// Copyright (C) 2012 jOVAL.org. All rights reserved. // This software is licensed under the AGPL 3.0 license available at http://www.joval.org/agpl_v3.txt package jwsmv; import java.io.ByteArrayOutputStream; import java.io.IOException; import java.io.InputStream; import java.io.OutputStream; import java.io.PipedInputStream; import java.io.PipedOutputStream; import javax.xml.bind.JAXBElement; import javax.xml.bind.JAXBException; import javax.security.auth.login.FailedLoginException; import com.microsoft.wsman.fault.WSManFaultType; import com.microsoft.wsman.shell.CommandLine; import com.microsoft.wsman.shell.CommandResponse; import com.microsoft.wsman.shell.CommandStateType; import com.microsoft.wsman.shell.DesiredStreamType; import com.microsoft.wsman.shell.Receive; import com.microsoft.wsman.shell.ReceiveResponse; import com.microsoft.wsman.shell.Signal; import com.microsoft.wsman.shell.SignalResponse; import com.microsoft.wsman.shell.Send; import com.microsoft.wsman.shell.SendResponse; import com.microsoft.wsman.shell.StreamType; import org.dmtf.wsman.AttributableEmpty; import org.dmtf.wsman.AttributablePositiveInteger; import org.dmtf.wsman.OptionSet; import org.dmtf.wsman.OptionType; import org.dmtf.wsman.SelectorSetType; import org.dmtf.wsman.SelectorType; import org.w3c.soap.envelope.Fault; import jwsmv.util.Xpress; import jwsmv.wsman.FaultException; import jwsmv.wsman.Port; import jwsmv.wsman.operation.CommandOperation; import jwsmv.wsman.operation.ReceiveOperation; import jwsmv.wsman.operation.SendOperation; import jwsmv.wsman.operation.SignalOperation; /** * Simple implementation of a WinRM Shell-based Process. * * @author David A. Solin * @version %I% %G% */ public class ShellCommand extends Process implements Constants, Runnable { static final long TIMEOUT_CODE = 2150858793L; static final byte CTL_C = 0x03; static final byte CTL_BREAK = 0x1C; /** * An enumeration of codes that can be issued to a running process using a signal. */ static enum SignalCode { TERMINATE("http://schemas.microsoft.com/wbem/wsman/1/windows/shell/signal/terminate"), CTL_C("http://schemas.microsoft.com/wbem/wsman/1/windows/shell/signal/ctrl_c"), CTL_BREAK("http://schemas.microsoft.com/wbem/wsman/1/windows/shell/signal/ctrl_break"); private String value; private SignalCode(String value) { this.value = value; } String value() { return value; } } /** * An enumeration of the possible states of a running process, embedding their URI values. */ static enum State { DONE("http://schemas.microsoft.com/wbem/wsman/1/windows/shell/CommandState/Done"), PENDING("http://schemas.microsoft.com/wbem/wsman/1/windows/shell/CommandState/Pending"), ERROR("http://schemas.microsoft.com/wbem/wsman/1/windows/shell/CommandState/Error"), RUNNING("http://schemas.microsoft.com/wbem/wsman/1/windows/shell/CommandState/Running"); private String value; private State(String value) { this.value = value; } String value() { return value; } static State fromValue(String s) throws IllegalArgumentException { for (State state : values()) { if (state.value().equals(s)) { return state; } } throw new IllegalArgumentException(s); } } /** * Get the ID of the command. */ public String getId() { return id; } public String getCommand() { StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(cmd); if (args != null) { for (String arg : args) { sb.append(" "); if (arg.indexOf(" ") == -1) { sb.append(arg); } else { sb.append("\"").append(arg.replace("\"","\\\"")).append("\""); } } } return sb.toString(); } /** * Wait for at most millis milliseconds for the process to finish executing. */ public void waitFor(long millis) throws InterruptedException { long endTime = System.currentTimeMillis() + millis; while (isRunning() && System.currentTimeMillis() < endTime) { Thread.sleep(25); } long maxWait = endTime - System.currentTimeMillis(); if (maxWait > 0) { if (thread != null && thread.isAlive()) { thread.join(maxWait); } } } /** * Test to see if the process is running. */ public boolean isRunning() { return state == State.RUNNING; } /** * Test to see if there was an error managing the remote process execution. */ public boolean isError() { return state == State.ERROR; } /** * Get the error. */ public Exception getError() throws IllegalStateException { if (state == State.ERROR) { return error; } else { throw new IllegalStateException(state.toString()); } } /** * Start the process running. */ public void start() throws JAXBException, IOException, FaultException { CommandLine cl = Factories.SHELL.createCommandLine(); cl.setCommand(cmd); if (args != null) { for (String arg : args) { cl.getArguments().add(arg); } } CommandOperation commandOperation = new CommandOperation(cl); commandOperation.addResourceURI(SHELL_URI); commandOperation.addSelectorSet(selector); // // The client-side mode for standard input is console if TRUE and pipe if FALSE. This does not // have an impact on the wire protocol. This option name MUST be used by the client of the Text-based // Command Shell when starting the execution of a command using rsp:Command request to indicate that // the client side of the standard input is console; the default implies pipe. // OptionType winrsStdin = Factories.WSMAN.createOptionType(); winrsStdin.setName("WINRS_CONSOLEMODE_STDIN"); winrsStdin.setValue("FALSE"); // // If set to TRUE, this option requests that the server runs the command without using cmd.exe; if // set to FALSE, the server is requested to use cmd.exe. By default the value is FALSE. This does // not have any impact on the wire protocol. // OptionType winrsSkipCmd = Factories.WSMAN.createOptionType(); winrsSkipCmd.setName("WINRS_SKIP_CMD_SHELL"); winrsSkipCmd.setValue("FALSE"); OptionSet options = Factories.WSMAN.createOptionSet(); options.getOption().add(winrsStdin); options.getOption().add(winrsSkipCmd); commandOperation.addHeader(options); try { CommandResponse response = commandOperation.dispatch(port); state = State.RUNNING; disposed = false; id = response.getCommandId(); stdoutPipe = new PipedOutputStream(); stdout = new PipedInputStream(stdoutPipe, 65536); stderrPipe = new PipedOutputStream(); stderr = new PipedInputStream(stderrPipe, 65536); thread = new Thread(group, this, "ShellCommand:" + id); thread.start(); } catch (FailedLoginException e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } } // Overrides of Process methods @Override public int waitFor() throws InterruptedException { waitFor(3600000L); // 1hr max if (isRunning()) { destroy(); } return exitValue(); } @Override public void destroy() { finalize(); state = State.DONE; } @Override public OutputStream getOutputStream() { if (stdin == null) { stdin = new CommandOutputStream(1024); } return stdin; } @Override public InputStream getInputStream() { return stdout; } @Override public InputStream getErrorStream() { return stderr; } @Override public int exitValue() throws IllegalThreadStateException { switch(state) { case DONE: return exitCode; case ERROR: IllegalThreadStateException ex = new IllegalThreadStateException(state.toString()); ex.initCause(getError()); throw ex; default: throw new IllegalThreadStateException(state.toString()); } } // Implement Runnable /** * Read stdout and stderr from the remote process. */ public void run() { while(isRunning()) { try { DesiredStreamType desired = Factories.SHELL.createDesiredStreamType(); desired.setCommandId(id); desired.getValue().add(Shell.STDOUT); desired.getValue().add(Shell.STDERR); Receive receive = Factories.SHELL.createReceive(); receive.setDesiredStream(desired); ReceiveOperation receiveOperation = new ReceiveOperation(receive); receiveOperation.addResourceURI(SHELL_URI); receiveOperation.addSelectorSet(selector); OptionType keepAlive = Factories.WSMAN.createOptionType(); keepAlive.setName("WSMAN_CMDSHELL_OPTION_KEEPALIVE"); keepAlive.setValue("TRUE"); OptionSet options = Factories.WSMAN.createOptionSet(); options.getOption().add(keepAlive); receiveOperation.addHeader(options); // // Send error stream before output stream // ReceiveResponse response = receiveOperation.dispatch(port); for (StreamType stream : response.getStream()) { if (stream.isSetValue()) { byte[] val = null; if (compress) { val = codec.decode(stream.getValue()); } else { val = stream.getValue(); } if (val.length > 0) { if (Shell.STDERR.equals(stream.getName())) { stderrPipe.write(val); } } } } stderrPipe.flush(); for (StreamType stream : response.getStream()) { if (stream.isSetValue()) { byte[] val = null; if (compress) { val = codec.decode(stream.getValue()); } else { val = stream.getValue(); } if (val.length > 0) { if (Shell.STDOUT.equals(stream.getName())) { stdoutPipe.write(val); } } } } stdoutPipe.flush(); if (response.isSetCommandState()) { CommandStateType state = response.getCommandState(); ShellCommand.this.state = State.fromValue(state.getState()); if (state.isSetExitCode()) { exitCode = state.getExitCode().intValue(); // // Per section section, point 4 of MS-WSMV specification client MUST send // signal message with Terminate code after receiving final response from server. // ShellCommand.this.finalize(); } } } catch (FaultException e) { boolean retry = false; Fault fault = e.getFault(); if (fault.isSetDetail()) { for (Object obj : fault.getDetail().getAny()) { if (obj instanceof JAXBElement) { obj = ((JAXBElement)obj).getValue(); } if (obj instanceof WSManFaultType) { WSManFaultType wsFault = (WSManFaultType)obj; if (wsFault.getCode() == TIMEOUT_CODE) { retry = true; } } } } if (!retry) { error = e; state = State.ERROR; } } catch (Exception e) { error = e; state = State.ERROR; } } try { stdoutPipe.close(); } catch (IOException e) { } try { stderrPipe.close(); } catch (IOException e) { } } // Internal private Port port; private boolean compress; private Xpress codec; private String id; private SelectorSetType selector; private State state; private int exitCode; private PipedOutputStream stdoutPipe, stderrPipe; private InputStream stdout, stderr; private OutputStream stdin; private String cmd; private String[] args; private boolean disposed; private Exception error; private ThreadGroup group; private Thread thread; /** * Create a command for the specified Shell. */ ShellCommand(Shell shell, String cmd, String[] args) { selector = shell.getSelectorSet(); group = shell.group; compress = shell.compress; if (compress) { codec = new Xpress(); } port = shell.port; this.cmd = cmd; this.args = args; stdin = null; stderr = null; stdout = null; exitCode = -1; state = State.PENDING; disposed = false; } /** * Send a signal to the process. */ SignalResponse signal(SignalCode code) throws FailedLoginException, JAXBException, FaultException, IOException { Signal signal = Factories.SHELL.createSignal(); signal.setCommandId(id); signal.setCode(code.value()); SignalOperation signalOperation = new SignalOperation(signal); signalOperation.addResourceURI(SHELL_URI); signalOperation.addSelectorSet(selector); return signalOperation.dispatch(port); } /** * Delete the ShellCommand on the target machine (idempotent). */ @Override protected synchronized void finalize() { if (state != State.PENDING && !disposed) { try { signal(SignalCode.TERMINATE); try { stdoutPipe.close(); } catch (IOException e) { } try { stderrPipe.close(); } catch (IOException e) { } } catch (Exception e) { } finally { disposed = true; } } } /** * An OutputStream implementation that is triggered by flush() to send data upstream to the process. */ class CommandOutputStream extends ByteArrayOutputStream { int MAX_BUFFER_LEN = 250000; CommandOutputStream(int size) { super(size); } @Override public synchronized void flush() throws IOException { try { byte[] data = toByteArray(); if (data.length == 1 && data[0] == CTL_C) { signal(SignalCode.CTL_C); } else if (data.length == 1 && data[0] == CTL_BREAK) { signal(SignalCode.CTL_BREAK); } else { for (int offset=0; offset < data.length; offset+=MAX_BUFFER_LEN) { int len = Math.min(MAX_BUFFER_LEN, data.length - offset); byte[] buff = new byte[len]; System.arraycopy(data, offset, buff, 0, len); StreamType stream = Factories.SHELL.createStreamType(); stream.setName(Shell.STDIN); stream.setCommandId(id); if (compress) { stream.setValue(codec.encode(buff)); } else { stream.setValue(buff); } Send send = Factories.SHELL.createSend(); send.getStream().add(stream); SendOperation sendOperation = new SendOperation(send); sendOperation.addResourceURI(SHELL_URI); sendOperation.addSelectorSet(selector); SendResponse response = sendOperation.dispatch(port); if (response.isSetDesiredStream()) { StreamType rs = response.getDesiredStream(); if (rs.getName().equals(Shell.STDIN) && rs.getEnd()) { close(); break; } } } } } catch (FailedLoginException e) { throw new IOException(e); } catch (JAXBException e) { throw new IOException(e); } catch (FaultException e) { throw new IOException(e); } finally { reset(); } } } }