachedVertex.neigh(/* upDirection= */false)) { actor.apply(p); } } /** * apply actor__apply() to all instances of given [complex] C * * @param C * C * @param actor * actor */ @PortedFrom(file = "Kernel.h", name = "getInstances") public void getInstances(ConceptExpression C, Actor actor) { // FIXME!! // check for Racer's/IS approach realiseKB(); setUpCache(C, csClassified); actor.clear(); getCTaxonomy() .getRelativesInfo(cachedVertex, actor, true, false, false); } /** * apply actor__apply() to all DIRECT concepts that are types of an * individual I * * @param I * I * @param direct * direct * @param actor * actor * @param <T> * type * @return actor */ @PortedFrom(file = "Kernel.h", name = "getTypes") public <T extends Expression> TaxonomyActor<T> getTypes(IndividualName I, boolean direct, TaxonomyActor<T> actor) { realiseKB(); setUpCache(getExpressionManager().oneOf(I), csClassified); actor.clear(); getCTaxonomy() .getRelativesInfo(cachedVertex, actor, true, direct, true); return actor; } /** * apply actor__apply() to all synonyms of an individual I * * @param I * I * @param actor * actor * @param <T> * type * @return actor */ @PortedFrom(file = "Kernel.h", name = "getSameAs") public <T extends Expression> TaxonomyActor<T> getSameAs(IndividualName I, TaxonomyActor<T> actor) { realiseKB(); return getEquivalentConcepts(getExpressionManager().oneOf(I), actor); } /** * @param I * I * @param J * J * @return true iff I and J refer to the same individual */ @PortedFrom(file = "Kernel.h", name = "isSameIndividuals") public boolean isSameIndividuals(IndividualExpression I, IndividualExpression J) { realiseKB(); Individual i = getIndividual(I, "Only known individuals are allowed in the isSameAs()"); Individual j = getIndividual(J, "Only known individuals are allowed in the isSameAs()"); return getTBox().isSameIndividuals(i, j); } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // knowledge exploration queries // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * build a completion tree for a concept expression C (no caching as it * breaks the idea of KE). * * @param C * C * @return the root node */ @PortedFrom(file = "Kernel.h", name = "buildCompletionTree") public DlCompletionTree buildCompletionTree(ConceptExpression C) { preprocessKB(); setUpCache(C, csSat); DlCompletionTree ret = getTBox().buildCompletionTree(cachedConcept); // init KB after the sat test to reduce the number of DAG adjustments if (KE == null) { KE = new KnowledgeExplorer(getTBox(), getExpressionManager()); } return ret; } /** @return knowledge explorer */ @Original private KnowledgeExplorer getKnowledgeExplorer() { return KE; } /** * build the set of data neighbours of a NODE, put the set of data roles * into the RESULT variable * * @param node * node * @param onlyDet * onlyDet * @return set of data roles */ @PortedFrom(file = "Kernel.h", name = "getDataRoles") public Set<DataRoleExpression> getDataRoles(DlCompletionTree node, boolean onlyDet) { return KE.getDataRoles(node, onlyDet); } /** * build the set of object neighbours of a NODE, put the set of object roles * and inverses into the RESULT variable * * @param node * node * @param onlyDet * onlyDet * @param needIncoming * needIncoming * @return set of object roles */ @PortedFrom(file = "Kernel.h", name = "getObjectRoles") public Set<ObjectRoleExpression> getObjectRoles(DlCompletionTree node, boolean onlyDet, boolean needIncoming) { return KE.getObjectRoles(node, onlyDet, needIncoming); } /** * build the set of neighbours of a NODE via role ROLE; put the resulting * list into RESULT * * @param node * node * @param role * role * @return neighbors for KE */ @PortedFrom(file = "Kernel.h", name = "getNeighbours") public List<DlCompletionTree> getNeighbours(DlCompletionTree node, RoleExpression role) { return KE.getNeighbours( node, getRole(role, "Role expression expected in getNeighbours() method")); } /** * put into RESULT all the expressions from the NODE label; if ONLYDET is * true, return only deterministic elements * * @param node * node * @param onlyDet * onlyDet * @return object labels for KE */ @PortedFrom(file = "Kernel.h", name = "getLabel") public List<ConceptExpression> getObjectLabel(DlCompletionTree