// ======================================================================== // Copyright (c) 2003-2009 Mort Bay Consulting Pty. Ltd. // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ // All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials // are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0 // and Apache License v2.0 which accompanies this distribution. // The Eclipse Public License is available at // http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html // The Apache License v2.0 is available at // http://www.opensource.org/licenses/apache2.0.php // You may elect to redistribute this code under either of these licenses. // ======================================================================== package org.eclipse.jetty.start; import java.io.BufferedReader; import java.io.Closeable; import java.io.File; import java.io.FileFilter; import java.io.FileInputStream; import java.io.FileNotFoundException; import java.io.FileOutputStream; import java.io.FileReader; import java.io.FilenameFilter; import java.io.IOException; import java.io.InputStream; import java.io.InputStreamReader; import java.io.OutputStream; import java.io.PrintStream; import java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException; import java.lang.reflect.Method; import java.net.ConnectException; import java.net.InetAddress; import java.net.Socket; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.Date; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.List; import java.util.Properties; import java.util.Set; /*-------------------------------------------*/ /** * <p> * Main start class. This class is intended to be the main class listed in the MANIFEST.MF of the start.jar archive. It allows an application to be started with * the command "java -jar start.jar". * </p> * * <p> * The behaviour of Main is controlled by the parsing of the {@link Config} "org/eclipse/start/start.config" file obtained as a resource or file. * </p> */ public class Main { private static final int EXIT_USAGE = 1; private static final int ERR_LOGGING = -1; private static final int ERR_INVOKE_MAIN = -2; private static final int ERR_NOT_STOPPED = -4; private static final int ERR_UNKNOWN = -5; private boolean _showUsage = false; private boolean _dumpVersions = false; private boolean _listConfig = false; private boolean _listOptions = false; private boolean _dryRun = false; private boolean _exec = false; private final Config _config = new Config(); private final Set<String> _sysProps = new HashSet<String>(); private final List<String> _jvmArgs = new ArrayList<String>(); private String _startConfig = null; private String _jettyHome; public static void main(String[] args) { try { Main main = new Main(); List<String> arguments = main.expandCommandLine(args); List<String> xmls = main.processCommandLine(arguments); if (xmls!=null) main.start(xmls); } catch (Throwable e) { usageExit(e,ERR_UNKNOWN); } } Main() throws IOException { _jettyHome = System.getProperty("jetty.home","."); _jettyHome = new File(_jettyHome).getCanonicalPath(); } public List<String> expandCommandLine(String[] args) throws Exception { List<String> arguments = new ArrayList<String>(); // add the command line args and look for start.ini args boolean ini = false; for (String arg : args) { if (arg.startsWith("--ini=") || arg.equals("--ini")) { ini = true; if (arg.length() > 6) { arguments.addAll(loadStartIni(new File(arg.substring(6)))); continue; } } else if (arg.startsWith("--config=")) { _startConfig = arg.substring(9); } else { arguments.add(arg); } } // if no non-option inis, add the start.ini and start.d if (!ini) { arguments.addAll(0,parseStartIniFiles()); } return arguments; } List<String> parseStartIniFiles() { List<String> ini_args=new ArrayList<String>(); File start_ini = new File(_jettyHome,"start.ini"); if (start_ini.exists()) ini_args.addAll(loadStartIni(start_ini)); File start_d = new File(_jettyHome,"start.d"); if (start_d.isDirectory()) { File[] inis = start_d.listFiles(new FilenameFilter() { public boolean accept(File dir, String name) { return name.toLowerCase().endsWith(".ini"); } }); Arrays.sort(inis); for (File i : inis) ini_args.addAll(loadStartIni(i)); } return ini_args; } public List<String> processCommandLine(List<String> arguments) throws Exception { // The XML Configuration Files to initialize with List<String> xmls = new ArrayList<String>(); // Process the arguments int startup = 0; for (String arg : arguments) { if ("--help".equals(arg) || "-?".equals(arg)) { _showUsage = true; continue; } if ("--stop".equals(arg)) { int port = Integer.parseInt(Config.getProperty("STOP.PORT","-1")); String key = Config.getProperty("STOP.KEY",null); stop(port,key); return null; } if ("--version".equals(arg) || "-v".equals(arg) || "--info".equals(arg)) { _dumpVersions = true; continue; } if ("--list-modes".equals(arg) || "--list-options".equals(arg)) { _listOptions = true; continue; } if ("--list-config".equals(arg)) { _listConfig = true; continue; } if ("--exec-print".equals(arg) || "--dry-run".equals(arg)) { _dryRun = true; continue; } if ("--exec".equals(arg)) { _exec = true; continue; } // Special internal indicator that jetty was started by the jetty.sh Daemon if ("--daemon".equals(arg)) { File startDir = new File(System.getProperty("jetty.logs","logs")); if (!startDir.exists() || !startDir.canWrite()) startDir = new File("."); File startLog = new File(startDir,"start.log"); if (!startLog.exists() && !startLog.createNewFile()) { // Output about error is lost in majority of cases. System.err.println("Unable to create: " + startLog.getAbsolutePath()); // Toss a unique exit code indicating this failure. usageExit(ERR_LOGGING); } if (!startLog.canWrite()) { // Output about error is lost in majority of cases. System.err.println("Unable to write to: " + startLog.getAbsolutePath()); // Toss a unique exit code indicating this failure. usageExit(ERR_LOGGING); } PrintStream logger = new PrintStream(new FileOutputStream(startLog,false)); System.setOut(logger); System.setErr(logger); System.out.println("Establishing start.log on " + new Date()); continue; } if (arg.startsWith("--pre=")) { xmls.add(startup++,arg.substring(6)); continue; } if (arg.startsWith("-D")) { String[] assign = arg.substring(2).split("=",2); _sysProps.add(assign[0]); switch (assign.length) { case 2: System.setProperty(assign[0],assign[1]); break; case 1: System.setProperty(assign[0],""); break; default: break; } continue; } if (arg.startsWith("-")) { _jvmArgs.add(arg); continue; } // Is this a Property? if (arg.indexOf('=') >= 0) { String[] assign = arg.split("=",2); switch (assign.length) { case 2: if ("OPTIONS".equals(assign[0])) { String opts[] = assign[1].split(","); for (String opt : opts) _config.addActiveOption(opt); } else { this._config.setProperty(assign[0],assign[1]); } break; case 1: this._config.setProperty(assign[0],null); break; default: break; } continue; } // Anything else is considered an XML file. if (xmls.contains(arg)) { System.out.println("WARN: Argument '" + arg + "' specified multiple times. Check start.ini?"); System.out.println("Use \"java -jar start.jar --help\" for more information."); } xmls.add(arg); } return xmls; } private void usage() { String usageResource = "org/eclipse/jetty/start/usage.txt"; InputStream usageStream = getClass().getClassLoader().getResourceAsStream(usageResource); if (usageStream == null) { System.err.println("ERROR: detailed usage resource unavailable"); usageExit(EXIT_USAGE); } BufferedReader buf = null; try { buf = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(usageStream)); String line; while ((line = buf.readLine()) != null) { if (line.endsWith("@") && line.indexOf('@') != line.lastIndexOf('@')) { String indent = line.substring(0,line.indexOf("@")); String info = line.substring(line.indexOf('@'),line.lastIndexOf('@')); if (info.equals("@OPTIONS")) { List<String> sortedOptions = new ArrayList<String>(); sortedOptions.addAll(_config.getSectionIds()); Collections.sort(sortedOptions); for (String option : sortedOptions) { if ("*".equals(option) || option.trim().length() == 0) continue; System.out.print(indent); System.out.println(option); } } else if (info.equals("@CONFIGS")) { File etc = new File(System.getProperty("jetty.home","."),"etc"); if (!etc.exists() || !etc.isDirectory()) { System.out.print(indent); System.out.println("Unable to find/list " + etc); continue; } File configs[] = etc.listFiles(new FileFilter() { public boolean accept(File path) { if (!path.isFile()) { return false; } String name = path.getName().toLowerCase(); return (name.startsWith("jetty") && name.endsWith(".xml")); } }); List<File> configFiles = new ArrayList<File>(); configFiles.addAll(Arrays.asList(configs)); Collections.sort(configFiles); for (File configFile : configFiles) { System.out.print(indent); System.out.print("etc/"); System.out.println(configFile.getName()); } } else if (info.equals("@STARTINI")) { List<String> ini = loadStartIni(new File(_jettyHome,"start.ini")); if (ini != null && ini.size() > 0) { for (String a : ini) { System.out.print(indent); System.out.println(a); } } else { System.out.print(indent); System.out.println("none"); } } } else { System.out.println(line); } } } catch (IOException e) { usageExit(e,EXIT_USAGE); } finally { close(buf); } System.exit(EXIT_USAGE); } public void invokeMain(ClassLoader classloader, String classname, List<String> args) throws IllegalAccessException, InvocationTargetException, NoSuchMethodException, ClassNotFoundException { Class<?> invoked_class = null; try { invoked_class = classloader.loadClass(classname); } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } if (Config.isDebug() || invoked_class == null) { if (invoked_class == null) { System.err.println("ClassNotFound: " + classname); } else { System.err.println(classname + " " + invoked_class.getPackage().getImplementationVersion()); } if (invoked_class == null) { usageExit(ERR_INVOKE_MAIN); return; } } String argArray[] = args.toArray(new String[0]); Class<?>[] method_param_types = new Class[] { argArray.getClass() }; Method main = invoked_class.getDeclaredMethod("main",method_param_types); Object[] method_params = new Object[] { argArray }; main.invoke(null,method_params); } /* ------------------------------------------------------------ */ public static void close(Closeable c) { if (c == null) { return; } try { c.close(); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(System.err); } } /* ------------------------------------------------------------ */ public void start(List<String> xmls) throws FileNotFoundException, IOException, InterruptedException { // Setup Start / Stop Monitoring int port = Integer.parseInt(Config.getProperty("STOP.PORT","-1")); String key = Config.getProperty("STOP.KEY",null); Monitor monitor = new Monitor(port,key); // Load potential Config (start.config) List<String> configuredXmls = loadConfig(xmls); // No XML defined in start.config or command line. Can't execute. if (configuredXmls.isEmpty()) { throw new FileNotFoundException("No XML configuration files specified in start.config or command line."); } // Normalize the XML config options passed on the command line. configuredXmls = resolveXmlConfigs(configuredXmls); // Get Desired Classpath based on user provided Active Options. Classpath classpath = _config.getActiveClasspath(); System.setProperty("java.class.path",classpath.toString()); ClassLoader cl = classpath.getClassLoader(); if (Config.isDebug()) { System.err.println("java.class.path=" + System.getProperty("java.class.path")); System.err.println("jetty.home=" + System.getProperty("jetty.home")); System.err.println("java.home=" + System.getProperty("java.home")); System.err.println("java.io.tmpdir=" + System.getProperty("java.io.tmpdir")); System.err.println("java.class.path=" + classpath); System.err.println("classloader=" + cl); System.err.println("classloader.parent=" + cl.getParent()); System.err.println("properties=" + Config.getProperties()); } // Show