package org.itsnat.droid.impl.dom; import android.content.res.Configuration; import android.os.Build; import android.util.DisplayMetrics; import org.itsnat.droid.ItsNatDroidException; import org.itsnat.droid.impl.dom.values.XMLDOMValues; import org.itsnat.droid.impl.domparser.XMLDOMParserContext; import org.itsnat.droid.impl.util.MimeUtil; import static org.itsnat.droid.impl.dom.values.XMLDOMValues.TYPE_ANIM; import static org.itsnat.droid.impl.dom.values.XMLDOMValues.TYPE_ANIMATOR; import static org.itsnat.droid.impl.dom.values.XMLDOMValues.TYPE_DRAWABLE; import static org.itsnat.droid.impl.dom.values.XMLDOMValues.TYPE_LAYOUT; /** * Created by jmarranz on 3/11/14. */ public abstract class ResourceDescDynamic extends ResourceDesc { protected final String resType; protected final String extension; // xml, png... protected final String valuesResourceName; // No nulo sólo en el caso de "values" tras el : protected final boolean ninePatch; protected final String mime; protected final String location; protected volatile ParsedResource parsedResource; public ResourceDescDynamic(String resourceDescValue) { super(resourceDescValue); // Ej. @assets:drawable/res/drawable/file.png Path: res/drawable/file.png // Ej. @remote:drawable/res/drawable/file.png Remote Path: res/drawable/file.png // @remote:drawable//res/drawable/file.png Remote Path: /res/drawable/file.png // @remote:drawable/http://somehost/res/drawable/file.png Remote Path: http://somehost/res/drawable/file.png // @remote:drawable/ItsNatDroidServletExample?itsnat_doc_name=test_droid_remote_drawable // Ej. values: @assets:dimen/res/values/filename.xml:size // @remote:dimen/res/values/filename.xml:size int posType = resourceDescValue.indexOf(':'); int posPath = resourceDescValue.indexOf('/'); String resTypeTmp = resourceDescValue.substring(posType + 1,posPath); // Ej. "drawable" this.resType = resTypeTmp; String locationTmp; if (XMLDOMValues.isResourceTypeValues(resType)) { int valuesResourcePos = resourceDescValue.lastIndexOf(':'); // Esperamos el de por ej "...filename.xml:size" pero puede devolvernos el de "@assets:dimen..." lo que significa que no existe valuesResourceName lo cual es erróneo if (valuesResourcePos > posType && isResourceNameValid(resourceDescValue,valuesResourcePos)) // Correcto, existe un segundo ":" para el valuesResourceName y es un nombre válido { locationTmp = resourceDescValue.substring(posPath + 1,valuesResourcePos); // incluye la extension this.valuesResourceName = resourceDescValue.substring(valuesResourcePos + 1); } else // No hay selector ":selector" { if (TYPE_ANIM.equals(resType) || TYPE_ANIMATOR.equals(resType) || TYPE_DRAWABLE.equals(resType) || TYPE_LAYOUT.equals(resType)) { // En el caso "drawable" podemos tener un acceso a un <drawable> en archivo XML en /res/values o bien directamente acceder al XML en /res/drawable // este es el caso de acceso DIRECTO al XML del drawable // Idem con <item name="..." type="layout">, type="anim" y type="animator" locationTmp = resourceDescValue.substring(posPath + 1); this.valuesResourceName = null; } else throw new ItsNatDroidException("Bad format of attribute value, expected \"values\" resource ended with \":resname\" : " + resourceDescValue); } } else { locationTmp = resourceDescValue.substring(posPath + 1); this.valuesResourceName = null; } // locationTmp = processLocationSuffixes(locationTmp,xmlDOMParserContext.getConfiguration(),xmlDOMParserContext.getDisplayMetrics()); this.location = locationTmp; int posExt = this.location.lastIndexOf('.'); if (posExt != -1) { this.extension = this.location.substring(posExt + 1).toLowerCase(); // xml, png... } else { // Por ejemplo: @remote:drawable/ItsNatDroidServletExample?itsnat_doc_name=test_droid_remote_drawable // Suponemos que se genera el XML por ej del drawable this.extension = null; } if (extension != null) { // String mime = MimeUtil.MIME_BY_EXT.get(extension); if (mime == null) throw new ItsNatDroidException("Unexpected extension: \"" + extension + "\" Remote resource: " + resourceDescValue); this.mime = mime; this.ninePatch = MimeUtil.MIME_PNG.equals(mime) && resourceDescValue.endsWith(".9.png"); } else { this.mime = MimeUtil.MIME_XML; this.ninePatch = false; } } private boolean isResourceNameValid(String value,int valuesResourcePos) { String resName = value.substring(valuesResourcePos + 1); // El nombre de un recurso ya sea un path o un <item name="resname"> o un <string name="resname> se convierte en una variable Java en la clase // (ejemplo public static final int prueba=0x7f090005; por lo que este es el criterio de validez int len = resName.length(); for(int i = 0; i < len; i++) { char c = resName.charAt(0); if (i == 0 && !Character.isJavaIdentifierStart(c)) return false; else if (!Character.isJavaIdentifierPart(c)) return false; } return true; } public String getResourceType() { return resType; } public String getExtension() { return extension; } public String getValuesResourceName() { return valuesResourceName; } public boolean isNinePatch() { return ninePatch; } public String getLocation(XMLDOMParserContext xmlDOMParserContext) { String locationTmp = processLocationSuffixes(this.location,xmlDOMParserContext.getConfiguration(),xmlDOMParserContext.getDisplayMetrics()); return locationTmp; } public String getResourceMime() { return mime; } public ParsedResource getParsedResource() { // Es sólo llamado en el hilo UI pero setParsedResource se llama en multihilo return parsedResource; } public void setParsedResource(ParsedResource parsedResource) { // Es llamado en multihilo en el caso de recurso remoto (por eso es volatile) // No pasa nada porque se llame e inmediatamente después se cambie el valor, puede ocurrir que se esté procesando // el mismo atributo a la vez por dos hilos, ten en cuenta que el template puede estar cacheado y reutilizado, pero no pasa nada // porque el nuevo remoteResource NUNCA es null y es siempre el mismo recurso como mucho actualizado si ha cambiado // en el servidor this.parsedResource = parsedResource; } private String processLocationSuffixes(String location,Configuration configuration,DisplayMetrics displayMetrics) { // (el orden de la tabla 2 es el orden de los sufijos en el caso de múltiples sufijos) // // Los filtros de ItsNat Droid tienen dos modos de declaración y por tanto de funcionamiento: // 1) Caso con valor explícito: ej {lg-es}. Se detecta que hay valor especificado (el "es") y se reemplaza por el valor si se da la regla: "-es" o por nada "" // 2) Caso sin valor explícito: ej {lg-}. Se detecta que NO hay valor especificado y se reemplaza por el valor actual del dispositivo: "-es" String suffix = "}"; int posToSearchMore = 0; { // No soportamos MCC y MNC filtros, aportan muy poco valor } if (location.indexOf("{",posToSearchMore) == -1) // Todos los filtros empiezan de la misma manera, evitamos así buscar a lo tonto return location; { // Soportamos la existencia de sufijo de lenguaje // Ej {lg-es} String prefix = "{lg-"; int posStart = location.indexOf(prefix,posToSearchMore); if (posStart != -1) { int posEnd = location.indexOf(suffix, posStart); if (posEnd == -1) throw new ItsNatDroidException("Unfinished prefix: " + prefix); String currentLang = configuration.locale.getLanguage(); if (posEnd == posStart + prefix.length()) { location = location.substring(0, posStart) + "-" + currentLang + location.substring(posEnd + 1); } else { String lang = location.substring(posStart + prefix.length(), posEnd); if (currentLang.equals(lang)) { location = location.substring(0, posStart) + "-" + lang + location.substring(posEnd + 1); } else { location = location.substring(0, posStart) + location.substring(posEnd + 1); // Quitamos el sufijo pues no se usa } } posToSearchMore = posStart; // recuerda que se ha cambiado la cadena } } if (location.indexOf("{",posToSearchMore) == -1) // Todos los filtros empiezan de la misma manera, evitamos así buscar a lo tonto return location; { // Soportamos la existencia de sufijo de región // Ej {rg-rES} String prefix = "{rg-"; int posStart = location.indexOf(prefix,posToSearchMore); if (posStart != -1) { int posEnd = location.indexOf(suffix, posStart); if (posEnd == -1) throw new ItsNatDroidException("Unfinished prefix: " + prefix); String currentRegion = configuration.locale.getCountry(); if (posEnd == posStart + prefix.length()) { location = location.substring(0, posStart) + "-r" + currentRegion + location.substring(posEnd + 1); } else { String region = location.substring(posStart + prefix.length() + 1 /* el +1 es la r de rES */, posEnd); if (currentRegion.equals(region)) { location = location.substring(0, posStart) + "-r" + region + location.substring(posEnd + 1); } else { // Quitamos el sufijo pues no se usa location = location.substring(0, posStart) + location.substring(posEnd + 1); } } posToSearchMore = posStart; // recuerda que se ha cambiado la cadena } } { // Layout Direction es level 17 no lo soportamos todavía } if (location.indexOf("{",posToSearchMore) == -1) // Todos los filtros empiezan de la misma manera, evitamos así buscar a lo tonto return location; { // Soportamos la existencia de sufijo smallestWidth // Ej {sw-sw720dp} String prefix = "{sw-"; int posStart = location.indexOf(prefix,posToSearchMore); if (posStart != -1) { int posEnd = location.indexOf(suffix, posStart); if (posEnd == -1) throw new ItsNatDroidException("Unfinished prefix: " + prefix); int deviceSmallestScreenWidthDp = configuration.smallestScreenWidthDp; if (posEnd == posStart + prefix.length()) { location = location.substring(0, posStart) + "-sw" + deviceSmallestScreenWidthDp + "dp" + location.substring(posEnd + 1); } else { String smallestScreenWidthDpStr = location.substring(posStart + prefix.length() + 2, posEnd - 2); // El +2 es para quitar el "sw" y el -2 es para quitar el "dp" y que smallestScreenWidthDpStr sea un entero int smallestScreenWidthDp; try { smallestScreenWidthDp = Integer.parseInt(smallestScreenWidthDpStr); } catch (Exception ex) { throw new ItsNatDroidException("Bad smallest width suffix: " + smallestScreenWidthDpStr); } if (deviceSmallestScreenWidthDp >= smallestScreenWidthDp) { location = location.substring(0, posStart) + "-sw" + smallestScreenWidthDp + "dp" + location.substring(posEnd + 1); } else { // Quitamos el sufijo pues no se usa location = location.substring(0, posStart) + location.substring(posEnd + 1); } } posToSearchMore = posStart; // recuerda que se ha cambiado la cadena } } if (location.indexOf("{",posToSearchMore) == -1) // Todos los filtros empiezan de la misma manera, evitamos así buscar a lo tonto return location; { // Soportamos la existencia de sufijo screenWidthDp (available width) // Ej {w-w720dp} String prefix = "{w-"; int posStart = location.indexOf(prefix,posToSearchMore); if (posStart != -1) { int posEnd = location.indexOf(suffix, posStart); if (posEnd == -1) throw new ItsNatDroidException("Unfinished prefix: " + prefix); int deviceScreenWidthDp = configuration.screenWidthDp; if (posEnd == posStart + prefix.length()) { location = location.substring(0, posStart) + "-w" + deviceScreenWidthDp + "dp" + location.substring(posEnd + 1); } else { String screenWidthDpStr = location.substring(posStart + prefix.length() + 1, posEnd - 2); // El +1 es para quitar el "w" y el -2 es para quitar el "dp" y que screenWidthDp sea un entero int screenWidthDp; try { screenWidthDp = Integer.parseInt(screenWidthDpStr); } catch (Exception ex) { throw new ItsNatDroidException("Bad screen width dp suffix: " + screenWidthDpStr); } if (deviceScreenWidthDp >= screenWidthDp) { location = location.substring(0, posStart) + "-w" + screenWidthDp + "dp" + location.substring(posEnd + 1); } else { location = location.substring(0, posStart) + location.substring(posEnd + 1); // Quitamos el sufijo pues no se usa } } posToSearchMore = posStart; // recuerda que se ha cambiado la cadena } } if (location.indexOf("{",posToSearchMore) == -1) // Todos los filtros empiezan de la misma manera, evitamos así buscar a lo tonto return location; { // Soportamos la existencia de sufijo screenWidthDp (available width) // Ej {h-h720dp} String prefix = "{h-"; int posStart = location.indexOf(prefix,posToSearchMore); if (posStart != -1) { int posEnd = location.indexOf(suffix, posStart); if (posEnd == -1) throw new ItsNatDroidException("Unfinished prefix: " + prefix); int deviceScreenHeightDp = configuration.screenHeightDp; if (posEnd == posStart + prefix.length()) { location = location.substring(0, posStart) + "-h" + deviceScreenHeightDp + "dp" + location.substring(posEnd + 1); } else { String screenHeightDpStr = location.substring(posStart + prefix.length() + 1, posEnd - 2); // El +1 es para quitar el "h" y el -2 es para quitar el "dp" y que screenWidthDp sea un entero int screenHeightDp; try { screenHeightDp = Integer.parseInt(screenHeightDpStr); } catch (Exception ex) { throw new ItsNatDroidException("Bad screen height dp suffix: " + screenHeightDpStr); } if (deviceScreenHeightDp >= screenHeightDp) { location = location.substring(0, posStart) + "-h" + screenHeightDp + "dp" + location.substring(posEnd + 1); } else { location = location.substring(0, posStart) + location.substring(posEnd + 1); // Quitamos el sufijo pues no se usa } } posToSearchMore = posStart; // recuerda que se ha cambiado la cadena } } if (location.indexOf("{",posToSearchMore) == -1) // Todos los filtros empiezan de la misma manera, evitamos así buscar a lo tonto return location; { // Soportamos la existencia de sufijo screen size (screenLayout) // Ej {ss-xlarge} String prefix = "{ss-"; int posStart = location.indexOf(prefix,posToSearchMore); if (posStart != -1) { int posEnd = location.indexOf(suffix, posStart); if (posEnd == -1) throw new ItsNatDroidException("Unfinished prefix: " + prefix); int deviceScreenLayout = configuration.screenLayout & Configuration.SCREENLAYOUT_SIZE_MASK; if (posEnd == posStart + prefix.length()) { String deviceScreenLayoutStr; switch(deviceScreenLayout) { case Configuration.SCREENLAYOUT_SIZE_SMALL: deviceScreenLayoutStr = "small"; break; case Configuration.SCREENLAYOUT_SIZE_NORMAL: deviceScreenLayoutStr = "normal"; break; case Configuration.SCREENLAYOUT_SIZE_LARGE: deviceScreenLayoutStr = "large"; break; case Configuration.SCREENLAYOUT_SIZE_XLARGE: deviceScreenLayoutStr = "xlarge"; break; default: throw new ItsNatDroidException("Unexpected or unsupported screen size value: " + deviceScreenLayout); } location = location.substring(0, posStart) + "-" + deviceScreenLayoutStr + location.substring(posEnd + 1); } else { String screenLayoutStr = location.substring(posStart + prefix.length(), posEnd); int screenLayout; if ("small".equals(screenLayoutStr)) screenLayout = Configuration.SCREENLAYOUT_SIZE_SMALL; else if ("normal".equals(screenLayoutStr)) screenLayout = Configuration.SCREENLAYOUT_SIZE_NORMAL; else if ("large".equals(screenLayoutStr)) screenLayout = Configuration.SCREENLAYOUT_SIZE_LARGE; else if ("xlarge".equals(screenLayoutStr)) screenLayout = Configuration.SCREENLAYOUT_SIZE_XLARGE; else throw new ItsNatDroidException("Unexpected or unsupported prefix: " + screenLayoutStr); if (deviceScreenLayout >= screenLayout) { location = location.substring(0, posStart) + "-" + screenLayoutStr + location.substring(posEnd + 1); } else { location = location.substring(0, posStart) + location.substring(posEnd + 1); // Quitamos el sufijo pues no se usa } } posToSearchMore = posStart; // recuerda que se ha cambiado la cadena } } if (location.indexOf("{",posToSearchMore) == -1) // Todos los filtros empiezan de la misma manera, evitamos así buscar a lo tonto return location; { // Soportamos la existencia de sufijo screen aspect (screenLayout) // Ej {sa-long} String prefix = "{sa-"; int posStart = location.indexOf(prefix,posToSearchMore); if (posStart != -1) { int posEnd = location.indexOf(suffix, posStart); if (posEnd == -1) throw new ItsNatDroidException("Unfinished prefix: " + prefix); int deviceScreenLayout = configuration.screenLayout & Configuration.SCREENLAYOUT_LONG_MASK; if (posEnd == posStart + prefix.length()) { String deviceScreenLayoutStr; switch(deviceScreenLayout) { case Configuration.SCREENLAYOUT_LONG_NO: deviceScreenLayoutStr = "notlong"; break; case Configuration.SCREENLAYOUT_LONG_YES: deviceScreenLayoutStr = "long"; break; default: throw new ItsNatDroidException("Unexpected or unsupported screen aspect value: " + deviceScreenLayout); } location = location.substring(0, posStart) + "-" + deviceScreenLayoutStr + location.substring(posEnd + 1); } else { String screenLayoutStr = location.substring(posStart + prefix.length(), posEnd); int