node, boolean onlyDet) { return KE.getObjectLabel(node, onlyDet); } /** * @param node * node * @param onlyDet * onlyDet * @return data labels for KE */ @PortedFrom(file = "Kernel.h", name = "getLabel") public List<DataExpression> getDataLabel(DlCompletionTree node, boolean onlyDet) { return KE.getDataLabel(node, onlyDet); } /** * @param node * node * @return blocker of a blocked node NODE or NULL if node is not blocked */ @PortedFrom(file = "Kernel.h", name = "getBlocker") public DlCompletionTree getBlocker(DlCompletionTree node) { return KE.getBlocker(node); } // atomic decomposition queries /** * @param I * I * @param C * C * @return true iff individual I is instance of given [complex] C */ @PortedFrom(file = "Kernel.h", name = "isInstance") public boolean isInstance(IndividualExpression I, ConceptExpression C) { realiseKB(); getIndividual(I, "individual name expected in the isInstance()"); // FIXME!! this way a new concept is created; could be done more optimal return isSubsumedBy(getExpressionManager().oneOf(I), C); } /** * @param conf * conf * @param factory * factory */ public ReasoningKernel(JFactReasonerConfiguration conf, DatatypeFactory factory) { // should be commented cachedQuery = null; cachedQueryTree = null; kernelOptions = conf; datatypeFactory = factory; pTBox = null; pET = null; cachedQuery = null; initCacheAndFlags(); } /** * check whether it is necessary to reload the ontology * * @return true if reload must happen */ @PortedFrom(file = "Kernel.h", name = "needForceReload") private boolean needForceReload() { if (pTBox == null) { return true; } if (!ontology.isChanged()) { return false; } // no incremental required -- nothing to do if (!kernelOptions.isUseIncrementalReasoning()) { return true; } return false; } /** incrementally classify changes */ @PortedFrom(file = "Incremental.cpp", name = "doIncremental") public void doIncremental() { // System.out.println("Incremental!"); // re-set the modularizer to use updated ontology ModSyn = null; // System.out.println("Original Taxonomy:" + tax); Set<NamedEntity> MPlus = new HashSet<NamedEntity>(); Set<NamedEntity> MMinus = new HashSet<NamedEntity>(); TSignature NewSig = ontology.getSignature(); Set<NamedEntity> RemovedEntities = new HashSet<NamedEntity>( OntoSig.begin()); RemovedEntities.removeAll(NewSig.begin()); Set<NamedEntity> AddedEntities = new HashSet<NamedEntity>( NewSig.begin()); AddedEntities.removeAll(OntoSig.begin()); Taxonomy tax = getCTaxonomy(); // deal with removed concepts for (NamedEntity e : RemovedEntities) { if (e.getEntry() instanceof Concept) { Concept C = (Concept) e.getEntry(); // remove all links C.getTaxVertex().remove(); // update Name2Sig Name2Sig.remove(C.getEntity()); } } // deal with added concepts tax.deFinalise(); for (NamedEntity e : AddedEntities) { if (e instanceof ConceptName) { ConceptName cName = (ConceptName) e; // register the name in TBox e(cName); // create sig for it Concept C = (Concept) cName.getEntry(); setupSig(C.getEntity(), ontology.getAxioms()); // init the taxonomy element TaxonomyVertex cur = tax.getCurrent(); cur.clear(); cur.setSample(C, true); cur.addNeighbour( /* upDirection= */true, tax.getTopVertex()); tax.finishCurrentNode(); // System.out.println("Insert " + C.getName()); } } OntoSig = NewSig; // fill in M^+ and M^- sets Timer t = new Timer(); t.start(); LocalityChecker lc = getModExtractor(false).getModularizer() .getLocalityChecker(); for (Map.Entry<NamedEntity, TSignature> p : Name2Sig.entrySet()) { lc.setSignatureValue(p.getValue()); for (AxiomInterface notProcessed : ontology.getAxioms()) { if (!lc.local(notProcessed)) { MPlus.add(p.getKey()); break; } } for (AxiomInterface retracted : ontology.getRetracted()) { if (!lc.local(retracted)) { MMinus.add(p.getKey()); // FIXME!! only concepts for now TaxonomyVertex v = ((ClassifiableEntry) p.getKey() .getEntry()).getTaxVertex(); if (v.noNeighbours(true)) { v.addNeighbour(true, tax.getTopVertex()); tax.getTopVertex().addNeighbour(false, v); } break; } } } t.stop(); // build changed modules Set<NamedEntity> toProcess = new HashSet<NamedEntity>(MPlus); toProcess.addAll(MMinus); // process all entries recursively while (!toProcess.isEmpty()) { buildSignature(toProcess.iterator().next(), ontology.getAxioms(), toProcess); } tax.finalise(); // save the taxonomy byte[] saved = save(pTBox); // do actual change kernelOptions.setUseIncrementalReasoning(false); forceReload(); pTBox.setNameSigMap(Name2Sig); pTBox.isConsistent(); kernelOptions.setUseIncrementalReasoning(true); // load the taxonomy pTBox = load(saved); tax = getCTaxonomy(); pTBox.reclassify(MPlus, MMinus); getOntology().setProcessed(); } private byte[] save(TBox tbox) { ByteArrayOutputStream out = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); ObjectOutputStream oout; try { oout = new ObjectOutputStream(out); // save taxonomy oout.writeObject(tbox); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); return null; } return out.toByteArray(); } private TBox load(byte[] tbox) { try { return (TBox) new ObjectInputStream(new ByteArrayInputStream(tbox)) .readObject(); } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } return null; } /** force the re-classification of the changed ontology */ @PortedFrom(file = "Kernel.h", name = "forceReload") private void forceReload() { clearTBox(); newKB(); for (NamedEntity e : ontology.getSignature().begin()) { e.setEntry(null); } // split ontological axioms if (kernelOptions.isSplits()) { TAxiomSplitter AxiomSplitter = new TAxiomSplitter(kernelOptions, ontology); AxiomSplitter.buildSplit(); } OntologyLoader ontologyLoader = new OntologyLoader(getTBox()); ontologyLoader.visitOntology(ontology); if (kernelOptions.isUseIncrementalReasoning()) { initIncremental(); } // after loading ontology became processed completely ontology.setProcessed(); } /** * setup Name2Sig for a given entity; * * @param entity * entity * @param Module * Module */ @PortedFrom(file = "Incremental.cpp", name = "setupSig") public void setupSig(NamedEntity entity, List<AxiomInterface> Module) { moduleTimer.start(); // do nothing if entity doesn't exist if (entity == null) { return; } moduleTimer.start(); // prepare a place to update TSignature sig = new TSignature(); // calculate a module sig.add(entity); getModExtractor(false).getModule(Module, sig, ModuleType.M_BOT); // perform update Name2Sig.put(entity, new TSignature(getModExtractor(false) .getModularizer().getSignature())); moduleTimer.stop(); // return ret; } /** * build signature for ENTITY and all dependent entities from toProcess; * look for modules in Module; * * @param entity * entity * @param Module * Module * @param toProcess * toProcess */ @PortedFrom(file = "Incremental.cpp", name = "buildSignature") public void buildSignature(NamedEntity entity, List<AxiomInterface> Module, Set<NamedEntity> toProcess) { toProcess.remove(entity); setupSig(entity, Module); List<AxiomInterface> NewModule = getModExtractor(false) .getModularizer().getModule(); if (Module.size() == NewModule.size()) { return; } // smaller module: recurse TSignature ModSig = getModExtractor(false).getModularizer() .getSignature(); for (NamedEntity p : ModSig.begin()) { if (toProcess.contains(p)) { // need to process buildSignature(p, NewModule, toProcess); } } } /** initialise the incremental bits on full reload */ @PortedFrom(file = "Incremental.cpp", name = "initIncremental") public void initIncremental() { Name2Sig.clear(); // found all entities Set<NamedEntity> toProcess = new HashSet<NamedEntity>(); getModExtractor(false); // fill the module signatures of the concepts for (Concept p : getTBox().getConcepts()) { toProcess.add(p.getEntity()); } // process all entries recursively while (!toProcess.isEmpty()) { buildSignature(toProcess.iterator().next(), ontology.getAxioms(), toProcess); } getTBox().setNameSigMap(Name2Sig); OntoSig = ontology.getSignature(); // System.out.println("Init modules (" + nModule + ") time: " + // moduleTimer); } // knowledge exploration queries @PortedFrom(file = "Kernel.h", name = "processKB") private void processKB(KBStatus status) { assert status.ordinal() >= kbCChecked.ordinal(); // check whether reasoning was failed if (reasoningFailed) { throw new ReasonerInternalException( "Can't answer queries due to previous errors"); } // check if something have to be done KBStatus curStatus = getStatus(); if (curStatus.ordinal() >= status.ordinal()) { // nothing