package edu.sjtu.infosec.ismp.manager.VPM.vm.dao.impl; import java.sql.Timestamp; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Date; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.LinkedList; import java.util.List; import org.hibernate.Criteria; import org.hibernate.Query; import org.hibernate.Session; import org.hibernate.criterion.Projection; import org.hibernate.criterion.Projections; import org.hibernate.criterion.Restrictions; import org.springframework.dao.DataAccessException; import; import; import; import edu.sjtu.infosec.ismp.manager.VPM.vm.dao.VirusClientsDao; import edu.sjtu.infosec.ismp.manager.VPM.vm.model.VirusClients; import; /** * 病毒客户端-数据库操作 * @author Wu Guojie * @date 2010-08-06 * @version 1.0 */ public class VirusClientsDaoImpl extends HibernateDaoSupport implements VirusClientsDao { public void addVirusClients(VirusClients virusClients) throws Exception { getHibernateTemplate().saveOrUpdate(virusClients); } public void deleteVirusClients(VirusClients virusClients) throws Exception { getHibernateTemplate().delete(virusClients); } public void updateVirusClients(VirusClients virusClients) throws Exception { getHibernateTemplate().saveOrUpdate(virusClients); getHibernateTemplate().flush(); } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public List<VirusClients> findAllVirusClients() throws Exception { List<VirusClients> list = getHibernateTemplate().loadAll(VirusClients.class); return list; } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public List<VirusClients> findAllVirusClientsByDepartment(Domain department) throws Exception { String hql = "from VirusClients vc where" + department.getId(); List<VirusClients> list = getHibernateTemplate().find(hql); return list; } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public List<VirusClients> findAllVirusClientsByDepartmentList( List<Domain> departmentList) throws Exception { String hql = "from VirusClients vc where 1=1 "; int i = 0; for(Domain dep : departmentList){ if(i == 0){ hql = hql + " and (" + dep.getId(); } if(i > 0){ hql = hql + " or" + dep.getId(); } i++; } if(i > 0){ // hql = hql + " or is null"; hql = hql + ") "; } // hql = hql + " order by vc.clientIP"; List<VirusClients> list = getHibernateTemplate().find(hql); return list; } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public List<VirusClients> findAllVirusClientsByName(String name, Timestamp startRecordTime, Timestamp endRecordTime) throws Exception { String hql = "from VirusClients vc where" + "'" + name + "'"; if(startRecordTime != null){ hql = hql + " and vc.recordTime>='"+startRecordTime+"' "; } if(endRecordTime != null){ hql = hql + " and vc.recordTime<='"+endRecordTime+"' "; } List<VirusClients> list = getHibernateTemplate().find(hql); return list; } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public List<VirusClients> findAllVirusClientsByNameAndDepartmentList( String name, List<Domain> departmentList, Timestamp startRecordTime, Timestamp endRecordTime) throws Exception { String hql = "from VirusClients vc where" + "'" + name + "'"; if(startRecordTime != null){ hql = hql + " and vc.recordTime>='"+startRecordTime+"' "; } if(endRecordTime != null){ hql = hql + " and vc.recordTime<='"+endRecordTime+"' "; } int i = 0; for(Domain dep : departmentList){ if(i == 0){ hql = hql + " and (" + dep.getId(); } if(i > 0){ hql = hql + " or" + dep.getId(); } i++; } if(i > 0){ // hql = hql + " or is null"; hql = hql + ") "; } List<VirusClients> list = getHibernateTemplate().find(hql); return list; } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public List<VirusClients> findAllVirusClientsByRecordTime( Timestamp startRecordTime, Timestamp endRecordTime) throws Exception { String hql = "from VirusClients vc "; if(startRecordTime != null){ hql = hql + " where vc.recordTime>='"+startRecordTime+"' "; if(endRecordTime != null){ hql = hql + " and vc.recordTime<='"+endRecordTime+"' "; } }else{ if(endRecordTime != null){ hql = hql + " where vc.recordTime<='"+endRecordTime+"' "; } } List<VirusClients> list = getHibernateTemplate().find(hql); return list; } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public List<VirusClients> findAllVirusClientsByRecordTimeAndDepartmentList( List<Domain> departmentList, Timestamp startRecordTime, Timestamp endRecordTime) throws Exception { String hql = "from VirusClients vc "; boolean isWhere = false; if(startRecordTime != null){ isWhere = true; hql = hql + " where vc.recordTime>='"+startRecordTime+"' "; if(endRecordTime != null){ hql = hql + " and vc.recordTime<='"+endRecordTime+"' "; } }else{ if(endRecordTime != null){ isWhere = true; hql = hql + " where vc.recordTime<='"+endRecordTime+"' "; } } int i = 0; for(Domain dep : departmentList){ if(i == 0){ if(isWhere){ hql = hql + " and ("; }else{ hql = hql + " where ("; } hql = hql + "" + dep.getId(); } if(i > 0){ hql = hql + " or" + dep.getId(); } i++; } if(i > 0){ // hql = hql + " or is null"; hql = hql + ") "; } // System.out.println("查询语句:="+hql); List<VirusClients> list = getHibernateTemplate().find(hql); // System.out.println("----------------------------"+list.size()); return list; } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public List<VirusClients> findVirusClientsByClientId(String clientID, Timestamp startRecordTime, Timestamp endRecordTime) throws Exception { String hql = "from VirusClients vc where vc.clientID=" + "'" + clientID + "'"; if(startRecordTime != null){ hql = hql + " and vc.recordTime>='"+startRecordTime+"' "; } if(endRecordTime != null){ hql = hql + " and vc.recordTime<='"+endRecordTime+"' "; } List<VirusClients> list = getHibernateTemplate().find(hql); return list; } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public List<VirusClients> findVirusClientsByClientIdAndDepartmentList( String clientID, List<Domain> departmentList, Timestamp startRecordTime, Timestamp endRecordTime) throws Exception { String hql = "from VirusClients vc where vc.clientID=" + "'" + clientID + "'"; if(startRecordTime != null){ hql = hql + " and vc.recordTime>='"+startRecordTime+"' "; } if(endRecordTime != null){ hql = hql + " and vc.recordTime<='"+endRecordTime+"' "; } int i = 0; for(Domain dep : departmentList){ if(i == 0){ hql = hql + " and (" + dep.getId(); } if(i > 0){ hql = hql + " or" + dep.getId(); } i++; } if(i > 0){ // hql = hql + " or is null"; hql = hql + ") "; } List<VirusClients> list = getHibernateTemplate().find(hql); return list; } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public List<VirusClients> findAllVirusClientsByNameAndClientId(String name, String clientID, Timestamp startRecordTime, Timestamp endRecordTime) throws Exception { String hql = "from VirusClients vc where" + "'" + name + "' and vc.clientID=" + "'" + clientID + "'"; if(startRecordTime != null){ hql = hql + " and vc.recordTime>='"+startRecordTime+"' "; } if(endRecordTime != null){ hql = hql + " and vc.recordTime<='"+endRecordTime+"' "; } List<VirusClients> list = getHibernateTemplate().find(hql); return list; } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public List<VirusClients> findAllVirusClientsByNameAndClientIdAndDepartmentList( String name, String clientID, List<Domain> departmentList, Timestamp startRecordTime, Timestamp endRecordTime) throws Exception { String hql = "from VirusClients vc where" + "'" + name + "' and vc.clientID=" + "'" + clientID + "'"; if(startRecordTime != null){ hql = hql + " and vc.recordTime>='"+startRecordTime+"' "; } if(endRecordTime != null){ hql = hql + " and vc.recordTime<='"+endRecordTime+"' "; } int i = 0; for(Domain dep : departmentList){ if(i == 0){ hql = hql + " and (" + dep.getId(); } if(i > 0){ hql = hql + " or" + dep.getId(); } i++; } if(i > 0){ // hql = hql + " or is null"; hql = hql + ") "; } List<VirusClients> list = getHibernateTemplate().find(hql); return list; } public VirusClients findVirusClientsById(int id) throws Exception { VirusClients virusClients = (VirusClients)getHibernateTemplate().get(VirusClients.class, id); return virusClients; } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public List<VirusClients> findAllVirusClientsByDepartmentListExceptUnknow( List<Domain> departmentList) throws Exception { String hql = "from VirusClients vc where 1=1 "; int i = 0; for(Domain dep : departmentList){ if(i == 0){ hql = hql + " and (" + dep.getId(); } if(i > 0){ hql = hql + " or" + dep.getId(); } i++; } if(i > 0){ // hql = hql + " or is null"; hql = hql + ") "; } List<VirusClients> list = getHibernateTemplate().find(hql); return list; } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public List<VirusClients> findAllVirusClients(int startResult, int maxResult) throws Exception { String hql = "from VirusClients order by department,clientIP"; Session session = this.getSession(); Query query = session.createQuery(hql); query.setFirstResult(startResult); query.setMaxResults(maxResult); List<VirusClients> list = query.list(); return list; } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public