// // ======================================================================== // Copyright (c) 1995-2017 Mort Bay Consulting Pty. Ltd. // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ // All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials // are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0 // and Apache License v2.0 which accompanies this distribution. // // The Eclipse Public License is available at // http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html // // The Apache License v2.0 is available at // http://www.opensource.org/licenses/apache2.0.php // // You may elect to redistribute this code under either of these licenses. // ======================================================================== // package org.eclipse.jetty.util.resource; import static org.hamcrest.Matchers.containsString; import static org.hamcrest.Matchers.is; import static org.hamcrest.Matchers.lessThanOrEqualTo; import static org.hamcrest.Matchers.notNullValue; import static org.hamcrest.Matchers.nullValue; import static org.junit.Assert.assertEquals; import static org.junit.Assert.assertFalse; import static org.junit.Assert.assertThat; import static org.junit.Assume.assumeFalse; import static org.junit.Assume.assumeNoException; import static org.junit.Assume.assumeThat; import static org.junit.Assume.assumeTrue; import java.io.BufferedWriter; import java.io.File; import java.io.IOException; import java.io.InputStream; import java.io.InputStreamReader; import java.io.StringReader; import java.io.StringWriter; import java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException; import java.net.MalformedURLException; import java.net.URI; import java.net.URL; import java.nio.ByteBuffer; import java.nio.channels.ReadableByteChannel; import java.nio.file.DirectoryStream; import java.nio.file.FileSystem; import java.nio.file.FileSystemException; import java.nio.file.Files; import java.nio.file.InvalidPathException; import java.nio.file.Path; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.List; import org.eclipse.jetty.toolchain.test.FS; import org.eclipse.jetty.toolchain.test.IO; import org.eclipse.jetty.toolchain.test.OS; import org.eclipse.jetty.toolchain.test.TestingDir; import org.eclipse.jetty.util.BufferUtil; import org.hamcrest.BaseMatcher; import org.hamcrest.Description; import org.hamcrest.Matcher; import org.junit.Rule; import org.junit.Test; import org.junit.runner.RunWith; import org.junit.runners.Parameterized; import org.junit.runners.Parameterized.Parameters; @RunWith(Parameterized.class) public class FileSystemResourceTest { @Rule public TestingDir testdir = new TestingDir(); private final Class<? extends Resource> _class; @SuppressWarnings("deprecation") @Parameters(name="{0}") public static Collection<Object[]> data() { List<Object[]> data = new ArrayList<>(); data.add(new Class<?>[]{FileResource.class}); data.add(new Class<?>[]{PathResource.class}); return data; } public FileSystemResourceTest(Class<? extends Resource> test) { _class=test; } public Resource newResource(URI uri) throws Exception { try { return _class.getConstructor(URI.class).newInstance(uri); } catch(InvocationTargetException e) { try { throw e.getTargetException(); } catch(Exception|Error ex) { throw ex; } catch(Throwable th) { throw new Error(th); } } } public Resource newResource(File file) throws Exception { try { return _class.getConstructor(File.class).newInstance(file); } catch(InvocationTargetException e) { try { throw e.getTargetException(); } catch(Exception|Error ex) { throw ex; } catch(Throwable th) { throw new Error(th); } } } private Matcher<Resource> hasNoAlias() { return new BaseMatcher<Resource>() { @Override public boolean matches(Object item) { final Resource res = (Resource)item; return !res.isAlias(); } @Override public void describeTo(Description description) { description.appendText("getAlias should return null"); } @Override public void describeMismatch(Object item, Description description) { description.appendText("was ").appendValue(((Resource)item).getAlias()); } }; } private Matcher<Resource> isAliasFor(final Resource resource) { return new BaseMatcher<Resource>() { @Override public boolean matches(Object item) { final Resource ritem = (Resource)item; final URI alias = ritem.getAlias(); if (alias == null) { return ritem == null; } else { return alias.equals(resource.getURI()); } } @Override public void describeTo(Description