/* * 系统名称:基于冉闵开发工具 --> rmdemo * * 文件名称: org.quickbundle.tools.support.path --> RmPathHelper.java * * 功能描述: * * 版本历史: 2006-7-7 20:33:10 创建1.0.0版 (baixiaoyong) * */ package org.quickbundle.tools.support.path; import java.io.File; import java.io.UnsupportedEncodingException; import java.lang.reflect.Method; import java.net.URLDecoder; import java.util.Enumeration; import org.dom4j.Document; import org.dom4j.DocumentHelper; import org.dom4j.Element; import org.quickbundle.base.web.servlet.RmHolderServlet; import org.quickbundle.project.init.RmConfig; import org.quickbundle.tools.helper.xml.RmXmlHelper; import org.quickbundle.tools.support.log.RmLogHelper; /** * 功能、用途、现存BUG: * * @author 白小勇 * @version 1.0.0 * @see 需要参见的其它类 * @since 1.0.0 */ public class RmPathHelper { /** * 功能: 创建一个用于热部署tomcat的xml文件 * * */ public static File createWarXml(String tomcatContextFile) { Document doc = DocumentHelper.createDocument(); Element context = doc.addElement("Context"); context.addAttribute("path", "/" + getWarName()); context.addAttribute("docBase", getWarDir().toString()); context.addAttribute("debug", "0"); context.addAttribute("reloadable", "false"); context.addAttribute("privileged", "true"); if(tomcatContextFile == null) { tomcatContextFile = getProjectDir().toString() + File.separator + getWarName() + ".xml"; } RmXmlHelper.saveXmlToPath(doc, tomcatContextFile); return new File(tomcatContextFile); } /** * 功能: 获得war目录。默认从缓存Servlet上下文取,如没有直接取RmGlobalReference所在目录(后者适用于开发环境) * * @return */ public static File getWarDir() { File result = null; try { ClassLoader cl = Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader(); if(cl == null) { cl = ClassLoader.getSystemClassLoader(); } Class clz = cl.loadClass("org.quickbundle.project.RmProjectHelper"); Method customMethod = clz.getDeclaredMethod("getWarDirCustom",new Class[]{}); if(customMethod != null) { result = (File)customMethod.invoke(null ,new Object[]{}); } } catch (java.lang.NoSuchMethodException e) { //ignore NoSuchMethodException } catch (java.lang.ClassNotFoundException e) { //ignore NoSuchMethodException } catch (java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError e) { //ignore NoSuchMethodException } catch (Throwable e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } if(result != null) { return result; } String defaultRealPath = null; try { defaultRealPath = RmHolderServlet.getDefaultRealPath("/"); } catch (java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError e) { //ignore } if (defaultRealPath != null) { return new File(defaultRealPath); } else { File fileClasses = new File(getClassRootPath(RmConfig.class)); return findParentDir(fileClasses, "WEB-INF").getParentFile(); } } /** * 功能: 得到war名称。默认从缓存Servlet上下文取,如没有直接取warDir的name(后者适用于开发环境) * * @return */ public static String getWarName() { String defaultServletContextName = null; try { defaultServletContextName = RmHolderServlet.getDefaultServletContextName(); } catch (java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError e) { //ignore } if (defaultServletContextName != null) { return defaultServletContextName; } else { return getWarDir().getName(); } } /** * 功能: 获得WEB-INF目录。默认从缓存Servlet上下文取,如没有直接取RmGlobalReference所在目录(后者适用于开发环境) * * @return */ public static File getWebInfDir() { return new File(getWarDir() + File.separator + "WEB-INF"); } /** * 功能: 用于开发环境中获取项目的路径,规则是取warDir的父目录 * * @return */ public static File getProjectDir() { return getWarDir().getParentFile(); } /** * 功能: 用于开发环境中获取项目的名称,规则是取warDir的父目录的name * * @return */ public static String getProjectName() { return getProjectDir().getName(); } /** * 功能: 递归的寻找父目录中第一个出现fileKey的目录 * * @param file * @param fileKey * @return */ public static File findParentDir(File file, String fileKey) { if (fileKey.equals(file.getName())) { return file; } else if (file.getParentFile() != null) { return