to do; but make sure that we are consistent isKBConsistent(); return; } // here curStatus < kbRealised, and status >= kbChecked if (curStatus == kbEmpty || curStatus == kbLoading) { // load and preprocess KB -- here might be failures reasoningFailed = true; // load the axioms from the ontology to the TBox if (needForceReload()) { forceReload(); } else { // just do incremental classification and exit doIncremental(); reasoningFailed = false; return; } // do the preprocessing and consistency check pTBox.isConsistent(); // if there were no exception thrown -- clear the failure status reasoningFailed = false; if (status == kbCChecked) { return; } } // here we need to do classification or realisation if (!pTBox.isConsistent()) { // nothing to do for inconsistent ontologies return; } if (status == kbRealised) { pTBox.performRealisation(); } else { pTBox.performClassification(); } } // do classification @PortedFrom(file = "Kernel.h", name = "classify") private void classify(KBStatus status) { // don't do classification twice if (status != kbRealised) { // goto Realise; if (!pTBox.isConsistent()) { return; } pTBox.performClassification(); return; } realise(); } // do realisation @PortedFrom(file = "Kernel.h", name = "realiseKB") private void realise() { if (!pTBox.isConsistent()) { return; } pTBox.performRealisation(); } // -- query caching support /** * classify query; cache is ready at the point. NAMED means whether concept * is just a name * * @param named * named */ @PortedFrom(file = "Kernel.h", name = "classifyQuery") private void classifyQuery(boolean named) { // make sure KB is classified classifyKB(); if (!named) { getTBox().classifyQueryConcept(); } cachedVertex = cachedConcept.getTaxVertex(); if (cachedVertex == null) { cachedVertex = getCTaxonomy().getFreshVertex(cachedConcept); } } @PortedFrom(file = "Kernel.h", name = "setUpCache") private void setUpCache(DLTree query, CacheStatus level) { // if KB was changed since it was classified, // we should catch it before assert !ontology.isChanged(); // check if the query is already cached if (this.checkQueryCache(query)) { // ... with the same level -- nothing to do if (level.ordinal() <= cacheLevel.ordinal()) { return; } else { // concept was defined but not classified yet assert level == csClassified && cacheLevel != csClassified; if (cacheLevel == csSat) { // already check satisfiability classifyQuery(cachedQueryTree.isCN()); return; } } } else { // change current query this.setQueryCache(query); } // clean cached info cachedVertex = null; cacheLevel = level; // check if concept-to-cache is defined in ontology if (cachedQueryTree.isCN()) { cachedConcept = getTBox().getCI(cachedQueryTree); } else { // case of complex query cachedConcept = getTBox().createQueryConcept(cachedQueryTree); } assert cachedConcept != null; // preprocess concept is necessary (fresh concept in query or complex // one) if (cachedConcept.getpName() == 0) { getTBox().preprocessQueryConcept(cachedConcept); } if (level == csClassified) { classifyQuery(cachedQueryTree.isCN()); } } @PortedFrom(file = "Kernel.h", name = "setUpCache") private void setUpCache(ConceptExpression query, CacheStatus level) { // if KB was changed since it was classified, // we should catch it before assert !ontology.isChanged(); // check if the query is already cached if (this.checkQueryCache(query)) { // ... with the same level -- nothing to do if (level.ordinal() <= cacheLevel.ordinal()) { return; } else { // concept was defined but not classified yet assert level == csClassified && cacheLevel != csClassified; if (cacheLevel == csSat) { // already check satisfiability classifyQuery(this.isNameOrConst(cachedQuery)); return; } } } else { // change current query this.setQueryCache(query); } // clean cached info cachedVertex = null; cacheLevel = level; // check if concept-to-cache is defined in ontology if (this.isNameOrConst(cachedQuery)) { cachedConcept = getTBox().getCI(e(cachedQuery)); } else { // case of complex query // need to clear the query before transform it into DLTree // ... as if fresh names appears there, they would be cleaned up cachedConcept = getTBox().createQueryConcept(e(cachedQuery)); } assert