description) { description.appendText("getAlias should return ").appendValue(resource.getURI()); } @Override public void describeMismatch(Object item, Description description) { description.appendText("was ").appendValue(((Resource)item).getAlias()); } }; } @Test(expected = IllegalArgumentException.class) public void testNonAbsoluteURI() throws Exception { newResource(new URI("path/to/resource")); } @Test(expected = IllegalArgumentException.class) public void testNotFileURI() throws Exception { newResource(new URI("http://www.eclipse.org/jetty/")); } @Test(expected = IllegalArgumentException.class) public void testBogusFilename() throws Exception { if (OS.IS_UNIX) { // A windows path is invalid under unix newResource(new URI("file://Z:/:")); } else if (OS.IS_WINDOWS) { // "CON" is a reserved name under windows newResource(new URI("file://CON")); } else { assumeFalse("Unknown OS type",false); } } @Test public void testAddPath() throws Exception { Path dir = testdir.getPath().normalize().toRealPath(); Path subdir = dir.resolve("sub"); FS.ensureDirExists(subdir.toFile()); try (Resource base = newResource(dir.toFile())) { Resource sub = base.addPath("sub"); assertThat("sub/.isDirectory",sub.isDirectory(),is(true)); Resource tmp = sub.addPath("/tmp"); assertThat("No root",tmp.exists(),is(false)); } } @Test public void testAddRootPath() throws Exception { Path dir = testdir.getPath().normalize().toRealPath(); Path subdir = dir.resolve("sub"); Files.createDirectories(subdir); String readableRootDir = findRootDir(dir.getFileSystem()); assumeThat("Readable Root Dir found",readableRootDir,notNullValue()); try (Resource base = newResource(dir.toFile())) { Resource sub = base.addPath("sub"); assertThat("sub",sub.isDirectory(),is(true)); try { Resource rrd = sub.addPath(readableRootDir); // valid path for unix and OSX assertThat("Readable Root Dir",rrd.exists(),is(false)); } catch (MalformedURLException | InvalidPathException e) { // valid path on Windows } } } private String findRootDir(FileSystem fs) throws IOException { // look for a directory off of a root path for (Path rootDir : fs.getRootDirectories()) { try (DirectoryStream<Path> dir = Files.newDirectoryStream(rootDir)) { for (Path entry : dir) { if (Files.isDirectory(entry) && !Files.isHidden(entry) && !entry.getFileName().toString().contains("$")) { return entry.toAbsolutePath().toString(); } } } catch(Exception e) { } } return null; } @Test public void testIsContainedIn() throws Exception { Path dir = testdir.getPath().normalize().toRealPath(); Files.createDirectories(dir); Path foo = dir.resolve("foo"); Files.createFile(foo); try (Resource base = newResource(dir.toFile())) { Resource res = base.addPath("foo"); assertThat("is contained in",res.isContainedIn(base),is(false)); } } @Test public void testIsDirectory() throws Exception { Path dir = testdir.getPath().normalize().toRealPath(); Files.createDirectories(dir); Path foo = dir.resolve("foo"); Files.createFile(foo); Path subdir = dir.resolve("sub"); Files.createDirectories(subdir); try (Resource base = newResource(dir.toFile())) { Resource res = base.addPath("foo"); assertThat("foo.isDirectory",res.isDirectory(),is(false)); Resource sub = base.addPath("sub"); assertThat("sub/.isDirectory",sub.isDirectory(),is(true)); } } @Test public void testLastModified() throws Exception { Path dir = testdir.getPath().normalize().toRealPath(); File file = testdir.getPathFile("foo").toFile(); file.createNewFile(); long expected = file.lastModified(); try (Resource base = newResource(dir.toFile())) { Resource res = base.addPath("foo"); assertThat("foo.lastModified",res.lastModified()/1000*1000, lessThanOrEqualTo(expected)); } } @Test public void testLastModified_NotExists() throws Exception { Path dir = testdir.getPath().normalize().toRealPath(); try (Resource base = newResource(dir.toFile())) { Resource res = base.addPath("foo"); assertThat("foo.lastModified",res.lastModified(),is(0L)); } } @Test public void testLength() throws Exception { Path dir = testdir.getPath().normalize().toRealPath(); Files.createDirectories(dir); Path file = dir.resolve("foo"); try (StringReader reader = new StringReader("foo"); BufferedWriter writer = Files.newBufferedWriter(file)) { IO.copy(reader,writer); } long expected = Files.size(file); try (Resource base = newResource(dir.toFile())) { Resource res = base.addPath("foo"); assertThat("foo.length",res.length(),is(expected)); } } @Test