screenLayout; if ("notlong".equals(screenLayoutStr)) screenLayout = Configuration.SCREENLAYOUT_LONG_NO; else if ("long".equals(screenLayoutStr)) screenLayout = Configuration.SCREENLAYOUT_LONG_YES; else throw new ItsNatDroidException("Unexpected or unsupported prefix: " + screenLayoutStr); if (deviceScreenLayout >= screenLayout) { location = location.substring(0, posStart) + "-" + screenLayoutStr + location.substring(posEnd + 1); } else { // Quitamos el sufijo pues no se usa location = location.substring(0, posStart) + location.substring(posEnd + 1); } } posToSearchMore = posStart; // recuerda que se ha cambiado la cadena } } { // Round screen es level 23 no lo soportamos todavía } if (location.indexOf("{",posToSearchMore) == -1) // Todos los filtros empiezan de la misma manera, evitamos así buscar a lo tonto return location; { // Soportamos la existencia de sufijo screen orientation (orientation) // Ej {so-port} String prefix = "{so-"; int posStart = location.indexOf(prefix,posToSearchMore); if (posStart != -1) { int posEnd = location.indexOf(suffix, posStart); if (posEnd == -1) throw new ItsNatDroidException("Unfinished prefix: " + prefix); int deviceOrientation = configuration.orientation; if (posEnd == posStart + prefix.length()) { String deviceOrientationStr; switch(deviceOrientation) { case Configuration.ORIENTATION_PORTRAIT: deviceOrientationStr = "port"; break; case Configuration.ORIENTATION_LANDSCAPE: deviceOrientationStr = "land"; break; default: throw new ItsNatDroidException("Unexpected or unsupported screen orientation value: " + deviceOrientation); } location = location.substring(0, posStart) + "-" + deviceOrientationStr + location.substring(posEnd + 1); } else { String orientationStr = location.substring(posStart + prefix.length(), posEnd); int orientation; if ("port".equals(orientationStr)) orientation = Configuration.ORIENTATION_PORTRAIT; else if ("land".equals(orientationStr)) orientation = Configuration.ORIENTATION_LANDSCAPE; else throw new ItsNatDroidException("Unexpected or unsupported prefix: " + orientationStr); // Existe un ORIENTATION_SQUARE declarado en level 15 pero la doc oficial dice que está deprecado en level 16 if (deviceOrientation == orientation) { location = location.substring(0, posStart) + "-" + orientationStr + location.substring(posEnd + 1); } else { location = location.substring(0, posStart) + location.substring(posEnd + 1); // Quitamos el sufijo pues no se usa } } posToSearchMore = posStart; // recuerda que se ha cambiado la cadena } } if (location.indexOf("{",posToSearchMore) == -1) // Todos los filtros empiezan de la misma manera, evitamos así buscar a lo tonto return location; { // Soportamos la existencia de sufijo UI Mode Type (uiMode) // Ej {uimt-port} String prefix = "{uimt-"; int posStart = location.indexOf(prefix,posToSearchMore); if (posStart != -1) { int posEnd = location.indexOf(suffix, posStart); if (posEnd == -1) throw new ItsNatDroidException("Unfinished prefix: " + prefix); int deviceUiModeType = configuration.uiMode & Configuration.UI_MODE_TYPE_MASK; if (posEnd == posStart + prefix.length()) { String deviceUiModeTypeStr; switch(deviceUiModeType) { case Configuration.UI_MODE_TYPE_NORMAL: deviceUiModeTypeStr = "normal"; break; case Configuration.UI_MODE_TYPE_DESK: deviceUiModeTypeStr = "desk"; break; case Configuration.UI_MODE_TYPE_CAR: deviceUiModeTypeStr = "car"; break; case Configuration.UI_MODE_TYPE_TELEVISION: deviceUiModeTypeStr = "television"; break; default: throw new ItsNatDroidException("Unexpected or unsupported UI Mode Type value: " + deviceUiModeType); } location = location.substring(0, posStart) + "-" + deviceUiModeTypeStr + location.substring(posEnd + 1); } else { String uimtStr = location.substring(posStart + prefix.length(), posEnd); int uimt; if ("normal".equals(uimtStr)) uimt = Configuration.UI_MODE_TYPE_NORMAL; // Los móviles, tabletas etc son NORMAL else if ("desk".equals(uimtStr)) uimt = Configuration.UI_MODE_TYPE_DESK; else if ("car".equals(uimtStr)) uimt = Configuration.UI_MODE_TYPE_CAR; else if ("television".equals(uimtStr)) uimt = Configuration.UI_MODE_TYPE_TELEVISION; else