List<VirusClients> findAllVirusClientsByDepartment( Domain department, int startResult, int maxResult) throws Exception { String hql = "from VirusClients vc where" + department.getId() + " order by vc.department,vc.clientIP"; Session session = this.getSession(); Query query = session.createQuery(hql); query.setFirstResult(startResult); query.setMaxResults(maxResult); List<VirusClients> list = query.list(); return list; } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public List<VirusClients> findAllVirusClientsByDepartmentList( List<Domain> departmentList, int startResult, int maxResult) throws Exception { String hql = "from VirusClients vc where 1=1 "; int i = 0; for(Domain dep : departmentList){ if(i == 0){ hql = hql + " and (" + dep.getId(); } if(i > 0){ hql = hql + " or" + dep.getId(); } i++; } if(i > 0){ hql = hql + " or is null"; hql = hql + ") "; } hql = hql + " order by vc.department,vc.clientIP"; Session session = this.getSession(); Query query = session.createQuery(hql); query.setFirstResult(startResult); query.setMaxResults(maxResult); List<VirusClients> list = query.list(); return list; } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public List<VirusClients> findAllVirusClientsByDepartmentListExceptUnknow( List<Domain> departmentList, int startResult, int maxResult) throws Exception { String hql = "from VirusClients vc where 1=1 "; int i = 0; for(Domain dep : departmentList){ if(i == 0){ hql = hql + " and (" + dep.getId(); } if(i > 0){ hql = hql + " or" + dep.getId(); } i++; } if(i > 0){ // hql = hql + " or is null"; hql = hql + ") "; } hql = hql + " order by vc.department,vc.clientIP"; Session session = this.getSession(); Query query = session.createQuery(hql); query.setFirstResult(startResult); query.setMaxResults(maxResult); List<VirusClients> list = query.list(); return list; } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public List<VirusClients> findAllVirusClientsByName(String name, Timestamp startRecordTime, Timestamp endRecordTime, int startResult, int maxResult) throws Exception { String hql = "from VirusClients vc where" + "'" + name + "'"; if(startRecordTime != null){ hql = hql + " and vc.recordTime>='"+startRecordTime+"' "; } if(endRecordTime != null){ hql = hql + " and vc.recordTime<='"+endRecordTime+"' "; } hql = hql + " order by vc.department,vc.clientIP"; Session session = this.getSession(); Query query = session.createQuery(hql); query.setFirstResult(startResult); query.setMaxResults(maxResult); List<VirusClients> list = query.list(); return list; } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public List<VirusClients> findAllVirusClientsByNameAndClientId(String name, String clientID, Timestamp startRecordTime, Timestamp endRecordTime, int startResult, int maxResult) throws Exception { String hql = "from VirusClients vc where" + "'" + name + "' and vc.clientID=" + "'" + clientID + "'"; if(startRecordTime != null){ hql = hql + " and vc.recordTime>='"+startRecordTime+"' "; } if(endRecordTime != null){ hql = hql + " and vc.recordTime<='"+endRecordTime+"' "; } hql = hql + " order by vc.department,vc.clientIP"; Session session = this.getSession(); Query query = session.createQuery(hql); query.setFirstResult(startResult); query.setMaxResults(maxResult); List<VirusClients> list = query.list(); return list; } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public List<VirusClients> findAllVirusClientsByNameAndClientIdAndDepartmentList( String name, String clientID, List<Domain> departmentList, Timestamp startRecordTime, Timestamp endRecordTime, int startResult, int maxResult) throws Exception { String hql = "from VirusClients vc where" + "'" + name + "' and vc.clientID=" + "'" + clientID + "'"; if(startRecordTime != null){ hql = hql + " and vc.recordTime>='"+startRecordTime+"' "; } if(endRecordTime != null){ hql = hql + " and vc.recordTime<='"+endRecordTime+"' "; } int i = 0; for(Domain dep : departmentList){ if(i == 0){ hql = hql + " and (" + dep.getId(); } if(i > 0){ hql = hql + " or" + dep.getId(); } i++; } if(i > 0){ hql = hql + " or is null"; hql = hql + ") "; } hql = hql + " order by vc.department,vc.clientIP"; Session session = this.getSession(); Query query = session.createQuery(hql); query.setFirstResult(startResult); query.setMaxResults(maxResult); List<VirusClients> list = query.list(); return list; } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public List<VirusClients> findAllVirusClientsByNameAndDepartmentList( String