public void testLength_NotExists() throws Exception { Path dir = testdir.getPath().normalize().toRealPath(); Files.createDirectories(dir); try (Resource base = newResource(dir.toFile())) { Resource res = base.addPath("foo"); assertThat("foo.length",res.length(),is(0L)); } } @Test public void testDelete() throws Exception { Path dir = testdir.getPath().normalize().toRealPath(); Files.createDirectories(dir); Path file = dir.resolve("foo"); Files.createFile(file); try (Resource base = newResource(dir.toFile())) { // Is it there? Resource res = base.addPath("foo"); assertThat("foo.exists",res.exists(),is(true)); // delete it assertThat("foo.delete",res.delete(),is(true)); // is it there? assertThat("foo.exists",res.exists(),is(false)); } } @Test public void testDelete_NotExists() throws Exception { Path dir = testdir.getPath().normalize().toRealPath(); Files.createDirectories(dir); try (Resource base = newResource(dir.toFile())) { // Is it there? Resource res = base.addPath("foo"); assertThat("foo.exists",res.exists(),is(false)); // delete it assertThat("foo.delete",res.delete(),is(false)); // is it there? assertThat("foo.exists",res.exists(),is(false)); } } @Test public void testName() throws Exception { Path dir = testdir.getPath().normalize().toRealPath(); Files.createDirectories(dir); String expected = dir.toAbsolutePath().toString(); try (Resource base = newResource(dir.toFile())) { assertThat("base.name",base.getName(),is(expected)); } } @Test public void testInputStream() throws Exception { Path dir = testdir.getPath().normalize().toRealPath(); Files.createDirectories(dir); Path file = dir.resolve("foo"); String content = "Foo is here"; try (StringReader reader = new StringReader(content); BufferedWriter writer = Files.newBufferedWriter(file)) { IO.copy(reader,writer); } try (Resource base = newResource(dir.toFile())) { Resource foo = base.addPath("foo"); try (InputStream stream = foo.getInputStream(); InputStreamReader reader = new InputStreamReader(stream); StringWriter writer = new StringWriter()) { IO.copy(reader,writer); assertThat("Stream",writer.toString(),is(content)); } } } @Test public void testReadableByteChannel() throws Exception { Path dir = testdir.getPath().normalize().toRealPath(); Files.createDirectories(dir); Path file = dir.resolve("foo"); String content = "Foo is here"; try (StringReader reader = new StringReader(content); BufferedWriter writer = Files.newBufferedWriter(file)) { IO.copy(reader,writer); } try (Resource base = newResource(dir.toFile())) { Resource foo = base.addPath("foo"); try (ReadableByteChannel channel = foo.getReadableByteChannel()) { ByteBuffer buf = ByteBuffer.allocate(256); channel.read(buf); buf.flip(); String actual = BufferUtil.toUTF8String(buf); assertThat("ReadableByteChannel content",actual,is(content)); } } } @Test public void testGetURI() throws Exception { Path dir = testdir.getPath().normalize().toRealPath(); Files.createDirectories(dir); Path file = dir.resolve("foo"); Files.createFile(file); URI expected = file.toUri(); try (Resource base = newResource(dir.toFile())) { Resource foo = base.addPath("foo"); assertThat("getURI",foo.getURI(),is(expected)); } } @SuppressWarnings("deprecation") @Test public void testGetURL() throws Exception { Path dir = testdir.getPath().normalize().toRealPath(); Files.createDirectories(dir); Path file = dir.resolve("foo"); Files.createFile(file); URL expected = file.toUri().toURL(); try (Resource base = newResource(dir.toFile())) { Resource foo = base.addPath("foo"); assertThat("getURL",foo.getURL(),is(expected)); } } @Test public void testList() throws Exception { Path dir = testdir.getPath().normalize().toRealPath(); Files.createDirectories(dir); Files.createFile(dir.resolve("foo")); Files.createFile(dir.resolve("bar")); Files.createDirectories(dir.resolve("tick")); Files.createDirectories(dir.resolve("tock")); List<String> expected = new ArrayList<>(); expected.add("foo"); expected.add("bar"); expected.add("tick/"); expected.add("tock/"); try (Resource base = newResource(dir.toFile())) { String list[] = base.list(); List<String> actual = Arrays.asList(list); assertEquals(expected.size(),actual.size()); for (String s : expected) assertEquals(true,actual.contains(s)); } } @Test public void testSymlink() throws Exception { Path dir = testdir.getPath().normalize().toRealPath(); Path foo = dir.resolve("foo"); Path bar = dir.resolve("bar"); try { Files.createFile(foo); Files.createSymbolicLink(bar,foo); } catch (UnsupportedOperationException | FileSystemException e) { // if unable to create symlink, no point testing the rest // this is the path that Microsoft Windows takes. assumeNoException(e); } try (Resource base = newResource(dir.toFile())) { if (OS.IS_WINDOWS && base instanceof FileResource) // FileResource doesn't handle symlinks of Windows return; Resource resFoo = base.addPath("foo"); Resource resBar = base.addPath("bar"); assertThat("resFoo.uri", resFoo.getURI(), is(foo.toUri())); // Access to the same resource, but via a symlink means that they are not equivalent assertThat("foo.equals(bar)", resFoo.equals(resBar), is(false)); assertThat("resource.alias", resFoo, hasNoAlias()); assertThat("resource.uri.alias", newResource(resFoo.getURI()), hasNoAlias()); assertThat("resource.file.alias", newResource(resFoo.getFile()), hasNoAlias()); assertThat("alias", resBar, isAliasFor(resFoo)); assertThat("uri.alias", newResource(resBar.getURI()), isAliasFor(resFoo)); assertThat("file.alias", newResource(resBar.getFile()), isAliasFor(resFoo)); } } @Test public void testNonExistantSymlink() throws Exception { Path dir = testdir.getPath().normalize().toRealPath(); Files.createDirectories(dir); Path foo = dir.resolve("foo"); Path bar = dir.resolve("bar"); try { Files.createSymbolicLink(bar,foo); } catch (UnsupportedOperationException | FileSystemException e) { // if unable to create symlink, no point testing the rest // this is the path that Microsoft Windows takes. assumeNoException(e); } try (Resource base = newResource(dir.toFile())) { // FileResource does not pass this test! assumeFalse(base instanceof FileResource); Resource resFoo = base.addPath("foo"); Resource resBar = base.addPath("bar"); assertThat("resFoo.uri", resFoo.getURI(), is(foo.toUri())); // Access to the same resource, but via a symlink means that they are not equivalent assertThat("foo.equals(bar)", resFoo.equals(resBar), is(false)); assertThat("resource.alias", resFoo, hasNoAlias()); assertThat("resource.uri.alias", newResource(resFoo.getURI()), hasNoAlias()); assertThat("resource.file.alias", newResource(resFoo.getFile()), hasNoAlias()); assertThat("alias", resBar, isAliasFor(resFoo)); assertThat("uri.alias", newResource(resBar.getURI()), isAliasFor(resFoo)); assertThat("file.alias", newResource(resBar.getFile()), isAliasFor(resFoo)); } } @Test public void testCaseInsensitiveAlias() throws Exception { Path dir = testdir.getPath().normalize().toRealPath(); Files.createDirectories(dir); Path path = dir.resolve("file"); Files.createFile(path); try (Resource base = newResource(dir.toFile())) { // Reference to actual resource that exists Resource resource = base.addPath("file"); assertThat("resource.alias", resource, hasNoAlias()); assertThat("resource.uri.alias", newResource(resource.getURI()), hasNoAlias()); assertThat("resource.file.alias", newResource(resource.getFile()), hasNoAlias()); // On some case insensitive file systems, lets see if an alternate // case for the filename results in an alias reference Resource alias = base.addPath("FILE"); if (alias.exists()) { // If it exists, it must be an alias assertThat("alias", alias, isAliasFor(resource)); assertThat("alias.uri", newResource(alias.getURI()), isAliasFor(resource)); assertThat("alias.file", newResource(alias.getFile()), isAliasFor(resource)); } } } /** * Test for Windows feature that exposes 8.3 filename references * for long filenames. * <p> * See: http://support.microsoft.com/kb/142982 * @throws Exception failed test */ @Test public void testCase8dot3Alias() throws Exception { Path dir = testdir.getPath().normalize().toRealPath(); Files.createDirectories(dir); Path path = dir.resolve("TextFile.Long.txt"); Files.createFile(path); try (Resource base = newResource(dir.toFile())) { // Long filename Resource resource = base.addPath("TextFile.Long.txt"); assertThat("resource.alias", resource, hasNoAlias()); assertThat("resource.uri.alias", newResource(resource.getURI()), hasNoAlias()); assertThat("resource.file.alias", newResource(resource.getFile()), hasNoAlias()); // On some versions of Windows, the long filename can be referenced // via a short 8.3 equivalent filename. Resource alias = base.addPath("TEXTFI~1.TXT"); if (alias.exists()) { // If it exists, it must be an alias