throw new ItsNatDroidException("Unexpected or unsupported prefix: " + uimtStr); // En versiones superiores hay más (appliance, watch) if (deviceUiModeType == uimt) { location = location.substring(0, posStart) + "-" + uimtStr + location.substring(posEnd + 1); } else { location = location.substring(0, posStart) + location.substring(posEnd + 1); // Quitamos el sufijo pues no se usa } } posToSearchMore = posStart; // recuerda que se ha cambiado la cadena } } if (location.indexOf("{",posToSearchMore) == -1) // Todos los filtros empiezan de la misma manera, evitamos así buscar a lo tonto return location; { // Soportamos la existencia de sufijo UI Mode Night (uiMode) // Ej {uimn-notnight} String prefix = "{uimn-"; int posStart = location.indexOf(prefix,posToSearchMore); if (posStart != -1) { int posEnd = location.indexOf(suffix, posStart); if (posEnd == -1) throw new ItsNatDroidException("Unfinished prefix: " + prefix); int deviceUiModeNight = configuration.uiMode & Configuration.UI_MODE_NIGHT_MASK; if (posEnd == posStart + prefix.length()) { String deviceUimnStr; switch(deviceUiModeNight) { case Configuration.UI_MODE_NIGHT_NO: deviceUimnStr = "notnight"; break; case Configuration.UI_MODE_NIGHT_YES: deviceUimnStr = "night"; break; default: throw new ItsNatDroidException("Unexpected or unsupported UI Mode Night value: " + deviceUiModeNight); } location = location.substring(0, posStart) + "-" + deviceUimnStr + location.substring(posEnd + 1); } else { String uimnStr = location.substring(posStart + prefix.length(), posEnd); int uimn; if ("notnight".equals(uimnStr)) uimn = Configuration.UI_MODE_NIGHT_NO; else if ("night".equals(uimnStr)) uimn = Configuration.UI_MODE_NIGHT_YES; else throw new ItsNatDroidException("Unexpected or unsupported prefix: " + uimnStr); if (deviceUiModeNight == uimn) { location = location.substring(0, posStart) + "-" + uimnStr + location.substring(posEnd + 1); } else { location = location.substring(0, posStart) + location.substring(posEnd + 1); // Quitamos el sufijo pues no se usa } } posToSearchMore = posStart; // recuerda que se ha cambiado la cadena } } if (location.indexOf("{",posToSearchMore) == -1) // Todos los filtros empiezan de la misma manera, evitamos así buscar a lo tonto return location; { // Soportamos la existencia de sufijo Screen pixel density (dpi) // Ej {spd-xhdpi} String prefix = "{spd-"; int posStart = location.indexOf(prefix,posToSearchMore); if (posStart != -1) { int posEnd = location.indexOf(suffix, posStart); if (posEnd == -1) throw new ItsNatDroidException("Unfinished prefix: " + prefix); int deviceDensityDpi = displayMetrics.densityDpi; if (posEnd == posStart + prefix.length()) { String deviceDensityDpiStr; if (deviceDensityDpi == 1) deviceDensityDpiStr = "nodpi"; else if (deviceDensityDpi == 213) deviceDensityDpiStr = "tvdpi"; // No tengo claro si hacer rango con este caso, en teoría sólo se aplica si es una televisión else if (deviceDensityDpi < 120) deviceDensityDpiStr = "ldpi"; else if (deviceDensityDpi >= 120 && deviceDensityDpi < 120 + (160 - 120)/2) deviceDensityDpiStr = "ldpi"; else if (deviceDensityDpi >= 160 && deviceDensityDpi < 160 + (240 - 160)/2) deviceDensityDpiStr = "mdpi"; else if (deviceDensityDpi >= 240 && deviceDensityDpi < 240 + (320 - 240)/2) deviceDensityDpiStr = "hdpi"; else if (deviceDensityDpi >= 320 && deviceDensityDpi < 320 + (480 - 320)/2) deviceDensityDpiStr = "xhdpi"; else if (deviceDensityDpi >= 480 && deviceDensityDpi < 480 + (640 - 480)/2) deviceDensityDpiStr = "xxhdpi"; else // deviceDensityDpi >= 480 + (640 - 480)/2 deviceDensityDpiStr = "xxxhdpi"; location = location.substring(0, posStart) + "-" + deviceDensityDpiStr + location.substring(posEnd + 1); } else { String densityDpiStr = location.substring(posStart + prefix.length(), posEnd); int densityDpi; if ("ldpi".equals(densityDpiStr)) densityDpi = 120; // low-density else if ("mdpi".equals(densityDpiStr)) densityDpi = 160; // medium-density else if ("hdpi".equals(densityDpiStr)) densityDpi = 240; // high-density else if ("xhdpi".equals(densityDpiStr)) densityDpi = 320; // extra-high-density else if ("xxhdpi".equals(densityDpiStr)) densityDpi = 480; // extra-extra-high-density else if ("xxxhdpi".equals(densityDpiStr)) densityDpi = 640; // extra-extra-extra-high-density else if ("nodpi".equals(densityDpiStr)) densityDpi = 1; // all densities. Por poner algo (no se que poner) else if ("tvdpi".equals(densityDpiStr)) densityDpi = 213; // screens somewhere between mdpi and hdpi else throw new ItsNatDroidException("Unexpected or unsupported prefix: " + densityDpiStr); if (deviceDensityDpi >= densityDpi) { location = location.substring(0, posStart) + "-" + densityDpiStr + location.substring(posEnd + 1); } else { location = location.substring(0, posStart) + location.substring(posEnd + 1); // Quitamos el sufijo pues no se usa } } posToSearchMore = posStart; // recuerda que se ha cambiado la cadena } } if (location.indexOf("{",posToSearchMore) == -1) // Todos los filtros empiezan de la misma manera, evitamos así buscar a lo tonto return location; { // Soportamos la existencia de sufijo Touchscreen type (touchscreen) // Ej {tst-finger} String prefix = "{tst-"; int posStart = location.indexOf(prefix,posToSearchMore); if (posStart != -1) { int posEnd = location.indexOf(suffix, posStart); if (posEnd == -1) throw new ItsNatDroidException("Unfinished prefix: " + prefix); int deviceTouchscreen = configuration.touchscreen; if (posEnd == posStart + prefix.length()) { String deviceTouchscreenStr; switch(deviceTouchscreen) { case Configuration.TOUCHSCREEN_NOTOUCH: deviceTouchscreenStr = "notouch"; break; case Configuration.TOUCHSCREEN_FINGER: deviceTouchscreenStr = "finger"; break; default: throw new ItsNatDroidException("Unexpected or unsupported Touchscreen type value: " + deviceTouchscreen); } location = location.substring(0, posStart) + "-" + deviceTouchscreenStr + location.substring(posEnd + 1); } else { String touchscreenStr = location.substring(posStart + prefix.length(), posEnd); int touchscreen; if ("notouch".equals(touchscreenStr)) touchscreen = Configuration.TOUCHSCREEN_NOTOUCH; else if ("finger".equals(touchscreenStr)) touchscreen = Configuration.TOUCHSCREEN_FINGER; else throw new ItsNatDroidException("Unexpected or unsupported prefix: " + touchscreenStr); // No está documentado el literal de "stylus" if (deviceTouchscreen == touchscreen) { location = location.substring(0, posStart) + "-" + touchscreenStr + location.substring(posEnd + 1); } else { location = location.substring(0, posStart) + location.substring(posEnd + 1); // Quitamos el sufijo pues no se usa } } posToSearchMore = posStart; // recuerda que se ha cambiado la cadena } } { // No soportamos el sufijo sufijo Keyboard availability, no lo entiendo bien (como implementarlo) y no aporta gran cosa hoy día } if (location.indexOf("{",posToSearchMore) == -1) // Todos los filtros empiezan de la misma manera, evitamos así buscar a lo tonto return location; { // Soportamos la existencia de sufijo Primary text input method (keyboard) // Ej {ptim-qwerty} String prefix = "{ptim-"; int posStart = location.indexOf(prefix,posToSearchMore); if (posStart != -1) { int posEnd = location.indexOf(suffix, posStart); if (posEnd == -1) throw new ItsNatDroidException("Unfinished prefix: " + prefix); int deviceKeyboard = configuration.keyboard; if (posEnd == posStart + prefix.length()) { String deviceKeyboardStr; switch(deviceKeyboard) { case Configuration.KEYBOARD_NOKEYS: deviceKeyboardStr = "nokeys"; break; case Configuration.KEYBOARD_QWERTY: deviceKeyboardStr = "qwerty"; break; case Configuration.KEYBOARD_12KEY: deviceKeyboardStr = "12key"; break; default: throw new ItsNatDroidException("Unexpected or unsupported Primary text input method value: " + deviceKeyboard); } location = location.substring(0, posStart) + "-" + deviceKeyboardStr + location.substring(posEnd + 1); } else { String keyboardStr = location.substring(posStart + prefix.length(), posEnd); int keyboard; if ("nokeys".equals(keyboardStr)) keyboard = Configuration.KEYBOARD_NOKEYS; else if ("qwerty".equals(keyboardStr)) keyboard = Configuration.KEYBOARD_QWERTY; else if ("12key".equals(keyboardStr)) keyboard = Configuration.KEYBOARD_12KEY; else throw new ItsNatDroidException("Unexpected or unsupported