/* * TeleStax, Open Source Cloud Communications * Copyright 2011-2016, TeleStax Inc. and individual contributors * by the @authors tag. * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of * the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Affero General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/> * * This file incorporates work covered by the following copyright and * permission notice: * * JBoss, Home of Professional Open Source * Copyright 2007-2011, Red Hat, Inc. and individual contributors * by the @authors tag. See the copyright.txt in the distribution for a * full listing of individual contributors. * * This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it * under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of * the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This software is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this software; if not, write to the Free * Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA * 02110-1301 USA, or see the FSF site: http://www.fsf.org. */ package org.jdiameter.server.impl.helpers; import static org.jdiameter.client.impl.helpers.ExtensionPoint.InternalAgentConfiguration; import static org.jdiameter.client.impl.helpers.ExtensionPoint.InternalAgentProxy; import static org.jdiameter.client.impl.helpers.ExtensionPoint.InternalAgentRedirect; import static org.jdiameter.client.impl.helpers.ExtensionPoint.InternalConnectionClass; import static org.jdiameter.client.impl.helpers.ExtensionPoint.InternalElementParser; import static org.jdiameter.client.impl.helpers.ExtensionPoint.InternalMessageParser; import static org.jdiameter.client.impl.helpers.ExtensionPoint.InternalMetaData; import static org.jdiameter.client.impl.helpers.ExtensionPoint.InternalPeerController; import static org.jdiameter.client.impl.helpers.ExtensionPoint.InternalPeerFsmFactory; import static org.jdiameter.client.impl.helpers.ExtensionPoint.InternalRealmController; import static org.jdiameter.client.impl.helpers.ExtensionPoint.InternalRouterEngine; import static org.jdiameter.client.impl.helpers.ExtensionPoint.InternalSessionDatasource; import static org.jdiameter.client.impl.helpers.ExtensionPoint.InternalSessionFactory; import static org.jdiameter.client.impl.helpers.ExtensionPoint.InternalStatisticFactory; import static org.jdiameter.client.impl.helpers.ExtensionPoint.InternalTimerFacility; import static org.jdiameter.client.impl.helpers.ExtensionPoint.InternalTransportFactory; import static org.jdiameter.client.impl.helpers.Parameters.ExtensionName; import static org.jdiameter.client.impl.helpers.Parameters.Extensions; import static org.jdiameter.server.impl.helpers.ExtensionPoint.InternalNetWork; import static org.jdiameter.server.impl.helpers.ExtensionPoint.InternalNetworkGuard; import static org.jdiameter.server.impl.helpers.ExtensionPoint.InternalOverloadManager; import java.util.List; import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap; import java.util.concurrent.CopyOnWriteArrayList; import org.jdiameter.api.ConfigurationListener; import org.jdiameter.api.MutableConfiguration; import org.jdiameter.client.impl.helpers.ExtensionPoint; /** * This class allow create configuration class for stack * * @author erick.svenson@yahoo.com * @author <a href="mailto:brainslog@gmail.com"> Alexandre Mendonca </a> * @author <a href="mailto:baranowb@gmail.com"> Bartosz Baranowski </a> */ public class EmptyConfiguration extends org.jdiameter.client.impl.helpers.EmptyConfiguration implements MutableConfiguration { private final ConcurrentHashMap<Integer, List<ConfigurationListener>> listeners = new ConcurrentHashMap<Integer, List<ConfigurationListener>>(); protected EmptyConfiguration() { this(true); } /** * Create instance of class * * @param callInit true if need append default parameters */ public EmptyConfiguration(boolean callInit) { if (callInit) { add(Extensions, getInstance(). // Internal extension point add(ExtensionName, ExtensionPoint.Internal.name()). add(InternalMetaData, "org.jdiameter.server.impl.MetaDataImpl"). add(InternalMessageParser, InternalMessageParser.defValue()). add(InternalElementParser, InternalElementParser.defValue()). add(InternalTransportFactory, "org.jdiameter.server.impl.io.TransportLayerFactory"). add(InternalConnectionClass, InternalConnectionClass.defValue()). add(InternalNetworkGuard, InternalNetworkGuard.defValue()). add(InternalPeerFsmFactory, "org.jdiameter.server.impl.fsm.FsmFactoryImpl"). add(InternalSessionFactory, InternalSessionFactory.defValue()). add(InternalRouterEngine, "org.jdiameter.server.impl.RouterImpl"). add(InternalNetWork, "org.jdiameter.server.impl.NetworkImpl"). add(InternalStatisticFactory, InternalStatisticFactory.defValue()). add(InternalOverloadManager, "org.jdiameter.server.impl.OverloadManagerImpl"). add(InternalRealmController, InternalRealmController.defValue()). add(InternalAgentRedirect, InternalAgentRedirect.defValue()). add(InternalAgentConfiguration, InternalAgentConfiguration.defValue()). add(InternalAgentProxy, InternalAgentProxy.defValue()). add(InternalSessionDatasource, InternalSessionDatasource.defValue()). add(InternalTimerFacility, InternalTimerFacility.defValue()). add(InternalPeerController, "org.jdiameter.server.impl.MutablePeerTableImpl"), getInstance(). // StackLayer