assertThat("alias", alias, isAliasFor(resource)); assertThat("alias.uri", newResource(alias.getURI()), isAliasFor(resource)); assertThat("alias.file", newResource(alias.getFile()), isAliasFor(resource)); } } } /** * NTFS Alternative Data / File Streams. * <p> * See: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windows/desktop/aa364404(v=vs.85).aspx * @throws Exception failed test */ @Test public void testNTFSFileStreamAlias() throws Exception { Path dir = testdir.getPath().normalize().toRealPath(); Files.createDirectories(dir); Path path = dir.resolve("testfile"); Files.createFile(path); try (Resource base = newResource(dir.toFile())) { Resource resource = base.addPath("testfile"); assertThat("resource.alias", resource, hasNoAlias()); assertThat("resource.uri.alias", newResource(resource.getURI()), hasNoAlias()); assertThat("resource.file.alias", newResource(resource.getFile()), hasNoAlias()); try { // Attempt to reference same file, but via NTFS simple stream Resource alias = base.addPath("testfile:stream"); if (alias.exists()) { // If it exists, it must be an alias assertThat("resource.alias",alias,isAliasFor(resource)); assertThat("resource.uri.alias",newResource(alias.getURI()),isAliasFor(resource)); assertThat("resource.file.alias",newResource(alias.getFile()),isAliasFor(resource)); } } catch (InvalidPathException e) { // NTFS filesystem streams are unsupported on some platforms. assumeNoException(e); } } } /** * NTFS Alternative Data / File Streams. * <p> * See: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windows/desktop/aa364404(v=vs.85).aspx * @throws Exception failed test */ @Test public void testNTFSFileDataStreamAlias() throws Exception { Path dir = testdir.getPath().normalize().toRealPath(); Files.createDirectories(dir); Path path = dir.resolve("testfile"); Files.createFile(path); try (Resource base = newResource(dir.toFile())) { Resource resource = base.addPath("testfile"); assertThat("resource.alias", resource, hasNoAlias()); assertThat("resource.uri.alias", newResource(resource.getURI()), hasNoAlias()); assertThat("resource.file.alias", newResource(resource.getFile()), hasNoAlias()); try { // Attempt to reference same file, but via NTFS DATA stream Resource alias = base.addPath("testfile::$DATA"); if (alias.exists()) { assumeThat(alias.getURI().getScheme(), is("http")); // If it exists, it must be an alias assertThat("resource.alias",alias,isAliasFor(resource)); assertThat("resource.uri.alias",newResource(alias.getURI()),isAliasFor(resource)); assertThat("resource.file.alias",newResource(alias.getFile()),isAliasFor(resource)); } } catch (InvalidPathException e) { // NTFS filesystem streams are unsupported on some platforms. assumeNoException(e); } } } /** * NTFS Alternative Data / File Streams. * <p> * See: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windows/desktop/aa364404(v=vs.85).aspx * @throws Exception failed test */ @Test public void testNTFSFileEncodedDataStreamAlias() throws Exception { Path dir = testdir.getPath().normalize().toRealPath(); Files.createDirectories(dir); Path path = dir.resolve("testfile"); Files.createFile(path); try (Resource base = newResource(dir.toFile())) { Resource resource = base.addPath("testfile"); assertThat("resource.alias", resource, hasNoAlias()); assertThat("resource.uri.alias", newResource(resource.getURI()), hasNoAlias()); assertThat("resource.file.alias", newResource(resource.getFile()), hasNoAlias()); try { // Attempt to reference same file, but via NTFS DATA stream (encoded addPath version) Resource alias = base.addPath("testfile::%24DATA"); if (alias.exists()) { // If it exists, it must be an alias assertThat("resource.alias",alias,isAliasFor(resource)); assertThat("resource.uri.alias",newResource(alias.getURI()),isAliasFor(resource)); assertThat("resource.file.alias",newResource(alias.getFile()),isAliasFor(resource)); } } catch (InvalidPathException e) { // NTFS filesystem streams are unsupported on some platforms. assumeNoException(e); } } } @Test public void testSemicolon() throws Exception { Path dir = testdir.getPath().normalize().toRealPath(); try { // attempt to create file Path foo = dir.resolve("foo;"); Files.createFile(foo); } catch (Exception e) { // if unable to create file, no point testing the rest. // this is the path that Microsoft Windows takes. assumeNoException(e); } try (Resource base = newResource(dir.toFile())) { Resource res = base.addPath("foo;"); assertThat("Alias: " + res,res,hasNoAlias()); } } @Test public void testSingleQuote() throws