the usage information and return if (_showUsage) { usage(); return; } // Show the version information and return if (_dumpVersions) { showClasspathWithVersions(classpath); return; } // Show all options with version information if (_listOptions) { showAllOptionsWithVersions(classpath); return; } if (_listConfig) { listConfig(); return; } // Show Command Line to execute Jetty if (_dryRun) { CommandLineBuilder cmd = buildCommandLine(classpath,configuredXmls); System.out.println(cmd.toString()); return; } // execute Jetty in another JVM if (_exec) { CommandLineBuilder cmd = buildCommandLine(classpath,configuredXmls); ProcessBuilder pbuilder = new ProcessBuilder(cmd.getArgs()); final Process process = pbuilder.start(); try { copyInThread(process.getErrorStream(),System.err); copyInThread(process.getInputStream(),System.out); copyInThread(System.in,process.getOutputStream()); monitor.setProcess(process); process.waitFor(); } finally { Config.debug("Destroying " + process); process.destroy(); } return; } if (_jvmArgs.size() > 0 || _sysProps.size() > 0) { System.err.println("WARNING: System properties and/or JVM args set. Consider using --dry-run or --exec"); } // Set current context class loader to what is selected. Thread.currentThread().setContextClassLoader(cl); // Invoke the Main Class try { // Get main class as defined in start.config String classname = _config.getMainClassname(); // Check for override of start class (via "jetty.server" property) String mainClass = System.getProperty("jetty.server"); if (mainClass != null) { classname = mainClass; } // Check for override of start class (via "main.class" property) mainClass = System.getProperty("main.class"); if (mainClass != null) { classname = mainClass; } Config.debug("main.class=" + classname); invokeMain(cl,classname,configuredXmls); } catch (Exception e) { usageExit(e,ERR_INVOKE_MAIN); } } private void copyInThread(final InputStream in, final OutputStream out) { new Thread(new Runnable() { public void run() { try { byte[] buf = new byte[1024]; int len = in.read(buf); while (len > 0) { out.write(buf,0,len); len = in.read(buf); } } catch (IOException e) { // e.printStackTrace(); } } }).start(); } private String resolveXmlConfig(String xmlFilename) throws FileNotFoundException { if (!xmlFilename.toLowerCase().endsWith(".xml")) { // Nothing to resolve. return xmlFilename; } File xml = new File(xmlFilename); if (xml.exists() && xml.isFile()) { return xml.getAbsolutePath(); } xml = new File(_jettyHome,fixPath(xmlFilename)); if (xml.exists() && xml.isFile()) { return xml.getAbsolutePath(); } xml = new File(_jettyHome,fixPath("etc/" + xmlFilename)); if (xml.exists() && xml.isFile()) { return xml.getAbsolutePath(); } throw new FileNotFoundException("Unable to find XML Config: " + xmlFilename); } CommandLineBuilder buildCommandLine(Classpath classpath, List<String> xmls) throws IOException { CommandLineBuilder cmd = new CommandLineBuilder(findJavaBin()); for (String x : _jvmArgs) { cmd.addArg(x); } cmd.addRawArg("-Djetty.home=" + _jettyHome); for (String p : _sysProps) { String v = System.getProperty(p); cmd.addEqualsArg("-D" + p,v); } cmd.addArg("-cp"); cmd.addRawArg(classpath.toString()); cmd.addRawArg(_config.getMainClassname()); // Check if we need to pass properties as a file Properties properties = Config.getProperties(); if (properties.size() > 0) { File prop_file = File.createTempFile("start",".properties"); if (!