name, List<Domain> departmentList, Timestamp startRecordTime, Timestamp endRecordTime, int startResult, int maxResult) throws Exception { String hql = "from VirusClients vc where" + "'" + name + "'"; if(startRecordTime != null){ hql = hql + " and vc.recordTime>='"+startRecordTime+"' "; } if(endRecordTime != null){ hql = hql + " and vc.recordTime<='"+endRecordTime+"' "; } int i = 0; for(Domain dep : departmentList){ if(i == 0){ hql = hql + " and (" + dep.getId(); } if(i > 0){ hql = hql + " or" + dep.getId(); } i++; } if(i > 0){ hql = hql + " or is null"; hql = hql + ") "; } hql = hql + " order by vc.department,vc.clientIP"; Session session = this.getSession(); Query query = session.createQuery(hql); query.setFirstResult(startResult); query.setMaxResults(maxResult); List<VirusClients> list = query.list(); return list; } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public List<VirusClients> findAllVirusClientsByRecordTime( Timestamp startRecordTime, Timestamp endRecordTime, int startResult, int maxResult) throws Exception { String hql = "from VirusClients vc "; if(startRecordTime != null){ hql = hql + " where vc.recordTime>='"+startRecordTime+"' "; if(endRecordTime != null){ hql = hql + " and vc.recordTime<='"+endRecordTime+"' "; } }else{ if(endRecordTime != null){ hql = hql + " where vc.recordTime<='"+endRecordTime+"' "; } } hql = hql + " order by vc.department,vc.clientIP"; Session session = this.getSession(); Query query = session.createQuery(hql); query.setFirstResult(startResult); query.setMaxResults(maxResult); List<VirusClients> list = query.list(); return list; } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public List<VirusClients> findAllVirusClientsByRecordTimeAndDepartmentList( List<Domain> departmentList, Timestamp startRecordTime, Timestamp endRecordTime, int startResult, int maxResult) throws Exception { String hql = "from VirusClients vc "; boolean isWhere = false; if(startRecordTime != null){ isWhere = true; hql = hql + " where vc.recordTime>='"+startRecordTime+"' "; if(endRecordTime != null){ hql = hql + " and vc.recordTime<='"+endRecordTime+"' "; } }else{ if(endRecordTime != null){ isWhere = true; hql = hql + " where vc.recordTime<='"+endRecordTime+"' "; } } int i = 0; for(Domain dep : departmentList){ if(i == 0){ if(isWhere){ hql = hql + " and ("; }else{ hql = hql + " where ("; } hql = hql + "" + dep.getId(); } if(i > 0){ hql = hql + " or" + dep.getId(); } i++; } if(i > 0){ hql = hql + " or is null"; hql = hql + ") "; } hql = hql + " order by vc.department,vc.clientIP"; Session session = this.getSession(); Query query = session.createQuery(hql); query.setFirstResult(startResult); query.setMaxResults(maxResult); List<VirusClients> list = query.list(); return list; } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public List<VirusClients> findVirusClientsByClientId(String clientID, Timestamp startRecordTime, Timestamp endRecordTime, int startResult, int maxResult) throws Exception { String hql = "from VirusClients vc where vc.clientID=" + "'" + clientID + "'"; if(startRecordTime != null){ hql = hql + " and vc.recordTime>='"+startRecordTime+"' "; } if(endRecordTime != null){ hql = hql + " and vc.recordTime<='"+endRecordTime+"' "; } hql = hql + " order by vc.department,vc.clientIP"; Session session = this.getSession(); Query query = session.createQuery(hql); query.setFirstResult(startResult); query.setMaxResults(maxResult); List<VirusClients> list = query.list(); return list; } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public List<VirusClients> findVirusClientsByClientIdAndDepartmentList( String clientID, List<Domain> departmentList, Timestamp startRecordTime, Timestamp endRecordTime, int startResult, int maxResult) throws Exception { String hql = "from VirusClients vc where vc.clientID=" + "'" + clientID + "'"; if(startRecordTime != null){ hql = hql + " and vc.recordTime>='"+startRecordTime+"' "; } if(endRecordTime != null){ hql = hql + " and vc.recordTime<='"+endRecordTime+"' "; } int i = 0; for(Domain dep : departmentList){ if(i == 0){ hql = hql + " and (" + dep.getId(); } if(i > 0){ hql = hql + " or" + dep.getId(); } i++; } if(i > 0){ hql = hql + " or is null"; hql = hql + ") "; } hql = hql + " order by vc.department,vc.clientIP"; Session session = this.getSession(); Query query = session.createQuery(hql); query.setFirstResult(startResult); query.setMaxResults(maxResult); List<VirusClients> list = query.list(); return list; } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public long findAllNum() throws Exception { String hql = "select count(id) from VirusClients"; List<Long> list = getHibernateTemplate().find(hql); long num = 0; if(list!