package org.jbpm.util; import; /** * A counting semaphore. Conceptually, a semaphore maintains a set of permits. Each * {@linkplain #acquire acquire} blocks if necessary until a permit is available, and then takes it. * Each {@linkplain #release() release} adds a permit, potentially releasing a blocking acquirer. * * @see <a href="" * >java.util.concurrent.Semaphore</a> */ public class Semaphore implements Serializable { private int permits; private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L; /** * Creates a <tt>Semaphore</tt> with the given number of permits. * * @param permits the initial number of permits available. This value may be negative, in which * case releases must occur before any acquires will be granted. */ public Semaphore(int permits) { this.permits = permits; } /** * Releases a permit, returning it to the semaphore. */ public void release() { release(1); } /** * Releases the given number of permits, returning them to the semaphore. * * @param permits the number of permits to release * @throws IllegalArgumentException if permits less than zero. */ public void release(int permits) { if (permits < 0) throw new IllegalArgumentException(Integer.toString(permits)); synchronized (this) { this.permits += permits; notifyAll(); } } /** * Acquires a permit from this semaphore, blocking until one is available, or the thread is * {@link Thread#interrupt interrupted}. * * @throws InterruptedException if the current thread is interrupted * @see Thread#interrupt */ public void acquire() throws InterruptedException { acquire(1); } /** * Acquires the given number of permits from this semaphore, blocking until all are available, or * the thread is {@link Thread#interrupt interrupted}. * * @param permits the number of permits to acquire * @throws InterruptedException if the current thread is interrupted * @throws IllegalArgumentException if permits less than zero. * @see Thread#interrupt */ public void acquire(int permits) throws InterruptedException { if (permits < 0) throw new IllegalArgumentException(Integer.toString(permits)); synchronized (this) { while (this.permits < permits) { wait(); } this.permits -= permits; } } /** * Acquires a permit from this semaphore, if one becomes available within the given waiting time * and the current thread has not been {@link Thread#interrupt interrupted}. * * @param timeout the maximum time to wait for a permit * @return <tt>true</tt> if a permit was acquired and <tt>false</tt> if the waiting time elapsed * before a permit was acquired. * @throws InterruptedException if the current thread is interrupted * @see Thread#interrupt */ public boolean tryAcquire(long timeout) throws InterruptedException { return tryAcquire(1, timeout); } /** * Acquires the given number of permits from this semaphore, if all become available within the * given waiting time and the current thread has not been {@link Thread#interrupt interrupted}. * * @param permits the number of permits to acquire * @param timeout the maximum time to wait for the permits * @return <tt>true</tt> if all permits were acquired and <tt>false</tt> if the waiting time * elapsed before all permits were acquired. * @throws InterruptedException if the current thread is interrupted * @throws IllegalArgumentException if permits less than zero. * @see Thread#interrupt */ public boolean tryAcquire(int permits, long timeout) throws InterruptedException { if (permits < 0) throw new IllegalArgumentException(Integer.toString(permits)); long startTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); synchronized (this) { while (this.permits < permits) { if (System.currentTimeMillis() - startTime >= timeout) return false; wait(timeout); } this.permits -= permits; return true; } } /** * Acquire and return all permits that are immediately available. * * @return the number of permits */ public synchronized int drainPermits() { int permits = this.permits; this.permits = 0; return permits; } }