package aimax.osm.applications; import java.awt.Color; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.List; import aima.core.agent.Agent; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import aima.core.util.datastructure.Point2D; import; import aima.gui.framework.AgentAppController; import aima.gui.framework.AgentAppFrame; import aima.gui.framework.MessageLogger; import; import; import; import aimax.osm.routing.agent.OsmAgentController; import aimax.osm.routing.agent.OsmAgentFrame; import aimax.osm.routing.agent.OsmAgentView; import aimax.osm.routing.agent.MapAdapter; import aimax.osm.viewer.DefaultEntityRenderer; import aimax.osm.viewer.DefaultEntityViewInfo; import aimax.osm.viewer.MapStyleFactory; /** * This application demonstrates, how different search strategies * explore the state space. All locations which correspond to expanded * nodes are highlighted in the map. If you don't see any expanded node, * just zoom in! * @author Ruediger Lunde */ public class SearchDemoOsmAgentApp extends OsmAgentApp { /** * Stores those states (Strings with map node ids), whose * corresponding search nodes have been expanded * during the last search. Quick and dirty solution... */ static final HashSet<Object> visitedStates = new HashSet<Object>(); /** Creates an <code>OsmAgentView</code>. */ @Override public OsmAgentView createEnvironmentView() { OsmAgentView result = super.createEnvironmentView(); result.getMapViewPane().setRenderer(new SDMapEntityRenderer()); return result; } @Override public AgentAppFrame createFrame() { return new SDFrame(); } @Override public AgentAppController createController() { return new SDController(map); } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // inner classes /** Variant of the <code>OsmAgentFrame</code>. */ private class SDFrame extends OsmAgentFrame { private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L; SDFrame() { setTitle("OSDA - the OSM Search Demo Agent Application"); //this.setSelectorItems(AGENT_SEL, new String[]{}, -1); } } /** * Variant of the <code>OsmAgentController</code> which * starts an agent with a slightly modified goal test function. */ private static class SDController extends OsmAgentController { SDController(MapAdapter map) { super(map); } @Override public void prepare(String changedSelector) { visitedStates.clear(); super.prepare(changedSelector); } /** Creates new agents and adds them to the current environment. */ protected void initAgents(MessageLogger logger) { List<MapNode> markers = map.getOsmMap().getMarkers(); if (markers.size() < 2) { logger.log("Error: Please set two markers with mouse-left."); return; } visitedStates.clear(); String[] locs = new String[markers.size()]; for (int i = 0; i < markers.size(); i++) { MapNode node = markers.get(i); Point2D pt = new Point2D(node.getLon(), node.getLat()); locs[i] = map.getNearestLocation(pt); } heuristic.adaptToGoal(locs[1], map); Agent agent = null; MapAgentFrame.SelectionState state = frame.getSelection(); switch (state.getIndex(MapAgentFrame.AGENT_SEL)) { case 0: agent = new SDMapAgent(env, search, new String[] { locs[1] }); break; case 1: Problem p = new BidirectionalMapProblem(map, null, locs[1]); OnlineSearchProblem osp = new OnlineSearchProblem (p.getActionsFunction(), p.getGoalTest(), p.getStepCostFunction()); agent = new LRTAStarAgent (osp, MapFunctionFactory.getPerceptToStateFunction(), heuristic); break; } env.addAgent(agent, locs[0]); } } /** Variant of the <code>MapAgent</code>. */ private static class SDMapAgent extends MapAgent { public SDMapAgent(MapEnvironment mapEnvironment, Search search, String[] goalTests) { super(mapEnvironment.getMap(), mapEnvironment, search, goalTests); } @Override protected Problem formulateProblem(Object goal) { BidirectionalMapProblem problem = (BidirectionalMapProblem) super.formulateProblem(goal); Problem result = new Problem( problem.getInitialState(), problem.getActionsFunction(), problem.getResultFunction(), new DefaultGoalTest((String) goal) { @Override public boolean isGoalState(Object state) { visitedStates.add(state); return super.isGoalState(state); } }, problem.getStepCostFunction()); return result; } } /** * Variant of the <code>DefaultMapEntityRenderer</code> * which highlights way nodes mentioned in * {@link SearchDemoOsmAgentApp#visitedStates}. */ private static class SDMapEntityRenderer extends DefaultEntityRenderer { DefaultEntityViewInfo highlightProp = new MapStyleFactory().createPoiInfo(0, 0, 5, Color.GREEN, MapStyleFactory.createRectangle(4, Color.GREEN), false); @Override public void printWay(MapWay way, DefaultEntityViewInfo eprop, boolean asArea) { super.printWay(way, eprop, asArea); if (scale >= highlightProp.minVisibleScale * displayFactor ) { for (MapNode node : getWayNodes(way)) if (visitedStates.contains(Long.toString(node.getId()))) printPoint(g2, node, highlightProp, null); //highlight(node); } } // private void highlight(MapNode node) { // int offs = (int) displayFactor; // int x = transformer.x(node.getLon()) - offs; // int y = transformer.y(node.getLat()) - offs; // g2.setColor(Color.YELLOW); // g2.setStroke(new BasicStroke(1f)); // g2.fillRect(x, y, 2*offs, 2*offs); // } } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // starter method /** Application starter. */ public static void main(String args[]) { //Logger.getLogger("aimax.osm").setLevel(Level.FINEST); //Logger.getLogger("").getHandlers()[0].setLevel(Level.FINE); SearchDemoOsmAgentApp demo = new SearchDemoOsmAgentApp(); demo.readMap(DataResource.getULMFileResource()); demo.startApplication(); } }