cachedConcept != null; // preprocess concept is necessary (fresh concept in query or complex // one) if (cachedConcept.getpName() == 0) { getTBox().preprocessQueryConcept(cachedConcept); } if (level == csClassified) { classifyQuery(this.isNameOrConst(cachedQuery)); } } @SuppressWarnings("unused") @PortedFrom(file = "Kernel.cpp", name = "isEq") protected boolean isEq(DlCompletionTree p, DlCompletionTree q) { return false; } @SuppressWarnings("unused") @PortedFrom(file = "Kernel.cpp", name = "isLt") protected boolean isLt(DlCompletionTree p, DlCompletionTree q) { return false; } @PortedFrom(file = "Kernel.cpp", name = "checkDataRelation") private boolean checkDataRelation(DlCompletionTree vR, DlCompletionTree vS, int op) { switch (op) { case 0: // = return isEq(vR, vS); case 1: // != return !isEq(vR, vS); case 2: // < return isLt(vR, vS); case 3: // <= return isLt(vR, vS) || isEq(vR, vS); case 4: // > return isLt(vS, vR); case 5: // >= return isLt(vS, vR) || isEq(vR, vS); default: throw new ReasonerInternalException( "Illegal operation in checkIndividualValues()"); } } /** * set RESULT into set of instances of A such that they do have data roles R * and S * * @param R * R * @param S * S * @param op * op * @param individuals * individuals * @return related individuals */ @PortedFrom(file = "Kernel.cpp", name = "getDataRelatedIndividuals") public Collection<IndividualName> getDataRelatedIndividuals( RoleExpression R, RoleExpression S, int op, Collection<IndividualExpression> individuals) { realiseKB(); // ensure KB is ready to answer the query List<IndividualName> toReturn = new ArrayList<IndividualName>(); Role r = getRole(R, "Role expression expected in the getIndividualsWith()"); Role s = getRole(S, "Role expression expected in the getIndividualsWith()"); // vector of individuals for (IndividualExpression q : individuals) { Individual ind = getIndividual(q, "individual name expected in getDataRelatedIndividuals()"); DlCompletionTree vR = null; DlCompletionTree vS = null; for (DlCompletionTreeArc edge : ind.getNode().getNeighbour()) { if (edge.isNeighbour(r)) { vR = edge.getArcEnd(); } else if (edge.isNeighbour(s)) { vS = edge.getArcEnd(); } if (vR != null && vS != null && checkDataRelation(vR, vS, op)) { if (q instanceof IndividualName) { toReturn.add((IndividualName) q); } break; } } } return toReturn; } // atomic decomposition queries /** * create new atomic decomposition of the loaded ontology using TYPE. * * @param useSemantics * useSemantics * @param type * type * @return size of the AD */ @PortedFrom(file = "Kernel.h", name = "getAtomicDecompositionSize") public int getAtomicDecompositionSize(boolean useSemantics, ModuleType type) { // init AD field if (AD == null) { AD = new AtomicDecomposer(getModExtractor(useSemantics) .getModularizer()); } return AD.getAOS(ontology, type).size(); } /** * get a set of axioms that corresponds to the atom with the id INDEX * * @param index * index * @return list of axioms for atom */ @PortedFrom(file = "Kernel.h", name = "getAtomAxioms") public Set<AxiomInterface> getAtomAxioms(int index) { return AD.getAOS().get(index).getAtomAxioms(); } /** @return list of tautologies */ @Original public List<AxiomInterface> getTautologies() { return AD.getTautologies(); } /** * get a set of axioms that corresponds to the module of the atom with the * id INDEX * * @param index * index * @return module for atom */ @PortedFrom(file = "Kernel.h", name = "getAtomModule") public Set<AxiomInterface> getAtomModule(int index) { return AD.getAOS().get(index).getModule(); } /** * get a set of atoms on which atom with index INDEX depends * * @param index * index * @return dependent atoms for atom */ @PortedFrom(file = "Kernel.h", name = "getAtomDependents") public Set<TOntologyAtom> getAtomDependents(int index) { return AD.getAOS().get(index).getDepAtoms(); } /** @return a number of locality checks performed for creating an AD */ @PortedFrom(file = "Kernel.cpp", name = "getLocCheckNumber") public long getLocCheckNumber() { return AD.getLocChekNumber(); } // knowledge exploration queries /** * @param R * R * @param l * l * @return true iff the chain contained in the arg-list is a sub-property of * R */ @PortedFrom(file = "Kernel.h", name = "checkSubChain") private boolean checkSubChain(Role R, List<ObjectRoleExpression> l) { // retrieve a role chain // R1 o ... o Rn [= R iff \ER1.