package org.jbehave.eclipse.editor.story.outline; import static org.mockito.Mockito.mock; import static org.mockito.Mockito.when; import java.util.List; import org.eclipse.jface.resource.ImageRegistry; import org.eclipse.swt.SWT; import; import; import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Button; import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Display; import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Shell; import org.jbehave.core.steps.StepType; import org.jbehave.eclipse.editor.step.StepCandidate; import org.jbehave.eclipse.editor.story.StoryEditor; import org.jbehave.eclipse.editor.story.outline.QuickOutlinePopupDialog; import org.jbehave.eclipse.util.New; public class QuickOutlinePopupDialogMain { public static void main(String[] args) { List<StepCandidate> steps = New.arrayList(); steps.add(new StepCandidate(null, "$", null, StepType.GIVEN, "a user named $username", 0)); steps.add(new StepCandidate(null, "$", null, StepType.WHEN, "the user's firstname is changed to $firstname", 0)); steps.add(new StepCandidate(null, "$", null, StepType.WHEN, "the user's lastname is changed to $lastname", 0)); steps.add(new StepCandidate(null, "$", null, StepType.WHEN, "the user's login is changed to $login", 0)); steps.add(new StepCandidate(null, "$", null, StepType.WHEN, "the user clicks on $button button", 0)); steps.add(new StepCandidate(null, "$", null, StepType.THEN, "the '$password' field becomes '$color'", 0)); steps.add(new StepCandidate(null, "$", null, StepType.THEN, "the page title is '$title'", 0)); steps.add(new StepCandidate(null, "$", null, StepType.THEN, "the user is logged", 0)); steps.add(new StepCandidate(null, "$", null, StepType.GIVEN, "the account balance is $amount", 0)); steps.add(new StepCandidate(null, "$", null, StepType.GIVEN, "the card is valid", 0)); steps.add(new StepCandidate(null, "$", null, StepType.GIVEN, "the machine contains enough money", 0)); steps.add(new StepCandidate(null, "$", null, StepType.WHEN, "the Account Holder requests $amount", 0)); steps.add(new StepCandidate(null, "$", null, StepType.THEN, "the ATM should not dispense any money", 0)); steps.add(new StepCandidate(null, "$", null, StepType.THEN, "the ATM should say there are insufficient funds", 0)); steps.add(new StepCandidate(null, "$", null, StepType.THEN, "the account balance should be $amount", 0)); steps.add(new StepCandidate(null, "$", null, StepType.THEN, "the card should be returned", 0)); final StoryEditor editor = mock(StoryEditor.class); when(editor.getStepCandidates()).thenReturn(steps); final Display display = new Display(); final Shell shell = new Shell(display, SWT.DIALOG_TRIM); final ImageRegistry imageRegistry = new ImageRegistry(display); Button button = new Button(shell, SWT.PUSH); button.setText("Press to see the InfoPopup"); button.setBounds(90, 10, 200, 30); button.addSelectionListener(new SelectionAdapter() { public void widgetSelected(SelectionEvent se) { // You can set the size of the Rectangle new QuickOutlinePopupDialog(new Shell(), SWT.NONE, editor, imageRegistry).open(); } }); shell.setSize(400, 200);; while (!shell.isDisposed()) { if (!display.readAndDispatch()) display.sleep(); } display.dispose(); } }