=null && list.size()>0){ num = list.get(0); } return num; } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public long findAllNumByDepartment(Domain department) throws Exception { String hql = "select count(id) from VirusClients vc where" + department.getId(); List<Long> list = getHibernateTemplate().find(hql); long num = 0; if(list!=null && list.size()>0){ num = list.get(0); } return num; } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public long findAllNumByDepartmentList(List<Domain> departmentList) throws Exception { String hql = "select count(id) from VirusClients vc where 1=1 "; int i = 0; for(Domain dep : departmentList){ if(i == 0){ hql = hql + " and (" + dep.getId(); } if(i > 0){ hql = hql + " or" + dep.getId(); } i++; } if(i > 0){ hql = hql + " or is null"; hql = hql + ") "; } List<Long> list = getHibernateTemplate().find(hql); long num = 0; if(list!=null && list.size()>0){ num = list.get(0); } return num; } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public long findAllNumByDepartmentListExceptUnknow( List<Domain> departmentList) throws Exception { String hql = "select count(id) from VirusClients vc where 1=1 "; int i = 0; for(Domain dep : departmentList){ if(i == 0){ hql = hql + " and (" + dep.getId(); } if(i > 0){ hql = hql + " or" + dep.getId(); } i++; } if(i > 0){ // hql = hql + " or is null"; hql = hql + ") "; } List<Long> list = getHibernateTemplate().find(hql); long num = 0; if(list!=null && list.size()>0){ num = list.get(0); } return num; } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public long findAllNumByClientId(String clientID, Timestamp startRecordTime, Timestamp endRecordTime) throws Exception { String hql = "select count(id) from VirusClients vc where vc.clientID=" + "'" + clientID + "'"; if(startRecordTime != null){ hql = hql + " and vc.recordTime>='"+startRecordTime+"' "; } if(endRecordTime != null){ hql = hql + " and vc.recordTime<='"+endRecordTime+"' "; } List<Long> list = getHibernateTemplate().find(hql); long num = 0; if(list!=null && list.size()>0){ num = list.get(0); } return num; } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public long findAllNumByClientIdAndDepartmentList(String clientID, List<Domain> departmentList, Timestamp startRecordTime, Timestamp endRecordTime) throws Exception { String hql = "select count(id) from VirusClients vc where vc.clientID=" + "'" + clientID + "'"; if(startRecordTime != null){ hql = hql + " and vc.recordTime>='"+startRecordTime+"' "; } if(endRecordTime != null){ hql = hql + " and vc.recordTime<='"+endRecordTime+"' "; } int i = 0; for(Domain dep : departmentList){ if(i == 0){ hql = hql + " and (" + dep.getId(); } if(i > 0){ hql = hql + " or" + dep.getId(); } i++; } if(i > 0){ hql = hql + " or is null"; hql = hql + ") "; } List<Long> list = getHibernateTemplate().find(hql); long num = 0; if(list!=null && list.size()>0){ num = list.get(0); } return num; } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public long findAllNumByName(String name, Timestamp startRecordTime, Timestamp endRecordTime) throws Exception { String hql = "select count(id) from VirusClients vc where" + "'" + name + "'"; if(startRecordTime != null){ hql = hql + " and vc.recordTime>='"+startRecordTime+"' "; } if(endRecordTime != null){ hql = hql + " and vc.recordTime<='"+endRecordTime+"' "; } List<Long> list = getHibernateTemplate().find(hql); long num = 0; if(list!=null && list.size()>0){ num = list.get(0); } return num; } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public long findAllNumByNameAndDepartmentList(String name, List<Domain> departmentList, Timestamp startRecordTime, Timestamp endRecordTime) throws Exception { String hql = "select count(id) from VirusClients vc where" + "'" + name + "'"; if(startRecordTime != null){ hql = hql + " and vc.recordTime>='"+startRecordTime+"' "; } if(endRecordTime != null){ hql = hql + " and vc.recordTime<='"+endRecordTime+"' "; } int i = 0; for(Domain dep : departmentList){ if(i == 0){ hql = hql + " and (" + dep.getId(); } if(i > 0){ hql = hql + " or" + dep.getId(); } i++; } if(i > 0){ hql = hql + " or is null"; hql = hql + ") "; } List<Long> list = getHibernateTemplate().find(hql); long num = 0; if(list!