/* * Copyright (C) 2009-2017 the original author(s). * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package org.fusesource.jansi; import java.io.FilterOutputStream; import java.io.IOException; import java.io.OutputStream; import java.nio.charset.Charset; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Iterator; /** * A ANSI output stream extracts ANSI escape codes written to * an output stream and calls corresponding <code>process*</code> methods. * * For more information about ANSI escape codes, see: * http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ANSI_escape_code * * This class just filters out the escape codes so that they are not * sent out to the underlying OutputStream: <code>process*</code> methods * are empty. Subclasses should actually perform the ANSI escape behaviors * by implementing active code in <code>process*</code> methods. * * @author <a href="http://hiramchirino.com">Hiram Chirino</a> * @author Joris Kuipers * @since 1.0 */ public class AnsiOutputStream extends FilterOutputStream { public static final byte[] RESET_CODE = "\033[0m".getBytes(); @Deprecated public static final byte[] REST_CODE = RESET_CODE; public AnsiOutputStream(OutputStream os) { super(os); } private final static int MAX_ESCAPE_SEQUENCE_LENGTH = 100; private final byte[] buffer = new byte[MAX_ESCAPE_SEQUENCE_LENGTH]; private int pos = 0; private int startOfValue; private final ArrayList<Object> options = new ArrayList<Object>(); private static final int LOOKING_FOR_FIRST_ESC_CHAR = 0; private static final int LOOKING_FOR_SECOND_ESC_CHAR = 1; private static final int LOOKING_FOR_NEXT_ARG = 2; private static final int LOOKING_FOR_STR_ARG_END = 3; private static final int LOOKING_FOR_INT_ARG_END = 4; private static final int LOOKING_FOR_OSC_COMMAND = 5; private static final int LOOKING_FOR_OSC_COMMAND_END = 6; private static final int LOOKING_FOR_OSC_PARAM = 7; private static final int LOOKING_FOR_ST = 8; int state = LOOKING_FOR_FIRST_ESC_CHAR; private static final int FIRST_ESC_CHAR = 27; private static final int SECOND_ESC_CHAR = '['; private static final int SECOND_OSC_CHAR = ']'; private static final int BEL = 7; private static final int SECOND_ST_CHAR = '\\'; @Override public synchronized void write(int data) throws IOException { switch (state) { case LOOKING_FOR_FIRST_ESC_CHAR: if (data == FIRST_ESC_CHAR) { buffer[pos++] = (byte) data; state = LOOKING_FOR_SECOND_ESC_CHAR; } else { out.write(data); } break; case LOOKING_FOR_SECOND_ESC_CHAR: buffer[pos++] = (byte) data; if (data == SECOND_ESC_CHAR) { state = LOOKING_FOR_NEXT_ARG; } else if (data == SECOND_OSC_CHAR) { state = LOOKING_FOR_OSC_COMMAND; } else { reset(false); } break; case LOOKING_FOR_NEXT_ARG: buffer[pos++] = (byte) data; if ('"' == data) { startOfValue = pos - 1; state = LOOKING_FOR_STR_ARG_END; } else if ('0' <= data && data <= '9') { startOfValue = pos - 1; state = LOOKING_FOR_INT_ARG_END; } else if (';' == data) { options.add(null); } else if ('?' == data) { options.add('?'); } else if ('=' == data) { options.add('='); } else { reset(processEscapeCommand(options, data)); } break; default: break; case LOOKING_FOR_INT_ARG_END: buffer[pos++] = (byte) data; if (!('0' <= data && data <= '9')) { String strValue = new String(buffer, startOfValue, (pos - 1) - startOfValue, Charset.defaultCharset()); Integer value = new Integer(strValue); options.add(value); if (data == ';') { state = LOOKING_FOR_NEXT_ARG; } else { reset(processEscapeCommand(options, data)); } } break; case LOOKING_FOR_STR_ARG_END: buffer[pos++] = (byte) data; if ('"' != data) { String value = new String(buffer, startOfValue, (pos - 1) - startOfValue, Charset.defaultCharset()); options.add(value); if (data == ';') { state = LOOKING_FOR_NEXT_ARG; } else { reset(processEscapeCommand(options, data)); } } break; case LOOKING_FOR_OSC_COMMAND: buffer[pos++] = (byte) data; if ('0' <= data && data <= '9') { startOfValue = pos - 1; state = LOOKING_FOR_OSC_COMMAND_END; } else { reset(false); } break; case LOOKING_FOR_OSC_COMMAND_END: buffer[pos++] = (byte) data; if (';' == data) { String strValue = new String(buffer, startOfValue, (pos - 1) - startOfValue, Charset.defaultCharset()); Integer