_dryRun) prop_file.deleteOnExit(); properties.store(new FileOutputStream(prop_file),"start.jar properties"); cmd.addArg(prop_file.getAbsolutePath()); } for (String xml : xmls) { cmd.addRawArg(xml); } return cmd; } private String findJavaBin() { File javaHome = new File(System.getProperty("java.home")); if (!javaHome.exists()) { return null; } File javabin = findExecutable(javaHome,"bin/java"); if (javabin != null) { return javabin.getAbsolutePath(); } javabin = findExecutable(javaHome,"bin/java.exe"); if (javabin != null) { return javabin.getAbsolutePath(); } return "java"; } private File findExecutable(File root, String path) { String npath = path.replace('/',File.separatorChar); File exe = new File(root,npath); if (!exe.exists()) { return null; } return exe; } private void showAllOptionsWithVersions(Classpath classpath) { Set<String> sectionIds = _config.getSectionIds(); StringBuffer msg = new StringBuffer(); msg.append("There "); if (sectionIds.size() > 1) { msg.append("are "); } else { msg.append("is "); } msg.append(String.valueOf(sectionIds.size())); msg.append(" OPTION"); if (sectionIds.size() > 1) { msg.append("s"); } msg.append(" available to use."); System.out.println(msg); System.out.println("Each option is listed along with associated available classpath entries, in the order that they would appear from that mode."); System.out.println("Note: If using multiple options (eg: 'Server,servlet,webapp,jms,jmx') " + "then overlapping entries will not be repeated in the eventual classpath."); System.out.println(); System.out.printf("${jetty.home} = %s%n",_jettyHome); System.out.println(); for (String sectionId : sectionIds) { if (Config.DEFAULT_SECTION.equals(sectionId)) { System.out.println("GLOBAL option (Prepended Entries)"); } else if ("*".equals(sectionId)) { System.out.println("GLOBAL option (Appended Entries) (*)"); } else { System.out.printf("Option [%s]",sectionId); if (Character.isUpperCase(sectionId.charAt(0))) { System.out.print(" (Aggregate)"); } System.out.println(); } System.out.println("-------------------------------------------------------------"); Classpath sectionCP = _config.getSectionClasspath(sectionId); if (sectionCP.isEmpty()) { System.out.println("Empty option, no classpath entries active."); System.out.println(); continue; } int i = 0; for (File element : sectionCP.getElements()) { String elementPath = element.getAbsolutePath(); if (elementPath.startsWith(_jettyHome)) { elementPath = "${jetty.home}" + elementPath.substring(_jettyHome.length()); } System.out.printf("%2d: %20s | %s\n",i++,getVersion(element),elementPath); } System.out.println(); } } private void showClasspathWithVersions(Classpath classpath) { // Iterate through active classpath, and fetch Implementation Version from each entry (if present) // to dump to end user. System.out.println("Active Options: " + _config.getActiveOptions()); if (classpath.count() == 0) { System.out.println("No version information available show."); return; } System.out.println("Version Information on " + classpath.count() + " entr" + ((classpath.count() > 1)?"ies":"y") + " in the classpath."); System.out.println("Note: order presented here is how they would appear on the classpath."); System.out.println(" changes to the OPTIONS=[option,option,...] command line option will be reflected here."); int i = 0; for (File element : classpath.getElements()) { String elementPath = element.getAbsolutePath(); if (elementPath.startsWith(_jettyHome)) { elementPath = "${jetty.home}" + elementPath.substring(_jettyHome.length()); } System.out.printf("%2d: %20s | %s\n",i++,getVersion(element),elementPath); } } private String fixPath(String path) { return path.replace('/',File.separatorChar); } private String getVersion(File element) { if (element.isDirectory()) { return "(dir)"; } if (element.isFile()) { String name = element.getName().toLowerCase(); if (name.endsWith(".jar")) { return JarVersion.getVersion(element); } if (name.endsWith(".zip")) { return getZipVersion(element); } } return ""; } private String getZipVersion(File element) { // TODO - find version in zip file. Look for META-INF/MANIFEST.MF ? return ""; } private List<String> resolveXmlConfigs(List<String> xmls) throws FileNotFoundException { List<String> ret = new ArrayList<String>(); for (String xml : xmls) { ret.add(resolveXmlConfig(xml)); } return ret; } private void listConfig() { InputStream cfgstream = null; try { cfgstream = getConfigStream(); byte[] buf = new byte[4096]; int len = 