prefix: " + keyboardStr); if (deviceKeyboard == keyboard) { location = location.substring(0, posStart) + "-" + keyboardStr + location.substring(posEnd + 1); } else { location = location.substring(0, posStart) + location.substring(posEnd + 1); // Quitamos el sufijo pues no se usa } } posToSearchMore = posStart; // recuerda que se ha cambiado la cadena } } { // No soportamos Navigation key availability (navigationHidden) porque parece que es algo obsoleto en pantallas táctiles, pero lo más importante // es que no está implementado al menos en los emuladores desde Level 15, como si estuviera deprecated aunque no lo pone en ningún sitio o no aplica en disp táctiles, // pues cuando añades -navexposed o -navhidden al folder de turno en ambos casos los recursos allí son ignorados. // } if (location.indexOf("{",posToSearchMore) == -1) // Todos los filtros empiezan de la misma manera, evitamos así buscar a lo tonto return location; { // Soportamos la existencia de sufijo Primary non-touch navigation method (navigation) // Ej {pntn-nonav} String prefix = "{pntn-"; int posStart = location.indexOf(prefix,posToSearchMore); if (posStart != -1) { int posEnd = location.indexOf(suffix, posStart); if (posEnd == -1) throw new ItsNatDroidException("Unfinished prefix: " + prefix); int deviceNavigation = configuration.navigation; if (posEnd == posStart + prefix.length()) { String deviceNavigationStr; switch(deviceNavigation) { case Configuration.NAVIGATION_NONAV: deviceNavigationStr = "nonav"; break; case Configuration.NAVIGATION_DPAD: deviceNavigationStr = "dpad"; break; case Configuration.NAVIGATION_TRACKBALL: deviceNavigationStr = "trackball"; break; case Configuration.NAVIGATION_WHEEL: deviceNavigationStr = "wheel"; break; default: throw new ItsNatDroidException("Unexpected or unsupported Primary non-touch navigation method value: " + deviceNavigation); } location = location.substring(0, posStart) + "-" + deviceNavigationStr + location.substring(posEnd + 1); } else { String navigationStr = location.substring(posStart + prefix.length(), posEnd); int navigation; if ("nonav".equals(navigationStr)) navigation = Configuration.NAVIGATION_NONAV; else if ("dpad".equals(navigationStr)) navigation = Configuration.NAVIGATION_DPAD; else if ("trackball".equals(navigationStr)) navigation = Configuration.NAVIGATION_TRACKBALL; else if ("wheel".equals(navigationStr)) navigation = Configuration.NAVIGATION_WHEEL; else throw new ItsNatDroidException("Unexpected or unsupported prefix: " + navigationStr); if (deviceNavigation == navigation) { location = location.substring(0, posStart) + "-" + navigationStr + location.substring(posEnd + 1); } else { location = location.substring(0, posStart) + location.substring(posEnd + 1); // Quitamos el sufijo pues no se usa } } posToSearchMore = posStart; // recuerda que se ha cambiado la cadena } } if (location.indexOf("{",posToSearchMore) == -1) // Todos los filtros empiezan de la misma manera, evitamos así buscar a lo tonto return location; { // Soportamos la existencia de sufijo de versión de la plataforma // Ej {v-v21} String prefix = "{v-"; int posStart = location.indexOf(prefix,posToSearchMore); if (posStart != -1) { int posEnd = location.indexOf(suffix, posStart); if (posEnd == -1) throw new ItsNatDroidException("Unfinished prefix: " + prefix); int deviceSDKVersion = Build.VERSION.SDK_INT; if (posEnd == posStart + prefix.length()) { location = location.substring(0, posStart) + "-v" + deviceSDKVersion + location.substring(posEnd + 1); } else { String versionStr = location.substring(posStart + prefix.length() + 1 /* el +1 es para quitar el v */, posEnd); int version; try { version = Integer.parseInt(versionStr); } catch (Exception ex) { throw new ItsNatDroidException("Bad platform version suffix: " + versionStr); } if (deviceSDKVersion >= version) { location = location.substring(0, posStart) + "-v" + version + location.substring(posEnd + 1); } else { location = location.substring(0, posStart) + location.substring(posEnd + 1); // Quitamos el sufijo pues no se usa } } posToSearchMore = posStart; // recuerda que se ha cambiado la cadena } } return location; } }