value = new Integer(strValue); options.add(value); startOfValue = pos; state = LOOKING_FOR_OSC_PARAM; } else if ('0' <= data && data <= '9') { // already pushed digit to buffer, just keep looking } else { // oops, did not expect this reset(false); } break; case LOOKING_FOR_OSC_PARAM: buffer[pos++] = (byte) data; if (BEL == data) { String value = new String(buffer, startOfValue, (pos - 1) - startOfValue, Charset.defaultCharset()); options.add(value); reset(processOperatingSystemCommand(options)); } else if (FIRST_ESC_CHAR == data) { state = LOOKING_FOR_ST; } else { // just keep looking while adding text } break; case LOOKING_FOR_ST: buffer[pos++] = (byte) data; if (SECOND_ST_CHAR == data) { String value = new String(buffer, startOfValue, (pos - 2) - startOfValue, Charset.defaultCharset()); options.add(value); reset(processOperatingSystemCommand(options)); } else { state = LOOKING_FOR_OSC_PARAM; } break; } // Is it just too long? if (pos >= buffer.length) { reset(false); } } /** * Resets all state to continue with regular parsing * @param skipBuffer if current buffer should be skipped or written to out * @throws IOException */ private void reset(boolean skipBuffer) throws IOException { if (!skipBuffer) { out.write(buffer, 0, pos); } pos = 0; startOfValue = 0; options.clear(); state = LOOKING_FOR_FIRST_ESC_CHAR; } /** * Helper for processEscapeCommand() to iterate over integer options * @param optionsIterator the underlying iterator * @throws IOException if no more non-null values left */ private int getNextOptionInt(Iterator<Object> optionsIterator) throws IOException { for (;;) { if (!optionsIterator.hasNext()) throw new IllegalArgumentException(); Object arg = optionsIterator.next(); if (arg != null) return (Integer) arg; } } /** * * @param options * @param command * @return true if the escape command was processed. */ private boolean processEscapeCommand(ArrayList<Object> options, int command) throws IOException { try { switch (command) { case 'A': processCursorUp(optionInt(options, 0, 1)); return true; case 'B': processCursorDown(optionInt(options, 0, 1)); return true; case 'C': processCursorRight(optionInt(options, 0, 1)); return true; case 'D': processCursorLeft(optionInt(options, 0, 1)); return true; case 'E': processCursorDownLine(optionInt(options, 0, 1)); return true; case 'F': processCursorUpLine(optionInt(options, 0, 1)); return true; case 'G': processCursorToColumn(optionInt(options, 0)); return true; case 'H': case 'f': processCursorTo(optionInt(options, 0, 1), optionInt(options, 1, 1)); return true; case 'J': processEraseScreen(optionInt(options, 0, 0)); return true; case 'K': processEraseLine(optionInt(options, 0, 0)); return true; case 'L': processInsertLine(optionInt(options, 0, 1)); return true; case 'M': processDeleteLine(optionInt(options, 0, 1)); return true; case 'S': processScrollUp(optionInt(options, 0, 1)); return true; case 'T': processScrollDown(optionInt(options, 0, 1)); return true; case 'm': // Validate all options are ints... for (Object next : options) { if (next != null && next.getClass() != Integer.class) { throw new IllegalArgumentException(); } } int count = 0; Iterator<Object> optionsIterator = options.iterator(); while (optionsIterator.hasNext()) { Object next = optionsIterator.next(); if (next != null) { count++; int value = (Integer) next; if (30 <= value && value <= 37) { processSetForegroundColor(value - 30); } else if (40 <= value && value <= 47) { processSetBackgroundColor(value - 40); } else if (90 <= value && value <= 97) { processSetForegroundColor(value - 90, true); } else if (100 <= value && value <= 107) { processSetBackgroundColor(value - 100, true); } else if (value == 38 || value == 48) { // extended color like `esc[38;5;<index>m` or `esc[38;2;<r>;<g>;<b>m` int arg2or5 = getNextOptionInt(optionsIterator); if (arg2or5 == 2) { // 24 bit color style like `esc[38;2;<r>;<g>;<b>m` int r = getNextOptionInt(optionsIterator); int g = getNextOptionInt(optionsIterator); int b = getNextOptionInt(optionsIterator); if (r >= 0 && r <= 255 && g >= 0 && g <= 255 && b >= 0 && b <= 255) { if (value == 38) processSetForegroundColorExt(r, g, b); else processSetBackgroundColorExt(r, g, b); } else { throw new IllegalArgumentException(); } } else if (arg2or5 == 5) { // 256 color style like `esc[38;5;<index>m` int paletteIndex = getNextOptionInt(optionsIterator); if (paletteIndex >= 0 && paletteIndex <= 255) { if (value == 38) processSetForegroundColorExt(paletteIndex); else processSetBackgroundColorExt(paletteIndex); } else { throw new IllegalArgumentException(); } } else { throw new IllegalArgumentException(); } } else { switch (value) { case 39: processDefaultTextColor(); break; case 49: processDefaultBackgroundColor(); break; case 0: processAttributeRest(); break; default: processSetAttribute(value); } } } } if (count == 0) { processAttributeRest(); } return true; case 's': processSaveCursorPosition(); return true; case 'u': processRestoreCursorPosition(); return true; default: if ('a' <= command && 'z' <= command) { processUnknownExtension(options, command); return true; } if ('A' <= command && 'Z' <= command) { processUnknownExtension(options, command); return true; } return false; } } catch (IllegalArgumentException ignore) { } return false; } /** * * @param options * @return true if the operating system command was processed. */ private boolean processOperatingSystemCommand(ArrayList<Object> options) throws IOException { int command = optionInt(options, 0); String label = (String) options.get(1); // for command > 2 label could be composed (i.e. contain ';'), but we'll leave // it to processUnknownOperatingSystemCommand implementations to handle that try { switch (command) { case 0: processChangeIconNameAndWindowTitle(label); return true; case 1: processChangeIconName(label); return true; case 2: processChangeWindowTitle(label); return true; default: // not exactly unknown, but not supported through dedicated process methods: processUnknownOperatingSystemCommand(command, label); return true; } } catch (IllegalArgumentException ignore) { } return false; } /** * Process <code>CSI u</code> ANSI code, corresponding to <code>RCP – Restore Cursor Position</code> * @throws IOException */ protected void processRestoreCursorPosition() throws IOException { } /** * Process <code>CSI s</code> ANSI code, corresponding to <code>SCP – Save Cursor Position</code> * @throws IOException */ protected void processSaveCursorPosition() throws IOException { } /** * Process <code>CSI s</code> ANSI code, corresponding to <code>IL – Insert Line</code> * @throws IOException */ protected void processInsertLine(int optionInt) throws IOException { } /** * Process <code>CSI s</code> ANSI code, corresponding to <code>DL – Delete Line</code> * @throws IOException */ protected void processDeleteLine(int optionInt) throws IOException { } /** * Process <code>CSI n T</code> ANSI code, corresponding to <code>SD – Scroll Down</code> * @throws IOException */ protected void processScrollDown(int optionInt) throws IOException { } /** * Process <code>CSI n U</code> ANSI code, corresponding to <code>SU – Scroll Up</code> * @throws IOException */ protected void processScrollUp(int optionInt) throws IOException { } protected static final int ERASE_SCREEN_TO_END = 0; protected static final int ERASE_SCREEN_TO_BEGINING = 1; protected static final int ERASE_SCREEN = 2; /** * Process <code>CSI n J</code> ANSI code, corresponding to <code>ED – Erase in Display</code> * @throws IOException */ protected void processEraseScreen(int eraseOption) throws IOException { } protected static final int ERASE_LINE_TO_END = 0; protected static final int ERASE_LINE_TO_BEGINING = 1; protected static final int ERASE_LINE = 2; /** * Process <code>CSI n K</code> ANSI code, corresponding to <code>ED – Erase in Line</code> * @throws IOException */ protected void processEraseLine(int eraseOption) throws IOException { } protected static final int ATTRIBUTE_INTENSITY_BOLD = 1; // Intensity: Bold protected static final int ATTRIBUTE_INTENSITY_FAINT = 2; // Intensity; Faint not widely supported protected static final int ATTRIBUTE_ITALIC = 3; // Italic; on not widely supported. Sometimes treated as inverse. protected static final int ATTRIBUTE_UNDERLINE = 4; // Underline; Single protected static final int ATTRIBUTE_BLINK_SLOW = 5; // Blink; Slow less than 150 per minute protected static final int ATTRIBUTE_BLINK_FAST = 6; // Blink; Rapid MS-DOS ANSI.SYS; 150 per minute or more protected static final int ATTRIBUTE_NEGATIVE_ON = 7; // Image; Negative inverse or reverse; swap foreground and background protected static final int ATTRIBUTE_CONCEAL_ON = 8; // Conceal on protected static final int ATTRIBUTE_UNDERLINE_DOUBLE = 21; // Underline; Double not widely supported protected static final int ATTRIBUTE_INTENSITY_NORMAL = 22; // Intensity; Normal not bold and not faint protected static final int ATTRIBUTE_UNDERLINE_OFF = 24; // Underline; None protected static final int ATTRIBUTE_BLINK_OFF = 25; // Blink; off @Deprecated protected static final int ATTRIBUTE_NEGATIVE_Off = 27; // Image; Positive protected static final int ATTRIBUTE_NEGATIVE_OFF = 27; // Image; Positive protected static final int ATTRIBUTE_CONCEAL_OFF = 28; // Reveal conceal off /** * process <code>SGR</code> other than <code>0</code> (reset), <code>30-39</code> (foreground), * <code>40-49</code> (background), <code>90-97</code> (foreground high intensity) or * <code>100-107</code> (background high intensity) * @param attribute * @throws IOException * @see #processAttributeRest() * @see #processSetForegroundColor(int) * @see #processSetForegroundColor(int, boolean) * @see #processSetForegroundColorExt(int) * @see #processSetForegroundColorExt(int, int, int) * @see #processDefaultTextColor() * @see #processDefaultBackgroundColor() */ protected void processSetAttribute(int attribute) throws IOException { } protected static final int BLACK = 0; protected static final int RED = 1; protected static final int GREEN = 2; protected static final int YELLOW = 3; protected static final int BLUE = 4; protected static final int MAGENTA = 5; protected static final int CYAN = 6; protected static final int WHITE = 7; /** * process <code>SGR 30-37</code> corresponding to <code>Set text color (foreground)</code>. * @param color the text color * @throws IOException */ protected void processSetForegroundColor(int color) throws IOException { processSetForegroundColor(color, false); } /** * process <code>SGR 30-37</code> or <code>SGR 90-97</code> corresponding to * <code>Set text color (foreground)</code> either in normal mode or high intensity. * @param color the text color * @param bright is high intensity? * @throws IOException */ protected void processSetForegroundColor(int color, boolean bright) throws IOException { } /** * process <code>SGR 38</code> corresponding to <code>extended set text color (foreground)</code> * with a palette of 255 colors. * @param paletteIndex the text color in the palette * @throws IOException */ protected void processSetForegroundColorExt(int paletteIndex) throws IOException { } /** * process <code>SGR 38</code> corresponding to <code>extended set text color (foreground)</code> * with a 24 bits RGB definition of the color. * @param r red * @param g green * @param b blue * @throws IOException */ protected void processSetForegroundColorExt(int r, int g, int b) throws IOException { } /** * process <code>SGR 40-47</code> corresponding to <code>Set background color</code>. * @param color the background color * @throws IOException */ protected void processSetBackgroundColor(int color) throws IOException { processSetBackgroundColor(color, false); } /** * process <code>SGR 40-47</code> or <code>SGR 100-107</code> corresponding to * <code>Set background color</code> either in normal mode or high intensity. * @param color the background color * @param bright is high intensity? * @throws IOException */ protected void processSetBackgroundColor(int color, boolean bright) throws IOException { } /** * process <code>SGR 48</code> corresponding to <code>extended set background color</code> * with a palette of 255 colors. * @param paletteIndex the background color in the palette * @throws IOException */ protected void processSetBackgroundColorExt(int paletteIndex) throws IOException { } /** * process <code>SGR 48</code> corresponding to <code>extended set background color</code> * with a 24 bits RGB definition of the color. * @param r red * @param g green * @param b blue * @throws IOException */ protected void processSetBackgroundColorExt(int r, int g, int b) throws IOException { } /** * process <code>SGR 39</code> corresponding to <code>Default text color (foreground)</code> * @throws IOException */ protected void processDefaultTextColor() throws IOException { } /** * process <code>SGR 49</code> corresponding to <code>Default background color</code> * @throws IOException */ protected void processDefaultBackgroundColor() throws IOException { } /** * process <code>SGR 0</code> corresponding to <code>Reset / Normal</code> * @throws IOException */ protected void processAttributeRest() throws IOException { } /** * process <code>CSI n ; m H</code> corresponding to <code>CUP – Cursor Position</code> or * <code>CSI n ; m f</code> corresponding to <code>HVP – Horizontal and Vertical Position</code> * @param row * @param col * @throws IOException */ protected void processCursorTo(int row, int col) throws IOException { } /** * process <code>CSI n G</code> corresponding to <code>CHA – Cursor Horizontal Absolute</code> * @param x the column * @throws IOException */ protected void processCursorToColumn(int x) throws IOException { } /** * process <code>CSI n F</code> corresponding to <code>CPL – Cursor Previous Line</code> * @param count line count * @throws IOException */ protected void processCursorUpLine(int count) throws IOException { } /** * process <code>CSI n E</code> corresponding to <code>CNL – Cursor Next Line</code> * @param count line count * @throws IOException */ protected void processCursorDownLine(int count) throws IOException { // Poor mans impl.. for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) { out.write('\n'); } } /** * process <code>CSI n D</code> corresponding to <code>CUB – Cursor Back</code> * @param count * @throws IOException */ protected void processCursorLeft(int count) throws IOException { } /** * process <code>CSI n C</code> corresponding to <code>CUF – Cursor Forward</code> * @param count * @throws IOException */ protected void processCursorRight(int count) throws IOException { // Poor mans impl.. for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) { out.write(' '); } } /** * process <code>CSI n B</code> corresponding to <code>CUD – Cursor Down</code> * @param count * @throws IOException */ protected void processCursorDown(int count) throws IOException { } /** * process <code>CSI n A</code> corresponding to <code>CUU – Cursor Up</code> * @param count * @throws IOException */ protected void processCursorUp(int count) throws IOException { } protected void processUnknownExtension(ArrayList<Object> options, int command) { } /** * process <code>OSC 0;text BEL</code> corresponding to <code>Change Window and Icon label</code> * @param label * @throws IOException */ protected void processChangeIconNameAndWindowTitle(String label) { processChangeIconName(label); processChangeWindowTitle(label); } /** * process <code>OSC 1;text BEL</code> corresponding to <code>Change Icon label</code> * @param label * @throws IOException */ protected void processChangeIconName(String label) { } /** * process <code>OSC 2;text BEL</code> corresponding to <code>Change Window title</code> * @param label * @throws IOException */ protected void processChangeWindowTitle(String label) { } /** * Process unknown <code>OSC</code> command. * @param command * @param param */ protected void processUnknownOperatingSystemCommand(int command, String param) { } private int optionInt(ArrayList<Object> options, int index) { if (options.size() <= index) throw new IllegalArgumentException(); Object value = options.get(index); if (value == null) throw new IllegalArgumentException(); if (!value.getClass().equals(Integer.class)) throw new IllegalArgumentException(); return (Integer) value; } private int optionInt(ArrayList<Object> options, int index, int defaultValue) { if (options.size() > index) { Object value = options.get(index); if (value == null) { return defaultValue; } return (Integer) value; } return defaultValue; } @Override public void close() throws IOException { write(RESET_CODE); flush(); super.close(); } }