0; while (len >= 0) { len = cfgstream.read(buf); if (len > 0) System.out.write(buf,0,len); } } catch (Exception e) { usageExit(e,ERR_UNKNOWN); } finally { close(cfgstream); } } /** * Load Configuration. * * No specific configuration is real until a {@link Config#getCombinedClasspath(java.util.Collection)} is used to execute the {@link Class} specified by * {@link Config#getMainClassname()} is executed. * * @param xmls * the command line specified xml configuration options. * @return the list of xml configurations arriving via command line and start.config choices. */ private List<String> loadConfig(List<String> xmls) { InputStream cfgstream = null; try { // Pass in xmls.size into Config so that conditions based on "nargs" work. _config.setArgCount(xmls.size()); cfgstream = getConfigStream(); // parse the config _config.parse(cfgstream); _jettyHome = Config.getProperty("jetty.home",_jettyHome); if (_jettyHome != null) { _jettyHome = new File(_jettyHome).getCanonicalPath(); System.setProperty("jetty.home",_jettyHome); } // Collect the configured xml configurations. List<String> ret = new ArrayList<String>(); ret.addAll(xmls); // add command line provided xmls first. for (String xmlconfig : _config.getXmlConfigs()) { // add xmlconfigs arriving via start.config if (!ret.contains(xmlconfig)) { ret.add(xmlconfig); } } return ret; } catch (Exception e) { usageExit(e,ERR_UNKNOWN); return null; // never executed (just here to satisfy javac compiler) } finally { close(cfgstream); } } private InputStream getConfigStream() throws FileNotFoundException { String config = _startConfig; if (config == null || config.length() == 0) { config = System.getProperty("START","org/eclipse/jetty/start/start.config"); } Config.debug("config=" + config); // Look up config as resource first. InputStream cfgstream = getClass().getClassLoader().getResourceAsStream(config); // resource not found, try filesystem next if (cfgstream == null) { cfgstream = new FileInputStream(config); } return cfgstream; } /** * Stop a running jetty instance. */ public void stop(int port, String key) { int _port = port; String _key = key; try { if (_port <= 0) { System.err.println("STOP.PORT system property must be specified"); } if (_key == null) { _key = ""; System.err.println("STOP.KEY system property must be specified"); System.err.println("Using empty key"); } Socket s = new Socket(InetAddress.getByName(""),_port); try { OutputStream out = s.getOutputStream(); out.write((_key + "\r\nstop\r\n").getBytes()); out.flush(); } finally { s.close(); } } catch (ConnectException e) { usageExit(e,ERR_NOT_STOPPED); } catch (Exception e) { usageExit(e,ERR_UNKNOWN); } } static void usageExit(Throwable t, int exit) { t.printStackTrace(System.err); System.err.println(); System.err.println("Usage: java -jar start.jar [options] [properties] [configs]"); System.err.println(" java -jar start.jar --help # for more information"); System.exit(exit); } static void usageExit(int exit) { System.err.println(); System.err.println("Usage: java -jar start.jar [options] [properties] [configs]"); System.err.println(" java -jar start.jar --help # for more information"); System.exit(exit); } /** * Convert a start.ini format file into an argument list. */ static List<String> loadStartIni(File ini) { File startIniFile = ini; if (!startIniFile.exists()) { if (ini != null) { System.err.println("Warning - can't find ini file: " + ini); } // No start.ini found, skip load. return Collections.emptyList(); } List<String> args = new ArrayList<String>(); FileReader reader = null; BufferedReader buf = null; try { reader = new FileReader(ini); buf = new BufferedReader(reader); String arg; while ((arg = buf.readLine()) != null) { arg = arg.trim(); if (arg.length() == 0 || arg.startsWith("#")) { continue; } args.add(arg); } } catch (IOException e) { usageExit(e,ERR_UNKNOWN); } finally { Main.close(buf); Main.close(reader); } return args; } void addJvmArgs(List<String> jvmArgs) { _jvmArgs.addAll(jvmArgs); } }