Exception { Path dir = testdir.getPath().normalize().toRealPath(); Files.createDirectories(dir); try { // attempt to create file Path foo = dir.resolve("foo' bar"); Files.createFile(foo); } catch (Exception e) { // if unable to create file, no point testing the rest. // this is the path that Microsoft Windows takes. assumeNoException(e); } try (Resource base = newResource(dir.toFile())) { Resource res = base.addPath("foo' bar"); assertThat("Alias: " + res,res.getAlias(),nullValue()); } } @Test public void testSingleBackTick() throws Exception { Path dir = testdir.getPath().normalize().toRealPath(); Files.createDirectories(dir); try { // attempt to create file Path foo = dir.resolve("foo` bar"); Files.createFile(foo); } catch (Exception e) { // if unable to create file, no point testing the rest. // this is the path that Microsoft Windows takes. assumeNoException(e); } try (Resource base = newResource(dir.toFile())) { // FileResource does not pass this test! assumeFalse(base instanceof FileResource); Resource res = base.addPath("foo` bar"); assertThat("Alias: " + res,res.getAlias(),nullValue()); } } @Test public void testBrackets() throws Exception { Path dir = testdir.getPath().normalize().toRealPath(); Files.createDirectories(dir); try { // attempt to create file Path foo = dir.resolve("foo[1]"); Files.createFile(foo); } catch (Exception e) { // if unable to create file, no point testing the rest. // this is the path that Microsoft Windows takes. assumeNoException(e); } try (Resource base = newResource(dir.toFile())) { Resource res = base.addPath("foo[1]"); assertThat("Alias: " + res,res.getAlias(),nullValue()); } } @Test public void testBraces() throws Exception { Path dir = testdir.getPath().normalize().toRealPath(); Files.createDirectories(dir); try { // attempt to create file Path foo = dir.resolve("foo.{bar}.txt"); Files.createFile(foo); } catch (Exception e) { // if unable to create file, no point testing the rest. // this is the path that Microsoft Windows takes. assumeNoException(e); } try (Resource base = newResource(dir.toFile())) { // FileResource does not pass this test! assumeFalse(base instanceof FileResource); Resource res = base.addPath("foo.{bar}.txt"); assertThat("Alias: " + res,res.getAlias(),nullValue()); } } @Test public void testCaret() throws Exception { Path dir = testdir.getPath().normalize().toRealPath(); Files.createDirectories(dir); try { // attempt to create file Path foo = dir.resolve("foo^3.txt"); Files.createFile(foo); } catch (Exception e) { // if unable to create file, no point testing the rest. // this is the path that Microsoft Windows takes. assumeNoException(e); } try (Resource base = newResource(dir.toFile())) { // FileResource does not pass this test! assumeFalse(base instanceof FileResource); Resource res = base.addPath("foo^3.txt"); assertThat("Alias: " + res,res.getAlias(),nullValue()); } } @Test public void testPipe() throws Exception { Path dir = testdir.getPath().normalize().toRealPath(); Files.createDirectories(dir); try { // attempt to create file Path foo = dir.resolve("foo|bar.txt"); Files.createFile(foo); } catch (Exception e) { // if unable to create file, no point testing the rest. // this is the path that Microsoft Windows takes. assumeNoException(e); } try (Resource base = newResource(dir.toFile())) { // FileResource does not pass this test! assumeFalse(base instanceof FileResource); Resource res = base.addPath("foo|bar.txt"); assertThat("Alias: " + res,res.getAlias(),nullValue()); } } /** * The most basic access example * @throws Exception failed test */ @Test public void testExist_Normal() throws Exception { Path dir = testdir.getPath().normalize().toRealPath(); Files.createDirectories(dir); Path path = dir.resolve("a.jsp"); Files.createFile(path); URI ref = testdir.getPath().toUri().resolve("a.jsp"); try (Resource fileres = newResource(ref)) { assertThat("Resource: " + fileres,fileres.exists(),is(true)); } } @Test public void testSingleQuoteInFileName() throws Exception { Path dir = testdir.getPath().normalize().toRealPath(); Files.createDirectories(dir); Path fooA = dir.resolve("foo's.txt"); Path fooB = dir.resolve("f o's.txt"); Files.createFile(fooA); Files.createFile(fooB); URI refQuoted = dir.resolve("foo's.txt").toUri(); try (Resource fileres = newResource(refQuoted)) { // This test does not pass on FileResource assumeFalse(fileres instanceof FileResource); assertThat("Exists: " + refQuoted,fileres.exists(),is(true)); assertThat("Alias: " + refQuoted,fileres,hasNoAlias()); } URI refEncoded = dir.toUri().resolve("foo%27s.txt"); try (Resource fileres = newResource(refEncoded)) { assertThat("Exists: " + refEncoded,fileres.exists(),is(true)); assertThat("Alias: " + refEncoded,fileres,hasNoAlias()); } URI refQuoteSpace = dir.toUri().resolve("f%20o's.txt"); try (Resource fileres = newResource(refQuoteSpace)) { assertThat("Exists: " + refQuoteSpace,fileres.exists(),is(true)); assertThat("Alias: " + refQuoteSpace,fileres,hasNoAlias()); } URI refEncodedSpace = dir.toUri().resolve("f%20o%27s.txt"); try (Resource fileres = newResource(refEncodedSpace)) { assertThat("Exists: " + refEncodedSpace,fileres.exists(),is(true)); assertThat("Alias: " + refEncodedSpace,fileres,hasNoAlias()); } URI refA = dir.toUri().resolve("foo's.txt"); URI refB = dir.toUri().resolve("foo%27s.txt"); StringBuilder msg = new StringBuilder(); msg.append("URI[a].equals(URI[b])").append(System.lineSeparator()); msg.append("URI[a] = ").append(refA).append(System.lineSeparator()); msg.append("URI[b] = ").append(refB); // show that simple URI.equals() doesn't work assertThat(msg.toString(),refA.equals(refB),is(false)); // now show that Resource.equals() does work try (Resource a = newResource(refA); Resource b = newResource(refB);) { assertThat("A.equals(B)",a.equals(b),is(true)); } } @Test public void testExist_BadURINull() throws Exception { Path dir = testdir.getPath().normalize().toRealPath(); Files.createDirectories(dir); Path path = dir.resolve("a.jsp"); Files.createFile(path); try { // request with null at end URI uri = testdir.getPath().toUri().resolve("a.jsp%00"); assertThat("Null URI",uri,notNullValue()); Resource r = newResource(uri); // if we have r, then it better not exist assertFalse(r.exists()); } catch (InvalidPathException e) { // Exception is acceptable } } @Test public void testExist_BadURINullX() throws Exception { Path dir = testdir.getPath().normalize().toRealPath(); Files.createDirectories(dir); Path path = dir.resolve("a.jsp"); Files.createFile(path); try { // request with null and x at end URI uri = testdir.getPath().toUri().resolve("a.jsp%00x"); assertThat("NullX URI",uri,notNullValue()); Resource r = newResource(uri); // if we have r, then it better not exist assertFalse(r.exists()); } catch (InvalidPathException e) { // Exception is acceptable } } @Test public void testAddPath_WindowsSlash() throws Exception { Path dir = testdir.getPath().normalize().toRealPath(); Files.createDirectories(dir); Path basePath = dir.resolve("base"); FS.ensureDirExists(basePath); Path dirPath = basePath.resolve("aa"); FS.ensureDirExists(dirPath); Path filePath = dirPath.resolve("foo.txt"); Files.createFile(filePath); try (Resource base = newResource(basePath.toFile())) { assertThat("Exists: " + basePath,base.exists(),is(true)); assertThat("Alias: " + basePath,base,hasNoAlias()); Resource r = base.addPath("aa\\/foo.txt"); assertThat("getURI()", r.getURI().toASCIIString(), containsString("aa%5C/foo.txt")); if(OS.IS_WINDOWS) { assertThat("isAlias()", r.isAlias(), is(true)); assertThat("getAlias()", r.getAlias(), notNullValue()); assertThat("getAlias()", r.getAlias().toASCIIString(), containsString("aa/foo.txt")); assertThat("Exists: " + r, r.exists(), is(true)); } else { assertThat("isAlias()", r.isAlias(), is(false)); assertThat("Exists: " + r, r.exists(), is(false)); } } catch (InvalidPathException e) { // Exception is acceptable } } @Test public void testAddPath_WindowsExtensionLess() throws Exception { Path dir = testdir.getPath().normalize().toRealPath(); Files.createDirectories(dir); Path basePath = dir.resolve("base"); FS.ensureDirExists(basePath); Path dirPath = basePath.resolve("aa"); FS.ensureDirExists(dirPath); Path filePath = dirPath.resolve("foo.txt"); Files.createFile(filePath); try (Resource base = newResource(basePath.toFile())) { assertThat("Exists: " + basePath,base.exists(),is(true)); assertThat("Alias: " + basePath,base,hasNoAlias()); Resource r = base.addPath("aa./foo.txt"); assertThat("getURI()", r.getURI().toASCIIString(), containsString("aa./foo.txt")); if(OS.IS_WINDOWS) { assertThat("isAlias()", r.isAlias(), is(true)); assertThat("getAlias()", r.getAlias(), notNullValue()); assertThat("getAlias()", r.getAlias().toASCIIString(), containsString("aa/foo.txt")); assertThat("Exists: " + r, r.exists(), is(true)); } else { assertThat("isAlias()", r.isAlias(), is(false)); assertThat("Exists: " + r, r.exists(), is(false)); } } catch (InvalidPathException e) { // Exception is acceptable } } @Test public void testAddInitialSlash() throws Exception { Path dir = testdir.getPath().normalize().toRealPath(); Files.createDirectories(dir); Path basePath = dir.resolve("base"); FS.ensureDirExists(basePath); Path filePath = basePath.resolve("foo.txt"); Files.createFile(filePath); try (Resource base = newResource(basePath.toFile())) { assertThat("Exists: " + basePath,base.exists(),is(true)); assertThat("Alias: " + basePath,base,hasNoAlias()); Resource r = base.addPath("/foo.txt"); assertThat("getURI()", r.getURI().toASCIIString(), containsString("/foo.txt")); assertThat("isAlias()", r.isAlias(), is(false)); assertThat("Exists: " + r, r.exists(), is(true)); } catch (InvalidPathException e) { // Exception is acceptable } } @Test public void testAddInitialDoubleSlash() throws Exception { Path dir = testdir.getPath().normalize().toRealPath(); Files.createDirectories(dir); Path basePath = dir.resolve("base"); FS.ensureDirExists(basePath); Path filePath = basePath.resolve("foo.txt"); Files.createFile(filePath); try (Resource base = newResource(basePath.toFile())) { assertThat("Exists: " + basePath,base.exists(),is(true)); assertThat("Alias: " + basePath,base,hasNoAlias()); Resource r = base.addPath("//foo.txt"); assertThat("getURI()", r.getURI().toASCIIString(), containsString("//foo.txt")); assertThat("isAlias()", r.isAlias(), is(true)); assertThat("getAlias()", r.getAlias(), notNullValue()); assertThat("getAlias()", r.getAlias().toASCIIString(), containsString("/foo.txt")); assertThat("Exists: " + r, r.exists(), is(true)); } catch (InvalidPathException e) { // Exception is acceptable } } @Test public void testAddDoubleSlash() throws Exception { Path dir = testdir.getPath().normalize().toRealPath(); Files.createDirectories(dir); Path basePath = dir.resolve("base"); FS.ensureDirExists(basePath); Path dirPath = basePath.resolve("aa"); FS.ensureDirExists(dirPath); Path filePath = dirPath.resolve("foo.txt"); Files.createFile(filePath); try (Resource base = newResource(basePath.toFile())) { assertThat("Exists: " + basePath,base.exists(),is(true)); assertThat("Alias: " + basePath,base,hasNoAlias()); Resource r = base.addPath("aa//foo.txt"); assertThat("getURI()", r.getURI().toASCIIString(), containsString("aa//foo.txt")); assertThat("isAlias()", r.isAlias(), is(true)); assertThat("getAlias()", r.getAlias(), notNullValue()); assertThat("getAlias()", r.getAlias().toASCIIString(), containsString("aa/foo.txt")); assertThat("Exists: " + r, r.exists(), is(true)); } catch (InvalidPathException e) { // Exception is acceptable } } @Test public void testEncoding() throws Exception { Path dir = testdir.getPath().normalize().toRealPath(); Files.createDirectories(dir); Path specials = dir.resolve("a file with,spe#ials"); Files.createFile(specials); try(Resource res = newResource(specials.toFile())) { assertThat("Specials URL", res.getURI().toASCIIString(), containsString("a%20file%20with,spe%23ials")); assertThat("Specials Filename", res.getFile().toString(), containsString("a file with,spe#ials")); res.delete(); assertThat("File should have been deleted.",res.exists(),is(false)); } } @Test public void testUtf8Dir() throws Exception { Path dir = testdir.getPath().normalize().toRealPath(); Path utf8Dir = dir.resolve("bãm"); Files.createDirectories(utf8Dir); Path file = utf8Dir.resolve("file.txt"); Files.createFile(file); try (Resource base = newResource(utf8Dir.toFile())) { assertThat("Exists: " + utf8Dir,base.exists(),is(true)); assertThat("Alias: " + utf8Dir,base,hasNoAlias()); Resource r = base.addPath("file.txt"); assertThat("Exists: " + r,r.exists(),is(true)); assertThat("Alias: " + r,r,hasNoAlias()); } } @Test public void testUncPath() throws Exception { assumeTrue("Only windows supports UNC paths", OS.IS_WINDOWS); assumeFalse("FileResource does not support this test", _class.equals(FileResource.class)); try (Resource base = newResource(URI.create("file://"))) { Resource resource = base.addPath("WEB-INF/"); assertThat("getURI()", resource.getURI().toASCIIString(), containsString("path/WEB-INF/")); assertThat("isAlias()", resource.isAlias(), is(true)); assertThat("getAlias()", resource.getAlias(), notNullValue()); assertThat("getAlias()", resource.getAlias().toASCIIString(), containsString("path/WEB-INF")); } } }