/* * $Id: Vertical.java 3373 2008-05-12 16:21:24Z xlv $ * * This code is part of the 'iText Tutorial'. * You can find the complete tutorial at the following address: * http://itextdocs.lowagie.com/tutorial/ * * This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. * * itext-questions@lists.sourceforge.net */ package com.lowagie.examples.fonts.styles; import java.awt.Color; import java.io.FileOutputStream; import com.lowagie.text.Chunk; import com.lowagie.text.Document; import com.lowagie.text.Element; import com.lowagie.text.Font; import com.lowagie.text.PageSize; import com.lowagie.text.pdf.BaseFont; import com.lowagie.text.pdf.PdfContentByte; import com.lowagie.text.pdf.PdfWriter; import com.lowagie.text.pdf.VerticalText; /** * Writing Vertical Text. */ public class Vertical { static String texts[] = { "Some very long text to check if it wraps (or not).", " In blue.", "And now in orange another very long text.", "", "", ""}; static String encs[] = {"UniJIS-UCS2-V", "Identity-V"}; /** * @param text * @return converted text */ public static String convertCid(String text) { char cid[] = text.toCharArray(); for (int k = 0; k < cid.length; ++k) { char c = cid[k]; if (c == '\n') cid[k] = '\uff00'; else cid[k] = (char)(c - ' ' + 8720); } return new String(cid); } /** * Writing vertical text. * @param args no arguments needed */ public static void main(String[] args) { Document document = new Document(PageSize.A4, 50, 50, 50, 50); try { texts[3] = convertCid(texts[0]); texts[4] = convertCid(texts[1]); texts[5] = convertCid(texts[2]); PdfWriter writer = PdfWriter.getInstance(document, new FileOutputStream("vertical.pdf")); int idx = 0; document.open(); PdfContentByte cb = writer.getDirectContent(); for (int j = 0; j < 2; ++j) { BaseFont bf = BaseFont.createFont("KozMinPro-Regular", encs[j], false); cb.setRGBColorStroke(255, 0, 0); cb.setLineWidth(0); float x = 400; float y = 700; float height = 400; float leading = 30; int maxLines = 6; for (int k = 0; k < maxLines; ++k) { cb.moveTo(x - k * leading, y); cb.lineTo(x - k * leading, y - height); } cb.rectangle(x, y, -leading * (maxLines - 1), -height); cb.stroke(); int status; VerticalText vt = new VerticalText(cb); vt.setVerticalLayout(x, y, height, maxLines, leading); vt.addText(new Chunk(texts[idx++], new Font(bf, 20))); vt.addText(new Chunk(texts[idx++], new Font(bf, 20, 0, Color.blue))); status = vt.go(); System.out.println(status); vt.setAlignment(Element.ALIGN_RIGHT); vt.addText(new Chunk(texts[idx++], new Font(bf, 20, 0, Color.orange))); status = vt.go(); System.out.println(status); document.newPage(); } document.close(); } catch (Exception de) { de.printStackTrace(); } } }