findParentDir(file.getParentFile(), fileKey); } else { return file.getParentFile(); } } /** * 在类中取得当前文件所在的相对路径与绝对路径 * * @return String */ public static String getClassRootPath(Class thisClass) { String rtStr = ""; String url = String.valueOf(thisClass.getResource("")); try { rtStr = URLDecoder.decode(url, RmConfig.defaultEncode()); } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } rtStr = RmXmlHelper.formatToFile(rtStr); return rtStr; } public static int count = 0; /** * 功能: 从File中找出className * * @param file * @param className */ public static void findClassFromFile(File[] file, String className) { count = 0; // 初始化count String absoluteclassname = className.replace('.', '/') + ".class"; RmLogHelper.getLogger(RmPathHelper.class).info("Find class [" + className + "] in Path [" + file + "] Results:"); for (int i = 0; i < file.length; i++) { findClassInLocalSystem(file[i].toString(), absoluteclassname); } if (count == 0) { RmLogHelper.getLogger(RmPathHelper.class).warn("Error:Can't Find Such Jar File!"); } } private static void findClassInLocalSystem(String path, String classname) { if (path.charAt(path.length() - 1) != '\\') { path += '\\'; } File file = new File(path); if (!file.exists()) { RmLogHelper.getLogger(RmPathHelper.class).error("Error: Path not Existed! Please Check it out!"); return; } String[] filelist = file.list(); for (int i = 0; i < filelist.length; i++) { File temp = new File(path + filelist[i]); if ((temp.isDirectory() && !temp.isHidden() && temp.exists())) { findClassInLocalSystem(path + filelist[i], classname); } else { if (filelist[i].endsWith("jar")) { try { java.util.jar.JarFile jarfile = new java.util.jar.JarFile(path + filelist[i]); for (Enumeration e = jarfile.entries(); e.hasMoreElements();) { String name = e.nextElement().toString(); if (name.equals(classname)) { RmLogHelper.getLogger(RmPathHelper.class).info("No." + (++count)); RmLogHelper.getLogger(RmPathHelper.class).info("Jar Package:" + path + filelist[i]); RmLogHelper.getLogger(RmPathHelper.class).info(name); } } } catch (Exception eee) { } } } } } /** * 初始化webAppRootKey(如:rmdemo.root) * * @return */ public static String initWarRoot() { String warRoot = RmPathHelper.getWarName() + ".root"; System.setProperty(warRoot, RmXmlHelper.formatToUrl(RmPathHelper.getWarDir().toString()) + "/"); return warRoot + "=" + System.getProperty(warRoot); } public static void showHowToUsage() { RmLogHelper.getLogger(RmPathHelper.class).info("Usage: Java -cp . JarClassFind <source path> <source class name>"); RmLogHelper.getLogger(RmPathHelper.class).info("Usage: Java -classpath . JarClassFind <source path> <source class name>"); RmLogHelper.getLogger(RmPathHelper.class).info(""); RmLogHelper.getLogger(RmPathHelper.class).info("<source path>:\t\tPath to Find eg:F:\\JDK"); RmLogHelper.getLogger(RmPathHelper.class).info("<source class name>:\tClass to Find eg:java.applet.Applet"); } public static void main(String[] args) { args = new String[] {getWebInfDir() + File.separator + "lib", RmPathHelper.class.getName()}; if (args.length < 2) { showHowToUsage(); return; } else { findClassFromFile(new File[] { new File(args[0]) }, args[1]); } System.out.println("RmPathHelper.getWarDir()=" + RmPathHelper.getWarDir()); System.out.println("RmPathHelper.getWarName()=" + RmPathHelper.getWarName()); System.out.println("RmPathHelper.getWebInfDir()=" + RmPathHelper.getWebInfDir()); System.out.println("RmPathHelper.getProjectDir()=" + RmPathHelper.getProjectDir()); System.out.println("RmPathHelper.getProjectName()=" + RmPathHelper.getProjectName()); try { RmLogHelper.getLogger(RmPathHelper.class).info(String.valueOf(ClassLoader.getSystemResource(""))); RmLogHelper.getLogger(RmPathHelper.class).info(String.valueOf(getWebInfDir())); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } }