package org.activiti.designer.features; import java.util.List; import org.activiti.bpmn.model.Lane; import org.activiti.bpmn.model.ServiceTask; import org.activiti.bpmn.model.SubProcess; import org.activiti.bpmn.model.Task; import org.activiti.designer.integration.servicetask.CustomServiceTask; import org.activiti.designer.integration.servicetask.DiagramBaseShape; import org.activiti.designer.util.eclipse.ActivitiUiUtil; import org.activiti.designer.util.extension.ExtensionUtil; import org.activiti.designer.util.platform.OSEnum; import org.activiti.designer.util.platform.OSUtil; import; import org.eclipse.graphiti.features.IDirectEditingInfo; import org.eclipse.graphiti.features.IFeatureProvider; import org.eclipse.graphiti.features.context.IAddContext; import org.eclipse.graphiti.features.impl.AbstractAddShapeFeature; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; public abstract class AddTaskFeature extends AbstractAddShapeFeature { private static final int IMAGE_SIZE = 16; public AddTaskFeature(IFeatureProvider fp) { super(fp); } @Override public PictogramElement add(IAddContext context) { final Task addedTask = (Task) context.getNewObject(); final ContainerShape parent = context.getTargetContainer(); // CONTAINER SHAPE WITH ROUNDED RECTANGLE final IPeCreateService peCreateService = Graphiti.getPeCreateService(); final ContainerShape containerShape = peCreateService.createContainerShape(parent, true); final IGaService gaService = Graphiti.getGaService(); DiagramBaseShape baseShape = DiagramBaseShape.ACTIVITY; if (ExtensionUtil.isCustomServiceTask(addedTask)) { final ServiceTask serviceTask = (ServiceTask) addedTask; final List<CustomServiceTask> customServiceTasks = ExtensionUtil.getCustomServiceTasks(ActivitiUiUtil.getProjectFromDiagram(getDiagram())); CustomServiceTask targetTask = null; for (final CustomServiceTask customServiceTask : customServiceTasks) { if (customServiceTask.getId().equals(serviceTask.getExtensionId())) { targetTask = customServiceTask; break; } } if (!DiagramBaseShape.ACTIVITY.equals(targetTask.getDiagramBaseShape())) { baseShape = targetTask.getDiagramBaseShape(); } } int width = 0; int height = 0; GraphicsAlgorithm algorithm = null; switch (baseShape) { case ACTIVITY: // check whether the context has a size (e.g. from a create feature) // otherwise define a default size for the shape width = context.getWidth() <= 0 ? 105 : context.getWidth(); height = context.getHeight() <= 0 ? 55 : context.getHeight(); RoundedRectangle roundedRectangle; // need to access it later { // create invisible outer rectangle expanded by // the width needed for the anchor final Rectangle invisibleRectangle = gaService.createInvisibleRectangle(containerShape); gaService.setLocationAndSize(invisibleRectangle, context.getX(), context.getY(), width, height); // create and set visible rectangle inside invisible rectangle roundedRectangle = gaService.createRoundedRectangle(invisibleRectangle, 20, 20); algorithm = roundedRectangle; roundedRectangle.setParentGraphicsAlgorithm(invisibleRectangle); roundedRectangle.setStyle(StyleUtil.getStyleForTask(getDiagram())); gaService.setLocationAndSize(roundedRectangle, 0, 0, width, height); // create link and wire it link(containerShape, addedTask); } break; case GATEWAY: // check whether the context has a size (e.g. from a create feature) // otherwise define a default size for the shape width = context.getWidth() <= 0 ? 60 : context.getWidth(); height = context.getHeight() <= 0 ? 60 : context.getHeight(); Polygon polygon; { int xy[] = new int[] { 0, 30, 30, 0, 60, 30, 30, 60, 0, 30 }; final Polygon invisiblePolygon = gaService.createPolygon(containerShape, xy); invisiblePolygon.setFilled(false); invisiblePolygon.setLineVisible(false); gaService.setLocationAndSize(invisiblePolygon, context.getX(), context.getY(), width, height); // create and set visible circle inside invisible circle polygon = gaService.createPolygon(invisiblePolygon, xy); algorithm = polygon; polygon.setParentGraphicsAlgorithm(invisiblePolygon); polygon.setStyle(StyleUtil.getStyleForTask(getDiagram())); gaService.setLocationAndSize(polygon, 0, 0, width, height); // create link and wire it link(containerShape, addedTask); } break; case EVENT: // check whether the context has a size (e.g. from a create feature) // otherwise define a default size for the shape width = context.getWidth() <= 0 ? 