\ER2....\ERn.(notC) and AR.C is // unsatisfiable DLTree tmp = DLTreeFactory.createSNFNot(getTBox().getFreshConcept()); for (int i = l.size() - 1; i > -1; i--) { ObjectRoleExpression p = l.get(i); Role S = getRole(p, "Role expression expected in chain of isSubChain()"); if (S.isBottom()) { return true; } tmp = DLTreeFactory.createSNFExists(DLTreeFactory.createRole(S), tmp); } tmp = DLTreeFactory.createSNFAnd(tmp, DLTreeFactory.createSNFForall( DLTreeFactory.buildTree(new Lexeme(Token.RNAME, R)), getTBox() .getFreshConcept())); return !checkSatTree(tmp); } /** * @param R * R * @param l * l * @return true if R is a super-role of a chain holding in the args */ @PortedFrom(file = "Kernel.h", name = "isSubChain") public boolean isSubChain(ObjectRoleComplexExpression R, List<ObjectRoleExpression> l) { preprocessKB(); Role r = getRole(R, "Role expression expected in isSubChain()"); if (r.isTop()) { // universal role is a super of any chain return true; } return checkSubChain(r, l); } /** * @param R * R * @param S * S * @return true if R is a sub-role of S */ @PortedFrom(file = "Kernel.h", name = "isSubRoles") public boolean isSubRoles(DataRoleExpression R, DataRoleExpression S) { preprocessKB(); if (getExpressionManager().isEmptyRole(R) || getExpressionManager().isUniversalRole(S)) { // \bot [= X [= \top return true; } if (getExpressionManager().isUniversalRole(R) && getExpressionManager().isEmptyRole(S)) { // as \top [= \bot leads to inconsistent ontology return false; } // told case first r = getRole(R, "Role expression expected in isSubRoles()"); s = getRole(S, "Role expression expected in isSubRoles()"); if (!r.isTop() && !s.isBottom() && r.lesserequal(s)) { return true; } // check the general case // FIXME!! cache it later return checkRoleSubsumption(r, s); } @PortedFrom(file = "Kernel.h", name = "buildRelatedCache") private List<Individual> buildRelatedCache(Individual I, Role R) { if (R.isSynonym()) { return getRelated(I, ClassifiableEntry.resolveSynonym(R)); } if (R.isDataRole() || R.isBottom()) { return new ArrayList<Individual>(); } RIActor actor = new RIActor(); ObjectRoleExpression InvR = R.getId() > 0 ? getExpressionManager() .inverse(getExpressionManager().objectRole(R.getName())) : getExpressionManager().objectRole(R.inverse().getName()); ConceptExpression query; if (R.isTop()) { query = getExpressionManager().top(); } else { query = getExpressionManager().value(InvR, getExpressionManager().individual(I.getName())); } this.getInstances(query, actor); return actor.getAcc(); } /** * @param I * I * @param R * R * @return individual role fillers for object role and individual */ @PortedFrom(file = "Kernel.h", name = "getRoleFillers") public List<Individual> getRoleFillers(IndividualExpression I, ObjectRoleExpression R) { realiseKB(); return getRelated( getIndividual(I, "Individual name expected in the getRoleFillers()"), getRole(R, "Role expression expected in the getRoleFillers()")); } /** * @param I * I * @param R * R * @param J * J * @return true if individuals related through R */ @PortedFrom(file = "Kernel.h", name = "isRelated") private boolean isRelated(IndividualExpression I, ObjectRoleExpression R, IndividualExpression J) { realiseKB(); Individual i = getIndividual(I, "Individual name expected in the isRelated()"); Role r = getRole(R, "Role expression expected in the isRelated()"); if (r.isDataRole()) { return false; } Individual j = getIndividual(J, "Individual name expected in the isRelated()"); List<Individual> vec = getRelated(i, r); for (Individual p : vec) { if (j.equals(p)) { return true; } } return false; } private final ConjunctiveQueryFolding conjunctiveQueryFolding = new ConjunctiveQueryFolding( getExpressionManager()); /** * call to underlying conjunctive query folding * * @param query * query * @param artificialABox * true if artificial abox */ @Original public void evaluateQuery(MultiMap<IRI, ConceptExpression> query, boolean artificialABox) { conjunctiveQueryFolding.evaluateQuery(query, this, artificialABox); } }