=null && list.size()>0){ num = list.get(0); } return num; } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public long findAllNumByNameAndClientId(String name, String clientID, Timestamp startRecordTime, Timestamp endRecordTime) throws Exception { String hql = "select count(id) from VirusClients vc where" + "'" + name + "' and vc.clientID=" + "'" + clientID + "'"; if(startRecordTime != null){ hql = hql + " and vc.recordTime>='"+startRecordTime+"' "; } if(endRecordTime != null){ hql = hql + " and vc.recordTime<='"+endRecordTime+"' "; } List<Long> list = getHibernateTemplate().find(hql); long num = 0; if(list!=null && list.size()>0){ num = list.get(0); } return num; } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public long findAllNumByNameAndClientIdAndDepartmentList(String name, String clientID, List<Domain> departmentList, Timestamp startRecordTime, Timestamp endRecordTime) throws Exception { String hql = "select count(id) from VirusClients vc where" + "'" + name + "' and vc.clientID=" + "'" + clientID + "'"; if(startRecordTime != null){ hql = hql + " and vc.recordTime>='"+startRecordTime+"' "; } if(endRecordTime != null){ hql = hql + " and vc.recordTime<='"+endRecordTime+"' "; } int i = 0; for(Domain dep : departmentList){ if(i == 0){ hql = hql + " and (" + dep.getId(); } if(i > 0){ hql = hql + " or" + dep.getId(); } i++; } if(i > 0){ hql = hql + " or is null"; hql = hql + ") "; } List<Long> list = getHibernateTemplate().find(hql); long num = 0; if(list!=null && list.size()>0){ num = list.get(0); } return num; } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public long findAllNumByRecordTime(Timestamp startRecordTime, Timestamp endRecordTime) throws Exception { String hql = "select count(id) from VirusClients vc "; if(startRecordTime != null){ hql = hql + " where vc.recordTime>='"+startRecordTime+"' "; if(endRecordTime != null){ hql = hql + " and vc.recordTime<='"+endRecordTime+"' "; } }else{ if(endRecordTime != null){ hql = hql + " where vc.recordTime<='"+endRecordTime+"' "; } } List<Long> list = getHibernateTemplate().find(hql); long num = 0; if(list!=null && list.size()>0){ num = list.get(0); } return num; } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public long findAllNumByRecordTimeAndDepartmentList( List<Domain> departmentList, Timestamp startRecordTime, Timestamp endRecordTime) throws Exception { String hql = "select count(id) from VirusClients vc "; boolean isWhere = false; if(startRecordTime != null){ isWhere = true; hql = hql + " where vc.recordTime>='"+startRecordTime+"' "; if(endRecordTime != null){ hql = hql + " and vc.recordTime<='"+endRecordTime+"' "; } }else{ if(endRecordTime != null){ isWhere = true; hql = hql + " where vc.recordTime<='"+endRecordTime+"' "; } } int i = 0; for(Domain dep : departmentList){ if(i == 0){ if(isWhere){ hql = hql + " and ("; }else{ hql = hql + " where ("; } hql = hql + "" + dep.getId(); } if(i > 0){ hql = hql + " or" + dep.getId(); } i++; } if(i > 0){ hql = hql + " or is null"; hql = hql + ") "; } List<Long> list = getHibernateTemplate().find(hql); long num = 0; if(list!=null && list.size()>0){ num = list.get(0); } return num; } /** * 病毒客户端的查询方法------多条件查询-添加(客户端IP)查询用法到的方法 * * 2010-06-30 */ @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public long findAllNumByClientIPAndDepartmentList(String clientIP, List<Domain> departmentList, Timestamp startRecordTime, Timestamp endRecordTime) throws Exception { String hql = "select count(id) from VirusClients vc where vc.clientIP=" + "'" + clientIP + "'"; if(startRecordTime != null){ hql = hql + " and vc.recordTime>='"+startRecordTime+"' "; } if(endRecordTime != null){ hql = hql + " and vc.recordTime<='"+endRecordTime+"' "; } int i = 0; for(Domain dep : departmentList){ if(i == 0){ hql = hql + " and (" + dep.getId(); } if(i > 0){ hql = hql + " or" + dep.getId(); } i++; } if(i > 0){ hql = hql + " or is null"; hql = hql + ") "; } List<Long> list = getHibernateTemplate().find(hql); long num = 0; if(list!=null && list.size()>0){ num = list.get(0); } return num; } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public long findAllNumByClientIdAndDepartmentList(String clientID, String clientIP, List<Domain> departmentList, Timestamp startRecordTime, Timestamp endRecordTime) throws Exception { String hql = "select count(id) from VirusClients vc where vc.clientID=" + "'" + clientID + "'and vc.clientIP=" + "'" + clientIP + "'"; if(startRecordTime != null){ hql = hql + " and vc.recordTime>='"+startRecordTime+"' "; } if(endRecordTime != null){ hql = hql + " and vc.recordTime<='"+endRecordTime+"' "; } int i = 0; for(Domain dep : departmentList){ if(i == 0){ hql = hql + " and (" + dep.getId(); } if(i > 0){ hql = hql + " or" + dep.getId(); } i++; } if(i > 0){ hql = hql + " or is null"; hql = hql + ") "; } List<Long> list = getHibernateTemplate().find(hql); long num = 0; if(list!=null && list.size()>0){ num = list.get(0); } return num; } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public long findAllNumByNameAndClientIdAndDepartmentList(String name, String clientID, String clientIP, List<Domain> departmentList, Timestamp startRecordTime, Timestamp endRecordTime) throws Exception { String hql = "select count(id) from VirusClients vc where" + "'" + name + "' and vc.clientID=" + "'" + clientID + "'and vc.clientIP=" + "'" + clientIP + "'"; if(startRecordTime != null){ hql = hql + " and vc.recordTime>='"+startRecordTime+"' "; } if(endRecordTime != null){ hql = hql + " and vc.recordTime<='"+endRecordTime+"' "; } int i = 0; for(Domain dep : departmentList){ if(i == 0){ hql = hql + " and (" + dep.getId(); } if(i > 0){ hql = hql + " or" + dep.getId(); } i++; } if(i > 0){ hql = hql + " or is null"; hql = hql + ") "; } List<Long> list = getHibernateTemplate().find(hql); long num = 0; if(list!=null && list.size()>0){ num = list.get(0); } return num; } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public long findAllNumByNameAndDepartmentList(String name, String clientIP, List<Domain> departmentList, Timestamp startRecordTime, Timestamp endRecordTime) throws Exception { String hql = "select count(id) from VirusClients vc where" + "'" + name + "'and vc.clientIP=" +"'"+ clientIP + "'"; if(startRecordTime != null){ hql = hql + " and vc.recordTime>='"+startRecordTime+"' "; } if(endRecordTime != null){ hql = hql + " and vc.recordTime<='"+endRecordTime+"' "; } int i = 0; for(Domain dep : departmentList){ if(i == 0){ hql = hql + " and (" + dep.getId(); } if(i > 0){ hql = hql + " or" + dep.getId(); } i++; } if(i > 0){ hql = hql + " or is null"; hql = hql + ") "; } List<Long> list = getHibernateTemplate().find(hql); long num = 0; if(list!=null && list.size()>0){ num = list.get(0); } return num; } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public List<VirusClients> findAllVirusClientsByClientIPAndDepartmentList( String clientIP, List<Domain> departmentList, Timestamp startRecordTime, Timestamp endRecordTime, int startResult, int maxResult) throws Exception { String hql = "from VirusClients vc where vc.clientIP=" + "'" + clientIP + "'"; if(startRecordTime != null){ hql = hql + " and vc.recordTime>='"+startRecordTime+"' "; } if(endRecordTime != null){ hql = hql + " and vc.recordTime<='"+endRecordTime+"' "; } int i = 0; for(Domain dep : departmentList){ if(i == 0){ hql = hql + " and (" + dep.getId(); } if(i > 0){ hql = hql + " or" + dep.getId(); } i++; } if(i > 0){ hql = hql + " or is null"; hql = hql + ") "; } hql = hql + " order by vc.department,vc.clientIP"; Session session = this.getSession(); Query query = session.createQuery(hql); query.setFirstResult(startResult); query.setMaxResults(maxResult); List<VirusClients> list = query.list(); return list; } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public List<VirusClients> findAllVirusClientsByNameAndClientIdAndDepartmentList( String name, String clientID, String clientIP, List<Domain> departmentList, Timestamp startRecordTime, Timestamp endRecordTime, int startResult, int maxResult) throws Exception { String hql = "from VirusClients vc where" + "'" + name + "' and vc.clientID=" + "'" + clientID + "'and vc.clientIP=" + "'" + clientIP + "'"; if(startRecordTime != null){ hql = hql + " and vc.recordTime>='"+startRecordTime+"' "; } if(endRecordTime != null){ hql = hql + " and vc.recordTime<='"+endRecordTime+"' "; } int i = 0; for(Domain dep : departmentList){ if(i == 0){ hql = hql + " and (" + dep.getId(); } if(i > 0){ hql = hql + " or" + dep.getId(); } i++; } if(i > 0){ hql = hql + " or is null"; hql = hql + ") "; } hql = hql + " order by vc.department,vc.clientIP"; Session session = this.getSession(); Query query = session.createQuery(hql); query.setFirstResult(startResult); query.setMaxResults(maxResult); List<VirusClients> list = query.list(); return list; } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public List<VirusClients> findAllVirusClientsByNameAndDepartmentList( String name, String clientIP, List<Domain> departmentList, Timestamp startRecordTime, Timestamp endRecordTime, int startResult, int maxResult) throws Exception { String hql = "from VirusClients vc where" + "'" + name + "'and vc.clientIP=" + "'" + clientIP + "'"; if(startRecordTime != null){ hql = hql + " and vc.recordTime>='"+startRecordTime+"' "; } if(endRecordTime != null){ hql = hql + " and vc.recordTime<='"+endRecordTime+"' "; } int i = 0; for(Domain dep : departmentList){ if(i == 0){ hql = hql + " and (" + dep.getId(); } if(i > 0){ hql = hql + " or" + dep.getId(); } i++; } if(i > 0){ hql = hql + " or is null"; hql = hql + ") "; } hql = hql + " order by vc.department,vc.clientIP"; Session session = this.getSession(); Query query = session.createQuery(hql); query.setFirstResult(startResult); query.setMaxResults(maxResult); List<VirusClients> list = query.list(); return list; } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public List<VirusClients> findVirusClientsByClientIdAndDepartmentList( String clientID, String clientIP, List<Domain> departmentList, Timestamp startRecordTime, Timestamp endRecordTime, int startResult, int maxResult) throws Exception { String hql = "from VirusClients vc where vc.clientID=" + "'" + clientID + "'and vc.clientIP=" + "'" + clientIP + "'"; if(startRecordTime != null){ hql = hql + " and vc.recordTime>='"+startRecordTime+"' "; } if(endRecordTime != null){ hql = hql + " and vc.recordTime<='"+endRecordTime+"' "; } int i = 0; for(Domain dep : departmentList){ if(i == 0){ hql = hql + " and (" + dep.getId(); } if(i > 0){ hql = hql + " or" + dep.getId(); } i++; } if(i > 0){ hql = hql + " or is null"; hql = hql + ") "; } hql = hql + " order by vc.department,vc.clientIP"; Session session = this.getSession(); Query query = session.createQuery(hql); query.setFirstResult(startResult); query.setMaxResults(maxResult); List<VirusClients> list = query.list(); return list; } /** * 获取查询对象 * @return */ private Criteria getCriteria() { Session session = this.getSession(); Criteria criteria= session.createCriteria(VirusClients.class); releaseSession(session); return criteria; } public LinkedList<Object> queryAllVirusClients(List<Domain> departmentList,VirusClients virusClients, int startResult, int maxResult, Date startRecordTime, Date endRecordTime) { Criteria criteria = getCriteria(); findByVirusClients(criteria,virusClients,departmentList); findByVirusClientsDate(criteria,startRecordTime,endRecordTime,"recordTime"); return queryVirusClientsPage(criteria,startResult,maxResult); } private void findByVirusClients(Criteria criteria,VirusClients virusClients,List<Domain> departmentList){ if(HtmlFactory.isNotEmpty(virusClients.getName())){ criteria.add("name", "%"+virusClients.getName()+"%")); } if(HtmlFactory.isNotEmpty(virusClients.getClientID())){ criteria.add("clientID", "%"+virusClients.getClientID()+"%")); } if(HtmlFactory.isNotEmpty(virusClients.getClientIP())){ criteria.add("clientIP", "%"+virusClients.getClientIP()+"%")); } criteria.add( departmentList == null || departmentList.isEmpty() ? Restrictions.eq("department", null) :"department", departmentList)); } private void findByVirusClientsDate(Criteria criteria, Date startDate,Date endDate,String date) { if(!(startDate==null) && !(endDate == null)) { criteria.add(, startDate)).add(Restrictions.le(date, endDate)); } if(!(startDate == null) && endDate == null) { criteria.add(, startDate)).add(Restrictions.le(date, new Date())); } if(startDate == null && !(endDate == null)) { criteria.add(Restrictions.le(date, endDate)); } } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") private LinkedList<Object> queryVirusClientsPage(Criteria criteria,Integer startResult, Integer maxResult) { criteria.setProjection(Projections.rowCount()); Object objCount = (Integer)criteria.uniqueResult(); criteria.setFirstResult(startResult); criteria.setMaxResults(maxResult); criteria.setProjection(null); List iters = criteria.list(); List<Object> list = new ArrayList<Object>(); synchronized (list) { for(Iterator iter = iters.iterator();iter.hasNext();){ Object[] obj = (Object[]); list.add(obj[4]); } } LinkedList<Object> linkList = new LinkedList<Object>(); linkList.addFirst(objCount); linkList.addLast(list); return linkList; } public VirusClients getVirusClientsById(Integer vcid) { return (VirusClients)getHibernateTemplate().get(VirusClients.class, vcid); } public boolean delQueryVirusClientsById(Integer vcid) { try { getHibernateTemplate().delete(getVirusClientsById(vcid)); return true; } catch (DataAccessException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } return false; } }