55 : context.getWidth(); height = context.getHeight() <= 0 ? 55 : context.getHeight(); Ellipse circle; { final Ellipse invisibleCircle = gaService.createEllipse(containerShape); invisibleCircle.setFilled(false); invisibleCircle.setLineVisible(false); gaService.setLocationAndSize(invisibleCircle, context.getX(), context.getY(), width, height); // create and set visible circle inside invisible circle circle = gaService.createEllipse(invisibleCircle); circle.setParentGraphicsAlgorithm(invisibleCircle); circle.setStyle(StyleUtil.getStyleForTask(getDiagram())); gaService.setLocationAndSize(circle, 0, 0, width, height); // create link and wire it link(containerShape, addedTask); } break; } // SHAPE WITH TEXT { // create shape for text final Shape shape = peCreateService.createShape(containerShape, false); // create and set text graphics algorithm final MultiText text = gaService.createDefaultMultiText(getDiagram(), shape, addedTask.getName()); text.setStyle(StyleUtil.getStyleForTask(getDiagram())); text.setHorizontalAlignment(Orientation.ALIGNMENT_CENTER); text.setVerticalAlignment(Orientation.ALIGNMENT_CENTER); if (OSUtil.getOperatingSystem() == OSEnum.Mac) { text.setFont(gaService.manageFont(getDiagram(), text.getFont().getName(), 11)); } switch (baseShape) { case ACTIVITY: gaService.setLocationAndSize(text, 0, 20, width, height - 25); break; case GATEWAY: gaService.setLocationAndSize(text, 0, height + 5, width, 40); break; case EVENT: gaService.setLocationAndSize(text, 0, height + 5, width, 40); break; } // create link and wire it link(shape, addedTask); // provide information to support direct-editing directly // after object creation (must be activated additionally) final IDirectEditingInfo directEditingInfo = getFeatureProvider().getDirectEditingInfo(); // set container shape for direct editing after object creation directEditingInfo.setMainPictogramElement(containerShape); // set shape and graphics algorithm where the editor for // direct editing shall be opened after object creation directEditingInfo.setPictogramElement(shape); directEditingInfo.setGraphicsAlgorithm(text); } { final Shape shape = peCreateService.createShape(containerShape, false); final Image image = gaService.createImage(shape, getIcon(addedTask)); switch (baseShape) { case ACTIVITY: gaService.setLocationAndSize(image, 5, 5, IMAGE_SIZE, IMAGE_SIZE); break; case GATEWAY: gaService.setLocationAndSize(image, (width - IMAGE_SIZE) / 2, (height - IMAGE_SIZE) / 2, IMAGE_SIZE, IMAGE_SIZE); break; case EVENT: gaService.setLocationAndSize(image, (width - IMAGE_SIZE) / 2, (height - IMAGE_SIZE) / 2, IMAGE_SIZE, IMAGE_SIZE); break; } } // add a chopbox anchor to the shape peCreateService.createChopboxAnchor(containerShape); // create an additional box relative anchor at middle-right final BoxRelativeAnchor boxAnchor = peCreateService.createBoxRelativeAnchor(containerShape); boxAnchor.setRelativeWidth(1.0); boxAnchor.setRelativeHeight(0.51); boxAnchor.setReferencedGraphicsAlgorithm(algorithm); final Ellipse ellipse = ActivitiUiUtil.createInvisibleEllipse(boxAnchor, gaService); gaService.setLocationAndSize(ellipse, 0, 0, 0, 0); layoutPictogramElement(containerShape); return containerShape; } @Override public boolean canAdd(IAddContext context) { if (context.getNewObject() instanceof Task) { Object parentObject = getBusinessObjectForPictogramElement(context.getTargetContainer()); if (context.getTargetContainer() instanceof Diagram || parentObject instanceof SubProcess || parentObject instanceof Lane) { return true; } } return false; } protected abstract String getIcon(Object bo); }