public class ConstructorExample { public static void main(String[] args) { // Create an object instance of StudentRecord class. StudentRecord annaRecord = new StudentRecord("Anna"); // Increament the studentCount by invoking a static method. StudentRecord.increaseStudentCount(); // Create another object instance of StudentRecord class. StudentRecord beahRecord =new StudentRecord("Beah", 45); // Increament the studentCount by invoking a static method. StudentRecord.increaseStudentCount(); // Create the 3rd object instance of StudentRecord class. StudentRecord crisRecord =new StudentRecord("Cris", 23.3, 67.45, 56); // Increament the studentCount by invoking a static method. StudentRecord.increaseStudentCount(); // Print Cris' name and average System.out.println("Name = " + crisRecord.getName() + " Average = " + crisRecord.getAverage()); // Print number of students. System.out.println("Student Count = "+StudentRecord.getStudentCount()); } }