extension point add(ExtensionName, ExtensionPoint.StackLayer.name()), getInstance(). // ControllerLayer extension point add(ExtensionName, ExtensionPoint.ControllerLayer.name()), getInstance(). // TransportLayer extension point add(ExtensionName, ExtensionPoint.TransportLayer.name()) ); } } // @Override public void setByteValue(int key, byte value) { List<ConfigurationListener> list = listeners.get(key); if (list != null) { boolean commit = true; for (ConfigurationListener l : list) { commit &= l.elementChanged(key, value); } if (commit) { putValue(key, value); } } else { putValue(key, value); } } @Override public void setIntValue(int key, int value) { List<ConfigurationListener> list = listeners.get(key); if (list != null) { boolean commit = true; for (ConfigurationListener l : list) { commit &= l.elementChanged(key, value); } if (commit) { putValue(key, value); } } else { putValue(key, value); } } @Override public void setLongValue(int key, long value) { List<ConfigurationListener> list = listeners.get(key); if (list != null) { boolean commit = true; for (ConfigurationListener l : list) { commit &= l.elementChanged(key, value); } if (commit) { putValue(key, value); } } else { putValue(key, value); } } @Override public void setDoubleValue(int key, double value) { List<ConfigurationListener> list = listeners.get(key); if (list != null) { boolean commit = true; for (ConfigurationListener l : list) { commit &= l.elementChanged(key, value); } if (commit) { putValue(key, value); } } else { putValue(key, value); } } @Override public void setByteArrayValue(int key, byte[] value) { List<ConfigurationListener> list = listeners.get(key); if (list != null) { boolean commit = true; for (ConfigurationListener l : list) { commit &= l.elementChanged(key, value); } if (commit) { putValue(key, value); } } else { putValue(key, value); } } @Override public void setBooleanValue(int key, boolean value) { List<ConfigurationListener> list = listeners.get(key); if (list != null) { boolean commit = true; for (ConfigurationListener l : list) { commit &= l.elementChanged(key, value); } if (commit) { putValue(key, value); } } else { putValue(key, value); } } @Override public void setStringValue(int key, java.lang.String value) { List<ConfigurationListener> list = listeners.get(key); if (list != null) { boolean commit = true; for (ConfigurationListener l : list) { commit &= l.elementChanged(key, value); } if (commit) { putValue(key, value); } } else { putValue(key, value); } } @Override public void setChildren(int key, org.jdiameter.api.Configuration... values) { List<ConfigurationListener> list = listeners.get(key); if (list != null) { boolean commit = true; for (ConfigurationListener l : list) { commit &= l.elementChanged(key, values); } if (commit) { putValue(key, values); } // Removed due to issue #1009 (http://code.google.com/p/mobicents/issues/detail?id=1009) // putValue(key, new EmptyConfiguration(false).add(key, values)); } else { putValue(key, values); // Removed due to issue #1009 (http://code.google.com/p/mobicents/issues/detail?id=1009) // putValue(key, new EmptyConfiguration(false).add(key, values)); } } @Override public void removeValue(int... keys) { for (int i:keys) { List<ConfigurationListener> list = listeners.get(i); if (list != null) { boolean rem = true; for (ConfigurationListener l : list) { rem &= l.elementChanged(i, null); } if (rem) { removeValue(i); } } } } /** * @see org.jdiameter.api.MutableConfiguration class */ @Override public void addChangeListener(ConfigurationListener listener, int... ints) { for (int i:ints) { List<ConfigurationListener> list = listeners.get(i); if (list == null) { list = new CopyOnWriteArrayList<ConfigurationListener>(); list.add(listener); } listeners.put(i, list); } } /** * @see org.jdiameter.api.MutableConfiguration class */ @Override public void removeChangeListener(ConfigurationListener listener, int... ints) { for (int i:ints) { List<ConfigurationListener> list = listeners.get(i); if (list != null) { list.remove(listener); if (list.size() == 0) { listeners.remove(i); } } } } }